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Grace Walsh
Hearing the praise and approval from Andrew and Kelly along with feeling the excited squeeze Chase gave her hand, Grace couldn't help but slowly smile. Everything went well. They loved the bouquet. And Andrew even said it was good enough to be used as the centerpiece of their dining room. In her heart, she could feel that slowly but surely she was gaining Chase's dad's approval.

She knew all about the history he and her father shared during their time at Hogwarts. Her mother sat her down one night after the ball and told her everything. Amelia owed it to her daughter to let her know the history Daniel had with Andrew considering Grace was dating Andrew's son. From that night, she knew that Andrew probably wasn't a man who forgave very easily. The most proud Gryffindors do have a tendency to be stubborn. She vowed that this summer she would do everything she could to get home Andrew's good side. She would do everything in her power to gain his approval.

"Thank you! I'm so glad you both like the bouquet. I'd like to say gardening and flower arranging are some of my specialties. My mother and grandmother were avid gardeners, so I guess it's safe to say it runs in our blood." She smiled at the two adults. Turning to Kelly, she offered, "If you would want to talk about gardening anytime, I'm sure either me or my mother would be happy to talk about it endlessly."

Chase Crosby

The brown haired boy’s cheeks practically hurt from grinning. Chase was so excited and happy that his parents had liked the bouquet. Grace’s further offer to talk gardening would also help to get her on his mother’s good side and potentially by default, his father’s as well. Everyone in the family knew that Kelly loved all things plant related. If it made Kelly happy to finally have someone who knew about gardening to talk to about it, then that was more than enough to please Andrew. He knew how passionate she was about her garden and how she wished her boys would know a bit more about it. But Andrew had barely survived Herbology class back at Hogwarts- he didn’t want anything to do with learning about plants.

Kelly was delighted.
“I’d love to, Grace! Absolutely would love to!” she replied enthusiastically. “I never have anyone to talk about when it comes to my plants and gardening,” she frowned. “Of all the three boys I live with, no one knows or cares about any of it!” she said, shaking her head. Both Chase and Andrew seemed to simultaneously shrug at this. “You’re a very sweet girl Grace, and I’m so grateful for this bouquet,” she said gently to the red haired girl. Kelly then leaned forward towards Grace, but Chase being so close to her could hear what her mother had to say. But it wasn’t like Kelly was trying to make sure only Grace heard. In fact she probably hoped that Andrew heard it most of all. “You’re a perfect girlfriend for my imperfect little boy,” she told her with a smile. Of course, she meant that Chase was imperfect lovingly. Everyone knew he was a bit rough around the edges. But Grace perfectly perfected his wrongs- the half to his whole.
Grace Walsh
"Well, I understand you there." Grace laughed in response to having no boys interested in gardening. "My father isn't too keen on any conversation involving flowers either." She revealed it to Kelly. "But again, the bouquet was really my pleasure. I really do enjoy making them. It's been ages since my last bouquet."

However, hearing what Kelly had to say to Grace made her day. Chase's mom said she was perfect for him. And that statement was true in every way. Chase and Grace may seem to be opposites in a variety of ways, but they complement each other beautifully. They just worked so well together. It was truly safe to say that they were meant for each other.

With a shy smile on her face and a light redness spread across her cheeks, Grace replied to Mrs. Crosby. "Thank you! I'll really try my best to keep your little boy as happy as he can be."
-Time skip-

It was safe to say that the bouquet was a success with both of Chase’s parents. Eventually, Daniel and Amelia were settled into one of the guest rooms and Grace was able to have her own guest room to herself too. Of course, Chase would’ve offered up his own room but he knew his father would never have any of that. A week or two went by and so far everything was going well. The Walsh’s were adjusting well to staying at Crosby Manor and Chase very much enjoyed having his girlfriend in his own home so close to him at all times. Everything was running smoothly. Tonight was a night like any other. Both families, the Crosby’s and the Walsh’s, had just finished dinner. Everyone was satisfied now with full bellies. Chase eventually excused himself from the table, presumably to go polish his broom (which he did pretty much every day, perhaps obsessively so).

Thomas Crosby

For eighteen year old Thomas Crosby, while still grounded, his parents luckily had been much more lenient and seemed to allow him to linger for a few moments after meals before they required him to be sent back up to his room. Thomas had been planning something for a little while now, ever since the Walsh’s and particularly their daughter Grace had arrived. He had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to do something and now he decided to seize the moment. Thomas was finally going to pull aside Grace and talk to her, alone, one on one.

Yes, indeed, Thomas was going to fully and genuinely apologize for what he had done his last year of Hogwarts and in general, for how much of a jerk he had been throughout all of the years Grace and Chase had been at Hogwarts. Thomas had been nothing but an ass to Grace but particularly his own younger brother, Chase. This he truly regretted deeply. He knew that he had infuriated Grace by almost killing his little brother and that she was crossed with him for ever putting her boyfriend and his own blood relative in such peril. But Thomas was going to make amends with the Walsh girl, or at least attempt to get to the fiery red headed female.

When everyone had left the table, his heart pounding in his chest, Thomas went over to Grace and pulled her aside. He had barely spoken a word to Grace since she had arrived and really, he hadn’t spoken much to his own brother. He felt pressured with Grace around and felt that it wasn’t safe to even attempt to talk to Chase or even apologize with her around. She had been justifiably very angry with Thomas. Chase was still hurt to some extent too, but he had mostly forgiven Thomas. Of course he couldn’t really admit this because he knew Grace would think him stupid to forgive and forget something so big so easily. Clearing his throat, Thomas shyly approached Grace. He looked a lot different from the confident Thomas Crosby that used to arrogantly strut the halls of Hogwarts.

“Erm, Grace? M- may I talk to you for a second?” asked Thomas.
Grace Walsh
Everything started out normally. She had spent the day with Chase and squeezed in some dueling training with her father. Dinner was starting off normally as well. Both of the entire families of Crosbys and Walshes sat around the dining table at the Crosby Manor; everyone was enjoying the amazing dinner prepared by Mrs. Crosby. Everything ended normally. Grace thought this day would just be normal, little did she know it wasn't going to be.

She hadn't talked to Thomas Crosby ever since the incident. In fact on a daily basis, she tried to not even spare him a single glance or thought. But all of that changed in an instant when that exact person approached her after dinner ended. He was asking to talk to her.

