• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Adventure Time RP


Baby Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

1) Be nice to your fellow RPers

2) No Godmoding

3) No insta-hits

4) You can make as many characters as you like

5) Characters can die, but be fair!

6) Follow all RPN rules

7) Have fun!

Character App:






Abilities / Weapons:


Strengths: (optional)

Weaknesses: (optional)

Bio: (Optional)

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Name: Lilly Ripple

Age: 10

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Lilly is very small for her age, she has blue eyes and her long hair is generally either a chocolate brown colour or a dark red colour.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/last_piece_by_destinyblue-d4v1ohr.jpg.8c8a422bb621c7f3b6a1751262077a4b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/last_piece_by_destinyblue-d4v1ohr.jpg.8c8a422bb621c7f3b6a1751262077a4b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities / Weapons: Being the daughter of an Ice magic user and a fire magic user, Lilly has gained the ability to use both fire and ice magic, and she can even combine the two. Her hair often changes colour in relation to her emotions, but she can change it at will when her emotions aren't too powerful. Her Skin can also glow and adapt in relation to her elemental powers. Although it's not an 'ability' Lilly is highly sensitive to other people's and creature's feelings.

Personality: Lilly is very timid, she often feels nervous around other people (Unless she knows them) and finds it hard making new friends. However, when she becomes friends with someone, she opens up rather quickly and becomes her bubbly self when around them. Lilly dislikes violence and will usually find some way around fighting. (More to be revealed through RP)

Bio: (To be revealed through RP)

Other: (Nofink I can fink of)



  • last_piece_by_destinyblue-d4v1ohr.jpg
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<p>Name: Cocoa</p>


Age: 14</p>


Species: Candy Girl</p>


Gender: Female</p>


Appearance:<img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/b8/6a/c5b86a543aa841c2a994c98e83436027.jpg&key=5a6514203526a72ba55cf0f29e15a24bfd33eb79e282797b2c04af34f9026955" alt="c5b86a543aa841c2a994c98e83436027.jpg" /></p>


Abilities / Weapons: Cocoa has the ability to summon any sort of candy/chocolate that she wishes, whether to use it to help her defend or help her attack. Naturally you would think that candy is not a weapon, but actually it is a extremely dangerous weapon, drowning people in chocolate solidify people in candy or just bake them in a cake. Her weapon, is at will, summons a massive extremely hard to break pocky stick! Oh and btw she has a very leap which when she lands can shake the land around her for about 2m.</p>


Weaknesses: Cocoa although extremely strong is also very squishy, she can't take damage very well and is sensitive to almost everything.</p>


Personality: Cocoa is a happy cheerful girl who adores all sorts of candy. She is a bubbly, lively girl who has a tendency to defend herself when threatened.</p>


Bio: (Find out as the RP unravels</p>


Other: She lives in the candy kingdom.</p>
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Accepted! Welcome aboard!

(Love the pocky idea! I wonder where you got that idea ( ;) ) ( :P ) )
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Character App:

Name: Kiko

Age: 11

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/phO1s.png.cbc0d1925553de65e4d3600609b2f75e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/phO1s.png.cbc0d1925553de65e4d3600609b2f75e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities / Weapons: Reads Minds, can talk to cats. Also she can turn into any animal she wants!

Personality: Shy, Kind, Talks to spirits. (I am new at roleplaying ok?)

Bio: ( You Will Find Out More In The RolePlay)

Other: Kiko is scared of water, She Also Has a pet cat called Moonie,(OuO)



  • phO1s.png
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L182996 (Or just, Ly)


???? (Looks around 14-16?)


??? (Test-Subject, Fabrication, a Cyborg)


Genderless (Female pronouns)



Abilities / Weapons:

Bionic Physiology: Ly is, well, a machine. She's a robot, or at least something metallic like it. This means that she has anatomical liberation, head liberation, body part substitution, so if some part of her is cut off or taken out, it can be replaced under the right hands. As long as it isn't her weak point (which she does have, but to avoid metagaming, I won't say it. Trust me it's there). Her body is made of complete metal nonetheless, other than the soul that has inhabited it. Due to her being bionic, she holds unbelievable near-superhuman condition, with accderlated agility, durability, endurance, speed, and strength. She's very capable of reaching past these limits, but her body being build the way it was, there's no way she can reach past her maximum capability, because her body simply isn't capable of "getting better" on it's own. Like I said, metal, she isn't capable of feeling things physically, so she holds pain supression, and doesn't need to eat, sleep, or overall need anything that a human needs to survive. The things that could kill animals such as a disease, poisoning, lethal injection, a stab wound, stuff like that, it can't kill her. Like I said, she's a robot.

