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Fantasy Cursed Island

Veo nodded grimly. "I told him not to go, but Ras never listens," she shook her head. "The maze minotaur got to him, but it was... different..." Veo didn't seem to have the words to describe it. "The beast's chest exploded, and this... thing came out. It ripped Ras apart!" Veo slid down the wall to the floor, head in her hands, sobbing. "It called me 'mama'!"
Emil walked over and sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder. For all the words he knew, none seemed to be right for the moment.
Emil was quiet for a few moments. "I don't know what can be done about nightmares, but when you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to talk to, I'll be here."
"As are you. You don't deserve the troubles the world has given you. But I'll do what I can to help you through it."
"He was... he wasn't a violent bull. He couldn't hurt a fly. His mom was scared he'd never find love, he was considered a cripple because he wasn't strong." Veo shook her head, "She taught me medicine. Ras was always hanging around, trying to be a part of things." It was frowned upon in minotaur culture for the men to do womanly things like medicine. A bull that couldn't lift a weapon or wrestle in the mud was weak and pathetic.
"He never fit in," Veo agreed, "Whenever we had a patient, the calves loved him. The other bulls," she shook her head. "His father used to get grief for his son 'acting like a cow'."
“Well...there’s a good few, though they mix together in bigger cities. But they almost always have some general expectation of individuals.”
"What's a city?" Veo, having been born and raised in the ruins, like most of the party by this point, had never seen the world outside.
Emil paused for a moment. “Ah, right. A city is a place where a lot of people live close together. And I do mean a lot, often up to the thousands.”
“Well, imagine if there was one person for each page in every one of those books. That would be about how many people are in a city.”
Emil smiled. “Well, some of them live outside of the city, a little way away from the others. They own a big area of land and they use it to grow food, more food than they could eat on their own. Not only do they feed themselves, but they sell the rest to other people, and then they can eat, too.”
Well, now Veo was even more confused, her nightmare momentarily forgotten in favor of trying to understand what the devil Emil was claiming. She was certain he was lying, there was no way farming could produce that much food! Her village could barely generate enough food to feed everyone on a good harvest, and that was farming mushrooms and edible lichen combined with hunting! "I don't believe you."
Emil chuckled. "I suppose that's fair. It does sound a little farfetched when I saw it out loud. How about this? When we get back to the surface, I'll take you to a city and show you."

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