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Catgirls Kaiju Coffee

Norah wholloped the T-rex so hard in the snout it whimpered like a kicked dog mixed with an angry rooster. The force of the punch spun it around and it used its momentum to to turn tail and run, smashing through the nearest building- and straight through it in a crash of brick and mortar. The sounds of frantic screams followed after it.

Vidar made a yikes face and said, "Well. Lets go get it." And careened down the street and into the rubble after it. It plowed through maybe another block before anyone could catch up to it.
I wonder if anybody's filming this, Norah thinks as she completes her punch by sticking a perfect three-point landing. Because that was definitely the coolest thing I have ever done.

She whips her head up, checking eagerly to see if she might have actually knocked the dino off its feet. A huge blur of movement instead causes her to drop back down to the ground and roll away, lest she be trampled by the enormous beast which is now…

"What the- you're not supposed to run away!!?" she yells after it as the T. rex flees the scene. Her hands fly to cover her mouth, the screams coming from the building the T. rex smashes through causing Norah to gasp in horror. "Oh no, no-"

She scrambles, cursing, to her feet and follows Vidar into the fray.
Cathal had his baseball bat over one shoulder as he filmed Norah's dramatic, superhero movie worthy punch. "You're doing amazing sweetie!" he called after Norah, and then added, "Hmm. Not great," as the dinosaur careened into a building. Maybe he'd edit that out if he posted the video online later.
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Kevin knew what bad ideas looked like. He’d had a few, even. But this idea might be his worst yet. When Norah’s mighty fist sent the very literal thunder lizard into a retreat through some buildings, he ran to grab some of those velvety queue holding ropes which he was sure had a proper name that didn’t matter. The point was that the most ropelike thing in his backpack was fishing line, and though it was good fishing line, it wasn’t T-Rex strong.


he babbled as he sprinted after the big Dino and started tying up the rope into a lasso. Then. He cast the lasso at its mouth, intending to catch it, pull himself onto its back, and turn the T-Rampage into a T-Rodeo. This, of course, could go so, SO terribly wrong.
Harper, having just not gotten eaten, was utterly delighted and impressed with Norah's bad self. She whooped, "THAT. WAS. AMAZING!!!"

How many people would deck an elemental dino for their... wait. What were they classified as? Friendly coworkers? Battle buddies? Catperson, coffee-making companions? There had to be a term to describe their particularly, particular relationship, yes? Behind her framed glasses, she squinted intensely as if that would help her scry out the answer to this unnecessary, and completely ill-timed, non-puzzle. She concluded that this riddle, like most things in her day to day life, was best left to those that actually had answers. Which was just a long, and completely over complicated way of saying, she should probably just heckin' ask. That was, with the assumption they could survive long enough to not end up in the belly of the beast rampaging down the road. Her eyes drifted upward as her hands moved around as if trying to literally compartmentalize her priorities into the proper order. Just as quickly as the question had arrived it vanished, pushed to the back burner. She needed to be in the moment! That's probably a thing Theo or Vidar would say, right? That way she could focus on the issue at hand. That issue being a very upset dinosaur.

Oh crap! The dino!

She snapped back to the fight just in time to see Kevin attempting to cowboy the t-rex.

Oh crap! The KevKEv!

The others had run ahead while she was distracted. A tiny pinch of guilt and panic hit her stomach and ran up her spine. She ignored it. Furrowing her brows, she was in focus mode now. It was her turn to step up to help out her... her... HER WHATEVER. She dove deep down, not so much tapping on the dino's psyche, but giving it a shove as hard as she could muster. Consequences be damned, she was helping out in this fight one way or another.

"HEY! I. SAID. CHILL!!!!" she said having completely lost all of hers.
The T-rex had been bucking like the proverbial rodeo bronco in the middle of the intersection, Kevkev Valiantly holding the beast at least in place for the duration of his hair-brained dino riding plan. But as harper telepathically injected it with a chill pill the dinosaur whined, hung its big boxy head and calmed in the middle of the street, continuing to make little upset whimper noises becuase it really rather would be trashing the city than letting KevKev ride him subduely.
It is a surprise when Kevin overtakes her, babbling something Norah doesn’t quite catch. It’s an even bigger surprise, then, when he flings something at the T. rex that, on second glance, appears to be the velvet ropes from the queue at the museum. When the makeshift lasso actually hooks its intended target- landing right in the dinosaur’s mouth like the bit on a rodeo horse- and Kev gets up onto its back, now hanging on for dear life, all Norah can do is stop and watch, jaw slightly agape.

After this continues to go on for a very long minute, she cups her hands around her mouth and shouts as loud as she can, “Hey, Kevin? What the fuck do you think you’re-?!” But the end of her question is forgotten when a furious voice comes from behind her: "HEY! I. SAID. CHILL!!!!"

Norah whirls around to see Harper standing some feet away, hackles raised, looking more intense than she’s ever seen the other catgirl (who is normally the dictionary definition of ‘space cadet’). She’s about to ask Harper if she’s good when a whimper from the T. rex turns her attention back in that direction.

The dinosaur has stopped in its destructive tracks, hanging its head like a puppy who has been shouted at for mauling the furniture. Norah glances quickly to make sure Kevin’s okay- which he appears to be as okay as he ever is- before doing a double-take at Harper. “...Whoa,” she says as it dawns on her what has probably happened here. “Badass.

“Good job, team!” Norah calls to the assembled cat baristas, her fingerless gloves slightly muffling the clap of her hands as she applauds their group’s efforts. “Uh… what now?”
"Oh, it's a baby," Cathal crooned, and tucked his phone away to approach the dinosaur. He offered it the half a biscotti he found in his pockets. The T-Rex tilted its head at him, paused a moment, and then leaned down to delicately lip the treat from Cathal's palm. It then took a careful side step away, still watching him, and then pranced in place in a rather silly fashion, all thoughts of rampaging the city evidently forgotten.

