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Fantasy Cursed Island

“If my concern was living longer, I wouldn’t be down or serving the goddess of chaos. I’d probably be a necromancer. But no. However long I live, I just don’t want that life to be boring.”
"Then you've got the wrong concerns," the fairy shook her head and muttered under her breath, "Centaurs."

"If you are only going to insult us, you are quite welcome to help speed our exit along." Joanne wasn't very happy with the fairy's attitude, it reminded her of Niudisa in the beginning, and Jerry in general.
Niudisa spoke up as she worked. “I don’t know if she could. Making anti venom requires a special touch.”
"No one said anything about being nice. I'm doing my part to be useful, because I'm talented and I can see where my skills could be put to use."
"Tck," the fairy looked over at her work tables. Lyak had climbed down from Nalla's back and was looking at the contents of the workshop with interest. The fairy frowned and fluttered over, packing her things away in some manner of Bag of Holding to keep the goblin from messing with things she didn't need to touch.

"I swear, this is a horrible case of deja vu," Adran whispered to Erina.
Erina glanced at Adran, likewise whispering. "Are all fairies like this, or are these two just similar?"

Now that she wasn't focused on walking, Shuffle had started getting restless again and was back to rolling and rubbing. Niudisa jumped when she bumped against the table leg, glancing down before looking at the others. "Someone come get this. She's messing with my work."
"Nalla," Joanne called, pointing at Lyak while she went to retrieve Shuffle. The paladin grabbed Shuffle by the foot and her up while Nalla came out of wildshape and scooped up the goblin to deposit her with Erina. "Shuffle, we cannot be playing around right now."

Seeing as they probably wouldn't be able to move on for a while, with a quarter of the party dealing with sickletail poisoning, Emfa worked to clear a space to sit, at least. "So, Pixie, you got a name?", the minotaur asked.

"I'm not a pixie," the fairy shook her head, "I'm not part of a Court."
Shuffle whined and squirmed, though she wasn't trying to get away. "But I wannaaaaa...."

Niudisa glanced over. "You don't have to tell us your name. I'm sure we can come up with more than a few nicknames."
"You cannot," Joanne shook her head, "You can sit still or I can have Erina tie you up, it is your choice."

"Call me what you want, I don't care," the fairy shrugged.

"Alrighty then, Pixie," Adran rolled his eyes.

"But I don't wanna sit still. That makes it worse!"

Niudisa snickered and looked back to her work. She was well aware this same thing happened to her already, but she was getting a kick out of watching someone else go through it, too.
"I do not believe you have a choice," Joanne offered Shuffle to Erina.

Once Ellone's workshop was more or less packed away, she fluttered up to a high ledge to watch the party from above while they worked.
"If I must." Erina did not seem reluctant in the least as she got to work wrapping Shuffle up, just like when she'd gotten wasted on fruit juice. Shuffle whined, but she didn't struggle, mainly because she was still getting touched. Once Erina was done, she set the wiggling bundle aside where she could be watched without being in the way.
"Look, I'm working as fast as I can. I can't change how alchemy works. So unless you have some time-altering magic, just let me work."
Joanne debated inducing the 'time-altering magic' those with strength use to make those without work faster, but under the circumstances that wasn't ideal. "Then work quickly."
"I tried," Veo shook her head, "I don't know what this venom does to tell if it slows it at all. It's not like tarrasque venom." The baby sickletails were responsible for the ugly purple blotches, they only carried the venom, without one of the affected being conscious to describe what was going on, they wouldn't be able to tell what the venom was doing or gauge its progression.

"Then keep applying it," Joanne shook her head, "It cannot possibly hurt."
Veo shook her head and went to apply healing water to the injuries and down the throats of Jerry, Turac, and Raine.

Adran glanced at Lyak sitting on Erina's carapace fiddling with light threads in another attempt to make something, "Does she always do that?", the elf asked Erina.
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Erina glanced back. "Mm, sometimes, yes. She seems interested in weaving and has watched me work. I haven't asked what she hopes to do with that though."

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