But even so, robots do have a few screws loose. She's a robot, and she isn't made out of anything enchanted. No, she's made out of just good-ol steel with a few different metals in a few different places depending on their usage. If the conditions are right enough, she could melt, or if the conditions were drastic enough, the metals in her body could contort, expand, and contrast, which would cause signifigant damage to her body on her own. Ly needs to be tuned up almost constantly in order to stay in tip-top shape, and it's hard to do it constantly. Sometimes there are always little bugs of her own body, so her arm could accidently become stiff and need oiling, which is bad in the middle of combat, if you can't move your arm, and even with her enhanced condition, she's still susceptible to things like gravity, falling down, denting, and overall the threat of being torn apart by something strong enough to rip steel, or just being crushed.

Just imagine what a robot could do.

Enhanced Condition: As stated earlier, due to her bionic composition and body, she holds physical capabilities that are above natural members of a lot of beings in Ooo, such as higher strength, athleticism, agility, dexterity, you name it. She's nearly always in this tippity-top peak condition, but do remember, her mechanical body needs tune-ups almost constantly to remain "in shape". Plus, she very literally has screws, so tearing an arm off and rendering her incapable (for the long moment, at least) of performing an action is, real.

High-Tech Exoskeleton: Ly utilizes her robotic body to hold many other forms of technology. It's powered by her thoughts, and it grants her different forms of weaponry. She's insanely limited in this, both by what she can control (aka a cannon the size of herm, no bigger. It must be something that can fit her body), and how long she can (she dislikes using this, particularly because she is her own power source. This means just by having it idlly drawn she can very literally knock herself out or kill herself if she tries to extend past her own life source).


- Her own life source is her powerup, so she t e c h n i c a l l y needs sleep. She needs to shut down and reboot/powerup every so often so she doesnt deprive herself of her only source.

-Needs to be tuned up and taken care of constantly or she'd get rusty, stiff, and overall have tons of bugs.

-Could break or be crushed.

-Capabilities of steel, so melting and object impermamance is a thing.


Unlike most robots or fabrications of her kind, Ly is a happy, kind and caring soul who strongly dislikes the means of violence to solve anything. She dislikes her own capablities of being able to become a weapon herself, and she prefers the thrill of travel and adventure over the adrenaline of combat. She can hold a somewhat intimidating apperance, standing at 5'7 with a slight glow in her eyes, but nonetheless, she appears to be brilliantly built. The fact that she's a robot doesn't stand out at all, but most of her body is concealed by baggy clothing nonetheless. Ly is curious and eager to learn more about the world. She appears to both hold amnesia and short-term memory, easily forgetting tasks and getting distracted., needing to be reminded every so often of what to do. One of her main faults is that she's very easily convinced and naive to the world around her, despite it's obvious cruelties, as her mind can't comprehend the brutality and reality of that around her. While she holds an unbreakable bond with the one who cares for her, Ian, she can easily be convinced of things otherwise,

Bio: (Optional)

TBR - Just know she was originally made to hunt out the evil of Ooo. Originally.


-Aspires to be able to fly!! It doesn't mean anything if she herself isn't the one to do it!!

-Appears to have been around for quite a long time.

-She appears to be journeying because she has forgotten something important, whether it be an object, or a thought,, and hopes to be able to remember it one day.



Ian Pering




Painter Citizen (Painting King/Painting Princess is apparently a thing, so)





Abilities / Weapons:

His weapon is primarily a body-sized paint brush that seems to always have paint on it. He carries smaller paintbrushes and pens, though they don't do anything other than, uh, paint, and write. He carries a backpack with him that holds two primary things, an art box, and a tool box.

