ANNOUNCEMENT: Preparations for Episode 5


  • Heroism Statistics
    Ability Statistics

Fixed Mitch's!

You're welcome! OWO7

They both make sense to me. Loved Naran’s 'Messiah Conplex' flaw, with the whole 'want to save everyone' thing. I relate to that a little bit >w<, I think that was smart to include as well.

Tomoko is adorable, I love her so much and don't see anything wrong.

But, I stopped wagging in first, to let others who are better at this and see things I don't, talk first.
I started suggesting things for Mitch because Sin said they didn't know what to suggest and suddenly the idea came to me in a flash. You can say I was misteriously inspired XD

But yeah, I'm staying in the second base. I AM more of a problem solver (but not the one to spot it, usually) and like Syrenrei said on Discord, I'm 'incorrigibly nice', critique is not for me >w<

Aww, thank you!

Mitch: Borrower is a classic hero trope, and I've liked her ever since she was the only girl to take Lucas's sudden appearance in stride. Happy to have her on the team.


Naran: I approve. And to everyone who thinks she is only A rank, I submit to you: A kinetic energy capacitor might take a long time to charge, but there is no theoretical reason she needs to have an upper bound on the charge, nor a maximal power upon discharge. The upshot of this is that, given enough time to charge, she could potentially cause an extinction level event with one punch. Admittedly, unlike one punch man, she'd die from that, but still. She is, and deserves to be, a hard S rank. 9 Energy brought down a bridge by just looking at it. 9 energy in supplementation to 5 strength is terrifying to contemplate. She could easily level buildings with that, and could plausibly write a world ending event as a prompt. Awesome.


Naran: When i create Naran, i create her with the thought of her being able to punch a hole through a building / ship when her limiter is turned off. But never in my mind i imagine that with enough charge, she could do such a huge damage!
Aaron vs Naran might be interesting to see?
I recommend colouring the stat pips like you did before so that we know what happens in the event of his cybernetics being shut down/taken away.

You also cut off suddenly at the end of the social enhancer, that seems like a mistake rather than unfinished.

It was pretty late las night when I was writing and I just gave up and went to sleep. I decided it's better to post it than to postpone it. :P
A summary of the stats, based on the Google Doc I was working on a few days ago:
  • The health stat is primarily concerned with the immune system, and the body's ability to recover from illness and injury to flesh. Since 1 to 3 is considered normal human range, and normal humans recover at normal rates, any character with accelerated healing or immunity to poison or disease should have 4 or more points in health to reflect their abilities.
  • Strength is the stat for physical strength, the load that the musculoskeletal system is able to bear and/or deliver. Strength affects lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, running, swimming, etc. There are many different types of strength.
  • For defense, we are concerned with the body's ability to resist physical damage. Types of damage considered are punctures, lacerations, burns, etc. Defense can also (but doesn't always) reflect pain threshold. Defense does not take into consideration immunity to disease or poison, as that is a function of the health stat.
  • Agility is a measure of nimbleness and dexterity. It is the stat for fine motor skills, as opposed to strength's gross motor skills. Superpowers that involve nimble, precise movements and sharp reflexes will have a high agility score.
  • As always, intelligence is for reasoning skills, not "book smarts". Powers that augment quick thinking, problem solving, creativity, pattern recognition, memory, spatial reasoning, and more, will have high intelligence scores.
  • Willpower scores are dependent on determination, focus, and concentration. It also affects mental fortitude. Many supers with "active" powers - that is, powers that must be actively and willfully controlled, as opposed to passive powers that are controlled subconsciously - have higher than normal willpower scores.
  • Finally, energy - it is not a miscellaneous stat, I promise. Energy is the go-to stat for powers that involve what I call "ex nihilo", which means "out of nothing". Conjuring constructs, animating objects, raining down fire, farting lasers, ripping and stitching space, these (and more) are all powers that require some sort of additional energy to function.

As we go through and re-review our characters and create new ones, let's ask ourselves the following questions:
  • What is the primary stat that my character relies on?
  • Where do their powers come from, and how do they work?
  • Do these numbers give a reasonable idea of what to expect of their powers and role?
  • Am I putting as more thought into the numbers than I am the description of their powers? If so, am I overthinking the stats?
  • How does my character' powers compare to other characters with the same primary stat?
  • Am I following the description of the stats faithfully, or am I assigning points based on what I feel my character should be like?
  • What is my character's role in the narrative? What is their role in the gameplay?
  • What can my character and their powers do to support someone else during a situation?

I've also seen over the past few days, some ruffled feathers over critiques. A critique of a character is not a critique of you, as a person. They are opportunities for other players to speak up and ask questions about your character, and point out inconsistencies that you might have missed (or that I or another GM missed, when characters were approved the first time around).

