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Fantasy Bad guys are the good guys here! OOC

Sometimes I forget to and other times I feel like I’m being too annoying or pushy so I dont

Anxiety sucks
Alright. Um.
I'll try and jump into the RP, but be warned I kinda just skimmed through most of what was already written because most of it just looked like rambling?
Forgive me, this isn't my usual style of RP. I can usual only respond twice a week so I'm not sure if I can keep up..
Like in all seriousness, it would go from: “I’m the pip and jolly boy from across the street just making sure that everything is alright” to “shut the hell up or I’m gonna do yo momma up the ass” and know they mean it
I decided to switch to my colorized version of the pic

These are the 3 versions
Sorry if they already introduced themselves, I just don’t feel like going back to check, if they have, just act like it’s a brain fart or something
Oh that

Yeah, is because it’s a phantom type thing, and I thought it would look better like this than it would green, and I tried red but it wasn’t as good

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