Paint Manipulation: Using his weapon, he can create, generate, shape, and manipulate paint, as well as the physical substance and paintings. He can shape, move, and animate paint, using it like fluid water, as well as animating paintings to come alive. He can quickly draw something among the air or on paper and it would come alive, though he's restricted to his own imagination. Adding onto that, time doesn't stop for him to draw. Depending on how detailed the drawing is determines the animated creatures ability (if it has 3 legs, it will have 3 legs when animated. The drawing will not finish itself). He's limited in terms of distance to the "pagelength" if drawn on paper (the maximum has been 30 feet), and he only has so much time to draw if it were on the air . His paintings dissipate once the head is cut, otherwise, they hold the consistency and fluidity of water.

Enhanced Crafting: Ian holds the talent of enhanced crafting, allowing him to craft many different kind of objects with ease. He's able to forge the sharpest of swords, create flawless statues, and much more. He can forge what was seen as nothing into something using the material around him. He still needs time, and many times, he needs to forge his own tools (which may be flimsy and unreliable). Adding onto crafting, he serves rather well in being an engineer and working with high-tech technology.

Paint Mimicry: Similar to Water Mimicry, Ian can transform hs body completely into paint. He becomes a homogenous matter, without any part of his paint form any more important the other.. In this state, he's unable to be generally hurt or harmed, but he can easily be tracked while in this state due to leaving paint on his trail, and in this state, he can't harm others either. He's vulnerable to water and heat, and he holds the risk of drying. Alternatively, he can turn certain parts of his body to paint and harden it physically, though he struggles and needs to practice with changing it back.


Ian is a quiet, reserved individual with a creative and artistic outlook on life.. He tends to be a little bit absent-minded, though nonetheless, he holds a lot of logical views and bears a considerable amount of intelligence and maturity for one of his age. He has an admirably strong appreciation and enthusiam about the arts, and is seen to know how to draw very well, play multiple instruments, and seem to even be able to sculpt and forge. He's a pacifist, and dislikes battle overall, seeking to find the alternative to it as much as he can if it risks fighting with those not serving as a threat to him or Ly. While he's very capable, he only holds a strong amount of endurance, but he's unable to fight on his own. He isn't really, shy, but Ian appears to struggle socially when talking to others regardless. He holds a fondness towards animals, and seems to hold an indifferent or aloof expression most of the time.. He may come as blunt or sarcastic fairly often, though he's very concerned over the safety of those that he knows, and is a sweet boy.

He holds diffficulty in making close friends, primarily because back home, a lot of his own friends were simply paintings. They were restricted to their own area, but because they were a painting, they bore their own sense of semi-immortality. He didn't want to come to the conclusion that at some point, he would die before the rest of his own family and friends, and seeked to be a painter for the kingdom. But after meeting a broken and lost Ly, he became a wandering artist.

Bio: (Optional)



-Loves soft pastels and dislikes the feeling of oil pastels, but adores drawing pears with tophats.

-Typically seen with charcoal or paint on his face, body, arms, etc.

-Very unorganized but somehow finds everything.

-A picky eater.

-He's 15 and 5'11!! Quite tall for his age!!!


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TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley "Tox" Ven




You decide, I'm almost human





Abilities / Weapons:

Fangs: Tox has 2 sharp fangs that inject her toxin in things she bites, she can hide them and very much keeps it a secret.

Tail: Tox has a medium thin, black, scaly tail with a sharp edge to cut. She hides this as well and isn't noticable when it's tucked in her leggings. It is 2 and a half feet long.

Toxin: The most dangerous part about her, her toxin is very lethal being a mixture of chemicals and toxins that are very deadly. The poison includes substances such as Arsenic, Mercury, Cyanide, and many other poisonous liquids that give it a purple hue. The substance is produced in an eyeball shaped organ in the back of her neck. The organ can be seen through her skin as purple but it is covered by her hair. The organ produces 0.4 mL/hour and eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. can increase production. The organ can overfill and needs to be depleted when it is overfilled. It normally drips out of Tox's fangs while sleeping to keep it steady. The toxin is heavily acidic outside a host and can melt metal. The poison runs in her blood, so she bleeds the substance out of cuts and scrapes and things like that.

Ashley is also immune to chemical poisons, all of them. However, magical poisons can affect her including curses, hexes, etc.

She also can sell her poison for a very heavy price, and it can kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much it is. The fastest way to produce an antidote is Tox herself, as she can alter it to be an antidote.


Evil, criminal, a cold-blooded killer. If you watch RWBY, she is like a mix of Cinder Fall and Roman Torchwick. Revenge is her trigger, and you don't want to trigger her. She is often confused for a regular human based on her appearance, but behind that shell is an evil soul. She is easily offended and overdefensive. Once someone knows her secret, their fate is sealed.