Grace was on the verge of turning him down outright, but she couldn't. Not in front of everything that was. "I suppose I have some time to spare." She replied, a bit coldly to the older Crosby brother. Standing from her place at the dining table, she led Thomas to the corridor close to the dining hall so that they may have some privacy. However in Grace's mind, she had absolutely no idea what Thomas Crosby wanted to talk to her about.

Thomas Crosby

Thomas’ stomach churned nervously and his heart pounded in his chest as he waited for a response, if any, from Grace. It eventually did come, but it wasn’t exactly the resounding one that he had hoped for. It was cold and Grace seemed as if an interaction with Thomas were nothing but a formality rather than something she actually wanted to do. No matter, Thomas still pushed forward with what he was going to say. Thomas, the usually bold and confident young man, now looked hesitant and timid. Tom cleared his throat before speaking. “Erm Grace? I- I’ll only be a minute of your time- or two,” he told her.

Now came the hard part- apologizing. “I uhh, I know it’s been a while since we’ve last spoken and err, it wasn’t exactly a pleasant conversation….” he began, initially beating around the bush. “But I just wanted to umm, how do I put this… uhh, talk… with you….” he went on, stuttering a bit as he spoke. Feeling as if he were under a time pressure here, he decided he’d jump straight to the point. “Ok whatever- just listen. I know you don’t like me but I just have to get this off of my chest,” said Tom. He was glad for the privacy as Grace led him into the corridor.

He took a deep breath before getting into the real meat and potatoes as to why he was even pulling Grace aside to talk in the first place. “I don’t really talk about this kinda stuff but to show you how deeply affected by my actions and what happened, I am,” he told her. “Look- what I did to Chase… it- it was wrong. Really wrong. Very bad. And it’s not even the injury- it’s the- well, everything. The bullying, the teasing, the taunting- all of it,” he said. “It wasn’t right. But especially what I did to Chase on the last Quidditch game of the season, that hurt me. What you said that day stuck with me- and you were right.”

Thomas twiddled with his fingers a bit before going on. “I never meant for it to get that far- really. Yes, the intent of me and my team was to injure Chase- and that sounds really bad admitting it out loud but it’s true. But really! I never meant for him to get hurt in the way he did and….” he paused, appearing to get choked up now. “And almost get my little brother killed….” he said, doing his best not to let and tears fall. Crying in general was a no go for Tom. Crying in front of Grace? In front of a girl? That would be the death of him. “I just want you to understand how deeply it affected me and how sorry I am. I’m sorry to Chase and I’ve wanted to apologize to him and tell him all of this but between my parents not letting me speak to him or not letting me out of my room and well- just the pressure of your presence, I haven’t felt that I got the right opportunity to do so.”

“I’ve been a terrible older sibling. A big brother should’ve never acted the way I’ve been acting for the past five years. I’ve been awful to Chase and hell, even you,”
he admitted. “I’ve fucked up already but all I ask is for forgiveness and a chance to start anew,” said Thomas, clearly getting emotional with his apology and pleas for forgiveness. “I can’t change the past- what is done is done. But I can change the way I act going forward. Although it’s too late, I’m going to be the best damn big brother I can to Chase in any way I can. I’m also going to be a better person. Not rude, not cocky and arrogant, but a genuine person. And I feel like in order to fully do this, I need your forgiveness,” he said.

A small light hearted grin then appeared on Thomas’ face. “Look, you and I both know it. We know Chase- he’s already forgiven me. I haven’t heard it first hand from him but that’s because he hasn’t been able to speak to me fully. You know that kid couldn’t hold a grudge and couldn’t stay mad at anyone- especially not his own kin,” he said with a chuckle. Chase forgave easily, perhaps overly so. “So please Grace, I’m asking for your forgiveness. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I want to show you that I am going to be a better person going forward,” said Tom.
Grace Walsh
Grace didn't attempt to stop him when the words just started to tumble out of his mouth. She let Thomas go on for as long as he needed. She wanted, no she needed, to see if this was actually genuine. The Thomas Crosby she first met probably would've given her the most scripted and rehearsed apology for something he thought wasn't wrong. Grace didn't know if that Thomas still existed.

It was clear that once he got everything he said off of his chest, this apology was actually genuine. Grace even noticed times when he was on the verge of letting tears stream down his face. As much as she hated Thomas after that incident, she knew he probably wasn't a good enough actor to fake tears. Which worked in his favor, she really did believe him. She believed that he really was going to try and change and be the big brother that he was before this weird sibling envy set in.

"I do agree with the fact that Chase has already forgiven you. Your brother forgives quite easily, especially if it is in regards to you." Grace started to speak after Thomas had finished speaking. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, deeply considering her next words, before issuing her reply to Thomas. "I do forgive you. You do seem genuine in wanting to be a better person. But just know, that if your actions reflect anything other than the words you uttered to me today, that forgiveness is immediately rescinded. I hope you understand that I just want the best for Chase."

Thomas Crosby

If he was being honest with himself, Thomas hadn’t expected this to work. While he’d understand if Grace did not grant him forgiveness, he admittedly was surprised but in a good way that his apology had been accepted. It felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulder. “Thank you Grace,” replied Tom, cracking a rare and soft genuine smile. “You have my word,” he said, putting his right hand up as if taking an oath. The Crosby’s were known for being an honorable family- Gryffindor through and through- all accept for Thomas. But Tom was determined to change that. Sure he was a Slytherin and a very nasty one at that while he was at Hogwarts, but people could change, and Tom was going to.

But with being given forgiveness from Grace meant that Thomas could finally formally apologize to Chase, who although he sensed his little brother already forgave him (because he thought the world of his big brother), he wanted to say it to his face in words. Really, all of this had derived from something as petty and stupid as sibling rivalry and envy. When Thomas went to Hogwarts for the first time when he was but a young eleven year old boy and Chase was even younger at nine, Thomas immediately fell into the wrong crowd upon being sorted into Slytherin. Two years he was groomed by his traditionalist peers and sought to be accepted by them. All the while, he began to grow extremely jealous of Chase.

Thomas delusional believed that Chase would attempted to steal his glory. Tom wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father and become a great Quidditch play. Tom always knew deep down that Chase was the better player and it scared him. It scared him because it would be praise taken away from him and given to his little brother. He had to prove he was better and quickly establish that he was the older sibling and he was the better of the Crosby boys. He drifted further apart from his brother in his grandiose pursuance of glory and craving acceptance from his specifically Slytherin peers. Being a pure blood helped, since he was already at a disadvantage being from a “blood traitor Gryffindor family.” But Tom quickly established himself as a proud Slytherin, through and through.

