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  • I apologize is my posts come a bit sluggishly over the following ten days, I will be traveling out of reliable data areas.
    Hey, vinom. If you want a bit of extra flair for your RP's banner I'd be happy to help.
    I'm in the middle of taking a print-graphical education, and I've got several years of experience with photoshop and digital art (the banner for my RP, Under the Second Sky, is made from scratch by me), so if you'd like some assistance just say the word.
    I would appreciate it yes. I'm not a very artistically gifted person, and what I put together was a result of an hour of fiddling with a free banner maker program.
    Alright then. ^^ Give me some specifications and I'll whip something up.
    I want it to have a light brown tone on the whole, like an old scroll. A collections of depictions of worship and strife, people praying, flaying themselves, and fighting as background figures, looking like line are or so. The phrase 'Legends Begin Somewhere' should be somewhere on the banner, clear and legible, in a golden color, casting a shadow on the 'scroll' it's above.
    So, I've just posted my first Roleplay Submission here... I don't know whether to hope for players or approval more.
    Good luck on your first game. I know from personal experience that it can be intimidating, but a good GM is worth their weight in gold.
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