• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

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butterfly aubade

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1. Fairly obvious, but no mary-sues and gary-stues. A good rule of thumb is to perhaps have four virtues and four vices (for balanced character), but you're free to add as many as you want, so long as they're proportionate to each other.

2. This is a fantasy roleplay with a conflict-centered plot, but please keep your character in check. Do not make them over-powered.

3. Observe your competition. Think of character traits and potential back story subplots that could make your character stand out from the rest.

4. This goes without saying, but please abide by all of RPNation's rules.

5. Submit your character sheets by the due date.

6. You're allowed to apply for as many roles as you'd like; but keep in mind I will only be accepting one from each person.


You're free to use any character sheet format you please, but you must include the following information:

- Character Name
- Role (on the interest check, link in "Other")
- Age
- Gender*
- Sexuality
- Race*
- Place of birth
- Current allegiance
- Their steed*
- Rank in hierarchy
- (At least) 4 virtues & vices
- A short paragraph detailing their back story (with their character descriptions used in reference, and the blank lines I've left in the descriptions filled in with a reason as to why things went down the way they did)
- A realistic face claim (I recognize this is a fantasy roleplay, but try your best; if you're unsure or stuck, feel free to PM me for suggestions)

* NOTE: The roles are gender-locked so read through the character descriptions carefully! I've also hinted at what race each role is if they do not human heritage (feel free to look at the Lore page for descriptions of each race). If I haven't mentioned race at all in your character description, you can assume they're human, but can add in a few magical creatures as distant ancestors if you wish. Information regarding steeds are also available on the Lore page.

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click the picture​
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[div class=name] SILENT QUEEN [/div]
[div class=circlepic][div class="circletext hidden"]

[div class=basicscontainer][div class=basics][div class=subtitle]full name[/div] Roza Vetalz

[div class=subtitle]role[/div] Silent Queen

[div class=subtitle]age[/div] 34

[div class=subtitle]sexuality[/div] Heterosexual

[div class=subtitle]race[/div] Human

[div class=subtitle]Place of birth[/div] Weisslogia

[div class=subtitle]Rank in hierarchy[/div] Queen

[div class=subtitle] Current allegiance[/div] Her family (King/Children)

[div class=subtitle] Steed [/div] B95CD964-3F03-4B04-BD71-6DF648C7E984.gif

[/div][/div][div class=header1]ROZA VETALZ[/div]
[div class=textcontainer][div class=pages][div class=subtitle] vices[/div]

[div class=subtitle] Virtues[/div]
- Compassionate
-Justice drove

[div class=subtitle] History[/div]
Lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus. Velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Sed odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed. Quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est. Ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec. Viverra aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque. Vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non. Diam vel quam elementum pulvinar. Aliquam purus sit amet luctus. Molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit. Quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero. Tortor posuere ac ut consequat. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque. Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque. Condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi.

[/div][/div][div class=header2] [/div]
[div class=credit]code by sox[/div]
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Elazer Everlocke
sound the bugle now, tell them i don't care. there's not a road, that leads to anywhere.

Wretched King
i am a solider, wounded so i must give up the fight !
[div class="tabsContent tabsContent01" style="display: none;"]
place of birth | carlisle castle, weisslogia.
rank in hierarchy | reigning king
allegiance | weisslogian crown
spouse | tba
children | tba
steed | icarus, a massive white dragon with blue-gray spikes and ridges. muscular build and impenetrable scales make him deadly.

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[+] persuasive| [--] cynical
[+] generous | [--] weak-willed
[+] self-aware | [--] cowardly
[+] book smart | [--] unambitious

description | elazer was what you'd call a person of the crowd. he's never charging at the front, blazing a new trail or lagging behind. instead, he carefully positions himself into the middle of the pack, able to seamlessly blend in. be forgettable. if he had the courage, he would've made for a particularly talented spy. however, given his royal birth (and weisslogian's extremely under-developed intelligence network), it was a fate not meant to be. nevertheless, that didn't stop the king from dreaming in his younger, more naรฏve days. as a boy, he would often get made fun of by his siblings for being a "moon-eyed bookworm." while it was meant as an insult, elazer never took it such. instead, he prides himself on his voracious hunger for knowledge and borderline-insufferable curiosity. it was no surprise that he rarely left the library as a child, often spending up to two days in the room without emerging for food or drink. (much to the disappointment of his mother and distaste of his father). an innate dissatisfaction with reality was soon cultivated through many sessions of binge reading in the library. the boy desperately wished to live in a world, away from the dry, boring life that was his own. to this day, the king harbours a desire to escape. to shed his crown and all the responsibilities that come with it. although he knows this is both a selfish and cowardly wish, he feels little guilt for it. elazer makes for a terribly unmotivated and passive monarch, relying mainly on his wife to see to the duty of ruling.
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fears | abandonment, drowning, dying in battle, war, being inadequate. he often deals with these fears by simply ignoring them, using denial as a coping mechanism. if he doesn't acknowledge the existence of his problems, then they don't exist. at least, not in the perfect world he's got crafted in his mind -- the sanctuary he sinks into whenever reality becomes too much to bear. his cynical side was also acquired via time, donned as a mask to hide away his hurt and despair. elazer has not gotten more mellow with age. it's been quite the opposite, as he's started acting borderline abusive to his immediate family and began isolating them from himself. although, deep down, he's not a bad person, he despairs at what his life has become after succeeding his father. a monarch whose shadow he knew he would never be able to overcome, thus he didn't even try.
likes | reading, drinking, writing, entertaining himself with women, ignoring his duties, solving jigsaw puzzles, painting, listening to music.
dislikes | responsibility, commitment, being tied down, expectations, war/violence.
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history | born to king darius the II and queen lorelei, elazer was the youngest of three sons. prince idris (the eldest) had been named the heir, and was everything a good ruler needed to be: authoritative, bold, intelligent and outspoken. prince gwayne (the second born) had a natural talent for warfare and thus trained as a warrior, making a name for himself as a gifted leader among the military. elazer was what you'd call a happy accident. his conception wasn't planned, but family rejoiced at his birth anyway. unfortunately, his birth was perhaps the only part of his life his family was satisfied with.

at a young age, elazer proved himself to be an avid reader with a seemingly endless appetite for knowledge. he was a quiet child, preferring the company of the printed word to actual people. while his family didn't discourage him from reading, the amount of time he spent in the library became concerning when he started skipping meals and other formal events that required his attendance. his brothers often teased him for practically being a hermit -- an insult he graciously accepted and took into stride. he soon became known as a "hermit prince," much to the irritation of darius, his father, who was puzzled at his young son's fascination with books.

of course, this friendly family banter soon stilled at the unexpected death of his father and elder brother, idris. the pair were reported mia (missing in action) following one of the bloodiest battles between weisslogia and vupaenth to date. their bodies were never recovered, forcing the grieving family to bury empty caskets. gwayne, who had been particularly close with idris, took their deaths the hardest. the second-eldest prince fell into a spiral of depression, a disease that ultimately caused him to take his own life shortly after his brother and father's death. what happened after that was a complete blur to elazer, who had become numb to the magnitude of the loss. he was subsequently crowned as the new king of weisslogia, married off to a woman he'd never met and soon became a father. unable to face his past and unwilling to move on, elazer soon found himself stuck in a limbo of hate, anger and crushing anguish. feelings he dealt with by isolating himself from his family and responsibilities, turning instead to the embrace of strange woman and alcohol.

when his wife gave birth to a son, the high priest of the circle told him (in confidence) that the boy was likely a reincarnation of his father. shocked (and quite frankly, half-mad with grief), he announced the prince to be the new heir, finding solace in his father's "return" to the living world. he began doting on the boy. this behavior ultimately drove his daughter (whom he had neglected for the majority of her life) away from the weisslogian throne.
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Janus Itimar

Real Name: King Janus II Itimar
Role: The Cold King

Age: Eight-and-Forty(48)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Human
Place of Birth: The Royal Palace of Amadeia
Current Allegiance: Vupaenth
Steed: A pitch black Serpent named "Caedis"
Rank in Hierarchy: King of Vupaenth
Virtues: Intelligent, Calculative, Strategic, Practical
Vices: Cold, Laconic, Underhanded, Ambitious
From Dawn to Dusk Gary's Version
From a young age, Janus knew that what his father did was not right, was not becoming of the king of Vupaenth. King Avuras, Janus' father, was a disgusting man, lazy and cruel for no other reason than because he could be. He let the rich do as they pleased, killing, buying, and selling as they pleased. So, yes, as some would say, Janus did always hunger for the throne, but not because he desired ultimate power as some would have you believe, but rather that Janus knew, from the bottom of his heart, that only he could lead Vupaenth to the glory she deserved.