When Aegis first started, the system was much looser, and we had less people. As we've picked up players, I've been trying to make my system more rigid, and keep the internal logic of the world as consistent as possible. It doesn't always work, my background is 100% in freeform roleplays and not dice systems or game theory. Things are not balanced, and not all situations or powers can be reflected to both the degree of detail AND freedom of imagination that most people would like to have in here. I know the urge to make a strong character who can compete in combat is powerful and all-consuming, but so is the resentment that festers in the group when there are blatantly unequal and disproportionate contributions to the story.

One more time, I'd like to point everyone to Kevin Bolk's "A Tribute to Big Dan" and give it a read. It's a eulogy of sorts, for a famous con-goer that I also knew. But more importantly for you guys, it has powerful advice for how to play fairly.

But most importantly, be a “Big Dan” for someone else. If possible, be a “Big Dan” to as many people as you can. If there’s one thing the response to his passing has shown me, it’s that the most beloved and fondly remembered folks aren’t the ones who are simply great heroes in their own stories, but those who go out of their way to be amazing supporting characters in other people’s stories as well. Big Dan changed my life and I know deep down to the essence of my being that if I can be half the friend to at least one other person that Big Dan was to everyone around him, I could leave this world content. I only wish I had a chance to tell him that.
Kevin Bolk

Go be heroes, you fucking assholes, and fix your stats while you're at it.
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Aldur Aldur Big Fan of Pritchard, have been from the start. Add flaws and I'd say he's all set. Maybe clarify the social enhancer? As I recall, it mostly just allowed you access to personnel files, giving you the insight a dossier would give (or a peek at the CS) Maybe a list of suggestions of helpful things to say for defusing tense situations? In any case, my approval is assured pending only finishing what you started

Giyari Giyari Love Swan, as always. Approval!

B Bag o Fruit Lazarus is so much fun. Creeptastic and weird. Well imagined and beautifully twisted hero. I would add descriptions to the relationships list. Surely, Lazarus has some kind of bizarre outsider's insights into his fellow travelers. Also, I think the tern should go in the weapons tab. Just because you don't know how to handle it doesn't mean its not dangerous. Also, the bird whisper's last command was to be helpful. So maybe the bird will help fight your enemies (And thinks the flesh suit you are wearing is just not you and should be removed as a poor fashion choice... What a helpful tern!)

Also love that "Mr. Allen McNabb" goes under nicknames.

As for Van Can, I would add "beer" and "weed" under tools. Also a deck of cards and poker chips. She should also add at least Kendrick and Manami and Chris to 'relationships'

Petrovich looks like the boss from hell. Should be fun writing when we finally get testing thread going.

Dano Dano History looks better now. Still not sure why powers would result in disbarment though... maybe add something about having used them unethically? Like causing a car accident to discredit a witness or something? Or having been framed for doing so? Just having powers wouldn't seem like it would be enough on its own. Love the codename. Good choice.

Father should probably go in relationships tab. Maybe mom also? What was her role in the abuse? Enabler? Fellow Victim? How does he feel about her? Any Siblings? Contacts from Lawerly days? Relationships don't have to be limited to PCs.

Lastly, I still feel like the power needs more explanation. I like it, and I am not trying to change how it works; like I said, it is your power, it should work how you want.

Still, we DO need to understand from a mechanical perspective HOW it works. This is a highly interactive RP and I guarantee that novel situations will come up that will require some kind of theoretical framework to sort out. I would suggest 'permeable' if you don't like 'porous'. The holes could be nanoscopic in size: imagine a force field 'screen door' where the holes are on a scale so small that you can barely get a smallish molecule through. So maybe water would be stopped by surface tension, but air can breeze on through. Super fluids could seep through but no others. Solids would be stopped unless they are smaller than 10 nanometers or so, which would stop even viruses, as well as any currently extant nanobots. This seems like the easiest way to explain stopping solids and liquids but not wind. Fire might be stopped if it was say, napalm, but super heated gasses could get through. Electricity could get through, I think? I have been thinking about this shield thing on and off all day... Force(field) of habit.

Other clarifications needed: Does it need to be anchored to a solid surface or can it be free floating? If you make a sphere can it be rolled around like a giant cat toy, or is it anchored directly to the fabric of reality and utterly immobile. When it stops moving objects, does it give, or is it rigid? If you run into it full tilt face first, what would that feel like? Would it break your neck or gently stop you like a feather pillow? Or if you like the the (micro) screen door idea, does it give you a (micro) cheese grater pattern on your face like a rash?

I get that it is meant as a simple straightforward power, but one thing I have learned: nothing is simple. Gotta dig into things, ore you will end up scrabbling for answers on the fly later.