However, if you somehow become friends with her, she is actually very nice and she'll want to hang out with you. She's "chill" most of the time and likes conversation. She likes herself more than other people and has trust issues, saving herself rather than others.

When you look at her, she looks like a normal innocent human. Only 5'4" tall and she seems friendly, but...

Don't judge a book by it's cover.


Well, not much is known about her past but she accidentally killed someone. And she
loved it. She's grown to be one of the top criminals in Ooo... and nobody caught her yet. Police only have descriptions from barely alive victims.


If there are questions in your mind, please feel free to ask.

Every story needs a villain, so I'm here to be that role.




Accepted! I offer you a warm welcome to Ooo no matter how evil you decide to be!

Entarriance said:


L182996 (Or just, Ly)


???? (Looks around 14-16?)


??? (Test-Subject, Fabrication, a Cyborg)


Genderless (Female pronouns)



Abilities / Weapons:

Bionic Physiology: Ly is, well, a machine. She's a robot, or at least something metallic like it. This means that she has anatomical liberation, head liberation, body part substitution, so if some part of her is cut off or taken out, it can be replaced under the right hands. As long as it isn't her weak point (which she does have, but to avoid metagaming, I won't say it. Trust me it's there). Her body is made of complete metal nonetheless, other than the soul that has inhabited it. Due to her being bionic, she holds unbelievable near-superhuman condition, with accderlated agility, durability, endurance, speed, and strength. She's very capable of reaching past these limits, but her body being build the way it was, there's no way she can reach past her maximum capability, because her body simply isn't capable of "getting better" on it's own. Like I said, metal, she isn't capable of feeling things physically, so she holds pain supression, and doesn't need to eat, sleep, or overall need anything that a human needs to survive. The things that could kill animals such as a disease, poisoning, lethal injection, a stab wound, stuff like that, it can't kill her. Like I said, she's a robot.

But even so, robots do have a few screws loose. She's a robot, and she isn't made out of anything enchanted. No, she's made out of just good-ol steel with a few different metals in a few different places depending on their usage. If the conditions are right enough, she could melt, or if the conditions were drastic enough, the metals in her body could contort, expand, and contrast, which would cause signifigant damage to her body on her own. Ly needs to be tuned up almost constantly in order to stay in tip-top shape, and it's hard to do it constantly. Sometimes there are always little bugs of her own body, so her arm could accidently become stiff and need oiling, which is bad in the middle of combat, if you can't move your arm, and even with her enhanced condition, she's still susceptible to things like gravity, falling down, denting, and overall the threat of being torn apart by something strong enough to rip steel, or just being crushed.

Just imagine what a robot could do.

Enhanced Condition: As stated earlier, due to her bionic composition and body, she holds physical capabilities that are above natural members of a lot of beings in Ooo, such as higher strength, athleticism, agility, dexterity, you name it. She's nearly always in this tippity-top peak condition, but do remember, her mechanical body needs tune-ups almost constantly to remain "in shape". Plus, she very literally has screws, so tearing an arm off and rendering her incapable (for the long moment, at least) of performing an action is, real.

High-Tech Exoskeleton: Ly utilizes her robotic body to hold many other forms of technology. It's powered by her thoughts, and it grants her different forms of weaponry. She's insanely limited in this, both by what she can control (aka a cannon the size of herm, no bigger. It must be something that can fit her body), and how long she can (she dislikes using this, particularly because she is her own power source. This means just by having it idlly drawn she can very literally knock herself out or kill herself if she tries to extend past her own life source).


- Her own life source is her powerup, so she t e c h n i c a l l y needs sleep. She needs to shut down and reboot/powerup every so often so she doesnt deprive herself of her only source.

-Needs to be tuned up and taken care of constantly or she'd get rusty, stiff, and overall have tons of bugs.

-Could break or be crushed.

-Capabilities of steel, so melting and object impermamance is a thing.


