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DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

Stretching briefly and emitting a ground-shaking yawn, Edama closed his immense lids and started to snore. Even as the chainsaw roar of his Oozaru snores started, he began to shrink, losing fur fast. Within moments, Edama lay unconscious, drunkenly snoring in the debris that once was the bar.

Macaroon finally gets up from his chair, bodily carrying the babbling Tempura with one arm.

"Even in a drunken stupor and on fire, you don't quit. For a Saiyan, you're quite the tenacious one. Come on, Tempura, we need to get this one to a medical machine before he meets Lord Rime. I think I may have an answer to Lagos now," he grinned an unpleasant, toothy smile.

"Will you be coming, Mr. Hellfire?" Macaroon calls to Merrick," I may be able to make you wealthy yet."
Hoshiko tried to get back into her beach-side revelry, but her interaction with the strange princess lingers in the young girl's mind. After another hour which she doesn't fully enjoy, she changes back into her armor and flies back to the capital. The damage from the Oozaru fight should be over, and she can start inquiring as to the Earth-Musician she heard about over the ansible.
Merrick turns with a winning smile as he looks over to Macaroon, having let the flames around his hands die down. His aura recedes steadily, a flicker of malevolent energy dying down, as his tatoo's stop pulsing evily.

"But of course. Wealth is always a fine thing- the names...." He speaks- and it is a sound that lacks a mortal translation. Then he grins roguishly and continues, a chuckle escaping him. "But you can call me Merrick."
(Issi Ruins)

Macaroon carries Edama to a building of similar design to the bar, where he's placed in a medical machine to tend to his wounds. After a few minutes, the apparatus opens, and Edama is right as rain. Sadly, this also means the pleasant alcoholic haze he was enjoying was chilled to the cold harshness of reality. Looking over the pair, Macaroon laughs.

"You two might be at each other's throats, but I don't care; a little rivalry never killed any-- Scratch that. It never killed anyone important. Say, is that little lady with any of you? She's been staring at you, Merrick, for almost five minutes," he says, pointing to a familiar Saiyan girl.


After a bit of searching and asking around to various natives who looked quizzaically at you when you asked for a "Musician from Earth," you find him! Well, kind of. He's talking to a hulking, fish-faced brute in a battle jacket, and a male Saiyan who looks vaguely like Abraham Lincoln.

What will you do?
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Hoshiko waits until Merrick is done speaking with whomever... She wouldn't want to be rude to a genuine earther, and she just wanted to know when the concert would be.
Merrick blinks as the Fish-Being asks the question; once more thanking Daibura for the demonic ability to speak in tongues as needed.

"Nah, I actually don't mind Saiya-guy. I just wanted to make a good show of things to get in to your organization, and he seemed easy to goad into a fight." He bluntly states, winking at Edama before looking back to the Fish creature.

"And uh... I dunno, she looks kinda familiar.. might be one of my fans- I'm kind of a big thing back home, y'know?" The lead singer of the hit band 'From Fire Born', a hard metal band with a tendency to veer into mythology and literature for it's song inspirations, states calmly. He turns to look at the little girl in question, scratching the back of his head as he stands there in all his Five Foot Five Glory, radiating with a faint light- golden hair swept back by his earlier display of Ki, and red tatoo's dormant.

"Yo, lady. You want an Autograph or somethin?"
Stretching on tiptoes, Edama briefly lost his balance as he overcompensated for his present drunkenness. He followed most of what Sir Fishy said to him, nodding conspicuously before grinning broadly and slapping Merrick perhaps a little too hard on the back. Not realizing he did, he laughed and turned to squint at the girl they were both referring to. Blinking slowly and swaying form foot to foot, he opened his eyes wide as he recognized the damn halfbreed from before. "NONONONONONO! OHFGNO! NOYYOUUU!" He pointed a swaying finger right at her face, so she could be sure he was talking to her.
She smiles a little. "Nothing like that. Heard you were an Earth rock star, was wondering when the concert was..." She said casually, unphased by his vibrant ki or tattoos. "I was pla-" She was cut off by the raving middle aged Saiyan. "Shut up Boozey McGee, no one on the planet want's your mouth to be open, besides the bartenders." She looks around at the ruined bar... "Until they learn better, it seems."
Edama glared hard at the monster in front of him. Swaying visibly he leaned on Merrick's shoulder and whispered quite audibly into his ear, "Don't suppose you got mor'a those fireballs in ya? She c'd use a few. Truss me. Iss the o'ly way t'be sure."
Merrick laughs visibly; obviously deeply amused by her rant against Edama. He gently brushes the Saiyan of- and looks to the little girl thoughtfully.

