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At the Adventurers' Table

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Funny coincidence, I was just googling "Balor Lord" earlier today and reading about little balors, big balors etc. when I decided to read about demons in Pathfinder in general so I click the link on the top of the page and scrolling a bit down I stumble upon The Transformation Ritual. And I can totally see what those critics were all about! I mean, if they read this bit (which I assume didn't exist back then) they would probably have all it takes to take the matter to court and eventually succeed in banning tabletops once and for all. I mean, the ritual offers detailed, step by step instructions on how to become a demon, and likely a successful one at that! Yikes! Hide yer kids, parents, and plug their holes with holy wax or something. May they never know such evil...

p.s. I always knew that The Lord of the Rings books were a total moneygrab by Tolkien, it was dead obvious ha-ha!
:D I mean why else would there be *three* of them? Actually there were supposed to be six but he clearly anticipated this to be too obvious so he packed them two by two by two, the smart businessman that he was

p.p.s. readme
Yikes, indeed!

And let's blame the publisher for the money-grabbing LotR series - I believe Tolkien had asked to have them all in one book, but the publisher thought it would be too thick. (Although it was intended as a sequel, and we all know those just lead to more and more sequels!)

Glad you're "looking" more like your normal self, Wolfie! (^.^)
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]if i dont post for a time now and then just ignore me and pretend like my character has no comment

Yeah, sorry about wondering about this post. But for a minute there, I really wasn't sure it was you (your messages are usually so very different-looking). Not to pry or anything; was this sent from a phone or something? Just wondering for future reference. =)
I always say I don't like posting from my phone (like most people), but when you're sitting in the car for 4 hours on the parking lot of a national park and waiting for some people, what are you gonna do? Suddenly posting from my Samsung S4 seems very doable and not too much trouble at all. In fact, I wrote some of my longest posts from the phone and besides a ton of proofreading and correcting mistakes, it was okay *woof* (sometimes I don't italic my woofs but I do color my IC speech)

You were closer when you thought it wasn't me. It was physically me, but I wasn't me. Or I was a me that didn't care as much. Yea I think that's it. I still don't feel like me, mostly, and no it is not because of a traumatic experience or shocking event recently (though I did have a double traffic accident and one close call on the highway), it's just the piled up stuff of the last three years and all the realization that's becoming too much to wolf down.

But even in my weakened state, don't think I could miss this, apostrophe or without:

Dannigan said:
Finding the small halflings outside takes only a "little" of Bronze's time.
Kaerri, your quote reminds me of another example where it's used in a very similar form. It's part of an old song that you and Dann are probably already familiar with (being older than me*). I heard it on Galaxy News Radio back in the good old days of Fallout 3 *howling like Three Dog*

Music like this is what I call soothing.


*I don't mean to call you old, just older :P
Waaah, Wolf called me old! ...okay I'm not even fooling myself with that one.( ;) )

I think Fallout 3 is where I first heard this song too - I didn't play, but I watched Dann play a lot.

That video got me in the mood to hear more so I asked YouTube and found this! (*U*)


Only thing that would make it better is Three Dog doing announcements in between!
Seated upon the Throne of (Shootin') Irons, where I've always been.

Captain Hesperus
I believe that you are good too! At least, you have been good as I have known you.

Oh, you mean to say that Luna is content! I will write that in and start Powerpaw and Mamapaw's tactics stage in their Roundabout, good Sherwood. =)
Ok, Um, Dannigan, can I have something Special added to the armor for Mom'paw? Maybe something toward her Druid nature? Spear... need to roll on the spear... yup, spearness... (The Absent minded Smith)
For you Fallout 3 fans (and listeners such as myself): I found a YouTube compilation that includes videos, Three-Dog, and "The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood."


Also, the official Fallout 4 trailer!


I hope Fallout4 is every bit as good as Fallout3 and Fallout New Vegas. =)

@killfire I've been meaning to chat with you about this. That Bronze wants to craft things is terrific! However, as I mentioned in our Conversation, there is an efficient way to get this done.

Please read this post carefully
(as I hope that all future crafting will flow from this).

Step 1. Player comes to Storyteller with a wish list of specific items he wants his character to craft.

Step 2. Storyteller checks list over and provides permissions as is best for game balance (and other behind-the-scenes reasons).

Step 3. Storyteller informs Player of 3 important things:

3a. The requirements for each item in question.

3b. The amount of time each will take.

3c. The DC (Difficulty Class = the number to meet or exceed on the dice) for each item. In Pathfinder, items are usually just provided in cost of gold pieces (I.e. Want to make a magical spear +1? Each attempt will cost in gold pieces). In our game, some of the crafting materials the Wanderers have won can be substituted for this cost (like the leather armor).

Step 4. If the Player has the requirements on his character, the Player then decides what gets made and what does not.

Step 5. The Player rolls the dice here on RP Nation.