Natealie Natealie Don't give up! I was not criticizing at all. Just a suggestion. And I gave my approval regardless. And no conversation I have ever had was a waste of my time.

Syrenrei Syrenrei As noted Anthony is actually D rank. As for Lars, I put him at 4 for two reasons. First intelligence is kinda special. Hard to measure, with no hard limit like strength or reaction time. He is meant to be the brilliant villain trope, like Lex Luthor or Joker. In a way, that is a stat to account for ManicMuse ManicMuse 's critique that nobody could do all the things he has done by age 30. That is true for normal people. All I can say is: some people aren't normal. I had a college professor who had her PhD in math by 17. Lars is like that but for magicians.

The second reason is simply that he is mad. Round the bend. Crazy but like a fox. His insights extend beyond what is normal because he does not think normally. He thinks so far outside the box he has bumped into the fourth wall. He is smart enough to find us out. Or crazy enough. It will also make little difference to how I play him. He is ridiculously smart.

FWIW, he did pass committee as is. But it is not like I didn't think about it. He is the quintessential mad genius. What do you think welian welian Does intelligence have enough flexibility to have 'normals' at a 4? People like Luddeus Luddeus make me wonder if we sometimes hit 5...
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Take note!

Gus Gus
You forgot to close the [LIST] on your skills and flaws tab but otherwise he has my approval.
Has my approval. In the way that you approve a mass murderer, you know...
Skills look fine to me. As someone with an agility of two, I could probably have thrown a barbed flesh whip into an open mouth while swimming. :P I approve.
Little bit of a formatting error in the Tools and Weapons tab, and the skills and flaws aren't labelled as such, but that's all cosmetic. I approve.

yoikes yoikes
Funny and completely irrelevant story: I once had an idea for a Illithid-esque character in a superworld that had powers like Rogue, where it could mimic the powers of those it was nearby, but what it'd do was devour the brain of its supervictims and store them inside its body, so after it killed a superhuman it retained their- Hm, what? Oh, yeah, Mitch has my approval. Just put her in the RP more! :D
You know she's listed in the character sheets tab as 'Tomoko, S', right? Was that intentional? No matter, I approve.
Wait what? Courage and altruism and order are 999999 and then 1 composure!? what the fuck happened!! I mean, that's fine if you did it intentionally... just, huh. I approve anyway. Get to smashing through buildings!

Syrenrei Syrenrei
I hadn't seen the thing about entering and exiting at the same velocity until just now. I don't know why, but that just strikes me neat (a phrase people use all the time)! It's almost as if... well... as if her skin... displaced the object... through, time. *cough*...

Welian saw nothing, we're okay.

Aldur Aldur
Fuck yeah Jericho!! Approoooove!
I approve, but be sure to give Eve and Ioana the limelight too! :D

Teh Frixz Teh Frixz
Coo-l'yeh! Gar ici, dem couyons, dem bo'riens don' lik de mglw'nafh a' ol' Aveey? Oo ye yi! Iss jes bracque! Wowaron de subjic', ah' 'pprove de li'l bebelle a bon couer!
I approve. We need more criminal framings and mass exposure to happen to shy teenagers.

Dano Dano
Consider a lung wall. It's exactly the right amount thin that liquids cannot pass through it, but gasses can. The problem of course being that solids can and do if they're pointy enough. I think of Trent's shield as functioning kind of like that? Except made of shiny energy stuff.

Alternatively, consider this slight tweak: Lasers, lightning, radiation and such can penetrate his shield, but solids, liquids and gasses cannot travel through it because it doesn't permit atoms through, in its default state. When it's around him, or him and other people, his brain instinctively won't let him stop gasses getting through because, y'know, he'd die. So it shifts the phase of the shield a little, making it ever so slightly weaker but allowing him to breathe.

Giyari Giyari
... Maybe a lower composure? :P Other than that, I approve.
OOH OOH! Can he emit a frequency that makes his knife vibrate at extreme speeds!? Causing it to be able to cut through hard solids!!?? Ooh ooh ooh!! *runs off into the distance*
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Quick clarification, yoikes yoikes , does Naran rhyme with Aaron?

Or is it like Nah-rahn?

From what i could gather in the net it should be 'Nara-an' for Mongolians, but for our characters it would be more like 'Na-raan' or 'Nah-raan'

Funny and completely irrelevant story: I once had an idea for a Illithid-esque character in a superworld that had powers like Rogue, where it could mimic the powers of those it was nearby, but what it'd do was devour the brain of its supervictims and store them inside its body, so after it killed a superhuman it retained their- Hm, what? Oh, yeah, Mitch has my approval. Just put her in the RP more! :D
You know she's listed in the character sheets tab as 'Tomoko, S', right? Was that intentional? No matter, I approve.
Wait what? Courage and altruism and order are 999999 and then 1 composure!? what the fuck happened!! I mean, that's fine if you did it intentionally... just, huh. I approve anyway. Get to smashing through buildings!