Unlike most robots or fabrications of her kind, Ly is a happy, kind and caring soul who strongly dislikes the means of violence to solve anything. She dislikes her own capablities of being able to become a weapon herself, and she prefers the thrill of travel and adventure over the adrenaline of combat. She can hold a somewhat intimidating apperance, standing at 5'7 with a slight glow in her eyes, but nonetheless, she appears to be brilliantly built. The fact that she's a robot doesn't stand out at all, but most of her body is concealed by baggy clothing nonetheless. Ly is curious and eager to learn more about the world. She appears to both hold amnesia and short-term memory, easily forgetting tasks and getting distracted., needing to be reminded every so often of what to do. One of her main faults is that she's very easily convinced and naive to the world around her, despite it's obvious cruelties, as her mind can't comprehend the brutality and reality of that around her. While she holds an unbreakable bond with the one who cares for her, Ian, she can easily be convinced of things otherwise,

Bio: (Optional)

TBR - Just know she was originally made to hunt out the evil of Ooo. Originally.


-Aspires to be able to fly!! It doesn't mean anything if she herself isn't the one to do it!!

-Appears to have been around for quite a long time.

-She appears to be journeying because she has forgotten something important, whether it be an object, or a thought,, and hopes to be able to remember it one day.



Ian Pering




Painter Citizen (Painting King/Painting Princess is apparently a thing, so)





Abilities / Weapons:

His weapon is primarily a body-sized paint brush that seems to always have paint on it. He carries smaller paintbrushes and pens, though they don't do anything other than, uh, paint, and write. He carries a backpack with him that holds two primary things, an art box, and a tool box.

Paint Manipulation: Using his weapon, he can create, generate, shape, and manipulate paint, as well as the physical substance and paintings. He can shape, move, and animate paint, using it like fluid water, as well as animating paintings to come alive. He can quickly draw something among the air or on paper and it would come alive, though he's restricted to his own imagination. Adding onto that, time doesn't stop for him to draw. Depending on how detailed the drawing is determines the animated creatures ability (if it has 3 legs, it will have 3 legs when animated. The drawing will not finish itself). He's limited in terms of distance to the "pagelength" if drawn on paper (the maximum has been 30 feet), and he only has so much time to draw if it were on the air . His paintings dissipate once the head is cut, otherwise, they hold the consistency and fluidity of water.

Enhanced Crafting: Ian holds the talent of enhanced crafting, allowing him to craft many different kind of objects with ease. He's able to forge the sharpest of swords, create flawless statues, and much more. He can forge what was seen as nothing into something using the material around him. He still needs time, and many times, he needs to forge his own tools (which may be flimsy and unreliable). Adding onto crafting, he serves rather well in being an engineer and working with high-tech technology.

Paint Mimicry: Similar to Water Mimicry, Ian can transform hs body completely into paint. He becomes a homogenous matter, without any part of his paint form any more important the other.. In this state, he's unable to be generally hurt or harmed, but he can easily be tracked while in this state due to leaving paint on his trail, and in this state, he can't harm others either. He's vulnerable to water and heat, and he holds the risk of drying. Alternatively, he can turn certain parts of his body to paint and harden it physically, though he struggles and needs to practice with changing it back.


Ian is a quiet, reserved individual with a creative and artistic outlook on life.. He tends to be a little bit absent-minded, though nonetheless, he holds a lot of logical views and bears a considerable amount of intelligence and maturity for one of his age. He has an admirably strong appreciation and enthusiam about the arts, and is seen to know how to draw very well, play multiple instruments, and seem to even be able to sculpt and forge. He's a pacifist, and dislikes battle overall, seeking to find the alternative to it as much as he can if it risks fighting with those not serving as a threat to him or Ly. While he's very capable, he only holds a strong amount of endurance, but he's unable to fight on his own. He isn't really, shy, but Ian appears to struggle socially when talking to others regardless. He holds a fondness towards animals, and seems to hold an indifferent or aloof expression most of the time.. He may come as blunt or sarcastic fairly often, though he's very concerned over the safety of those that he knows, and is a sweet boy.

He holds diffficulty in making close friends, primarily because back home, a lot of his own friends were simply paintings. They were restricted to their own area, but because they were a painting, they bore their own sense of semi-immortality. He didn't want to come to the conclusion that at some point, he would die before the rest of his own family and friends, and seeked to be a painter for the kingdom. But after meeting a broken and lost Ly, he became a wandering artist.

Bio: (Optional)



-Loves soft pastels and dislikes the feeling of oil pastels, but adores drawing pears with tophats.

-Typically seen with charcoal or paint on his face, body, arms, etc.