For much of his youth, Janus served as the apprentice and understudy for the rather renowned Tactician Sapphira Voclain in the War Committee, given that role by his father's adviser, Lord Vermisan, as a way to give the young Janus something to do. Of course, no one in the War Committee besides Sapphira herself actually thought the boy could be anything but another slovenly pig like his father. Of course, Janus proved them wrong with how easily he took to his role, able to understand his enemies easily, and was even able to prove himself on the field of battle by gaining a victory against a group of brigands that was three times the size of his own platoon, but at the cost of his serpent, Rache.

Soon after he and Sapphira returned to Amadeia, the tactician rewarded his skill by taking him to the shop of a well renowned Enchantress by the name of Lilissa Eldar, to replace his previous serpent. When they had first met, Lilissa found the young man before her to not be nearly as handsome as she would have expected of a prince, while he barely considered her for longer than a few moments before informing her of some of his ideas for his mount, promising that the crown would be able to cover the costs of the enchantments, which Lilissa said would take three months to design the enchantments and engrave them into the Serpent's scales.

And so, she began on her work, designing many a clever workaround and remarkable shorthand in order to fit all the enchantments the princeling wanted onto the beasts scales. During all this, Janus would constantly visit her shop, visiting at least once a day, and always voraciously curious about her work.

Often, the young man would find himself pestering her for how the enchantments, and though a bit annoyed, Lilissa was surprised to find that he was rather easily capable of understanding the higher concepts and intricacies of her work with only a little help on her part.

As the days turned into weeks, they would slowly grow more comfortable with one another, and their conversations would naturally shift from solely enchanting to talks about many subjects, from warcraft to philosophy, always finding the both of them fluent in the topics, until finally the conversations turned into something about themselves.

Janus learned that both of Lilissa's parents had died when she was a girl, and had been largely raised by her grandmother, who had taught her everything she knew about enchanting, and had helped her to prepare herself for the examination for her own enchanter's license. Lilissa learned how Janus despised his father and siblings, considering them disgusting traitors to the country in favor of greed, gluttony, and lust. And so, Lilissa planted the first seed of rebellion into Janus' mind with but statement. "You could do something about it." It was a simple sentence, but it seemed to spark something in Janus' mind, an idea that had half coalesced and still needed a little time to incubate.

From there, their relationship gradually grew, and soon it seemed less and less like Janus was coming to check on her progress, and more that he was coming to check on her, and Lilissa found that she liked the idea more than she thought she would. Finally, a week before the end of the third month, Janus would ask her to come to a Military Ball hosted by the Triad in celebration of their major victory against the brigands that had been plaguing the southern half of the kingdom for decades. But more important than any brigands or generals in the eyes of Janus, Lilissa accepted.

For some time, Janus was quite happy. He was madly in love, he had a good career, and Vupaenth seemed to being growing stronger. But, of course, all good things come to an end. After a secret investigation, none other than the Adviser of the King Himself was found to have been secretly selling secrets of the Kingdom to multiple enemies of the state, most horrifyingly Weisslogian agents, and was quickly arrested and held in the deepest hole they could find while a trial was set. But, before the trial could take place, King Avuras himself pardoned the bastard and willed that he be let go, while Warmaster Taranis Grissell, who had been the commander of those who discovered the spy, was to be stripped of his title as Warmaster, and sent along with everyone serving under him to Orvitus to act as commander there, while the three men who had actually discovered the nobles wrongdoing were to be executed by hanging.

But the worst part was that the criminal Adviser Lord Vermisan, was to replace Taranis as Warmaster, while still acting as the Royal Adviser, with all the power that came with both titles. Of course, everyone could see that this time, Avuras had gone too far in allowing the nobles to control him, and as the pot of discontent quickly began to overflow, Janus remember what Lilissa had once said to him. "You could do something about it."

And so he did.

Approaching Taranis, Janus was able to convince him with relative ease to help the young prince in leading a coup against his own father and claim the throne, while agreeing to remove any major influence the nobility had on the kingdom to prevent something like this from ever happening again.

With the Warmaster's aid, it was easy to convince the rest of the triad to aid him, so they gathered together for the plan. Known as the Council of Six in the history books, at the time it was little more than a rushed meeting to hopefully come up with some way to defeat the King and what forces still remained to him with as little bloodshed and the possibility of civilian casualties. The members of that council were Janus' party, led by himself, and accompanied by Lilissa Marskan and Sapphira Voclain, while the Triad were Warmaster Taranis Petras, Warmaster Ion Katsaros, a celestial enchanter who had created his own enchanted arms and armor that were said to allow him to fly better than a Wessilogain dragon without needing a mount, and Warmistress Eirini Antonis, a master of guerrilla warfare who had never had a single casualty during battle due to her quick thinking and willingness to bend with her opponents when other leaders would push and break against their opponents.

With these six, they constructed their plan of assault on the palace, an idea proposed by Lilissa, for the two days hence, with the Warmasters knowing that the king throws a private ball for the noblemen and women on that date, which would doubtlessly not be postponed or canceled simply because Warmaster Taranis and his men had "Deserted" in the night.

The plan was a complete success.

With the aid of the Triad, Lilissa, and the army of Vupaenth, they marched on the Palace, trapping their enemies within that great monolith. And so began The Three Day War of Succession.

The war, if you could even call it that, was utterly one sided in Janus' favor, and they were able to quickly overwhelm the few loyal hundred soldiers that the king had within the palace, before finding the last survivors waiting for them, ready to die with honor instead of as dogs. In that final melee, Janus slew his father, slew his brothers, and finally claimed his crown.

But that was only the start of his problems.

As King, Janus prepared major reforms to the education system, making all schooling free and merit based, as well as allowing anyone who could pass a standardized test of his own making to enter even the greatest learning institution of Vupaenth, The Royal Academy of Amadeia. Of course, while such actions will endear you to some, it will embitter others. The Nobility of Vupaenth, those overblown pompous fools that had been able to do as they pleased during his father's reign. Many a plot by these callous bastards had been started, and many of those had come to fruition, but only one truly hurt him.

When Janus was 22, Lilissa bore a single, beautiful boy that they named Leonid, after her grandfather. The day the boy was born was the happiest day in Janus' life. Of course, who would have known that the worst day would come only a year later. Shortly after their little son's birthday, Lilissa would enter the nursery and found a dark cloaked man standing over her child. Informing her that he was an assassin sent to kill her and Janus, he proceeded to inform her that while killing had its perks, this job struck him as being too easy. So, he coerced Lilissa into taking her own dagger to slay her love, stating that if she didn't, the assassin would reach down and kill the sleeping infant with a single, well placed cut.