  1. That um sounds um interesting yeah
  2. Should i change it?
  3. Lol yeah ;3
Right now the rules (as I understand them) are normal humans can only have 1 to 3 in a stat, with 1 being poor and 3 being exceptional. Any stat for any character that is 4+ must be justified by a superpower and, if can not be, ought to be reduced accordingly. If Lars is allowed to be intellect 4 without a supporting supowerpower, we are then redefining what 3 intelligence is as others understand it. It's no longer "exceptionally smart" but "smarter than average" and the spectrum it encompasses is reduced.

To be fair, if Lars is passed with intellect 4, ALL characters should have the ability to retcon and adjust their stats again, even if they were previously accepted, to be able to be intellect 4 (or essentially geniuses/prodigies) if they so choose. To make other stats more linear, I think we would also need to consider making the 4 stat for strength, defense, health, agility, and willpower also reflect that 3 is "above average" and 4 is for "extremely exceptional." It would not be fair if someone had to pay 4 intellect to be a child genius, but then someone with 3 strength was one of the strongest weightlifters in the world; one is paying more than the other while they are both one in a million stat-wise.

I am really opposed to having humans having more than 3 in a stat simply because we already have a boundary and rules that say "3 is the maximum for humans." I've seen characters proposed in discord with 4s in stats that were told, "you can only have 3 in any stat without a superpower ability." We even discussed how some real life people in AEGIS would be supers!

I'll be the jerk that says it. I don't think we should bend this rule. If we do bend it, we have to bend it for everyone to be equitable.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Killjoy
So far, we have been bending it for everyone. Billy Petrovich has an INT of 5.

Look at it like this: If the max possible intelligence of an E-rank is three, then any super that happens to have thrown four points into INT is capable of learning things that normal humans physically can't comprehend. The INT stat would be insanely unbalanced. What would it even mean to have a nine??
First of all, I don't think you are a jerk for citing the rules.That is a legitimate view to take of rules. Generally speaking, that is how rules are meant to work.

My pushback is only this: This is a creative writing RP, not a wargame. In creative writing, as I understand it, rules are there to cover the vast majority of cases, not to brook no exceptions, ever, like an immutable law of physics. In writing, there is a fine art to knowing when to break the rules to achieve an artistic effect. Reasonable people can disagree about when it is art and when it is grandstanding.

This is not a hill I intend to die on, and I will play him exactly the same either way. I will bend around the rules if I have to do so. I just think the idea of a normal human taking on supers merits the rules bending around him. (and may I say, Lars would find it enormously gratifying that this many writers are paying attention to him. I can picture him preening under all this scrutiny, whatever the outcome)

In any case, I get that there is dissatisfaction about everything not being exactly and perfectly fair and equitable down to the smaller jot and title. And I don't want to contribute to that. Truly I don't. I want people to have fun writing this story with me. I don't want to hog this world. I just want to contribute a verse.

All I ask, from my end is that you (among others) consider that you may be thinking of the rules in the wrong context, as if we were playing dungeons and dragons or, to go really old school, chainmail. There is a place for rules to act like that, but I don't think it is here. I think the rules in a game like this are healthy guidelines that you should have to show very good cause to break before breaking them. That will always be a negotiation, because it is always a judgement call.

In my opinion, the rules should serve the story, not the other way around. That is my two cents.
This is ridiculous.

We are asking to have different rules for different characters.

That different characters are beholden to different restrictions for stats.

I want you to think about this long and hard, because I certainly am. This means I gave my characters an intellect of 2 when I could have (and maybe should have) given them a much higher intellect because the intellect stat was completely different than I understood. Why should I justify it with an ability? I do not need to if another doesn't.

I am on board with supers that need an intellect 4 and their powers requiring it to having that stat inflated. I approved Max, who has a higher intellect because he has to store all these skills that maybe a typical person could not categorize and digest before distributing with his power.

I can not and will not endorse bending the rules for multiple characters, while others and entirely beholden to them. Why? Because people have paid points to have strengths and their ability/power to really write that out, to shine, and to excel, is now being mitigated. It's not a big deal to the people bending the stats because they get to have their cake and eat it too. Who it injures are those that have something that, is, let's say, super high intellect and yet when it comes to a battle of the wits they find that some normal guy with intellect 3 is a powerhouse they can't conquer. He's occupying their space. This goes for all the statistics really.

I see the stats as a way to help make sure everyone is equitable. If people are making characters with lesser stats, yet acting as if they have more, they are being better at a larger number of things. This means people who have the stats they are acting as if they have (intellect, defense, health, agility, strength, willpower, or energy) that stat without following the rules for it, without paying for it, are taking advantage of them. Say I was to make a D-rank super with higher intellect and yet you played Lars as intellect 4, and their intellect 4, then why did I bother making that higher intellect character? What use are they? I paid more points but I get no boon for it. I run into the potential of being no greater than someone without the neat ability I meant.

