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Fantasy Bad guys are the good guys here! OOC

I don’t know everyone heres so I don’t know who is comfortable with what
Okay, last post from me because I gotta go to bed. Things'll probably slow down now that it's almost the weekdays. Same time, I've never done any of these casual RPs before, so I dunno how fast these usually go. Good night guys!
Anyone wanna post?
I was gonna try waiting for Ki-Mono, but if she vanishes we could consult Soul Of Cinder about editing her out. I mean, she hasn't really done anything yet, so it wouldn't really effect the RP canon significantly.

Of course, that's for worst case scenario. I have plans for how to continue if that occurs of course, but I don't think someone's gonna jump off this bus quite yet.
So Soul of Cinder Soul of Cinder , when do we plan on moving on with the plot? I feel like things just slowed down big time because it's been three pages without any story developments. Like, at all.
I just feel like now's the time for the king to show up. I've seen a lot of RPs die because they didn't kick off fast enough and people lost interest and I really don't want Cherry to go on that list.
I hate to bail out so soon, but I don't think this is the RP for me. Both for my style and my schedule.
Thanks so much for giving me a chance though.
Good luck to all!~
I hate to bail out so soon, but I don't think this is the RP for me. Both for my style and my schedule.
Thanks so much for giving me a chance though.
Good luck to all!~

It's fine to me. Better to leave now than when we're far enough in to make it difficult to leave.

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