"I see, I see... Yeah, names --@$%#!%*!#^(-. But you can call me Merrick.... as for the concert- It's two days from now, when the rest of the band arrives. I showed up early to get some other business started." He says calmly, tucking his hands into his fur coat's pockets.
Stepping behind Merrick, Edama bodily lifts him up, holding him up like a talisman against the evil that was the little Saiyan half-breed. "Nuh uh. Make with th'fire!" He shook the demon like a ragdoll. "Um...presto flame-o? Fire on? FWOOSH?" He pouted, dropping Merrick and crossing his arms. Grumbling about a broken tattoo-lighter, he glared back at Hoshiko.
She sighed. "Look, crazy drunk guy. We get it, you're a coward in addition to a racist and/or a misogynist, so the idea of a half-breed Saiyan girl who can wipe the floor with you is terrifying. Now why don't you run off and let the sane people talk."
Edama poked a wavering finger at Hoshiko. "SHEE? Shhhee? Alruddy star'n t'make trabble. Tarble. Turrible. Blah. Prollems. Saiyans allus suck. Half saiyans allus try harder t'suck'n reg'lar Saiyans. They'r allus all "Rip off'yer head 'n shi' down y'r neck an'...an' stuff."
Hoshiko glares at him, picking out the exact spot on his face to punch, or worse, if he doesn't shut the hell up. "You're the one trying to start a fight, Booze-O."
Merrick looks between the two Saiyans- then to Macaroon.

"Can I keep them? I promise to take good care of them! I just want to keep watching them argue, they make such perfect Jesters- and better Vassals, if what I hear about Saiyan power is all true...!" He says with a giggle- obviously joking..
Hoshiko glares now at the musician. "You'd be lucky to be my bard, Earther." She said bluntly, wondering if the rocker was as disreputable as his drunk sparring buddy.
Merrick crooks an eyebrow at that- then bluntly laughs in the girls face.

"Rigghtt, righttt." he says- clearly disbelieving her every word. "Girl, I have ruled over entire layers of the Abyss in my time. And while I may be much reduced from my rightful stature, I am still no mere mortal; I have a /cult/. I have been worshiped as a /god/ on some worlds in the past, and I will not stand for being spoken to as less than, by a mere child." He states calmly- staring at her with those burning red eyes- a grin on his face as he exudes palpable arrogance.
Edama scowls at that, stepping around Merrick to stand behind Hoshiko and place a protective hand on her shoulder. "Hey! Just 'cause yer such'a flamer dun mean y'can talk down t'us! Yer fire wassn't anythin' to write home'bout an' we're Saiyans 'n all. Might all be assholes...but ther' my assholes. And nobuddy else gets t'give 'em shit!" He released Hoshiko's shoulder to cross his heavily muscled arm over his chest. Wrapping his tail habitually around his waist, he looks down suddenly, surprised by the sensation of fur against bare skin. "Th'fuck'd my pants go?" He looks genuinely puzzled to be nude.
She give him a singular, exacting look. "No offense, but claiming to be a demon-king doesn't really hold much stature when my godfather slew the demon-king Piccolo." She grimaced as Edama touched her. "Remove the hand now, or wait an minute and pull back a stump."
Macaroon laughs, and says," I am not against retainers, but I think you've bitten off more than you can chew with those two, Demon. Come, I must introduce you," he says, motioning you to a flat levitating disc. On one end is a towering Brench with a wrap-around scouter, an immaculate battle jacket and a stern expression. Alongside him, is a rail-thin being with a saurian head, bulging eyes and a blank expression.