He’d lost sight of what truly mattered- his family. Previously, for most of their lives, Thomas and Chase had been close. They shared a relationship that siblings should have. Thomas was the kind, gentle, but protective older brother that did nothing but love his baby bro. He’d guide Chase and protect him from harm on their frequent adventures playing in the forest behind Crosby Manor as little boys, knowing that a young Chase had a knack for getting into trouble or hurt. Hogwarts changed Thomas, and for the worse. He became highly bitter and jealous that Chase would one day arrive and overshadow his achievements because he knew Chase was capable- capable of being better than him in every way, and he hated that. Now at eighteen, the young man realized these thoughts were nothing but idiotic ones fabricated by his own mind.

He deeply regretted how he had acted for the past five years he had shared Hogwarts with Chase and really, all seven he was at the magical school. But he had a chance to change and make things right, and he was going to do that now. A renewed smile on his face, he looked at Grace. “Now, I think if my brother isn’t off polishing his broom or complaining how full he is, perhaps I can officially apologize to him,” he told her, a slight chuckle. Chase was always polishing that damned broom to perfection it seemed. Thomas wondered how many times one could polish the handle. Besides, he played Quidditch too- he knew that it was just going to get dirty again. “You’re more than welcome to accompany me,” Thomas offered the girl politely.
Grace Walsh
"If that's the case, I won't mind accompanying you, if you're offering. Seeing this long awaited brotherly reconciliation is something I wouldn't miss for the world." Grace accepted Thomas's offer. She walked a few steps to come a bit closer to Thomas's side. Grace then linking her her arm with Thomas's. This solidify the fact that she truly had forgiven him.

"I agree that Chase is probably somewhere polishing his broom. Sometimes, I start to think that he secretly loves that thing more than me. Lead the way, I'm sure my future brother-in-law knows where to find my boyfriend anywhere." She laughs as she jokes with Thomas. This was certainly a first. If you told Grace that she would have her arms linked and joking with Thomas Crosby, she would've thought you were insane. But that exact scene was truly happening.

As the pair walked together around the house, Grace made some small talk with Thomas. She truly was in good spirits. And she couldn't wait to see the look of shock on Chase's face once he's figured out the the duo had made up. It would probably make his day.

Thomas Crosby

The oldest Crosby boy smiled and nodded at Grace as she accepted the offer to come with him while he went to formally and officially apologize to his little brother Chase. A brotherly reconciliation was much needed and crucial to preparing the siblings’ relationship. Then Grace did something that stunned Thomas- something that he didn’t think she’d ever to do him given their previous unpleasant interactions. Thomas’ brown eyes widened slightly as Grace took a few steps closer to him and linked arms with him. He was stunned initially but grinned seeing that clearly, Grace had forgiven him and was open to fixing things between them- especially for Chase, who no doubt wouldn’t want his beloved big brother at odds with the love of his life. Thomas couldn’t remember a time they’d touched- probably last during the Walsh family ball dance a few years back.

Thomas then widened his eyes and blushed slightly as Grace seemed to hint at a future marrying his little brother with her brother-in-law comment towards him. He knew that the two were head over heels for each other and that Chase would absolutely love to marry Grace but it all sounded so weird out loud. And his little baby brother getting married? That just seemed insane to him! But it was a part of growing up and seemed very likely to be the case in their future. Thomas would one day be Grace’s brother-in-law- family. And honestly, he couldn’t complain about that, especially knowing how much Chase loved Grace and how happy it would make the boy to put a ring on her finger and officially marry her one day.

“Well, that I do know how to do,” he said, chuckling at her brother-in-law joke (although perhaps even though it was a playful comment, wasn’t much of a joke, as it didn’t seem to be a secret to anyone that both Grace and Chase wished to marry each other one day in the future). “If I know him, he’s probably alone on the living room polishing the end of his broom and groaning about being too full from dinner,” he said with a laugh. Thomas guided Grace through the halls and to the living room. Both were in very great spirits and it was nice to be friendly and on good terms with the red headed girl for once. As they made some small talk on the way, Thomas had to wonder what Chase’s reaction would be once he saw that his big brother and girlfriend had made up- considering he knew that Grace had pretty much hated Thomas’ guts up until this point.

Sure enough, as the two entered the living room, sitting on the couch with a rag, sticking his tongue out and focusing on cleaning the handle of his broomstick, was Tom’s younger brother Chase Crosby. Tom had a gut feeling the boy would be here and he knew his sibling well- he was correct here. “Oi Chase! Do you really need to be polishing that bloody broom all the time?” asked Thomas, playfully teasing his brother. “Stop what you’re doing for a second. I’d like to show you something and talk to you, if you’ll allow,” said the older boy. Chase turned around and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, looking shocked as his mouth only opened wider and his brown eyes went big. Thomas grinned, knowing that the sight of his older brother locking arms with Grace was one to behold, and perhaps meant that things had healed between the two. Thomas looked over at Grace to see if she had anything to say to her boyfriend.
Grace Walsh
At last, Thomas and Grace did eventually find Chase in the living room. And as expected, he was polishing his broom with a look Grace knew all too well. He only had his tongue out when he was very concentrated on something or he was polishing his broom. Thomas spoke up first to get his younger brother's attention. She stayed quiet, a small smile appearing on her face as she watched the interaction between the two brothers. It showed her just a glimpse of how they were when they were younger.

When Thomas gave her a moment to speak, she took it. "Your brother does indeed have something to at least talk to you about. What he would like to show you has probably already been shown, I assume." She chuckled as she patted Thomas's back. "I am merely here to stand witness," Grace says as she unlinks her arm from Thomas's and nudges him forward towards Chase slightly. Taking a few steps back, she lets them have some space. Although she can already predict the outcome of this apology, it's still nice to see it finally happen.

Thomas Crosby

Tom nodded at Grace’s words. Chase still looked stunned but closed his mouth, which was open due to shock, and nodded his head. “Well, a- alright then. Go for it Tom,” said Chase, showing a slight warm smile. Thomas cleared his throat and nodded back at his younger brother. This was the first time in a long time they had talked to each other face to face for real. Tom was happy to finally get to talk to his brother and formally apologize and put this all behind him. He knew Chase knew that he was very sorry for what he had done and Tom also knew that Chase had pretty much forgiven him, even if it wasn’t outright said. He knew his younger brother better than anyone- he did NOT hold grudges, even if you did try to almost kill him. So Tom knew that he wouldn’t have to make this apology long and drawn out because a lot of things were inferred already.

