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Fantasy Breathe Life into Me

Charlie sighed softly as she started to massage his temples and relaxed a bit "Yeah I think that'll be good for during the shift." he explained closing his eyes a bit as he relaxed. He sat up after a bit and sighed some "Come on lets get down there." he muttered

Max gave a nod and put her coat on before she walked out with him "So how much of this land is yours?" she asked as they walked around pulling the coat closer to her as she started to grow cold the darker it got.
She nodded and just let him settle until he got up, reaching for him to give her a hand and sighed a little "Oh.... I took a test... Not pregnant still." She mumbled frowning some and looking down at the floor

He shrugged "It doesn't legally belong to us... not in your world at least...but it is all ours for about 50 acres." He told her, "If you're ever out here, you'll notice a scent change if you cross our borders." He explained "That's when you know you've gone too far." He murmured.
Charlie frowned a bit when she brought up another test and gave a heavy sigh "Well we'll just have to try more next cycle, its going to be okay. We'll have pups soon enough." he murmured to her before pulling her close to him "I promise it'll be okay."

Max gave a nod as she followed him around smiling a bit "Its peaceful out here." she murmured kissing his cheek gently holding his arm as they walked "I um...I want to take you to meet my family. I want them to know you." she explained biting her lip some
She frowned and just nodded, feeling like she was letting him down some and it was starting to get hard now every time there was a negative on the sticks.

He paused a little and frowned "I uh... I don't know if that's such a good idea... Max, the less we see of them the better. This world isn't exactly safe for humans... And if we were to see them near a full moon anytime in the near future you might hurt them." He explained
Charlie kissed her forehead repeatedly before he took her downstairs to see everyone and get food started for the night.

Max frowned a bit and nodded some "I understand but...Travis I have to tell them goodbye, I can't just disappear if I do then they will look for me. Once they meet you and see how in love we are we could tell them we are moving to another country completely or something. I could call or write them every now and then but it'll be okay." she explained squeezing his arm softly
Carmen made her way down there with him and got plates and everything out, calling for everyone to come get food and she went to check on Pedro, smiling seeing him stood up by the window "Hey, we're doing some dinner, you feeling up to joining everyone?" She asked him

He sighed heavily and just went quiet on the matter. He didn't want to meet her family and he knew it was stupid and could end up being dangerous but he also knew she was stubborn and he wasn't about to start a fight right now, turning them around when he saw all the lights turn on in the main house "They're starting on dinner." He muttered, walking slightly ahead of her
Max gave a nod and sighed heavily knowing he was against the idea, she could feel it. She sighed heavily and went back with him sitting near the back after she had gotten a plate and stayed quiet the entire time. She made her way up to bed later and moved to straddle Travis' waist when she saw him in bed "I won't make you meet them, but I will have to give them a goodbye, even if its through a phone call. If I don't they'll have everyone searching for me, which will also put us in danger." she said quietly

Charlie raised an eyebrow as she came down with Pedro and gave him a nod as they sat down with food "So I heard you have no where to go...you're welcome to stay here if you wish." he murmured giving his alpha approval before he started in on his food.
Carmen smiled, sitting with him and mouthed a thank you to Charlie, talking with Pedro the whole evening until it had gotten late and she helped him get set up in one of the rooms, going to find Charlie in theirs and sighed quietly. "I love you... I know you're still worrying about everything and you can stop... It's all gonna work out." She promised, kissing his cheek.

Travis frowned and just looked up at the ceiling, moving her off of him, "And they won't find you so what is the problem?!" He snapped at her some.
Charlie looked over at his mate she came to bed and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah....I know, I just...can't help it sometimes." He muttered sighing heavily as he watched her some

Max frowned as he pushed her off of him "The problem is they would never know what happened to me...they'd think I was dead...I guess because I'm a human I don't get say goodbye to my family? I gave it all up for you Trav! Why can't I atleast say goodbye?"
She sighed quietly and kissed his nose, “I know, come on, I think it’s your turn to be the little spoon.” She smiled, pulling him in close and turned the lights off, kissing his cheek “goodnight handsome.” She murmured

he frowned watching her. “Because you will stay attached..... you will outlive all of them, by far. And anyone yoube ever met.... you don’t want to say goodbye trust me. Just let them go and be done with it.” He snapped at her some.
Charlie smiled some and and layed with her cuddling close before he started to drift off to a dreamless sleep

Max frowned some and turned over not saying another word to him before she started to fall asleep. This was still all a huge shock to her even if she tried to mask it. She had no time to think properly and everything was starting to become overwhelming for her.
Carmen had woken up super early to go for a run, smiling some when she saw Pedro out there as well, "Do you know if anyone else made it out?" She asked him curiously, opting to walk that morning instead to keep pace with him.