Seeing no other alternative, Lilissa accepted, heading towards their bedroom. There, Janus still lay resting in the early morning light, and hear thumping, she raised the dagger, just as Janus would awake. A quick defensive move and the knife was skidding across the floor, and Lilissa was on her knees, sobbing, and telling him that now their son would die. Taking the dagger, Janus would slip towards the door, before spotting the assassin, drawn into the room and away from the baby by Lilissa's cries, seeming to think that she had killed him. Not that he got to voice any of this, as before he could speak, Janus slit his throat and dropped him like a wet sack of meat.

This attempt on their lives was going to be kept secret, never told beyond the two if them, but a number of nobles stepped forward and accused the Enchantress of trying to murder Janus. They threatened war if the woman was not punished and their child removed, and so Janus, working with his love, formulated a plan to smuggle them out of the palace and deep into the city proper, as fakes would take the place of her and Leonid. With Lilissa, Janus also sent two of his most trusted men, men who he had been working with for years, and sent them with them.

While many believed that Lilissa had been exiled, one did not. The Warmaster and ally of Janus, Taranis . Believing that the nobility had done something to her and Leonid, the man began investigating, all the while aided by the spy of one of those very nobles. As he would grow closer to discovery, Janus would learn that Taranis' squire was a known spy of the nobles, and so feared that his friend had betrayed him, all while growing ever closer to where Lilissa and Leonid had been hidden away. And so, he did the one thing he could do. He had the two of them charged with spying against the crown, and locked away. Of course, it was only with this that Janus would learn the truth, as the Nobles would call for his head. Going to his cell, they both revealed the truth to the other, now realizing that they had been played by the nobles. Janus promised to free Taranis, but the old warmaster knew it was far too late.

The next day, Taranis was falsely convicted on charged of spying, manslaughter, and high treason.

Eventually, Janus would have to make a deal with the nobles, agreeing to "replace" Lilissa with a harem of women chosen by the nobles themselves, and forced to take an adviser in the form of none other than Lord Vermisan, still alive and still very much a traitorous little worm of a man.

After this, Janus would sire more children, never caring about the women they came from and seeing the children turned against him by his wives. Slowly, his power was taken from him, trapping him more and more within the confines of the Palace. But with the Great Humiliation, the Nobles saw their chance. Leading a smear campaign against him, they would shackle him even more and force from him any power he still had left, all of it given to Vermisan.

Until now, he has been stuck, sitting and watching as his country turns to ruin and his people grow to hate him for his inaction, calling him The Cold King for his inaction and apparent abandonment of all duties after The Great Humiliation. So, trapped watching as the Nobles ruined the country in preparation of a Weisslogian takeover, he sees a ray of hope in the Basilisk, a challenge that the nobles are unable to quell, as many of the tacticians that had once served with The War Council had now joined the Basilisk. And as the duplicitous little worm that had caused so much of this too happen came sniveling and begging for him to help defeat the Basilisk, there was only one thing he could do. Janus.... Laughed.
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[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:536px; margin:auto; [/class] [class=charabox] max-width:100%; background:#ccc; [/class] [class=charaimg] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; width:200px; height:200px; pointer-events:none; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=charactertxt] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; max-width:350px; height:200px; overflow:hidden; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; padding:3px 5px 5px 5px; [/class] [class=charabox1] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#254227; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin:2px 0px 2px 0px; [/class] [class=charabox2] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#254227; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin:2px 0px 2px 0px; [/class] [class=charabox3] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; width:169px; margin-right:1px; [/class] [class=charabox4] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; width:145px; min-height:155px; background:#254227; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin-left:1px; [/class] [class=charabox5] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#254227; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin-bottom:2px; [/class] [class=text] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding:5px; text-align:justify; color:#313131; [/class]
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=charabox][div class=charaimg]
[/div][div class=charactertxt][div class=charabox1]Ilenya Meressi[/div][div class=charabox2]The Wise Elder[/div][div class=charabox3][div class=charabox5]73 years old[/div][div class=charabox5]Female[/div][div class=charabox5]Elf[/div][div class=charabox5]Heterosexual[/div][div class=charabox5]Ryserian Frontier[/div][div class=charabox5]A white mare[/div]
[/div][div class=charabox4]+ Dutiful | - Brusque
+ Assertive | - Overconfident
+ Shrewd | - Stubborn
+ Benevolent | - Overbearing

[/div] [/div]
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no slide
code by @Fyuri
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[div class=fyuri07infohover][div class=fyuri07header]Basics[/div]

Full Name: Adrian Michail Barulas
Actual Name: Leonid Nym Eldar Itimar
Nicknames: Adri, Baru, Warlock
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Half-Human ; Half-Celestial
Place of Birth: Vupaenth Castle
Role: The Fallen Star

[/div][div class=fyuri07infohover2][div class=fyuri07header]Appearance[/div]

Face Claim: Orlando Bloom ; as Legolas from Lord of the Rings
Hair Color: Light Blond
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs
Distinguishing Features: "Unexplainable" Regal Air ; Careful Speech ; Braids
Physical Ailments: Prone to Sunburns
Scars/Tattoos/Markings: Star on Left Wrist ; Basilisk on Back
Adrian possesses light blond hair that mimics that of his mother, who was a full-blooded Celestial Enchantress. His eyes and complexion also mimic that of his mother, who also had light blue eyes and pale skin. Although he is only half-Celestial, he resembles them quite much, though his blond hair is very much human. However, his regal air seems to refute this, as he carries himself with impeccable posture and a blank face. He has been known to be quite emotionless, though occasionally a smirk flickers over his features. His voice carries a low timbre, with a slight lilt to it that seems foreign, though he has been raised in Vupaenth. Despite his former position as the apprentice to a War Committe tactician, he prefers the simpler tunics of the common folk, as he identifies more with them than any other class. He keeps his hair long, about halfway down his back, with two small braids on either side of his face, and a bow and arrow permanently remain slung over his back, although rumor has it he has little experience with one.

[/div][div class=fyuri07infohover3][div class=fyuri07header]Psyche[/div]

Adrian is mostly defined by the simmering rage underneath his cool exterior. He has a strong hatred for his father and the aristocracy of Vupaenth Kingdom, mostly for the wrongs they have wrought upon his mother. It is barely discernible from the view of strangers, but those in the rebellion can recognize the fire in his blue eyes. His responses are short and clipped when referencing strategy regarding the rebellion, though he is also very precise with his words and does what he can to make sure he is not misunderstood.

Many have labeled him a genius, and he would accept this moniker, except he would rather not draw attention to himself. He is rather cautious with his sharing of information and only lets go of pieces he feels the receiver absolutely needs to know. Secrecy, he finds, is the key to a successful rebellion, for without it, it can be taken down from the inside. That, and it helps to not draw the wrong sort of attention in a given situation. However, he does enjoy the uproar that has come about lately, now that the Basilisk's leadership has been revealed. But only because he wants his father to squirm...

For the most part, Adrian has very little care for others. In general, he is able to recognize injustice and discrimination. Most of his life, though, has been dedicated to either his mother or his own learning, so he is rather inadequate at caring for others. Even the Basilisk is not necessarily someone he considers beside their professional relationship, though he admits a certain loyalty to her... if only because she can help him seek justice against his father. If he ever loved anyone, it was his mother. But since she died before he could truly recognize this feeling, it has been locked away, and only a cold, dark pit remains, seeking vengeance against the man who caused his mother's suffering.