“Look Chase, I’ll cut to the, uhh, chase,” began Thomas, “We haven’t talked since the end of my last year at Hogwarts and I think you know this has all been weighing on me very heavily for a while now,” he said. “Chase, I- I just wanted to say I’m sorry. Sorry for everything. Sorry for how I treated you ever since I got to Hogwarts and you were but a wee lad who wasn’t even of age to go to the magic school. I’m sorry for being nothing but an arsehole during your entire five years at Hogwarts I shared with you. And of course, I never meant for things to go down the way they did your fifth and my seventh year at the end….” said Thomas. “You’re my brother- my family, and that’s no way for a big bro to treat their baby bro,” he went on. “I think it will be a while before I can forgive myself for everything that has happened but Chase, I’m sorry, and all I ask is for your forgiveness,” said Thomas genuinely, looking at Chase tenderly with his brown eyes- the same brown eyes his brother shared.

It didn’t seem to take very long for Chase to come to a decision. Like Thomas had suspected, Chase had already forgiven him. A big smile came across his younger brother’s face as he got up from where he was sitting to polish his broom and began to approach Thomas. “Tom, I absolutely forgive you mate,” replied Chase as he came closer to his older brother. “Like you said, we’re family, and we’ve got to stick together. Let’s let bygones be bygones and put this cruddy rubbish between us all in the past,” said the youngest Crosby boy. “I love you Thomas, so much, and I’m so glad to hear these words from you,” said Chase sweetly as he closed his eyes and wrapped his brother in a tight and loving embrace. The two brothers hadn’t shared a hug since Thomas first left for Hogwarts when he was only eleven years old and Chase, nine. Thomas smiled and closed his eyes as he hugged his little brother. He did everything in his power not to cry tears of joy during the special moment.
Grace Walsh

It finally happened. The two Crosby brothers finally made up with each other. With a touching apology and a hug with each other made Grace was on the verge of shedding a tear. But she didn't want to make this feel like a sad occasion. It was quite the opposite. This moment should be celebrated! With Chase and Thomas still in each other's arms in an embrace, she took out her wand. She had a fun little idea in mind.

"Well, now that the momentous occasion we've all been waiting for has happened. I think it's time for a celebration." Grace broke the silence as she flicked her wand and cast a spell towards the gramophone in the living room. Music started to fill the room as a smile appeared on Grace's face. "And I think a dance is perfect for a celebration, don't you think so as well?" She asked the rhetorical question and she started to sway to the music as she made her way toward Thomas and Chase.

"So I don't want to see any tears shed. You both should be smiling ear to ear!" She declared as she reached the 2 boys, now out of the embrace, and grabbed both their hands to spin them around. This moment was quite reminiscent of the Annual Walsh Family Ball where all of them were in attendance. That was probably the last time all of them were on relatively good terms.

As the three of them danced around the living room, Grace couldn't help but wish for this moment to never end.
Chase couldn’t be happier to finally and officially be made up with his older brother. It meant the world to him to hear the words of Thomas’ apologies, even if he had admittedly forgiven Tom pretty much before the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts. Thomas’ eyes welled with tears of joy, happy to put years of contention, jealousy, and cruelty behind him. The two brothers continued to embrace until they both looked at Grace as she seemed to have an idea up her sleeve. They watched as she pulled out her wand and suddenly flicked her wand over at the direction of the old Crosby family gramophone. Soon, music began to play from it and filled the room. A grin came across both boys’ face as Grace suggest they share a little dance. The music made it hard not to start doing so, and they both joined the red haired girl as she waltzed over closer towards them. “I must admit, I’m not as good a dancer as Chase, but I’ll join in!” Thomas said, remembering his brother’s secret dance skills from the Walsh family ball and how Chase was no doubt a better dancer than him.

Chase grinned hearing the compliment from his brother and began to sway his hips to the music as well. “Why yes Grace! I do think a nice little dance is a suitable celebration!” said Chase, laughing as he stepped over towards his girlfriend and began to spin her around and dance with her. Thomas noticed Grace’s hands and grabbed them so that now all three of them were waltzing around and dancing to the music, generally having a good time and enjoying themselves. Laughter and happy chatter filled the air and it could now most certainly be heard from the other rooms of the house. Chase felt like he was walking on air and Thomas enjoyed this feeling of warmth and fullness, his heart happy and joyful. He enjoyed being on good terms with his little brother and now, his girlfriend, who was a treat to be around.

Somewhere in the house, Andrew was doing some work in his study and heard the music and laughter. “Bloody hell, what are those kids up to?” he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as he got up from his desk. He knew he heard the laughter of a boy and a girl and assumed that Grace was doing something with Chase. He was going to put a stop to this. He still didn’t fully trust Grace. She was a Walsh, and Andrew hadn’t yet entirely cast aside and resolved his past differences with Daniel. Andrew headed towards the room where the music was emitting from the gramophone. As he did so, he stopped in the entryway, just out of the view of the three pre-occupied dancing teenagers.

Andrew was stunned. He went quiet and watched the three kids dancing and clearly having a great time. He remained silent as he watched them for a bit, particularly Chase and Grace. He was surprised but happy to see Thomas finally smiling again and seemingly on good terms with his brother and even Grace. But he saw that his youngest son was truly at bliss. Clearly, Chase loved this girl deeply. He saw it in his eyes in the way he looked lovingly at Grace. It was the same look he got in his eyes when looking at Kelly. It was true love. All three seemed so happy together. It forced a small smile on Andrew’s face.

At some point, Kelly must have heard all the commotion too and came down to see the scene, standing beside her husband and quietly watching. Andrew then gently grabbed his wife’s hand and led her into the room. Chase widened his eyes and Thomas turned around, both becoming aware of their parents’ presence. Chase instantly blushed and dropped Grace’s hand, knowing his father seemed to dislike when he touched the girl. But weirdly, Andrew was smiling. “Oi, do you kiddos mind if a couple of old geezers like us join you?” asked the man, holding his wife’s hand. Kelly smiled and nodded. Chase and Thomas looked stunned. “Oh dears, don’t let us stop you. We simply want to join in the fun!” said Kelly.
The kids really did seem to be having the time of their lives right now. The three of them waltzed and danced their way around the living room with laughter filling every inch of the room. Grace hadn't even noticed Andrew and Kelly watching them from the doorway until Chase dropped her hand and both brothers seemed to notice their parents entering.

