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Realistic or Modern All-Boys School [ooc]

I'm still here and alive sorta (I have a cold, this is day three of being sick, yaaaaaaay... ^^')
Yesterday's post on the other RP took me the entire day so I could not post for this, especially since there were a lot of posts to read near my bedtime once I finally got that one done. So hey! I'm late now, typical me~

Currently having lunch that is one hour late, then I'm gonna read everything and post, will probably take a while.
Jeeez, you guys post so fast! XD (No Nessy, you're the one that types too slow... >.>)

Anyway that's it, report done~! OWO7
I can't find the right FC and seem to have trouble coming up with a character I hadn't played a 100 times already :S damn writer's block...I guess I will have to either drop out or need more time :S
I just realized not of my font styles were working so i fixed it :D i knew something was off about the posts.
afternoon y’all~ I’ll respond tonight after my evening class...which unfortunately means it’ll be pretty late ovo;
also the rin/mino interaction is so cute I’m living
Update: Got my post layout done! Yay! So now it's posting time... in two or three hours, depends on how fast I can type.
I type slow ^^'

ApfelSeine ApfelSeine Permission to bump into ya~?
So many adorable characters~

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun I was just gonna suggest that myself lol. She's on the third floor heading towards and then presumably down the stairs. Depending on what floor you wanna be on, you can meet her near or in the stairway ^_^
Depending on what floor you wanna be on, you can meet her near or in the stairway ^_^
Let's make it middle-point (not quite in the next floor yet, but still on a flat ground), just so we don't have any fatal accidents in the stairs this soon~ XD
I posted~! It's big! But I'm happy about it >w<

(Also damn 10 PM, the day is already over again ^^' Oh well~)
I'm excited to engage with him, he seems fun XD gotta finish up this math first though. I'll respond before I go to bed at least
Lol I went to the rp page and was freaking out cause I couldn't find my post. Turns out it was on the second page :P Guess I'm more tired than I realized.

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