I am focused on stats (to welian's frustration) because I want it to be fair. Right now things do not feel fair. The spirit of the stats is to have balance. If we are not going to make our best efforts to remain faithful to them, and respect what they are trying to do, and if every other character is bending them, then we have to look around and realize what that might do to the story.

You're right, this is creative endeavor. But even in my best RPs we almost have an unofficial stat system; we distribute what people can be good at, and what they are truly terrible at. I would never dream of making a genius in a 1x1 that is simply smarter than any other genius my partner has. Hell, I did a super power RP and my powers were roughly equivocal to my partners (we both had 5-person teams). I bet if I had a tabletop sheet I could write them down and even make them match on paper without bending rules. That is what I want here.
I'm going to cast my lot with Syrenrei.

My top priority right now, as the GM, is consistency. And consistency to me, means making sure all the characters follow the same rules for the stats, and that's "do not exceed 3 in a stat that your power doesn't affect".

I want to be clear, I am not retroactively punishing anyone. This is my failure as a GM, to provide rules that are as clear and consistent as possible. I am trying to get everyone on the same page before we proceed much further with the story, and that means pulling some people back and pushing others forward.

Bending the rules is fun, and is necessary at times. Without Gus prodding at the rules, I would have never considered shifting stats as a mechanic (I still don't personally like them, but seeing a faithful effort to put them into practice has changed my opinion of the viability of them in my system). For that, we should thank him. Were I a more skilled GM, I would consider more lenient application of the stats - but there's the problem. I am not a more skilled GM, this is my first time running a roleplay with a stat system, the stats are a hodgepodge of D&D and Pokemon inspiration, it's been revised quite a few times over the past year, and this is also the largest and longest-running roleplay I have ever run.

You are dealing with a GM who is drawing the map as she goes along, and I'm asking you to stick to the rules (as boring and rigid as they are) - not because I have anything magnificent planned, or because the story exists for the purpose of testing this stats framework, but because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing or where I'm going, all I know is that there is a fine line between "bending the rules because the GM trusts us as writers" and "setting a precedent for less-trusted and vetted players to exploit and manipulate an immature system that the GM isn't experienced enough to identify and correct the flaws in", and once that line is crossed - intentionally or not - Aegis will be dead in the water and it will not be returning.

Edwards, Trent

  • Heroism Statistics
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    Defense▰▰▱▱▱▱▱▱▱ 2
I am not bored by the rules. Rules that you can't break foster creativity. I will edit Lars appropriately when I get home.

I still think there is room for trust and flexibility because trust has to be earned, and anyone who comes in here wanting trust out of the gate doesn't understand how trust works.

While I get your point Syrenrei Syrenrei I fear you are completely missing mine: I am not suggesting that rules be bent wily nilly. Far from it. I am suggesting that a conversation can be had about bending rules on a case by case basis. And that rule bending SHOULD receive extra scrutiny. I am NOT advocating for special rules for some and enforce them rigidly for others. I am advocating for looking at the idea and deciding collectively, on a case by case basis, if the idea is cool enough to get a pass. Or if it needs a pass. Some cool ideas can be bent themselves to fit within the rules and still be cool. Kate is cooler for the contortions I had to put her through to make her fit in.

Also? I personally think you are being unnecessarily alarmist about the unfairness of it all. I did actually pay points for Lars's intellect, I just prodded at the rules for what still counts as normal human.

Should I have submitted him as a D rank? Maybe so, but that was not the conception of the character I had. So I prodded at the rules. And the rules prodded back. And that is fine, I will bow to the pressure.

What I find disturbing about the nature of this conversation is the degree to which I feel excoriated personally for even pressing the conversation in the first place. I am not trying to take anything away from anybody, I just want to write a good story. I want other people to help. Making other people uncomfortable doesn't serve that end, so I regret any part I had in that. But I have tried very hard to demonstrate, in both word and deed to demonstrate that has never been my intent.
All right, so I clearly have some editing to do. Starting with the easy stuff; first up, Manami needs a tweak to personality. I wrote her up originally as 'timid' but that was not how she turned out once I started writing her. Turns out all she needed was some excitement in her life to shed that shell, and tooling around the world in a fishing boat with mom and dad wasn't doing it. Also, based on her deference to authority (plus a history of mental conditioning) I have moved one point from Will to Agility. I will also do a B rank version after this for comparison.
Hamasaki, M

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Hamasaki, M

  • Stats[/COLOR]]
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This second version does not have the personality edits, just a tweak to stats suggested by miniTrex who I can't seem to tag. I think I like the C rank better, but I could have Anthony come in and realize she needs retesting after watching her during the water portion of the final exam if there is a lot of strong opinion that she should be more combat capable. (I kind of like that she is not dangerous until she is though)

Next up two versions of Lucas's stats without changing rank

Marsolet, L.