Virtues: Intelligent, Resourceful, Clever, Honest
Vices: Calculating, Temperamental, Judgmental, Uncaring
Likes: Lilissa, His Serpent ; Reading ; the Basilisk ; Lilissa, His Mother
Dislikes: His Father ; Windy Days ; Aristocracy ; Birds (No Explanation)
Quirks: tends to use one eyebrow raised as an answer to a question ; occasionally hums a lullaby his mother used to sing him (similar to his theme song)

[/div][div class=fyuri07infohover4][div class=fyuri07header]History[/div]

This is what he knew for sixteen years of his life.

Adrian Barulas was born to Karissa Barulas, his father unknown because he had abandoned them. They were rather poor, which was fine, because Adrian only cared for his mother, who was charming and sweet despite their tricky situation. She had a tendency to look over her shoulder nervously whenever they went out, but Adrian assumed this was normal and ignored it. He was raised in a protective bubble of his home and his mother, who tried her best to educate the boy even though their resources were lacking.

When Adrian was about seven years old, his mother fell ill, a sickness an older woman in the neighborhood referred to as "heartsickness." He wasn't sure what that meant, but he stayed by his mother's bedside until the day she finally passed away, clutching his hand. The older woman with the strange diagnosis took him in, showering him with kindness and even more affection than his mother had (she had not been the most emotional of women).

The older woman was even more rigorous with his education, and so he grew to be an intelligent young teenager. This was noticed by someone, though he wasn't sure who, and soon he was offered an apprenticeship with a tactician on the War Committee. He was fifteen at the time. Under his mentor, he flourished, and they found that he had a knack for reading the Runic Alphabet, which, though not terribly hard to understand, was not a skill many readily possessed. With this, Adrian shifted his aspirations to magical defense, a subgroup of the tactician team. He finally had a goal in mind, whereas before he had simply learned for the sake of learning.

One day, he was absentmindedly writing down notes from a meeting with the War Committee when he drew a rune on the page without meaning to. The page turned green.

Why had it done that?

A little panicked and desperate to find out, Adrian dug through the crate of his mother's things--which he had insisted on keeping out of a strange sense of sentimentality--and found a worn leather-bound journal. Opening it, Adrian discovered it was his mother's diary, in which she recounted events from her entire life, perhaps as a way to share her background with her son. And it was through her writing that Adrian's world fell on his head.

This is what he did not know about his life.

Adrian Barulas's real name was Leonid Nym Eldar Itimar, and he was the son of the current king of Vupaenth. While this was shocking enough, it turned out his mother was a full-blooded Celestial Enchanter, a race whose bloodlines were becoming more and more diluted with that of humans. His mother's true name was Lilissa Eldar, and she had run a sort of "shop," where the king, then a prince, had come to her and paid her to enchant his serpent. Over time, they had fallen in love, overthrown the current king, and had him in the process.

About a year after Adrian (or Leonid) was born, a political enemy threatened his life, forcing his mother to attempt to murder her lover, the king. Those self-same political enemies, learning of the incident, demanded that the king punish Lilissa and her son. The king therefore exiled them, but it was a farce. Lilissa assumed a new name, as well as one for her son, and while they were publicly exiled, they remained in the Vupaenth Kingdom.

Adrian did not take this revelation well at first. He felt an immense, insatiable anger toward his "father," whom he had been unwittingly serving while apprenticing on the War Committee. So what did he do?

He fully learned the Runic Alphabet.

Perhaps it was his mother's blood, or perhaps it was his already blossoming intelligence, but Adrian only needed a year and a half to fully practice creating and using enchantments. When he took the qualification exam for a magical license, he aced it with flying colors, much to his mentor's delight.

Then he disappeared.

For all intents and purposes, that was what his mentor knew, at least. Adrian had been gifted a young serpent for his work on the Committee, and he worked diligently during his studies to enchant its scales. Once he received his magical license, he and his serpent traveled to the Muthoag Isles, where he met other Celestials and learned new magics with them. He spent approximately two and half years with them before returning to Vupaenth, where he discovered the old woman who had raised him following his mother's death was dead. He grieved, but he hadn't expected much. They hadn't truly spoken in four years.

Adrian moved into the woman's home (his serpent lived on the roof), and he trained himself in his new magical abilities. All the while, his rage with his father simmered, and he longed to do something, anything, to counteract it...

It was then he met her.

He was in a tavern, for no particular reason, when he met the woman who would change his life. She whispered to him of changes that had to be made in the Vupaenth Kingdom, and though he wasn't too concerned with the state of affairs, he couldn't help but agree. It was then she murmured the treasonous word that fully swayed him to the "dark side": "rebellion."

They were the first two in this rebellion, and over the next four years, they would gather supporters from the lower classes. For four long years, they bided their time, sowing seeds of discontent and discord. Adrian's new "friend" (if they considered themselves that) became the face of the rebellion, although very few except him knew she was indeed a she. She became known as the Basilisk, and him, her right hand. His face was the most recognized of the rebellion, but it was her leadership that truly defined it.

And now, while the Basilisk strives to join the rebel forces of the Weisslogia Kingdom, Adrian can only wait to confront his father and seem him fall to his knees.

Theme Song: "Into the West" - Annie Lennox

[/div][div class=fyuri07infohover5][div class=fyuri07header]Other Info[/div]

Allegiance: The Basilisk and Her Rebellion
Steed: Juvenile Serpent, Lilissa
Hierarchy Rank: Former Tactician Apprentice ; Poor ; Technically Speaking, Prince of Vupaenth Kingdom
Archery - Average at best, but otherwise fairly decent. Not his best skill.
Enchanting - Although he learned of this ability later than most Celestial descendants most likely do, he is allowed to practice magic due to his rigorous self-study in the Runic Alphabet.
Sewing - Seemingly irrelevant, but in his case, this applies to medical and practical usages.

[/div][div class=fyuri07credit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
I'm so sorry, I took too long and didn't even finish with the coding I was working on for it. I can get the writing in but it won't be as well written and informative as I'd like--I'll update it as soon as I finish with the final draft! Here's what I have so far, though:

- Character Name
Semet Evaรฉlinothe

- Role (on the interest check, link in "Other")
The Wise Elder

- Age

- Gender

- Sexuality

- Race

- Place of birth
Republic of Ryseria

- Current allegiance
Republic of Ryseria
(I donโ€™t know what tribes there are yet, so Iโ€™ll give that once the info on Republic of Ryseria is released)

- Their steed
Larkspur Earth Pheonix (Mika)

- Rank in hierarchy
High in rank
(Iโ€™ll provide the correct title for her later, too)

Semet was born to two respected members of her Elven tribe. Her mother, Isla, was a master with animals and nature, while her father, Sani, was the product of a long line of talented elves. He wasnโ€™t โ€œThe Wise Elderโ€ until she was young teen, though. That role was for her Grandfather, who passed away of old age when she was 12. While it was devastating, he lived a long life.

She wished she could say the same for her father.

They were close. Semet had shown exceptional promise with magic from a young age, especially because her third eye's ability developed so early. Her father quickly started teaching her magic. She was very enthusiastic, both from the praise and from the excitement of following her ancestors' footsteps. She sought to become as knowledgeable as possible, so she of course she'd follow her dear Papa and learn from him. She helped him with his duties, and loved being taught magic every day. Her Grandfather was someone she also admired, and she would often tryโ€”and failโ€”to sneak into confidential meetings with leaders and other elders.