"Oh," said Cathal, watching the T-Rex. "I'm being romanced." He paused. "I hope Julie doesn't mind."
Harper, seeing that the beast had been won over, relaxed her stance. She was quite content having done a thing. Then gasped as if trying to suck in all the air from the block. "Cathal," she stated with all the seriousness she could muster, "We should make a Sabertooth Tiger Smoothie!"
Great deals on dark matter in a spray bottle. A corporate holiday greeting involving pork and time travel. Recalls on lemon shaped eyeball creatures.

Where was... Wait. Who was? What was. There was a name. Where did he (he?) leave it? Kevin? That was it. The cat eared visage, often masked by masks, materialized in his mind. Okay. Now where was he?... In motion. Fast, wild motion. The unasked why was answered, at least. He wouldn’t want to be there if he was him. But the motion stopped and there wasn’t any significant pain. A mild bruising of the rear, maybe. Riding bareback on a giant skeleton was murder on the tuckus. The scene appeared before the actors returned.

Norah had exited her fighting stance, and seemed thoroughly amused. Why?

Harper was relaxed as well, but had the ‘eureka’ look on her face. What was she saying? She was talking to...

Cathal. Cathal, who was cooing and petting the skeleton. The skeleton?

The T-Rex. It was calm. And it was flirting with Cathal, in the way that birds so often did.

A few actors were missing, but Kevin needed to exit the situation. He slid off the beast’s back, stepped over to Cathal, and wordlessly handed him the end of the makeshift lasso, as though it were a dog’s leash. Then he walked over to the remnants of a living room, grabbed a stray couch cushion, and pressed his face into it. Then he started a groanesque noise that slowly evolved into a dull roar before crescendoing into a scream no wind could steal away, and the couch cushion could only just muffle. Then, traumatized cushion thrown aside, Kevin found where he left his words.

“It’s too late to stop Cathal from keeping the dinosaur, isn’t it?”
"What would the difference between a regular tiger smoothie and a sabertooth tiger smoothie be?" Cathal asked, absently accepting the velvet lead from Kevin and skritching the T-Rex under its bony chin.
"Why would you wanna stop him from keeping it?" Harper questioned Kevin as if the idea of keeping an elemental dinosaur was completely natural. The fight with the t-rex was already beginning to fade away from Harper's limited attention, despite the fact that the beast remained clearly within view. She was focusing on more important matters. Like the menu.

"Well the tiger smoothies have orange juice, maybe we could make a sabertooth smoothie with like mango. We could even add tajin and chamoy to make it like a mangonada..." She paused, "Although I don't think most people know what that is or expect that from a coffee shop..." she reconsidered, "We could try PEACH!" She interrupted over herself. "I'm sure the grocery store has frozen bags of both. We can even use the strawberry drizzle from the meowmosas if we wanna add stripes. Just to keep it looking on brand. Maybe have it run as a special for a few days. We can get a read on what we can tweak."

Coming up with new recipe ideas- especially those based on cute names- was by far one of Harper's favorite parts of her new cat girl identity and matching career.

Harper slid over to Norah and threw her weight over her coworkers shoulders, "Whatcha think, Norah?"
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She watches Kevin’s dismount with light concern which increases to significant when he starts screaming into the pillow. “Should we like… do something about that?” Norah murmurs to Vidar before being pulled into the conversation about a new smoothie.

“I think that sounds absolutely delicious,” she agrees, absentmindedly wrapping an arm around Harper. “Heck, now I want a smoothie. Wait.” A thought suddenly occurs to her. “Think the wizard could make the dino small? And then it would both fit in the alley with the other critters and also not trash the city anymore.” Since apparently we now rehabilitate the kaiju as well as fight them, she added internally.
“True. But then what will we do with it?” She considers. “I suppose we could apologize for yesterday’s kerfuffle, but…” Norah glances in the direction of where Kevin tossed aside the pillow and is reminded of the emotional honesty of some of the cats in their crew. “I don’t know that we could actually manage to look sorry enough for him to believe us.”
"I wasn't there. I can go myself," Cathal suggested. The T-rex was doing its level best to curl up in his armpit, which would certainly be a very cozy place for a much smaller creature to be.
Vidar watched all of this happen before he could even go a single round with a dinosaur- the disappointment on his face is palpable as he sheathes his disparaging sword with a woosh of nun-movment.

"yeah. I guess," he says about the wizard stuff and keeping the dinosaur.
“Oh! That could work.” Norah looks to the flying saucer-shaped tower several blocks away, only just visible beyond the skyscrapers in between it and the hill they now stand on. After a pause she continues, “I want to make a Wizard of Oz joke but I think I’ll hate myself if I do, so we should just go.”

She notices Vidar sulking and shrugs apologetically. "Better luck next time?"
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Harper had jumped up fully on Norah's back, as the more responsible folks made plans. "I'll make you so many smoothies." she promised.

At Norah's comment to Vidar, Harper added with a big smile, "I'll make you a smoothie too, boss man sir. Just lemme know the flavor."
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"Peach and Lychee would be good," He says idly looking up at the dinosaur Cathal has tammed with increasingly dubious eyebrows.
Sue pranced around Cathal, still preening like a rooster flirting with the fattest hen in the Coop as Cathal lead her north to the unmistakable silhouette of the wizard's tower. He paused at the base to give her more scratches before calling up, "Hello? Mr. Wizard?"

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