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Marsolet, L.

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The logic behind the change is that this would govern his regeneration, and creation of simple materials out of electricity, as well as following the energy precedent for teleportation. It does NOT allow him to project electric shocks. In point of fact, I don't think he can even serve as a conduit for electric shock by touching a power line and touching the bad guy, because the electrons would just become part of him. I am thinking five might be a bit extreme; I might go with four and put one back in Strength. Alternatively, maybe classic Lucas is better? I did give him 2 in energy, with my thinking there being that while his powers are sort of energy based, the energy doesn't come from him. If the power is out he can't make stuff or heal. (He can still teleport through wires though)

Next up, two possible versions of everybody's favorite problem child, Lars...


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So. I am fine with dropping Lars's intelligence to 3, but he needs that outrageous skill set to be the villain I have in mind. Alternatively, he could actually be a D rank super with some kind of visions like Red's daughter, except with the odd little detail that he can't tell if any of it is real because his mind is too far gone. That has the benefits of taking the intelligence thing off the table and explaining how he acquired such an outrageous collection of skills. It also helps explain how he fooled the Minnesota techs into thinking he was C rank: The enigma field actually does affect him, just not in the way he convinced them it did. That accounts for his increased intelligence also because as long as he trusts in his delusions, they will guide him to insights that could not be had any other way. This adds the weakness that if he can be convinced to doubt himself, his whole world will implode.

I kind of like the original, because my vision was of an ordinary guy taking on supers toe to toe through trickery. The power of vision mixed with delusions is nice though in that it barely counts as a power. Anyway, those are my two proposed directions for Lars. Curious to see which people find more palatable.

Lastly, I'm going to take on Aaron, but I am not sure what exactly people want changed. I am going to go back and re-read the whole thread for specifics... I have one possible edit in mind but I am not clear if it would be perceived as an improvement or not.
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OK. Hopefully this, combined with previous discussions, will get ManicMuse ManicMuse on board with Aaron.

I reduced strength to 1 and boosted energy to nine instead, and rewrote his power description (major changes in red. there are a few other minor tweaks) I think this clarifies a bit how the powers are connected, and in retrospect, what he does makes more sense with energy than strength (it was not an option when he was first written) He is not actually super strong; it is just that when enormously massive things are set into motion, less massive things tend to get brushed aside. This also somewhat solves the issue of why him walking around doesn't push the earth of its axis: he isn't exactly pushing to move, he is just directly doing work on himself through gravitational self interaction.

Mallory, A

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Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Gus Gus

OK. Hopefully this, combined with previous discussions, will get ManicMuse ManicMuse on board with Aaron.

I reduced strength to 1 and boosted energy to nine instead, and rewrote his power description (major changes in red. there are a few other minor tweaks) I think this clarifies a bit how the powers are connected, and in retrospect, what he does makes more sense with energy than strength (it was not an option when he was first written) He is not actually super strong; it is just that when enormously massive things are set into motion, less massive things tend to get brushed aside. This also somewhat solves the issue of why him walking around doesn't push the earth of its axis: he isn't exactly pushing to move, he is just directly doing work on himself through gravitational self interaction.

Mallory, A

  • Heroism Meter

    Ability Statistics

Gus Gus

I have a question about Aaron. If he has 1 for strength but weighs as much as Saturn.... if he swung his arm he would utterly destroy whatever it came in contact with due to the sheer weight.....similar to a wrecking ball.... the 1 in agility makes sense, but 1 in strength does not. I'm not disagreeing about his use of energy to move and do his things... but because of how his weight would be used throwing his arms around it would be seen as "super strength". You also mention in his limitations that he needs to breathe, makes sense... but what doesn't make sense is wormholing to the moon (which lacks oxygen....) and you say it takes an hour to setup another wormhole (half that in some circumstances) so how does he not die of asphyxiation? (and please dont tell me he 'holds his breath' XD). The last question I have is this.... he has a Level 4 limiter, before he received the limiter, where was he? wouldn't his weight knock the earth from its rotation? I'm just trying to understand the character in how he is presented, it's not a dig at you or anything so please don't take it that way. I sincerely look forward to your answers.
The idea is that he has enormous mass, but doesn't acquire momentum when moving that mass because he is isolated from the rest of the normal universe by the discontinuity at the surface of his skin. That same property that protects his surroundings from what should be enormous gravitational force (roughly 30 billion gravities at a distance of a dozen yards or so iirc) makes it so that he can ONLY move by expending his own energy and continuing to do so. If he encounters an obstacle, momentum cannot help him overcome it. If he keeps pushing, then the third law applies to the environment with him as the force transmitter between whatever he is pushing on and whatever he is braced against. (so if he is standing on a beach and tries to push over a tank, he will probably just skid backwards).