Semet had an immersive childhood, despite the heavy duties. Being the eldest of four, she had to care for everyone, which meant lots of leashes to tighten. Still, living in a loving tribe made things easierโ€”most people had many siblings, anyway, and with everyone being like family, they all supported each other. She loved playing games, the traditional rituals, hunting, and she absolutely couldnโ€™t get enough of the phoenixes they raised. Her mother was strict, but she let her daughter assist anyway, resulting in the young child being taught many tricks and training techniques. Apart from what she had been learning with steeds, her father taught her about hunting, weaponry, magic, and history regarding the Elves. Semet had a thirst for daily activity and being productive, so though her schedule was so packed, it was rewarding. She'd go to sleep exhausted, and still have energy for the next day to do it all again. Her life being raised was full of bliss and happiness.

Then her father died.

Everything happened much faster than she ever thought it would. He was gone in the blink of an eye, and she was immediately thrust into the life of an "Elder" at 17. She didn't have time to grieveโ€”she couldn't. She had a responsibility to do well by her family, and carry the on legacy. She was the first born, and an adult, so there was no choice but to suck it up and work while her siblings and mother took it easy. That's how her father had done it, too. This is what she's been preparing for her entire life. It was tough, but her hard work showed. She quickly gained people's respect, despite her young age.

However, Semet couldn't sleep since her mentor died. She'd leave and run all night, or see some of the phoenixes, so she wouldn't have to cry at home. Her head started to feel full and clouded. The simplest of tasks would overtake her.

It didn't take long before the pressure got to her. She lasted a few months before her effort and work ethic began to deteriorate. It started small, with her little night trips extending to morning. Then, it was to the afternoon. Soon she'd be gone the whole day. There'd be times when she was found passed out somewhere in a tree, or when she came home sick and unable to work. She started leaving for longer intervals, to places unknown. She'd travel around and be reckless, meeting strangers, and escaping her duties. The only thing she ever took with her were the clothes on her back and a baby Earth phoenix she had begun to raise. When she returned, she'd struggle to tend to that which she was supposed to, and barely supported her family and tribe. In months, "The Wise Elder" was nothing but a title. It was never referred to in regards to Semet. There was even talk of the line dying with her fatherโ€”that his early passing was the foreshadowing of this, despite her showing promise as one of the most competent just months before. Her relationships were also added onto the list of things being left in the dirt, with friends and family being let down time and time again. Her mother and her had an especially tough time. The older woman had always been strict, so despite the knowledge of the previous Elder's death being the cause for this downfall, Isla had no patience for her daughter's actions.

Eventually, Semet got pregnant.

Years of traveling alone, fickle attitude, and poor choice making resulted in many, many one-night stands and drunken partying. At 21, her actions caught up to her, and a child to an unknown father was quickly added to the familial line. While she only continued to be frowned upon, it seemed to wake something up inside of the young woman. She stopped drinking and wouldn't go missing for as long. She spent more time at home, even if she was mostly just with the tribe's many steeds. She began supporting her family again, and every so slowly, her relationships started healing.

Semet began to pull her shit together.

Her old spark started to come back. Her father would be ashamed. Why had she let herself get this far? She did all that work, preaching her loyalty and oaths to her tribe and nation, shouting to the heavens that she'd live up to her title. There were no excuses for her actions. This happened because she wasn't competent enough--she couldn't let her son be born to a woman like herself.

Semet began acting more responsibly, her determination to regain everyone's trust and to provide for her family leading each movement. Her work-ethic was returning, as well, proving to be a dedicated mother and powerful Elder. She finally began to stay true to her word.

Still, while things had started looking up, she wasn't ever looked at the same. Rarely anyone respected her as they had before, and it became obvious that they were skeptical with a lot of suggestions and claims she'd make for the sake of Republic of Ryseria. Sure, Semet felt she deserved this treatment and that they were right to do so, but that didn't change the fact that it made things difficult.

Then, she saw the vision of everyone's demise. Death, destruction, screams, tears--she felt like it was happening in that very moment. It was a nightmare, and one she couldn't make any movements in. She could only watch everything crumble in to ashes.

Semet was passionate when meeting with the Premiers, very much scared out of her wits about the vision. She didn't know if this was to happen tomorrow or in a centuryโ€”they already knew of the rebellions going on with the other Kingdoms, though, so she couldn't help but fear the worst.

She thought they would surely do something, but they grew silent. Everyone used their doubt in her as an excuse to shield their wish to keep freedom from Weisslogia and Vupaenth. She understood they didn't have the best relationship with the other two monarchies, but their actual solution was just to stand by? Maybe Semet would have ignored and let that be a few years ago, but nowโ€”now she had a child. She had seen the home around him shrivel into nothingness with her very eyes. She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't let that happen. She couldn't let him be subjected to any of this--or anyone, for that matter. Innocent children were to die.

If they refused to take action, she would do it alone.

She kept up with her duties, so Semet began to look into her vision more clearly in free time. If she was going to be solo in all of this, she'd needed as much assurance as possible. The creatures she saw weren't any she knew of, so she could only assume it was a species that hadn't developed yet. She wasn't sure if Celestials were pulling together something like that, or if they were natural occurring beings, but she had to take every string she was able to. The woman began to travel to the Muthoage Isles periodically, to both research every non-human creatures there were, and to train more with her phoenix. After all, she had to prepare for battle. She had to do this, and she couldn't let the vision come to pass. She find these creatures, stop them, or kill them if she had to.

For her father.

For her son.

