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Fantasy Bad guys are the good guys here! OOC

I'm starting to think, what if for the entire time, Tharqa was just called 'Kobold'. Like, he never does an introduction.
And then at one point when someone finally asks him, he just says “tharqua” and literally nothing else in the whole conversation
So if she started a three paragraph long introduction entirely in shouts, would somebody interrupt her? Time sensitive question.
Meanwhile, Razor is just so fluffing casual about it just like, “Sure, here ya go.”
It is, but woah

Question for everyone, I’ve been thinking of inviting a guy I know, but he swears a bit, so I was wondering what the policy of swearing is on this rp, I have been inching into it trying to test the waters, but I thought asking would be a better idea
I'll likely allow it, as long as by swearing you mean in roleplaying. A dirty mouth can be muted with pipe melody.

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