There are only two cases where the 'wrecking ball effect' comes into play. First is if something is caught between two parts of Aaron that he is bringing together (typically hands, but... y'know, could be knees or something). Both parts of him move with nigh incalculable force and the thing in between is obliterated. The second case would be if something tries to move him, using it's momentum, like say a car running into him. That does not obliterate the car, because the size of the force is limited by the car's velocity and mass, but it DOES hurt the car more than running into the most solid earthly barrier imaginable. Faster than about 60 mph, this would be lethal to the occupants, regardless of restraint.

The time taken is the time to set up the required spatial distortions which he does before leaving. The actual transit time is minuscule. The idea for this is taken from Lawrence Krauss' book "The physics of Star Trek" where he describes what warp drive might look like in this way: If you want to make a trip at arbitrarily fast speed, you need to bend space to avoid the limitations of general relativity, but the spatial distortion itself cannot propagate faster than light speed either, so if you want to jump 4 light years it will take at least four years to set up the bridge, but when it is ready, you can cover the distance instantly. The upshot is that he only needs to hold his breath for a split second, and given his high defense, he can take the pressure changes. Venus is an issue because the atmosphere is so corrosive and clings to him upon return. If he is not careful, he can get a snootful of acid when he takes a breath upon return to earth.

As for the limiter, he wears one because the law says he has to do so, but they have a tendency to break because they were not meant to deal with the surges of enigma particles that can take place around him. They also don't do a lot because he is in a stable equilibrium: his mass is cut off from influencing his surroundings except in very close contact (such as the aforementioned car crash) In game, nobody knows why this is so, it just is. In the meta-game, my pet theory is that he interacts with ALL the earths across the multiverse at once, so earth's gravity effects him as if he were normal size. (There is some precedent in string theory for gravity 'leaking' off into other universes, but it is highly speculative.)

There is actually something related to the plot holding all that energy in check ever since he acquired his powers at the age of six, but the reasons are being held back for the time being. I have discussed them with Welian from way back. When I first created the character, I was a little vague on where the energy and mass came from in the first place, but I woke up one morning about a year ago with the answer fully formed in my brain. It is the one secret I have managed not to blurt out yet because I am bad at secrets and I really really want to tell everyone the full details of his origin. But not just yet.

The known details of his origin are underneath the "day 1" spoiler tab near the bottom of the first page of prompts:

The first origin is Lucas, Aaron's follows that.
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I've been busy with kid stuff. I had a physical/check-up for the 2-year-old yesterday followed by preschool graduation. I can NOT believe that is a thing now... they even had caps and gowns!

On to characters, since I have a physical scrawled list:

Gus Gus : I really appreciate the effort you put into your characters. I know I come across as a tight ass sometimes, and I apologize for that. I want you to realize I'm not gunning for you, or your characters, and I am this passionate about rules and stats across all of the profiles. If anyone else had jumped in here asking about bending rules I would have responded similarly. D. Rex D. Rex can vouch for my displeasure towards him when he made Oppie regenerate with (I think) health three. =)

Okay, now that we have that out of the way.... I think C-rank Manami makes a lot of sense just moving that one point into agility. I see your point about strength affecting her speed in the water, rather than agility (Mr. Syrenrei persuaded me on this), but I definitely feel Manami would be nimble in the water. I'd see her as an upper end of the three stat in agility because she would conceivably have the grace and dexterity of an Olympic athlete when she's in the water. I used to do a lot of swimming myself and there is definitely more to it than raw muscle so I think agility three fits this concept you have for her well!

Aaron I.... frankly don't understand half of this stuff. I think that moving points from strength to energy makes sense from what little I grasp of the science behind it. My biggest concerns for Aaron were always that he was the strongest S-rank out there (since Red is the only other active S and can't destroy the world) so it's very easy for him to feel larger than life in the scenes he is. I think anyone playing the character would have that struggle. Out of curiosity, since I am not good with science, how often can he wormhole? How often would the moon or Mars be in sight to allow him to use that power? Adding that to the sheet might make the wormhole power seem a little less overwhelming. I don't think you need to change his powers, just adding more detail to that limitation gives me an idea of how often we might see wormholes in our future. =)