  • Dedicated
    • Even as a child, Semet was always hard-working and passionate with everything. She finishes whatever she starts, even things she doesn't have too much interest in, strictly for self-satisfaction. Her mother, being very strict, also drilled this mind-set into her, so being fervent and ambitious is practically second nature. She doesn't let much stop her, and including fear. She doesn't shy away during frightening situations, and intimating challenges only work to make her more set on overcoming it. This also results in her being very excited about learningโ€”even if it's on a subject she doesn't exactly favor, Semet is always open to new things.
  • Joyful
    • Semet's lively past is what cultivated this trait of hers. She is quick to smile and have fun outside of duties, which also makes her pretty good with children.
  • Sincere
    • Her "do everything with your all" attitude wasn't just restricted to goals and tasks she wanted to complete; these tendencies easily carried into every other aspect into her life, resulting in her becoming an honest person. Being raised with a relatively happy and healthy childhood also meant that it was easy for her to be open and talk to people about anything troubling, so it isn't difficult at all for her to lay out everything for people to see. She's open and doesn't feel the need to hide much, and despite being very honest, has awareness of when and how to appropriately word things.
  • Loyal
    • Again, this passion of hers also applies to relationships. Semet is dedicated to loved ones and feels a strong sense of patriotism, both for the Republic and for her tribe. She tends to feel more rewarded by keeping important relationships and things that hold sentimental value healthy rather than getting ahead in personal endeavors, so betrayal just isn't in her vocabulary.
  • Charismatic
    • This trait is almost a given with the presence of other ones mentioned. She's passionate and emotionally vulnerable, so it's easy for her to bond and make connections with others. With lots of the adults in her family also being high in social status, she had many leaders as role models to look up to, making her pretty socially adept. Small talk, social cues, and persuasion come easy for her, and it doesn't hurt that her looks aren't half bad, either.
  • Righteous
    • Semet also has a strong sense of justice. Even in the face of authority, she chooses to stick with her personal moral compass. She's very kind and generous, too, and feels a sense of responsibility to be caring for others.
  • Intelligent and Wise
    • Semet is a quick learner, has a good memory, and can tends to think fast. This, along with her enthusiasm for learning, makes for a pretty capable and well-rounded individual. She prepared most of her life to be an adviser, so she immersed herself in lots of different things to stay true to the title. She has knowledge on many different subjects, even if most of her expertise lies with magic, combat, and steeds.
  • Compassionate
    • Because she feels very strongly, it's easy for Semet to be empathetic for others. While this doesn't always mean she lets her emotions affect common sense, she is quick to help and reach out to others because of it. She tends to spoil those close to her, and it is to put them before herself, even if her strong morals are mostly the reason for it.
  • Tolerant
    • It can be surprising for some because of her strong passion and emotions, but Semet actually usually has a decently leveled head. She doesn't have a short temper at all. She used to be so as a child, actually (a trait passed from her mother), but it's practically a given that Wise Elders are able to be calm and tranquil, so she learned to channel frustrations healthily early on.
  • Clemency
    • This is also something she developed from training as a Wise Elder. To correctly make decisions, Semet has a knack for handling things relatively fairly, without being too strict, or being to lenient. She's open minded, even if her love for family can filter this skill.
  • Difficult Recoveries
    • It may be difficult to knock her down, it's much harder for her to get back up. Because of her relatively easy upbringing, she hasn't had much situations that were mentally difficult to get through. She can completely shut down, and during struggles like these, the smallest of ant hills can look like triple-sized mountains.
  • Stubborn
    • This is the downside of her determination. She tends to obsess on things she wants to complete, and after making up her mind on something, it's extremely hard to change it.
  • Vain
    • Semet was spoiled as a child. Her intelligence and magical capabilities gave her lots of praise and attention, which definitely got to her head. She's self aware enough to know logically that she isn't good at everything, and like everyone else, has many faults, but that belief is merely superficial. She's usually good at keeping this arrogance of hers under wraps, but only until she fails at something. She holds herself at such a high esteem that the idea of her not being able to do something isn't acceptedโ€”in short, she's a sore loser. She's more likely to believe that she hadn't put in much effort than she is to accept a mistake. This also feeds into her stubbornness, since she tends to think she's right about everything.
  • Poor coping
    • Her poor skills in coping with her own feelings only got worse as time went on. She doesn't like to confront her personal negative emotions, and for a lot of reasons previously mentioned: she's arrogant and stubborn, so with feelings of stress or being overwhelmed, she just sees them as an obstacle to overcome for her goal. In fact, with most things, she sees it as a weakness, and thus, tends to be in denial about certain things being too much for her to handle.
  • Brooding
    • Her good memory, high standards, and tendency to get invested in everything often results in Semet usually getting caught up in the past. This isn't restricted to her own, either; she remembers mistakes of others, as well, and often holds grudges.
  • Judgmental
    • Opinions come quickly for her, especially regarding things with loved ones. She's quick to decide whether she likes or dislikes someone, and because of her stubbornness, rarely changes these opinions.
  • Insecure
    • Despite her arrogance, insecurity is sort of present in every fiber of being at this point. In her younger years, this wasn't a problem at all, but the rough patch she went through after the passing of her father caused it to build more and more. Even if she's mostly recovered, her mistakes always come up in her mind, and she tends to think worse of herself after any reminder. Semet's begun to silently take misfortunes because of this, convinced that it's all punishment for what she put her family and tribe through during that dark timeโ€”she uses her confidence to validate this mindset, as well, and usually tells herself that if she was truly competent, she could what's thrown at her. Her quick judgments of others were even affected by this, because she sometimes writes off dick moves as things she deserves. Her arrogance is upheld in the sense that she strongly believes she's capable of everything of anything, but her insecurity makes every single mistake eat away at her. She gets frustrated easily with herself because of this, and her placid temperament doesn't affect that tendency at all.
  • Easily scared
    • Semet is quick to worry and be frightened, even if it doesn't always show. She's able to continue on from bravery most of the time, but paranoia and timidness still come much to easily for her own taste. She often needs to remind herself to relax sometimes.
  • Promiscuous
    • This side of her usually comes out when drunk or during rough patches, but it comes out very strongly nonetheless. Semet, despite being loving and sincere, hasn't really had a long-term relationship in her lifeโ€”ever. She'd rather focus on leading and studying, so when she's being reckless and more open to intimacy, it would usually be on an impulsive outing where she'd attempt to sleep with anyone within a 10-foot radius. This hasn't really happened in a while, but that doesn't really stop her from lighthearted flirting here and there.
  • Overworks
    • While her dedication and strong nature is a virtue, it also tends to get out of hand. She can obsess over responsibilities and goals to the point where she may neglect vital things like food and rest.
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Character Name
Avelot Grissell
Formerly Urien Taranis

The Basilisk



Asexual Panromantic


Place of birth

Vupaenth Rebellion

A scar-ridden Serpent named Lusai

Rank in hierarchy
Rebel Leader

Virtue | Vice
Articulate | Protective
Capable | Emotional
Dedicated | Strong-Willed
Efficient | Impatient

Born as the last to the now infamous Taranis bloodline, Avelot was raised to high expectations. She was still Urien in those days- a lovely named picked by her father. Her family was comprised of notable military figures- even her elder brother by two years was earning medals. When she began her training, she didnโ€™t see it as a different world per se, but more so her path in life. Her destiny, if you could call it that.

There was a sense of pride she felt walking down the Award Hall. Being able to see all the accomplishments of her ancestors made her proud to be born a Taranis. For- despite the rougher upbringing- they were the ones who protected others, who commanded armies, who slew opposing nations. After her death, Urienโ€™s legacy would be up for all to see, and to remember.

Urien was born luckier than many- a noble by all definitions- and wished to use this power well. She held no animosity to the Crown or any of its royalty either, at least, not until they slew her father. She supposes it was slightly due to a slipup on her part- she could have certainly been more cautious when running back information. But she wasnโ€™t the one to take the fall. That King, that cold, joyless King, he only saw her father. He was too close to uncovering something, it seemed, so that poor excuse for a King had his head. She was there, you know. Urien was there- tucked away and hiding, mind you- when she wept for the first time in years, running as fast and far as she could. Oh, how she ran. She wouldnโ€™t know just how many times she wanted to give up and mope back home, weeping for a father long dead. But something kept her going, and whatever it was- be it honor, hate, or spite- she owed her life. For after years of grief, she finally understood. Her father couldnโ€™t be brought back, and it was certainly too late to uncover whatever secret he had been killed for. No, it was time to dethrone that heartless beast who sat on a throne.

Urien took up the name Avelot- a bird set free from the cage of her noble blood. She learned many new things in the span of a few years, met new people- the most memorable becoming her first and only friend- and taught herself how to lead. She also reexamined the kingdom she was born and raised in, seeing with a much bigger scope.

Now she could see perfectly clear how warped her reality was. She may have been more down to earth than the other noble-blooded, but that still kept her from seeing the chaos at her doorstep. The people were starving, losing their way of life to keep that beast in a crown comfortable as they cried out from their daily toils. But they were not heard. The heavens above could scream and that beast would stay deaf. He did not deserve that crown, did not deserve his kingdom. No, he did not deserve his power. None of the nobles did.

They didnโ€™t deserve to lead.

Face Claim
[div class=fyuriwrapper]
[div class=left][div class=charaimg]
[div class=header] Standing[/div][div class=text]Role: The Rebel Princess
Rank: Ex-heiress, Princess, Rebel Leader
Current allegiance: Weisslogian Rebels (Rebel Faction)

[/div][div class=header] Virtues[/div]
+ Headstrong. Her anxiety tears her apart at the seams and threatens to consume her - the only thing that has kept her going is sheer, indomitable will and her ambition.

+ Grit. While her anxiety and inferiority complex often gets the better of her, when pushed into a corner Zahara becomes an entirely different beast. Only when pushed to breaking point and stripped of her title did she ever stand up to her father - and what a stand it was. She shines when she's at her breaking point - woe to any who might push her to the edge, lest they witness the wrath of a woman scorned and a lifetime of training under the land's finest swordsmen.

