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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

I have a lot of themes in mind now.


Quick heads up, I'm...weird. And I suffer from ASD[Better known as Autism]. So if I seem sporadic and...Well...Bloody mental, do feel free to tell me to calm down. It should work.
No I don't mean too soon to come out, I mean too soon for Midoryia...

We a theory I keep hearing about is that
Eri reverses the damage done by One for All 100% keeping him from hurting himself. But we'll just have to wait for the English version to come out.
We a theory I keep hearing about is that
Eri reverses the damage done by One for All 100% keeping him from hurting himself. But we'll just have to wait for the English version to come out.
That's precisely what's happening. The moment he breaks his bones she rewinds them to before they were broken. This allows him to go full bore since the damage is reversed the moment it happens.

Toga asking the real and important questions (it'd be masturbation)

I have a lot of themes in mind now.


Quick heads up, I'm...weird. And I suffer from ASD[Better known as Autism]. So if I seem sporadic and...Well...Bloody mental, do feel free to tell me to calm down. It should work.

Also welcome to the club man! And yeah I would definitely check out Boku no Hero Academia, it's such a good series that's a great recommendation for first watchers. But in basic sense a Quirk is the superpower of the world, but there are those who are quirkless (aka no superpowers). Superheroes are the norm but there are regulations, and of course Villains exist as well. High schools teach hero courses to students who want to become heroes, with some fully dedicating themselves to that profession. That's all I'll say for now but I would surely watch the anime it's great, and if your friends don't like it then their loss.
Toga asking the real and important questions (it'd be masturbation)

Also welcome to the club man! And yeah I would definitely check out Boku no Hero Academia, it's such a good series that's a great recommendation for first watchers. But in basic sense a Quirk is the superpower of the world, but there are those who are quirkless (aka no superpowers). Superheroes are the norm but there are regulations, and of course Villains exist as well. High schools teach hero courses to students who want to become heroes, with some fully dedicating themselves to that profession. That's all I'll say for now but I would surely watch the anime it's great, and if your friends don't like it then their loss.

Would it though? After all it wouldn't actually be her, it'd be Deku.

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