Travis got up a little after and stood by the window, watching the two of them a little before getting dressed and heading downstairs, getting started on the coffee pot and sitting in the lounge until he saw his brother come in "I think you're being replaced." He muttered. "She's gone for a walk with her side piece." He teased him knowing how much it would get under Charlie's skin
Pedro looked over at Carmen when he saw her come over and smiled happily at her. He frowned at her question though and shook his head "No...I know for a fact no one else made it out...I buried them all." He said quietly to her.

Charlie came downstairs and made himself some coffee before he glared at his brother when he made his way to the lounge area "He is her friend Travis, she can't replace me." He muttered sipping his coffee glaring at his brother
He smirked some, "No but I can." He muttered and got up, heading back up to take Max some coffee.

Carmen walked with him a while longer, going through all of the pack schedules and chore lists with him before they were heading back and she got to making breakfast, keeping an eye on everyonen until she flet charlie push her up against the counter from behind roughly "Ow. What was that for?" She muttered
Charlie growled before he marched out abd made his way to Carmen pressing her to the counter "Get upstairs now." He growled in her ear before he marched himself to their room waiting for her to come up there

Max came downstairs later and yawned some kissing his Travis' cheek taking a coffee from him "Morning." She murmured to him before she sat down keeping quiet as she tried her best to wake up
She frowned but dusted herself off and went up after she was able to hand out plates of food, going up and shut their. bedroom door behind her "What is it?" She muttered.

He kept her close, watching his brother starting to show signs of weakness was a little more pleasing than he should admit but it had been so long since Travis had been able to get an upper hand, he was relishing the fact.
Max placed her head on his shoulder taking a deep breath as she felt her body start to ache "My body hurts....and I'm drained." She whispered to him just taking in his comfort

Charlie pressed her against the door and kissed her roughly pressing himself into her trying to assert his dominance against her to let her know who her mate was
He frowned, kissing her head and lifted her up, carrying her to the large corner sofa and lay down, holding her close to him for comfort, "I know... It's not easy this bit." He murmired to her, kissing her head.

Carmen frowned and shoved him off of her, "Do I look like I have time for this right now?!" She snapped at him, "I know you want pups I get it but slamming me into walls and counters isn't going to help!" She spat at him and stormed off
Max whimpered softly to him cuddling up close to him "Stay with me?" She whispered keeping him close

Charlie growled and grabbed her arm shaking his head some "You're trying to replace me is that it?! Replace me with him and let Travis take over?!" He yelled
She glared at him, trying to pull her arm out of his grip, "Let go of me! Replace you?! You keep acting like this and I will, how fucking dare you!" She snapped at him "Your paranoia is what's going to let Travis take over!" She growled when he gripped tighter, wincing as she felt his claws coming out and piercing her skin, "Charlie you're hurting me!"

Travis frowned and kissed her head "I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere alright?" He promised and rocked her gently, murmuring to her a little until he saw Danny come downstairs and beckon for him to follow "I'll be right back love, sorry, hold on." He murmured, kissing her head and making sure she stayed tucked up with blankets
Charlie growled again and tightened his grip on her "Shut up! I want him gone! I want him out of here!" He yelled before he let his claws dig into her skin. He soon snapped out of his haze when he heard the pain in her voice and quickly let go "Carmen...I-" but before he could say anything she was gone.

Max gave a small nod and stayed curled under the blankets shivering a bit as she took on a small fever hoping he would be able to come back soon
She glared at him and took off, heading out to the back and shifted, going to nurse her wounds quietly, not wanting to be anywhere near him right now after he had scared her like that

Travis spoke to Danny for a minute before going to get his brother quickly, shoving the door open and not worrying about what he'd find in their room "Charlie... Mom is... Mom's gone." He choked out to him. "Danny said he went to check on her this morning.... She must've... in her sleep." He just about managed to get out as he felt his younger brother shove past him
Charlie looked over at Travie about to yell at him when he busted in but went wide eyed when he heard about his mother. He quickly got up and pushed past his brother and into his mother's room.

Max frowned some when she heard a bunch of shuffling and a loud howl that could be heard outside and probably through their territory. She looked at Travis as he came down and immediately felt the immense saddness and pain that filled him "Trav? Baby whats wrong?" She asked softly sitting up a bit
He frowned not able to bring himself to go in and see her. He knew max would need him today still so he just made his way back down to her slowly, going to sit with her, pulling her in tightly to him, burying his face into the crook of her neck. “She’s gone... must’ve been holding on until both of us had mated properly.... she’s gone.” He mumbled into her skin, taking deep breaths and pulling her to lay with him again.

Carmen looked up but made no move to go to him. She was scared right now and no matter how much her mate needed her she couldn’t bring herself to go to him yet.
Max frowned and wrapped her arms around him doing her best to comfort him kissing the side of his head gently "I'm so sorry Travis...do you need anything?" She asked quietly stroking his cheek gently making sure to not let him go.

Charlie sat in there with her shaking his head some until they told him they needed to move her. He gave a small nod looking at the two of them "Set up a burial for tonight or tomorrow at the latest, she needs to be with my father." He muttered before he made his way to his room closing the door and locking it.

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