She turned to where their glances were and spotted Andrew and Kelly coming in hand-in-hand. It was a surprising sight. Grace thought Andrew would be all frowns and doing everything in his power to stop the fun they were having. She was acutely aware that he didn't exactly 'like' her persay. That's why she was trying everything she could this summer to win him over slowly. But now, he walked in with a smile on his face and asked if they could join in on the fun. The small feeling of fear and nervousness washed away from Grace as Kelly finished speaking.

"Of course not! You're more than welcome to join in, the more the merrier!" Grace smiled at them as she allowed them to dance. "I would love to see which parent gave their kids these amazing dancing skills." She joked as she grabbed both Chase's and Thomas's hands once more. Leading them slightly away from the center, she let the two adults have the floor, while still dancing with the two boys. There was no doubt that the Crosby parents had a lot of fun memories that would be awakened with all the dancing.


The music and laughter caught the attention of both Amelia and Daniel. Despite the pair being in the library, the merry sounds could be heard like they were coming from the next room. Suffice it to say, it piqued their curiosity enough to check out what was the source of all of it. Following the sounds through the halls of the Crosby Manor, they eventually stumbled upon the living room and the sight of the children, with the addition of Andrew and Kelly, dancing to the music coming from the old gramophone.

It was certainly a surprising sight, but it was more than welcome. They spotted Grace having fun with the two younger Crosby boys. They knew instantly that she had forgiven the boy. When the horrid incident first happened, Grace immediately wrote them a letter stating the situation and her frustrations about it. That's how they knew all about it and how Grace was on bad terms with the older Crosby brothers.

Daniel had stood there silently, watching their daughter have fun. He was planning to leave, not wanting to ruin this moment, especially since Andrew was inside. But Amelia seemed to have other plans. She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the living room. "If you think you could have a dance celebration without us, then you're sorely mistaken, darling," Amelia said to Grace in a teasing way as she pulled Daniel into a starting position for a waltz and started to dance.

Seeing her parents join in on the fun, Grace couldn't help but smile. "Apologies, mother. Next time, I'll be sure to call you and father down the instant it starts." She replied to her mother.
Kelly laughed at Grace’s comment. “Oh it certainly wasn’t their father!” she said, causing Andrew to look a bit bashful. He never was a good dancer, even in his youth. Kelly was always nagging on him for his lack of skills when it came to the dance floor, even when they were kids at Hogwarts. They’d gone together for the Yule Ball and of course Andrew clumsily waltzed on the dance floor, embarrassing himself, while Daniel and Amelia were the talk of the hour with their well coordinated and practiced dancing. “Why don’t we keep the shaming to a minimum, shall we dear?” said Andrew as he took his wife’s hand and they began to dance with the children. Now all five of the people in the room began to waltz to the music, smiles on everyone’s faces.

The noise was able to be heard throughout the whole house and it wasn’t too long until the Walsh couple investigated to see what was going on. Everyone turned around when Amelia came in, dragging Daniel around. Chase was initially nervous and hoped that Grace’s parents weren’t too up in arms about him dancing with her daughter. Thomas, knowing of the history between particularly his father and Daniel, wondered if conflict would arise. But Amelia seemed keen on joining the dance and keeping the mood light hearted. Smiles returned to the faces of everyone as Amelia and Daniel now joined in the waltz. Everything seemed perfect in that moment now.
Grace Walsh
Everyone was dancing in their own little world all having fun. Soon the music slowly started to crescendo, signaling the end of the first song was near. Once the melody concluded gracefully, Grace and Daniel caught each other's eye. He gave Grace a look and gestured towards Andrew. She immediately understood what he was trying to say. And she had to admit, it did sound like a great idea. Looking at her mother for approval, she nodded. All the Walsh's had a plan, and they were all on the same page.

With the second song of the night slowly starting, the Walshes started to move to execute their plan. Daniel had walked over to Kelly, Amelia walked over to the 2 young Crosby boys, and Grace walked over to Andrew. "And just like the long-standing tradition of the ball, it's time for a swap," Daniel said as he walked across the room to Kelly. "Mrs. Crosby, may I have this dance?" He bowed in front of Kelly slightly and held out his hand for her to take.

Grace, who was now in front of Andrew, gave a curtsy and asked, "It's quite unconventional for a lady to ask but, Mr. Crosby, may I have this dance?" She slowly looked up at Andrew with her hand outstretched for Andrew to take, mimicking her father.

On the other hand, Amelia made her way over to the two younger boys and told them, "You don't have to dance with me if you don't want to. I'm quite content witnessing what could happen if I'm being truthful."
The first song of the night was slowly coming to an end. As the second song began to play, it was Daniel Walsh who suggested a change in dancing partners, as was customary at balls, going over and asking Kelly for her hand. Kelly, although not from the traditional camp of families, knew of the custom and honestly found it sweet, so she happily obliged. “I’d love to, Dan. A lovely idea,” said Mrs. Crosby as she nodded at him and took the hand he had offered to her. Chase remembered very much disliking the whole partner swap part of the ball, but he wouldn’t mind it this time as it was just the two families here in the living room.

Andrew knew of the tradition which like his youngest son, he found silly. But when Grace came over to him and offered to dance, he couldn’t say no. He honestly found it sweet too. “Why, the Crosby’s are all about unconventional! I’d love to have this dance, young lady,” said Mr. Crosby with a pleasant smile. Andrew gladly took her hand and offer to dance. “I must warn you though, I’m nothing like Chase over there. Never been ruddy good at dancing,” he told her. Chase looked over and saw his dad and his girlfriend now hand in hand, and it made his heart swell with joy. Perhaps this was a sign of good things to come.

Thomas took this as the opportunity to walk over to Mrs. Walsh. He smiled and bowed curtly before gently taking Amelia’s hand and placing a small kiss on top. “Mrs. Walsh, may I have this dance?” the oldest Crosby boy asked her. Seeing that everyone seemed to have a dance partner now, that left Chase as the odd one out. “Oi! What am I, chopped liver?” Chase asked loudly, but clearly in a joking tone. He didn’t mind at all judging by the big grin on his face. He was just overwhelmed with happiness seeing his family get along well with Grace and the other Walsh’s.
As Kelly took Daniel's hand, he swept her right into a nice and easy waltz. Dancing was practically muscle memory for all of the Walshes, the endless and tireless hours they spent practicing definitely had an effect. "Thank you for obliging me." He thanked Kelly for the dance as he spun her around. Dancing with Kelly slightly reminded him of the night of the eventful Yule Ball. He and his wife had been the talk of the hour with their amazing dancing, but he had heard from his fellow Slytherins that they were leagues better than Andrew's attempt to dance.