Step 6. At the end of the time needed for crafting, the Player enjoys the newly-created items and his character can go on to sell, use personally, give to party members, etc. as the Player desires. =)

So... In your past few posts, you've mentioned the following items:

1. Dagger

2. Spear

3. Full suit of Leather armor

4. Wooden Buckler

5. Staff (stave)

6. Fighting sticks (you said "maybe" to these)

Good ol' Mamapaw is a large-sized creature and so double the material cost (but not the time!) in the case of armor and weapons for her or Powerpaw (being Large-sized can have some serious drawbacks and this is one of the big ones, especially at high-level).

And these come with the following things you should know:

1. While gold and silver dragons are definitely good guys (most of the time), blue dragons are the opposite. May I recommend a copper or bronze dragon in place of the blue?

2. Your characters do not have access to the extremely-useful Ironwood spell at this time (it takes an 11th level Druid or higher to cast it).

3. Using the Craven (Pyrohydra) hide will result in fire-resistant armor (it will absorb the first 10 hit points of fire damage against every fire-based attack!). =)

4. I will take into account the die rolls you have rolled, but from here on out, please wait for me to ask you to roll (stick to the Six Steps of Crafting. =) ). For the sake of fairness, I am disregarding all future rolls until I call for them. Once I call for them and you roll, then we are great to go. =)

Furthermore, there are three types of items that Bronze may attempt to craft:

1. Normal (typically DC 12 and up),

2. Masterwork (DC 20 and up),

3. And magical (up to +2 armor and weapons at Bronze's current level; DC varies widely from DC 6 to up, up, and away!). Also, a crafter may successfully craft one magical item per day. Any more is too taxing on the crafter.

I am hereby implementing a new House Rule: Crafting Time is +1 per day.

In other words, a +1 spear will take one day to successfully craft. A full set of +2 armor (regardless of type) will take 2 days and so forth. Otherwise it will take Bronze the better part of a month in-game time to finish one suit of armor made from the Craven hide (4 days for +2 armor, and 18 more for Energy Resistance!). Further details in Shop Talk.

So... given the above list, what specifically is Bronze making (please provide a list like the one in the spoiler below)?

1. Large-sized Masterwork dagger

2. Large-sized Magical spear +1

3. Large-sized Full suit of fire-resistant Leather armor +2

4. Large-sized Normal Wooden Buckler

5. Large-sized Masterwork Staff

@Captain Hesperus Re: Character Challenge 2015, inside the spoiler there is this cute little piece of info...

"On a slightly more disturbing note, @Captain Hesperus has also pledged to eat the winner, so I guess that counts as a prize too? 0.o"

I read this and laughed out loud! =)
Dannigan said:
Otherwise it will take Bronze the better part of a month in-game time to finish one suit of armor made from the Craven hide
Too realistic to be allowed in a game, I agree *woof*

Re: Fallout

I just watched the new trailer the other day! Man it brings me back. I think I'm probably gonna wander around the Capital Wasteland and reminisce... That is, if the aftermath of the Steam Summer Sale lets me! It's only been a few days and my wallet already took approx 40 EUR worth of hits! Ouch!! And that's without going below 75% *woof* I think I grabbed close to a dozen games along with all the additional content in most cases. And I am still waiting for a good deal on Witcher 3 (I know it's a new game but 10% just isn't gonna cut it). Like it's not enough that upgrading my rig will cost me about $500 (estimate, and that only includes new motherboard, CPU, graphics card, and RAM).

Re: Character Challenge

When I first saw this I was like, wow/amaze but I soon settled down when I realized that within the given parameters I only have 2 characters to choose from, and I don't feel like playing either of them competitively. My punishment for only playing two games at a time (the third one is where I am ST so I don't have a character and NPCs apparently don't count)
Hum, I have a thought, thanks to the Duo of Dannigan and Kaerri, Lets start with step 1 then...

1. Large-sized Masterwork dagger

2. Large-sized Magical spear +1

3. Large-sized Full suit of fire-resistant Leather armor +2

4. Large-sized Normal Wooden Buckler

5. Large-sized Masterwork Staff

In Regards to decoration, how about something more Druid like? Have Mom'Paw watch and direct Bronze in what decorations SHE would like? Only thing Bronze adds is his mark to the weapons and armor somewhere elegantly hidden? Jim puts his mart at the point where blades meet the guard usually.

Step 2: Waiting on the powerful Storyteller. Please note that I like the Order in which you have them. I would like to also check with Mom'Paw in regards to the "Escrima" sticks. I'm reading on real Escrima sticks and it looks like Rattan or Hardwoods are used, some used with Iron Bamboo but we don't have that here, we probably have Deadfall Oak though?

And in regards to the Cost of attempt, is there a way that Bronze can make the odds 100% success? I understand that actual resources are expended and Bronze hates failing on a project, all of his stuff is special in the way he does it right the first time. I ask this because the cost of the work may reach where the customer can't afford it, in future crafting events.