+ Theatrical. She can't let her allies see the cracks in her character - she has grown adept at assuming the mantle of a confident and noble Weisslogian warrior queen to mask her flaws and to inspire those under her banner.

+ Cunning. Despite all appearances, she is well aware of her own flaws (though that doesn't mean she can fix them). She knows how the world sees her and what it expects of her, and she uses that to her advantage. She's content to let the world see her as a boisterous and blustering upstart - that gives her more time to bide, obsess and scheme. The world may see her as a hammer, flailing wildly in rebellion - but she knows it only takes a single well-placed blow to win any fight.

+ Educated. By the finest in the land, no less - Zahara has spent a lifetime training, accepting nothing less than excellence from herself - however long it may take.

[div class=header] Vices[/div]
- Inferiority Complex. A lifetime of ridicule has spawned something of an inadequacy complex, and she often doubts her own abilities - leading to hesitation in critical moments.

- Prideful. Ironically linked to her inferiority complex. She has a fierce protective streak with respect to her achievements, and can be spurred into making mistakes when the things she holds dear are threatened. She is typically a little stubborn but only within reason - but she doubles down when challenged.

- Obsessive. She'll often stay up all night or multiple nights obsessing over whatever new anxiety she harbours, fretting over how she might fix it.

- Distrustful. For so long she endured her father's torment, knowing one day it would end and she would reap what she was owed. To have that stolen away from her has left her bitter and betrayed, and she's reluctant about placing her trust in any party. It goes without saying that the alliance with the Vupaneth rebels was one of absolute necessity.

- Inexperienced. Zahara is young - she does not possess the wisdom that comes with experience and age.

[div class=header]Theme Music[/div][/div]
[div class=header2] Princess Zahara
[div class=text]- Age: 18
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Race: Human
- Place of birth: Weisslogia

[/div][div class=header2] Personality[/div][div class=text]

Personality Stuff Will Go Here

[div class=header2]Steed: Tychondrelix
[/div][div class=text]
Tyche is a huge red dragon bristling with armored spikes - one of the biggest in Weisslogia, perhaps second only to Icarus. His wide frame and lack of aerodynamic fins make him poorly suited to maneuvering quickly in flight, but his broad wingspan is ideal for long-distance journeys. He's technically been Zahara's steed for several years now, but during much of that time he was dismissive of her. With many years of training and bonding he's managed to develop a respect for her - particularly after recent events - but he's prone to disobedience unless a firm hand is applied. Predictably, he has a fondness for flameweed and spiced foods.

[div class=header2] Backstory[/div][div class=text]

Zahara is a precocious young thing - she is this because she was afforded no other choice. She was thrust into a turbulent and uncertain world, and before she could even walk she was decreed the successor to the throne.

From a young age she took to her studies with a dutiful dispassion. The young Zahara did not like her mother - the woman would attempt to embrace her and distract her from her studies with frivolities. If she fell behind on her studies, father would ridicule her. She wished mother would cease interfering with her life, and several times even berated her mother for hindering her.

This all came to a head at the age of nine, well underway into her swordsmanship. Though still armed with practice swords, she came to the conclusion that a good queen must be willing to kill - and at that tender age she demanded a real sword from her trainer, whereupon she proceeded to slay her sparring partner. Three years later she would learn his name.

She doesnโ€™t remember much about what happened - a lot of screaming and staring. She hadnโ€™t anticipated that a boy her age could bleed so much and still scream for so long. Things moved in a blur, and after a whirlwind tour of The Circle and a solemn meeting with the priestess, she was marked by fire - branded upon the forearm of her sword arm. โตโต‰โตโดป - an eternal reminder of her first sin.

She was pressed into the company of her mother for reasons she could not understand. The woman insistently embraced her, even more than she had in the past. She was annoying and persistent. Deprived of her study material and forced to spend time with her mother, Zahara acquiesced to the womanโ€™s gestures. She was ten by the time she closed her eyes and hugged her mother back. In that moment she reasoned that her mother had no reason to embrace her so, yet she did nonetheless. Her irritation turned to bafflement, then to confusion. Then to warmth - and finally realization.

The Ninth - One must never banish another soul to afterlife without rationale. She understood it now - that boy must have had a mother who hugged him like this. Someone who made him feel safe like this. Someone who shared his warmth in trying times, someone whose touch was solace. And from this solace came hysteria. She suffered a frenzy of emotion, clawing at her mother and crying wildly, pressing her face against her neck and at last letting the woman shield her from the world.

Weisslogia adhered to the Laws of Moral - and that meant they would not banish souls to the afterlife without thought. But the enemies of Weisslogia cared not for the Laws of Moral - they would just as soon cut down a good man or woman. Somebody who was loved. Somebody for whom people would cry. The beasts of the world would cut down her mother without a thought, given the opportunity. With this knowledge in mind, Zahara resumed her studies with a newfound passion. She would protect her mother. She would protect all mothers, she would protect all good citizens. That was what it meant to be queen.

To say Zahara immersed herself would be an understatement - she adopted the mantle of Weisslogia in every sense of the word. She did not dedicate herself to the blade, to strategy or to matters of Lumen Salutis. Lesser women would be content to choose, but not she. Zahara dedicated herself to all of it, starting with an irreversible reminder of her position. Her first brand was a punishment - the following eight were of her own volition.

โต“โตโดป - one. Branded below the left breast, over the heart to protect it from evil.

โตŸโตกโต“ - two. Branded upon the left hand, to represent a hand given in marriage and ceremony.

โตŸโต€โดปโดป - three. Above the pubic bone, to ward against lust and temptation.

โดผโต“โต“โต” - four. The back of the neck, where a headsmanโ€™s axe would land upon the unrepentant.

โดผโต‰โต–โดป - five. Upon the underside of the chin, to dissuade blasphemy.

โต™โต‰โตฅ - six. Across the stomach, to give thanks for sustenance and life.

โต™โดปโต–โดปโต - seven. Immediately center above the breast, where a locket would rest.

โดปโต‰โดณโต€โตŸ - eight. Across the forehead, where all speakers will witness.

โตโต‰โตโดป - Nine. Upon the right forearm, to serve as an eternal reminder.

Within the span of a year she transformed from a cold and dispassionate prodigy into a paragon of virtue. Encouraged by her motherโ€™s warmth yet shaped by her fatherโ€™s cutting words, she alternated between righteous and passionate intensity in public sphere, and crippling doubt in isolation. She would spend several nights awake practicing the blade and studying until her fingers bled, only to put on a stunning smile a moment later to parade down the streets, hiding the fact that she was dead on her feet with exhaustion. Never once did she rebut her fatherโ€™s verbal lashings - taking his barbed words in silence and telling herself to endure and keep training. She wasnโ€™t good enough - one day she would be, but only if she really wanted it. She didnโ€™t deserve it yet - the future queen would have to be the best of the best. A paragon of her time in any and all ways. If it was easy, then anyone would be queen.

She spoke at mass prayers, forcing her voice to become loud and clear despite her sleeplessness and the coarse pain in her throat. She learned to dance and to properly attend ceremonies, during the day, and she watched over her motherโ€™s war table during the evenings - kept awake by the nagging insistence that an hour spent asleep was an hour wasted.

But between insomnia, anxiety and her fatherโ€™s scathing words, there was something else that ate at her. The boy she had stricken down three years prior. She did some digging, and discovered the boyโ€™s name. Aharam Vengis - a minor noble of a vessel house. He would have been thirteen this year. Some further digging revealed the house to be subordinate to house Altair - a house Zahara was all too familiar with. A son of house Altair, a boy one year her senior. He had spent a great deal of time trying to become close with her, only to be inadvertently foiled away at every opportunity by Zaharaโ€™s rigorous schedule or tiredness. House Vengis had been exceptionally vocal in their calls for Zahara to be punished, but an abrupt visit from House Altairโ€™s retainers quickly silenced those calls. Four days later the head of House Vengis disappeared, and was found a week later outside the city. Talk about the town tell a tale of a man stricken by grief and brought to end his own life - but Zahara couldnโ€™t bring herself to believe that.