On the other hand, Grace has successfully gotten a dance from Andrew, which is quite surprising. There was an expectation in the back of her mind that was expecting him to reject her outright, probably only wanting to dance with his wife. As he grabbed her offered hand, a smile appeared on Grace's face. "Nonsense, I'm sure your dance is fine. I could potentially teach you a thing or two." She joked as the pair started to dance to the music.

"Well, of course, you may have this dance." Amelia gladly agreed to the older Crosby brother. It seemed like those pureblood manners, probably taught by the Mayfield girl, was still there. But before they went out to dance, she looked over to Chase. "Don't worry, no one says you can switch partners in the middle of a dance." She reassured him, patting his head before going with Thomas to dance.
Kelly grinned pleasantly as Daniel took her hand and they began to waltz together in the living room of Crosby Manor. It was certainly a change for Mrs. Crosby to dance with a man who actually knew how to do so. Her husband Andrew had always been lousy on the dance floor, ever since his youth. Although Kelly wasn’t anything fantastic or special as a dancer, she could certainly hold her own- and that she did with Daniel right in that moment. It was quite a sweet moment. Daniel Walsh was the very man that was the main rival of her long-time boyfriend back at Hogwarts. The two were always at each other’s throats and because of it, their partners were involved with the quarrel. Sure, both Daniel and Andrew were harsh to each other as were their girlfriends, but Kelly was more than willing to put this tumultuous past behind the two families.

“It’s my pleasure, Daniel,” replied Kelly, still smiling softly as they danced. Meanwhile, it was Grace who had chosen Andrew as her dance partner, and the man obliged the red haired girl. As Andrew held hands with Grace, he felt slightly uncomfortable. One reason was that he was just generally uncomfortable dancing. The other reason being that in his gut, he truly hadn’t fully warmed up to the girl. He was very protective over his family and wanted Chase to have the perfect lady in his life- not some snob from the snooty Walsh family. But the events of the past few years were showing him another side to the family he hadn’t hate, and more specifically, Grace herself. There was also no denying the true and passionate love between his son Chase and the red haired female.

Andrew chuckled, “I suppose I could stand to gain a thing or two when it comes to dancing,” he told the young lady. “My wife’s always on my arse about it. Has been ever since we were kids!” he said. Andrew began to dance with Grace, admittedly letting the sixteen year old girl take the lead, as he wasn’t so confident with his moves. He almost felt like a little boy again, dancing at the Yule Ball with Kelly. Except when he was a teen, it seemed worse than this. There was more pressure and were more eyes on him back then it seemed. Obviously Kelly loved her boyfriend, but she was less than impressed with his dance floor skills, especially when compared to that of Daniel and Amelia. But, the two had shared a very special kiss at the end of that night, so there were happy memories in those regards. Young love was a special thing, if anyone knew it, it was him.

Thomas grinned and nodded as Amelia accepted his offer to dance. He put his hand and waited for Mrs. Walsh to take it. She looked at Chase before doing so, having a few words for his younger brother who was left without a dance partner. But he didn’t seem to genuinely worked up about it. Chase in reality was just happy to see such a sight- his family getting along well with the love of his life’s family- especially considering the previous conflicts between the two (and he had still yet to completely learn the whole history, but Thomas knew). Chase smiled and giggled a bit as Mrs. Walsh pat his head and assured him that they could eventually switch partners mid-dance. “Right Mrs. Walsh. I’ll be right here then,” he told her.
"Well, it's never too late to start learning." She reassured him as Andrew let her take the lead in this dance. "Who knows? Perhaps at your next anniversary, you could surprise her with a great dance number." She suggested. As the pair danced, Grace actually took the time to teach him all that she knew. At almost each step, she'd explain how the step worked and why it was necessary. Of course, growing up she wasn't taught about the male side of dancing or the art of leading. But she did the best she could, remembering all of the dance lessons she had with her father as well as all of her dances at the Walsh balls, remembering one very special dance in particular.

All 3 pairs were dancing to the music quite well. But with the song reaching the midway point, one switch in particular was about to happen. Amelia and Thomas slowly made their way over to where Chase was watching everyone dance. "Well, you're up Chase." Amelia said as she extended a hand to the younger Crosby brother.
Andrew admittedly felt a little silly not having dancing skills and being mostly guided by a sixteen year old girl. His eyebrows perked up as Grace had a brilliant idea that would surely impress his wife. “You know kid, you might just be on to something there,” he said to her. “Our anniversary is coming up soon,” Andrew told Grace. “Bloody hell, I wish I’d learned at least the basics of dance as a lad. My father wasn’t very much into that sort of thing, neither was my mum,” he said. As uncomfortable as he was in terms of the dancing and having the much younger girl lead him, it was rather pleasant. Grace seemed to know what she was doing and she was as gentle as she was graceful.

Chase glanced over at his father dancing with Grace, and his mother dancing with Daniel, and smiled at the sight. Everyone was enjoying themselves. He then looked over at Amelia and his older brother, seeing that Thomas and her had just finished dancing. Mrs. Walsh signaled that she was ready for him to swap out with Thomas to be her dance partner. He nodded curtly at her before stepping over to take her hand. “Why thank you Mrs. Walsh. The pleasure’s all mine,” said the younger Crosby boy politely and respectfully. Thomas stepped to the side to let Chase have the dance with Amelia.
The families continued to waltz to the music slowly. Everyone was happy, a smile on each person’s face. Even Andrew found himself grinning, despite being a terrible and uncomfortable dancer and despite the fact that he was hand in hand with his youngest son’s girlfriend (who he admittedly did not fully trust like his wife seemed to). Andrew took a look at first his youngest son, dancing with Grace’s mother Amelia, Thomas idly standing by, looking the happiest he’d seen his oldest boy since he won the Quidditch Cup his sixth year at Hogwarts. Andrew’s eyes then fell on his own wife, who was dancing with Kelly. It was a scene that not only would you never have thought you’d see given the history between the two families, particularly the husbands, but a scene that would’ve surely made Andrew pissed off beyond belief in his youth. He looked at Daniel Walsh, the man he had hated for so many years. His bitter rival in everything minus Quidditch back in his Hogwarts day, a boy and man he hated even well off after graduating Hogwarts and marrying his love Kelly. Sure they were on polite terms due to Grace and Chase’s relationship and the current situation with the Walsh’s being at Crosby Manor, but Andrew still immaturely held some bitterness due to their heated childhood rivalry. It brought him back to his days as a young boy at Hogwarts…..


