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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Then don't give them a heavy weapon. A shortsword, at most. They can use bows decently well though, plus it lets them stay back out of smashing range, usually."
"Think about it, though," Adran tapped the side of his head. "Skeletons don't get tired. They've got above average physical strength and infinite endurance, but low inertia. If you could anchor their joints together so that when they get hit they don't fall apart, and bulk them up, they'll be able to hit hard without getting slung around by their own weapons."
Niudisa rubbed her chin. "Hm... You have a point there. I might be able to put some magic anchors on a skeleton with enough time, but anything that cancels magic would undo it. I'm not sure what kind of physical attachment would work though."
Adran thought about that. "Well, what about metal? I once knew a dwarf with a steel knee. He used to challenge people to try and kick him in the knee, and without fail they'd break their toes in the process."
"Plausible, but I'm no smith. I'd have to not only find someone willing to put metal joints on a skeleton, but also get the skeleton to them."
"That's valid," Adran didn't really know the answer, there. "Well, food for thought." He could think of a few favors he could call in for such a feat, but he didn't know if he'd need those favors for something else, and considering his luck, he would.
"I'll figure that out once I'm done in these ruins. If nothing else, I can probably just threaten a smith to do it."
"You probably don't need to do that, plenty of shady smiths around. I mean, someone's making that dark paladin armor." Adran put a book back on the shelf. If Joanne walked in right then, she'd probably kill them both for so casually discussing how to make someone's dead body more useful, but neither of them were exactly strong in the moral. Adran literally worked for the archfiend of sex for any reason besides making a baby, and Niudisa was a necromancer. This wasn't even an odd topic for either of them.
"Ooh, armor could bulk up a skeleton. Maybe with a bit of padding to make up for the lack of flesh."
"Now you're thinking!", Adran gave the fairy a snap to a thumbs up point. "Solve the weight problem, you get the joints reinforced and that solves that problem, and there you go, the ultimate warrior."
"That'll be my next major goal after all this.I'll be able to get so much more done with someone to pick stuff up for me."
Adran nodded, "Yep." Adran's thing was demons, he couldn't exactly do that kind of thing if he couldn't first establish dominance, so he left it at that.
Niudisa fluttered over to the bokshelf to look for another tome to read. She had completely lost track of how long they'd been researching in there.
Considering the two were fey in nature, sleep wasn't a dire issue, and they ended up researching for some time, passing through most of the night.


Up in the main room, however, it wasn't quite so solid. Veo wasn't sleeping so well, rolling around a lot and making some noise. If anyone was awake, it seemed like she was having a nightmare.
The others were still asleep, but Poli seemed to wake up from the sound of her shifting. After figuring out who was making the noise, they crawled over and peeked up over the edge of the bed to check on her.
Veo was still asleep, but thrashing a bit, conking Poli without realizing it or waking up. In the dim light from the covered ring, her flowers were shuffling colors and her vines were alternating between thorns, leaves, and smooth stems without any consistency, like even the plant was confused by what was going on.
Poli recoiled from the conk, leaning back to avoid another hit. The paused a moment before forming a tendril, making sure to harden it before carefully reaching in to poke her cheek.
Veo stopped moving at the contact, her eyes flying open and... well Veo screamed, rousing some of the lighter sleepers. There were some thumps and the sound of movement as Jeri and Beri woke up and looked in their direction, Jeri hitting her head on the bottom of the table.
Poli flinched away, quickly moving back away from her. Emil was sitting up before his were opened, looking over as well once they were. Shuffle and Fia woke as well, lifting their heads and looking over. Erina also woke up and looked around.
Veo sat up, rubbing her eys and catching her breath. She looked around and saw that she'd woken everyone up. "I'm sorry," she whispered as she threw off the blanket and got up to leave the room.

"Why is Veo upset?", Jeri asked when the door closed.
Poli spoke up. "She was sleeping restlessly, think she was dreaming. I poked her to see if she'd calm down, but she woke up and screamed instead."

Emil listened to Poli before getting up and heading over to the door himself.
"Oh," Jeri looked down, "I thought she was mad at me."

Veo had slumped against the wall outside the door, trying to calm herself down. A sprout would try to wipe away a tear, and instead she ripped it out and threw it away, apparently really angry at the plant. This time it didn't try to punish her for it, though.
Emil peeked out the door, pausing before he stepped out. "I suppose it would be foolish to ask if you're alright."

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