Lars I think you should stick with E-rank human with 3 intellect personally. I know he won't be the smartest cat around, but I'm not sure he really needs to be to stand toe-to-toe with your heroes. Lars has ambition and that goes a long way towards making him a convincing villain. How many hyper-intelligent people do you know? And how many of those people are ambitious and ruthless enough to pursue things like Lars? Some of the brightest people I know are lazy assholes and that hubris will always hold them back. Additionally, Lars is rich. Money goes a LONG way towards helping close the gap between supers and regular humans. With enough money you can be Bruce Wayne. Why do you need to invent all the amazing tech? Just buy it! He can use his wealth to employ supers that are smarter than him but not as clever at manipulating the media, or are easily blackmailed, or just make poor life decisions a lot. In looking at the RP most of the supers in our story aren't capitalizing on their power to get rich quick. Even if they tried, the majority of the population aren't supers and might frown upon their efforts. This is a space where Lars can take advantage! Really, I think just clever + ambitious + rich can take Lars a long way.

Lucas is... hmmm. I guess I have questions about him. Given that his body isn't normal, what can kill him? What can hurt him? Does he have immunities? I think he's a cool concept but I don't want to sidestep stats for him just because his composition isn't flesh. For example, health is the ability to recover. Technically we could argue that the body need sleep and fuel of its own (water, maybe medication, food) to heal and regenerate. Just because Lucas has a difference source and process to heal doesn't mean he shouldn't follow the health score idea I don't think. Since he does require electricity and it's not perfect regeneration I don't think he needs a high health score, but I think it should be above three. He can still conceivably recover from things a normal person can't, even if the resources to do so aren't readily available. Additionally, I think if he can make stuff out of electricity that should count as a construct, but the energy cost should be relatively low. I'd compare this to a fire manipulator not being able to make fire, but being able to control it. I'd think they'd need an energy score (or maybe will score?) to justify the manipulation. And lastly, I think his 'teleportation' in agility is fine. It's not a 'real' transport to me since he has to travel (as I understand it) through conductive objects. He couldn't 'teleport' from a field in the middle of nowhere to a car parked in front of my house, right? If so that's more agility to me than energy. His form isn't flesh and bone, but he's just traveling obscenely fast with the form he DOES have, rather an opening some sort of portal and jumping through.

Anthony looks solid to me, he has my vote!

yoikes yoikes
I like Tomoko a lot. I'm usually frothing at the mouth over how much RPN has Japanese characters everywhere, but she has a nice, clean, simple power and I like that she's not an adult. Very cool!

For Mitch, since I've never seen her in action, I was sort of curious how the copying of other powers worked. Rogue is my favorite X-Men so I naturally adore this idea, but what sort of limitations does she have on the strength of the power? Could she copy an S-level power like Aaron or Red? Would it be at the same strength as Aaron or Red's powers? I know the powers last, at most, an hour, which is I assume how long she can copy a D-rank. What about a C, B, A, or S? I'm just trying to get a feel for how it works. =)

Giyari Giyari
I'm still salty I haven't seen more of Swan but he has my vote. Very neat character. I love old dudes. I wonder if when he and Eve run into each other if their powers interfere with each other?
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I like Tomoko a lot. I'm usually frothing at the mouth over how much RPN has Japanese characters everywhere, but she has a nice, clean, simple power and I like that she's not an adult. Very cool!

For Mitch, since I've never seen her in action, I was sort of curious how the copying of other powers worked. Rogue is my favorite X-Men so I naturally adore this idea, but what sort of limitations does she have on the strength of the power? Could she copy an S-level power like Aaron or Red? Would it be at the same strength as Aaron or Red's powers? I know the powers last, at most, an hour, which is I assume how long she can copy a D-rank. What about a C, B, A, or S? I'm just trying to get a feel for how it works. =)

Yay glad that you like Tomoko!

Yes, she can copy S-level power.

Yes but she's smart enough to know that without proper training, she'll risk losing control of the power / 'badly injure' herself.

The more she 'mastered' a copied power, the more effective and the stronger she can use said power.

I also have this idea:
The stronger the power (Energy), the faster she will be exhausted and the shorter the time will be. So if she copies, say, Naran's power, Mitch will probably will only able to use it once (since she need to charge and use it before the time runs out) and risk breaking her bones because she doesn't have the same physical strength / body endurance as Naran's. Kinda like Boku no Hero Academia's Deku when he uses One for All for the first time.
But since Red only has 7 Energy, she could use his power a little bit longer.

At this point of the story, she only ever copied about 4~10 powers at most and still lacking in training (though i assume off screen she would train with her friends from her mission I WILL TRY TO WRITE A RESPONSE ASAP PLS DON'T BITE ME ;A;)

Right now, i would put it as:
  • S: about 5~12 minutes
  • A: about 10~20 minutes (She copied Klaus's power for about 10~13 minutes, i think?)
  • B: about 25~45 minutes
  • C: about 45~60 minutes
  • D: about 55~65 minutes

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