Andrew Crosby (5th year Gryffindor)


It was now June. The summer was fast approaching and school was finally coming to an end for young fifth year Gryffindor boy Andrew Crosby. He’d just come off of the high of winning yet another Quidditch Cup at Hogwarts, once again captaining a team to another dominant win (over Slytherin this year to make it extra sweet). After Quidditch though had come Andrew’s least favorite part of the year- the part he’d been dreading all of year five. That would be his OWL Exams. All fifth years at Hogwarts were required to take the all-important OWL Exams. Andrew was athletically inclined, yes, but when it came to academics, he lacked. He didn’t possess the work ethic he did with Quidditch, often slacked off, didn’t study, turned in assignments late, and all of the classic staples of a student who clearly cared more about sports than his education. No one knew that more than his girlfriend, fellow Gryffindor Kelly Rose, who he had been dating for about two years now.

The final days of the Hogwarts fifth year semester were upon them. By now, OWL examinations had been completed by all of the fifth year students. Today, they had all finally received their final grades on each of the tests. Andrew dreaded the results more than he had actually dreaded the test dates. He knew he’d certainly done miserably in classes like potions. Professor Slughorn wasn’t awful, but Andrew just did not understand potions for the life of him. It also didn’t help him that he decided to practice Quidditch instead of studying the ingredients. There was a buzz in the castle amongst the fifth year students as they all sat at the tables in the Great Hall, sharing a meal and showing off (or hiding) their OWL marks. For Andrew, he didn’t even want to give it a glance. He had the paper in hand but continued to shake his head no as his best friend, fellow Gryffindor Jacob Holloway, tried to convince him to do so.

“Aww come on mate! You’re being dramatic! It can’t be that bad, Andrew!” said Jacob, always with that optimistic smile as they sat down at the Gryffindor table. Andrew wore a frown and again shook his head. “No! I just know I failed them all, I don’t want to see it…” he said miserably. Andrew then groaned and buried his head in his hands. “My mum’s going to kill me I tell ya! Kill me!” he said dreadfully. “Oi cheer up, your dad might bail ya out if it comes to that,” said Jacob, patting his good buddy on the back comfortingly. “Nothing my dad can do can save me from the wrath of my mum.
Although he’ll be proud about the Quidditch Cup win,”
replied Andrew. “There ya go! Milk that! Mummy can’t stay mad at a Quidditch Cup winner!” said Jacob with a chuckle. “Then you don’t know Mary Crosby….” muttered Andrew in response to this.

Just then, a certain pretty brown haired Gryffindor walking with a group of friends walked by. She bid her friends goodbye and approached where Andrew was brooding over his results, which he hadn’t even seen yet. “Hullo Andy,” came the voice of Kelly Rose, Andrew’s girlfriend of two or so years. Kelly was the only person that wasn’t his mother he’d let call him “Andy” (he hated when Jacob did it and even more so when that wretched Slytherin Daniel Walsh did it to mock him). Andrew simply slumped over and groaned in response, causing Kelly to be confused. She carried her OWL results as well, clearly in better spirits. She was a very bright young girl. Not the top of her class but very smart. She’d passed all of her OWLs clearly. “Oh don’t worry about your boyfriend love, he’s got his panties all up in a bunch because he thinks he’s failed all of his OWLs,” said Jacob. This caused Kelly to frown a bit. She knew her boyfriend’s strong suit wasn’t academics.

“I did! I definitely did!” Andrew chimed in. Kelly sighed and took a step forward, sitting down next to her boyfriend and grabbing the Gryffindor Quidditch captain’s OWL grades. “I’m sure they’re not so bad, Andy. Here, let’s take a look,” said Kelly as she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. She looked at the results with a smile, but one that soon faded as she read on. At this point, Andrew picked his head up, hearing Kelly fall silent. He cocked an eyebrow as her expression was unreadable. But a nervous look on her face caused Andrew to groan and slump once more. “Oh bloody hell, I’m done for aren’t I?” he lamented. “Err, well, not quite…” replied Kelly, hesitantly, trying to figure out how to best word this. “I can proudly say you didn’t fail any exams, so you’ve passed them all- and I’m very proud of you for that baby,” she said, pausing, “But…” Kelly continued. “There’s always a ruddy ‘but,’ isn’t there?” sighed Andrew quietly. “Erm, y- you didn’t do fantastic…. You barely passed potions- that was your lowest. You did okay in Astronomy. Transfiguration was alright, could’ve been better. Oh and charms- umm, n- not great…” she told him.

“Ok ok I get it babe, stop,” said Andrew softly, putting a gentle hand up and then placing it onto his girlfriend’s shoulder. “I’m fucked…. Mum’s going to kill me, I’m going to be held back, and neither the Wimbourne Wasps nor Puddlemere United is going to want me on their Quidditch teams once I do graduate- hell, IF I graduate!” Andrew whined. “Well sweetheart, I wouldn’t go that far,” said Kelly gently. “Oh you don’t know Mary Crosby! She’ll have his head on a pike!” Jacob chimed in, grinning as he joked, referencing what Andrew had told him before. Kelly just gave Jacob a glare and rolled her eyes at his boyfriend’s best mate. “Well I’ve met Mary Crosby multiple times and she’s very pleasant! And Andrew, you still passed all of your exams. Just barely yes, but you’ll be able to graduate on time. You just perhaps won’t be considered for any academic honors and whatnot….” she told him.

Perhaps putting it this way was fine. All seemed to be well and good as Andrew straightened his shoulders and started to perk up. “And my lovable cuddly teddy bear won the Quidditch Cup too- as captain and seeker! Not everyone can say that!” Kelly reminded him with a smile. Andrew grinned proudly, despite being a bit embarrassed with the pet names his girlfriend was using with him in front of his best friend. His heart swelled with joy. Everything seemed to be looking up suddenly, that was, until, Andrew could now both see and overhear a large group of Slytherins. They were very clearly all holding the paper with their OWL results. He could hear them all bragging about their results. Who else would be at the center of it all but Daniel Walsh, and his little girlfriend Amelia as well by his side. Andrew rolled his eyes. As long as Daniel didn’t come over here to pick a fight or cause trouble, he’d be fine. This was one time Andrew wouldn’t pick the fight with Dan first- this time because he knew he’d lose it.
Daniel Wash (5th Year Slytherin)
From the very start of 5th year, every student at Hogwarts knew what was to come at the end of it. Every student dreaded the OWL exams. Around 2 weeks before the exam, students from every house could be found crammed up in the library getting their last bit of studying in. Luckily, Daniel Walsh didn't have to sit in that cramped library. It helped that he was pretty academically inclined, always achieving great marks, but he also thought it best to pace out his studying throughout the school year rather than cram everything into 2 weeks of panicked memorization.