At the age of thirteen, she requested a dragon. She was subsequently presented with Tychondrelix - an unruly and monstrous creature with a foul temperament. For years she stubbornly persisted, and for years he continued to defy her, though she managed meager progress over the years through obsessive dedication to the dragon she was given. She knew deep down that she didnโ€™t deserve his respect, but this wasnโ€™t accompanied by the usual sense of worthlessness that came with failure. There was something vivid and real about her failure to tame Tychondrelix - something that felt dense and palpable, if only just outside armโ€™s reach.

Blossoming into adulthood, Zahara only grew more intense and driven - pushing herself to the point of self-destruction. Despite the pleas of her handmaidens and some members of The Circle, she refused to slow down - fully determined to spend every waking moment honing herself. Even her dragon, normally an uncaring brute of a creature, seemed concerned about her - he trapped her beneath his wings more than once to keep her from spearheading her next objective, forcing her to tire herself out and fall asleep. But her dragonโ€™s protests only emboldened her - she knew that by pushing herself to breaking point, she could earn his respect - or at the very least his concern. Nothing was able to shake her resolve.

Nothing until her motherโ€™s pregnancy.

Zaharaโ€™s training meant she had spent less time with her mother, but she still kept her close in moments they had together. When the rest of the world felt brutal and jagged, she was the one thing to remind her of why she burdened herself with such responsibilities. She would become the landโ€™s greatest warrior queen, she would protect her people, and she would lead Weisslogia to victory - that was her entire life.

The announcement of her motherโ€™s pregnancy shook her, and all her insecurities came crashing to the forefront. What if her mother loved her newest child more? What if her mother had no time for her? What if she needed someone to hold her - how could her mother give her that kind of support while supporting a new child? Between Zaharaโ€™s training and her motherโ€™s pregnancy, they found less time together, and Zahara started crumbling. She would spend hours alone in her room, pacing a hole in the floor and panicking. Her father's words cut deeper, and she had nobody to soothe her pain. She began to collapse in on herself, shirking her duties and appearances to lock herself in her room.

One might expect that the birth of a new prince might shake Zahara. One might expect this new prince being named the heir would break her. Well, Zahara broke alright. She broke in the most spectacular of ways. Never before had she rebutted her fatherโ€™s comments, never had she raised her voice to him nor denied his allegations. Never until two days after the new heirโ€™s birth, that is. And what a rebuttal it was. Gathering first House Vengis, then a host of other Vessel Houses, Zahara announced her righteous war from atop her steed, voice booming over the beating of her dragonโ€™s wings.

"You were right all along, father! I will ever be like my grandfather.

I will never be like grandfather, because I will surpass him. I will surpass him just as he did his forefathers, and as they did their forefathers before them! I do not need the permission of a pallid shadow of a king to rule! I do not need the blessing of a pretender to tell me that I am a real queen! While you cling to the shadow of your father, ask yourself this - what hero of Weisslogia, what faithful of Lumen Salutis, what beacon, casts a shadow? None I say! For the shadow you live in is none but your own! And so on this day I proclaim this:

I am Zahara! I am the radiant one!

And there is no shadow in this world dark enough, long enough, cold enough to contain me!

On this day I proclaim this: let there be rebellion!

A rebellion against shadows, for everything we touch will be light!

A rebellion against what was, as we look to what we will be!

A rebellion against our fathers, as we forge a world for our sons!

By your blood in my veins, I am royal!

By the sword I wield, I am a warrior!

And by what I take as my right, I am queen!"

[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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Name: Cheneka Tabec (Silent Queen)
Title: The Silent Queen
Age: 39 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Place of birth: Weisslogian
Current allegiance: Weak ally with Weisslogia/Wouldn't deny helping Weisslogian rebels
Hierarchy: Queen of Weisslogia
A white, feathered dragon named Celeste.

Family oriented- For a woman who has had a relatively tough life, she loves her children to the point where nothing will prevent her from helping them. If she had to find a way to reverse time for her children, she would.
Resourceful- Her childhood taught her politics and etiquette, but she taught herself how to get the most out of nothing; like juicing apple juice from a lemon one could say. She first learnt this skill when her family used the previous king and heirs death to their advantage.
Patient- Cheneka had learned over time that it was better to wait for the right situation than make rash decisions based on impulse. If you are smart you wait for something to set itself before you, instead of forcing and creating the opportunity yourself.
Resilient- Abuse from her husband made her quiet, it did not make her weak however. All of the mental and physical abuse was like a lesson to her; she knew how to bounce back quickly, especially for her children.


Meek- Never wanting her people to suffer to harshy from her husband, she became compliant to him. Always bending to his wish and will, never complaining. With the recent ongoing, could this change or was she forever going to be her husbands toy.
Deceitful- Unsure of were her loyalties lie after her daughter has declared rebellion, she is thinking of betraying her husband and son for her daughter. She loves her son, but he is a boy and her daughter surely would be a better fit.
Self-Critical- Since childhood, she was raised to be a ruler. From this she knew the only thing she could be was the best; if she wasn't the best she was the worst. Continuously, the rage and anger of Elazer made her believe that self improvement would be the best thing for her.
Overbearing- Always looking out for her children, she always tried to embrace and cuddle them (to the annoyance of her daughter).

- In her childhood, Cheneka Tabec had a thirst for knowledge, rightly so as she would have to learn a lot. In history and politics she was unchallenged among her childhood friends, she knew about the earliest wars and the less known rulers. Furthermore, she had picked up languages due to her mother finding some of the best teachers in the land; she could speak 3 languages fluently and 1 language brokenly by the age of 15.

After the death of the king and his two heirs, his third son Elazer took over. Soon enough, her family had arranged a marriage with him (her family was currently a powerful one at the time and the marriage was purely to stabilize the realm). At 16 she was married and by 18 she was pregnant with her daughter Zahara. Soon after the birth of her child her husband changed, he had begun to hit and abuse her, sometimes to the point were she became numb of all emotion.
Over time however, he had began doing it to Zahara, breaking Chenekas' heart. She now knew that to be strong for her daughter would be the way forward, always trying to hug and embrace her daughter. Even if she had just been slapped, she would still sit and converse with her daughter if needed. Her child became the ray of sunshine that kept her alive.

At 23, she fell pregnant again, enlightened she went to tell her husband. Running to their bed chambers, she stumbled upon him sexing a common whore. This had pushed her to the edge, she had felt enraged by the husbands wrongdoings! Soon enough, she was yelling at him with a fire of a thousand burning suns. This was a bad move however, he became viscous and vile twards her, starting to slap and hit her. That day she changed forever. Miscarriage. A miscarriage which was believed to make her inable to carry children. For one year she would not leave her room or see anybody (besides her daughter or her husband when her demanded). Elazer had broken her for now.

We move on to now, age 39, somehow she became pregnant; some people believe it to be a case of forbidden magic. This was a worrying time for her, she attempted to avoid her husband all throughout the pregnancy, wary of what may happen to her baby if he got into a drunken state. Once she had her son, he was taken by the king and declared heir, to Zaharas' dismay. All of this leading up to current events.

Top Quotes
"My king is my husband and my husband is my king."
"As your mother I hope you succeed, but as the queen I can only wish you the worst."
"I used to believe being queen would solve all my problems, sadly it only created more."

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