Also Ladies and Gents, I think we need to set up a list of what you all would like to have made. So B' can come up with some kind of list Danni and I can work with. Like What we want made asap and stuff that would be neat so B' can set up some kind of compartmentalized list of what we want made. Danni and I were talking rings for the group. Something nice and good. like a "ONE RING!" (WoW Reference) a powerful ring that gives everyone +1 to every stat (Yep I know Danni it'll take a long time to make enough of them and some really good quality mats but thats for you and I to work on and stuff like that there)

I have seen some of the most fantastic armor, weapons, made from my friend Jim, and other people, so I know what B' can do, and how beautiful it can be. So gimme MOAR ideas! FLUFFY PILLOW!!!!

And on an off note: Wolf, Danni, do you know if FA4 will have Co-Op or Multiplayer? The World is so Vast and nice to explore, but it would be neat to have a friend or group to go on the adventures as well.
killfire said:
Danni and I were talking rings for the group. Something nice and good. like a "ONE RING!" (WoW Reference) a powerful ring that gives everyone +1 to every stat
I want the 2 Ring...

Captain Hesperus
killfire said:
And on an off note: Wolf, Danni, do you know if FA4 will have Co-Op or Multiplayer? The World is so Vast and nice to explore, but it would be neat to have a friend or group to go on the adventures as well.
I have no idea, Killfire. It would be nice but it's not the way of the Fallout games so far.

But we dwell in turbulent times. Who knows. I just hope the game follows up on the spirit of Fallout 3 *woof*
@killfire Did you want Bronze to go back inside the Adventurers' Wagon and ask these questions (or perhaps what weapons she prefers)? The best way to make a buddy happy is to make what they prefer, right? This so happens to be Mamapaw/Sabrefang's part of the Roundabout to ask on tactical matters.

When it comes to crafting useful items, there is no way for any mortal crafter to have 100% of success (95% is the ceiling, as anyone can roll a 1 on a d20). In other words, yes, I do make Crafters who have 20 ranks in a Craft roll to make simple (DC 12) items. But hey, if that character rolls a 2 or higher on a d20 on the roll, they've achieved what they were going for. Keep in mind if they roll a Natural 20 on the die, they will surpass what they were going for (and possibly discover something in the process). =)

On that note, I don't mind saying that a character of Bronze's skill can, say, turn the Craven's hide into leather or safely and neatly remove the bars from the prison wagon into useable material without having to roll. That is why I did not ask for rolls when that was taking place. Also, identifying certain materials will come easy to a Crafter of Bronze's skill. While most other characters might not be sure, Bronze can look at most materials and say for certain what an item is made of (and what quality and style, for that matter).

For example, Bronze probably already knows that Brendoran's shield is made of Darkwood (a lighter, stronger-than-normal wood). The prismalcum is a real chore because it is so darned rare! This isn't like, say, mithril where you can ask any Dwarf Crafter about it; there are only so many people who have touched prismalcum (His Royal Majesty, King Thayne Wildegard of Highwind is known to carry a prismalcum two-handed sword that has served him really well!), and fewer still that have forged it (like the person who crafted King Thayne's sword in the first place; that fabulous weapon didn't forge itself!). This is one material that is, for the moment, beyond Bronze's to forge (though no one else in the party can even make the attempt). With some role-playing and research, Bronze can turn that stuff into something fun. I recommend going on a quest for a forger who is willing to pass this valuable knowledge on to Bronze. =)

Referring to the DC lists in my previous posts, here are a few ways Bronze can further improve his chances:

1. Use the feat he gained at 7th level to choose Skill Focus: (Craft). That feat will add a nice +3 bonus to a single Craft skill of your choice (so choose wisely). This feat also stacks with the advantage in Shop Talk's House Rules (remember when a person reaches 5, 10, 15 ranks and so on in a skill, their overall abilities are increased?). The Skill Focus feat counts toward ranks (unlike tools).

2. Here is an easy and good one: Remember those Masterwork Artisan Metalworking tools Bronze crafted? Bronze is able to craft masterwork tools for every other Craft skill he has. Start making Masterwork Artisan tools for the rest for a helpful +2 bonus.

3. Find ways to increase Bronze's Intelligence score. Intelligence adds to Crafting in Pathfinder.

4. And the best way overall is to increase Bronze's character level. Just like Jim in Real Life, the more first-hand experience and practice you get, the better your abilities. Hope this helps. =)

Re: Wood. Escrima sticks are often made of Rattan (it's less prone to breakage than bamboo). I have a pair of such sticks that are a joy to use (in fact, Bria's fighting stick +2 is modeled after an Escrima fighting stick). I don't know what Deadfall Oak is. Here in the Pathfinder game, though, they do have the aforementioned material Darkwood (a lighter, hardier wood, none of which is lying around the Adventurers' Wagon).

Re: Item desires from other characters. Powerpaw stated some time back (I don't know if you saw it) that he wanted some Large-sized Masterwork throwing hammers. Perhaps Bronze can ask the party in-character?

Re: Fallout 4. I'd love to Co-op, but like Wolf said, previous Fallout games have been single-player only.

EDIT: Clarified skill talk.
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Dannigan said:
With some role-playing and research, Bronze can turn that stuff into something fun. I recommend going on a quest for a forger who is willing to pass this valuable knowledge on to Bronze. =)
Sounds like a fun thing.

Captain Hesperus
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