So when exam week finally arrived, Daniel was one of the few students who felt somewhat relaxed. He knew the material and knew it well. He did not doubt that all his preparation would lead him to high marks. Once all the exams were done with, all there was left to do was play the waiting game. The pieces of paper the professors would hand out would determine their fates at Hogwarts for the next year to come.

It wasn't uncommon to find bets being placed in the house of Slytherin. It could be bets on sports, a relationship, or in this case, grades. Aside from bets from within the house of who would be the top scorer in Slytherin, Daniel's little group of friends had a bet going on involving someone from outside of the house of the serpent. Everyone in that group knew about the rivalry between Slytherin's Prince Daniel Walsh and Gryffindor's Golden Boy Andrew Crosby. So it seemed almost inevitable that there would be a bet placed on which of the 2 boys would have a higher score across all of their OWLs.

The day finally arrived. Each student was given 1 piece of paper that contained their grades for each of their subjects. Everyone in the Slytherin common room opened them in a hurry. A mixture of happy cheers and exasperated sighs could be heard as students saw their respective grades. When Daniel looked over his grades, he was quite pleased. All Outstanding marks. He would expect nothing less. Amelia was right with him as they had decided to open up their results together; she had gotten all Outstanding marks as well. It seems that she was tied with Daniel for having the highest marks in Slytherin. However, after a quick clarification with their head of house, Professor Slughorn, it was revealed that Amelia had the highest marks in Slytherin but just 4 points.

As galleons were being paid in the common room, Daniel's little group set out for the Great Hall with Daniel and Amelia at the center of it all for a little celebration. The pair did get the highest marks in Slytherin after all. The group were comparing their scores and walking through the Great Hall when Daniel's friends spotted just the man they were looking for to settle their little bet.

"Did I hear that correctly? Gryffindor Golden Boy Andy Crosby flunked his OWLs?" Artem Astor was the first to speak to the trio of Gryffindors sitting at the table. "You probably did brother, it seems like you owe me 5 galleons if Andy over here really did flunked his OWLs." Arthur Astor walked up right next to his twin brother, seemingly mocking the distressed Andrew. "Now, hold on just a minute. No one is paying anyone just yet until we have definitive proof that Daniel got the higher scores." Amelia spoke up from behind the 2 boys, holding them off from destroying Andrew with jokes for just a bit. The twins looked back to Amelia and took a few steps back from the Gryffindor table. As much as they would've loved to dig into some Gryffindors right here and now, they wouldn't want to deal with an angry Amelia.

Now it was Daniel who stepped towards the trio sitting at the Gryffindor table. "Let's just settle this, Andy, and prove Arthur right in the fact that I did get the higher marks this time around. And also my friends may finally be done with this bet of theirs." He said towards Andrew, with a certain smugness in his voice. He then offered his sheet of paper to Andrew and waited for him to do that same. They needed to see Andrew's scores if they wanted to compare them after all.

Andrew Crosby


Why did it always have to be Daniel Walsh and his band of Slytherin goons? Sure, they went back and forth and Andrew was guilty of starting things himself. Sometimes Andrew and his Gryffindor pals would gang up on Daniel. He wasn’t sure who had struck first back during their first year but it had been a heated and bitter rivalry ever since. Now, unfortunately, Andrew was the one being swarmed by Daniel and friends. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Astor brothers along with Daniel and Amelia approached the Gryffindor table where he, Kelly, and Jacob were sitting. Somehow, the Slytherins had caught wind of how poorly Andrew had done on his OWLs. He wasn’t sure how but to make matters more humiliating, they’d even apparently been making monetary bets. How childish, Andrew thought. Obviously a nerd like Daniel was bound to get higher scores than him, what kind of bet was this?

Andrew widened his eyes a bit as the Astor brothers began to speak. He was never sure if Daniel was actually friends with Artem and Arthur, or they just stuck around the handsome Slytherin boy because of his good looks and of course, vast wealth of the Walsh family. Come to think of it, did Daniel Walsh have any REAL friends? That wasn’t the concern right now though as Daniel’s girlfriend Amelia chimed in. She was Slytherin’s resident pretty girl with her stunning red hair. Andrew glared over at the Astor brothers as they mocked him, but of course he knew that if these idiots were here, their ringleader was sure to follow. Now Andrew saw Daniel step forward, his rival in pretty much anything. Academics was the battle Andrew would always lose to Daniel. He could beat him in other things- Quidditch obviously, physical strength, one could even argue natural charm- but academic performance is where Andrew paled in comparison to Daniel.

There it was again, “Andy.” He bloody hated when Daniel used that with him. Andrew didn’t know what he hated more, Daniel mockingly using his nickname or the stupid smug grin on the Slytherin boy’s face when he said it. Andrew, who was previously distraught but being brought up emotionally by his girlfriend, looked irritated and a bit pissed off as he glared daggers at Daniel now. It was Jacob who would be the first to speak before Andrew could even get a word in. He often had the bigger mouth of the two, if one could believe it or not. “Oi Walsh, piss off! Ever thought of being an arse hole somewhere else?” Jacob retorted. Andrew gently put a hand across his best friend’s chest to stop him before withdrawing it and facing Daniel. Kelly looked like she wanted to speak but kept her mouth closed. She hated it when the two boys fought but of course she was entirely on he boyfriend’s side every time (even if she didn’t approve of the times when Andrew would initiate with his Gryffindor gang).

“What do you even care about what I got on my OWLs? Why don’t you and your friends bugger off and keep kissing yourselves in the mirror since you’re all so bloody self-centered?” Andrew spat back. “You know, academics don’t determine all your worth,” chimed in Kelly softly. Although she’d gotten much better grades than Andrew and was probably more in line with Daniel’s scores, she still truly believed this. Andrew appreciated the words but preferred for this to be a “man’s fight,” and his “macho-ness” made him wish his girlfriend would stay out of it and let him handle this. “You and your Slytherin goons can frolic off elsewhere and make out with each other for all I care,” said Andrew with an eye roll, waving Daniel off. He absolutely did NOT want to show the boy his grades. It would only give him more ammunition to make fun of him.

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