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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

affinity for water magic? Or am i doing dnd wrong again

I think this is taking place in Kidzait Kidzait 's original setting, so it could be different, but standard D&D has no such thing as elemental affinities. Which doesn't mean your character can't have one of course (unless GM says otherwise), but it'd be more of a self-imposed restriction as a player.
I think I'm all done with my sheet now. Looking back at it, I missed quite a few. I'm always caught off guard by how spread the information is in this edition. Forgot to put half of what the background offers to the character.
that could have been the ultimate game of hide and seek
I think I'm all done with my sheet now. Looking back at it, I missed quite a few. I'm always caught off guard by how spread the information is in this edition. Forgot to put half of what the background offers to the character.
I think this is taking place in Kidzait Kidzait 's original setting, so it could be different, but standard D&D has no such thing as elemental affinities. Which doesn't mean your character can't have one of course (unless GM says otherwise), but it'd be more of a self-imposed restriction as a player.
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Yeah...you might be thinking of a earlier edition again. Unless you want it as a restriction. I've had players do stuff like that before.

So I'm putting a few more things together while Ebon is finishing their sheet but I'm ready to start a session zero.
Story wise, it would take place while the party is traveling to Mythwater but character can know each other from previous encounters.
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Yeah...you might be thinking of a earlier edition again. Unless you want it as a restriction. I've had players do stuff like that before.

So I'm putting a few more things together while Ebon is finishing their sheet but I'm ready to start a session zero.
Story wise, it would take place while the party is traveling to Mythwater but character can know each other from previous encounters.
ooh sounds fun

  • View attachment 1161617 Name: Cayde-6
    Age: 6
    Gender: NA
    Race: Warforged
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Background: Soldier

    Str: 18 - +4
    Dex: 12 - +1
    Con: 16 - +3
    Int: 11
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 10

    Level: 5
    Class: Fighter
    Proficiency: +3
    Movement: 30 feet
    Initiative: +1

    Hit Points: 49

    Hit Dice: 5d10

    Armor Class: 19
    Passive Perception: 13
    Active Perception: +3
    Movement Rate: 30

    Two attacks per round.

    Crossbow - Light: +4 to Hit, 1d8+1 Damage

    --Simple, Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed, Range 80/320 feet
    --20 bolts
    Dagger: +7 to Hit, 1d4+6 Damage
    --Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range 20/80 feet
    Longsword: +7 to Hit, 1d8+6 Damage
    --Martial, Versatile

    Chain Mail: +6 AC
    Magic Shield - Kinetic Wall - +2 AC
    --1d4+2 charges per day. Regained at dawn When hit with an attack, you may use your reaction to spend a charge to store half the damage you take as force damage, and take the other half. As a bonus action, you can spend one charge to release a wave of force energy. All creatures in a 10 ft sphere must make a Dex saving throw (DC 14) or take the total force damage stored in the shield. Half damage on a success. All stored energy dissipates during long rests.

Would you like our ocs to be friends?
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Any thoughts on how we know one another? Cayde-6 is a guard and soldier, built just a few years ago to help protect the various members of the campus. What about your character?
Maybe they met in a library? Or he invited cayde into their own little book club?

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