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Fantasy Bad guys are the good guys here! OOC

Oof, I woulda had Razor volunteer, but that seems nice
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Goodness gracious Bridget's the best.

Cherry: I second that, so I'll just cut to the chase. Proceeds to charge up steps screaming like a maniac.

Yeah he's not a bad choice. So you've got my vote for second.
Bridget: I know, aren’t I just great? *flips hair and giggles, then unsheathes shortsword and runs after Cherry, shouting a battlecry*
OKAY. Sorry that took me so long guys, It never takes me that long to post I promise, lol.
I’ve decided to write my own one off. It originally was more of a poem in the beginning, but I just could not find a way to end it:

In came a gnome with a pipe. A melody was flowing out of his pipe with every breathe he put into it. Yet, he was not worth hype. His notes felt wrong at points and his clothes were of waste.

Staying in the village tavern, he was a simple wandering gnome. He was looking for gold to earn, never for a home. The host was his only friend and the only one worth talking to casually. "It's a rough life living on the road. You have to get your money for food somehow."

One foggy night brought about its horror. A landowner laid dead on the ground with a stab in his back. A figure moved in the fog's blur unseen, not even his blade would be found. Latter days had all in fear. "Who was the murderer?" A question all asked dear, though no one could find or guess the adder. The landowner was an angry man, with many in and out of the hamlet having a grudge on him. "Whoever killed him got what he wanted. Leave it though to the sheriff to find this murderer. You may try and accuse all, and you better accuse nature itself as well." Even with days and questions asked to all, who it was could not be found.

The gnome's time brought about only a few gold and bread. "I liked your company, but now I must be moving on. Perhaps we'll meet again." With his tunes and melodies, out went the gnome with a pipe.
I’ve decided to write my own one off. It originally was more of a poem in the beginning, but I just could not find a way to end it:

In came a gnome with a pipe. A melody was flowing out of his pipe with every breathe he put into it. Yet, he was not worth hype. His notes felt wrong at points and his clothes were of waste.

Staying in the village tavern, he was a simple wandering gnome. He was looking for gold to earn, never for a home. The host was his only friend and the only one worth talking to casually. "It's a rough life living on the road. You have to get your money for food somehow."

One foggy night brought about its horror. A landowner laid dead on the ground with a stab in his back. A figure moved in the fog's blur unseen, not even his blade would be found. Latter days had all in fear. "Who was the murderer?" A question all asked dear, though no one could find or guess the adder. The landowner was an angry man, with many in and out of the hamlet having a grudge on him. "Whoever killed him got what he wanted. Leave it though to the sheriff to find this murderer. You may try and accuse all, and you better accuse nature itself as well." Even with days and questions asked to all, who it was could not be found.

The gnome's time brought about only a few gold and bread. "I liked your company, but now I must be moving on. Perhaps we'll meet again." With his tunes and melodies, out went the gnome with a pipe.
See this is why kobolds hate gnomes
See this is why kobolds hate gnomes
I actually considered making a kobold instead. However I went with a gnome instead as I didn’t have much interest in the more traditional kobolds of D&D and the more alternative kobolds of URealms, or atleast their characteristics, seemed to been overused by me.
I actually considered making a kobold instead. However I went with a gnome instead as I didn’t have much interest in the more traditional kobolds of D&D and the more alternative kobolds of URealms, or atleast their characteristics, seemed to been overused by me.
The more you know
It's going to be a few hours before I'm able to get a post up, as I am at work. I apologise for the inconvenience.
We should all colorcode our dialogue, when I saw it I immediately thought it was an excellent idea

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