"Lord Worchester, Pistachio, these are the new fighters I was able to find. The deadline was a little slim, so this is the best I could do, but I believe they can assist us. They fought like demons! Hell, one of them IS a demon!" Macaroon says, gesticulating wildly to emphasize his point.

The thin saurian blinked and spoke in a piping voice," Macaroon, we don't need to babysit more Saiyans. Send them away. They'll only end up dead."

"Hold. If these are Saiyans, then we are bound by the laws of Lord Rime to at least them grant service. What say you, Saiyans, Demon?" the Brench asked.

"But, Lord Worcheter--"

"Silence, Pistachio. Again, what say you?" Worchester asked.
Hoshiko balked a little as some... lord, commander, captain? Who cared really. "Hey, I'm just a tourist. I didn't step up to fight with these idiots, I just wanted to know when the musician was going to put on a concert. I think you're delaying that by thinking he's some form of combatant."
Edama shuffled along, swaying, behind the other two. His head still swam with far too much cognac for his own good. And he was still naked. Why the hell was he naked? Was he dreaming? That...that had to be it, right? This was one of those dreams where you went to school naked. Hrmph. No point in letting the dream have it all its own way. Looking back up to the lizard-faced alien, he put his hands on his hips and stood tall. "Thank you vurry mush, b't yer nat my sup'r'vis'r! Standing as if proud of his nudity, he turned to the brightly-colored humanoid the other seemed to defer to. "I say yesh, yer Wushtness. I say we can kick ennywun's ass wiv time enough. Well...waittaminute." He narrowed his eyes in concentration, carefully enunciating, "Does yesh come wif clothes? If so...then yesh."
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Merrick seems to draw in energy- about to amp up his aura, and draw himself up to intimidate them- to cow these rebellious mongrels who dare resist his most gracious and noble offer- how dare they spurn the honor of being his vassals, his minions- for surely there is no greater honor than his service!

But then more important people than the two Saiyanlings speak, and he looks over to Lord Worchester- a grin on his lips and a charming gleam in his eyes as he suddenly shifts from intimidation mode, to schmooze mode. He can't let an opportunity like this pass him by without gain or profit- as his eyes glow red, and his tatoo's shift about his body in strange patterns of gleaming red light as his fur coat floats about him.

"Ah... Lord Worchester, was it? I'd be honored to accept your offer, so long as your willing to explain the terms of the contract, of course. There will be a contract of service, right?" He suggests calmly- a gentle smile on his lips... before looking over to the kid.

"And my friend, I just survived pitched combat with an Oozaru without a scratch on me- without really exerting effort... as for what's going on here- you would be well advised to accept the mans offer- that is... if you enjoy combat. If you enjoy battle, and war, and chaos... if you want to be rich and succesfull, and all that." He says softly- a purr entering his tone as the old demon smiles gently.

"I don't know you- not really. But have you ever wanted a chance... to wage /real/ battles..? To grow truly strong, to claim your own destiny..? What this man wants, is for us to join his army- presumably as fighters, for some kind of mission. I don't know who he wants dead, or where he wants us to fight- but... conflict is the source of true power, of true gain and success. I know you not- but I advise you to reach for it, girl." He purrs- a chuckle escaping him as he then turns to lord Worchester, and smiles gently.

"And I suppose in that, you have my answer as well."
Pistachio rolls his eyes and kneads his brow, while Macaroon laughed nervously, a piping, bellow.

Worchester looks impassively at the Saiyan Hybrid's demands and the purebreed's drunken stammering.

"Give the man some clothes, a new battle jacket and some pants, if you please. As for your inquiry, Mr. Demon, I have prepared the standard battle contract for you. A 3 month term of employment, with benefits, medical, childcare, a 401k plan if you decide to keep on, and others. You also get a bonus if you kill exceptionally powerful or notorious beings, or take on planets by yourself. If you'd like to read it over, I have a copy here," Worchester says, pulling out a piece of paper, as Tempura arrives beside Edama with a new battle jacket, an undershirt and new pants.

"I do not know about true battle or whatever you're trying to convey, Mr. Demon. This is a business, and one we do well. Romanticize it however you wish, but that is all. Any questions?"

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