-Very unorganized but somehow finds everything.

-A picky eater.

-He's 15 and 5'11!! Quite tall for his age!!!


Accepted! And Accepted! I welcome you to this weird and wonderful place!


Ashley Ven








She has an organ in the back of her neck, easily visible through her skin as a dark purple eyeball shaped...thing. Anyway, it produces and stores a very lethal toxin that can kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much. This poison has a very dark purple hue and contains many toxic chemicals and ingredients such as Cyanide, Mercury, Arsenic, and many more to make it the color it is. The poison is released through Tox's fangs. The organ, producing 0.6 mL/ hour, can overfill and needs to be depleted, so Tox normally lets it drip out while she's sleeping. Eating, sleeping, drinking, etc. can increase production. When the toxin doesn't have a host, it is heavily acidic. Recorded to melt 12 layers of aluminium foil and many layers of tile and stone. Traces of this substance are also found in her circulatory system so she literally bleeds this stuff.

Tox is also immune to any chemical poison. This is limited to chemicals/elements only, so radiation and poisons that have to do with magic can affect her.




Tox has fangs, sharp ones too. They inject the toxin into a host and it does the work to kill. She can control how much goes out. These fangs are more snakelike than a vampire and they can be hidden in her mouth.

Tox also has a thin-ish, black, scaly, 2 foot long tail with a sharp edge. Only used for stabbing and slashing and revealing it to put fear into your eyes. She hides it in her pitch black jeans and it is barely noticeable when sheathed.

Vehicles: She is only 5'2" tall, so I doubt she can see out the windshield sitting up straight. She'll call shotgun when she wants to.


Well, not much is known about her past but she accidentally killed someone. And she loved it. She's grown to be one of the top criminals in Ooo... and nobody caught her yet. Police only have descriptions from barely alive victims.


Ashley is evil, no doubt she won't hesitate to kill you if you offend her by the slightest. She is very overdefensive and easily offended. She likes to be feared, and that can make her a bit egotistic. She is very protective about her secret and once you know it, your fate is sealed unless you're not normal. She isn't scared to look at you straight in the eye and makes death threats constantly. However, this is a first impression. If you somehow become her friend, you will learn that she's like any other girl. Sweet and humorous and very smart.



Emblem on her back:


Weaknesses (You should also put this in the template):

She isn't good at hand to hand combat

Her dodging skills aren't that well

Poison is limited to only 4 fluid ounces before overfill

The organ can be ruptured with enough force and it is very painful, however it does regenerate after 2 weeks. After rupture, it is unable to produce poison.

Hold her upside down and she'll pass out for some reason.

I just made it better with more elements from other RPs
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TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven








She has an organ in the back of her neck, easily visible through her skin as a dark purple eyeball shaped...thing. Anyway, it produces and stores a very lethal toxin that can kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much. This poison has a very dark purple hue and contains many toxic chemicals and ingredients such as Cyanide, Mercury, Arsenic, and many more to make it the color it is. The poison is released through Tox's fangs. The organ, producing 0.6 mL/ hour, can overfill and needs to be depleted, so Tox normally lets it drip out while she's sleeping. Eating, sleeping, drinking, etc. can increase production. When the toxin doesn't have a host, it is heavily acidic. Recorded to melt 12 layers of aluminium foil and many layers of tile and stone. Traces of this substance are also found in her circulatory system so she literally bleeds this stuff.

Tox is also immune to any chemical poison. This is limited to chemicals/elements only, so radiation and poisons that have to do with magic can affect her.




Tox has fangs, sharp ones too. They inject the toxin into a host and it does the work to kill. She can control how much goes out. These fangs are more snakelike than a vampire and they can be hidden in her mouth.

Tox also has a thin-ish, black, scaly, 2 foot long tail with a sharp edge. Only used for stabbing and slashing and revealing it to put fear into your eyes. She hides it in her pitch black jeans and it is barely noticeable when sheathed.

Vehicles: She is only 5'2" tall, so I doubt she can see out the windshield sitting up straight. She'll call shotgun when she wants to.


Well, not much is known about her past but she accidentally killed someone. And she loved it. She's grown to be one of the top criminals in Ooo... and nobody caught her yet. Police only have descriptions from barely alive victims.


Ashley is evil, no doubt she won't hesitate to kill you if you offend her by the slightest. She is very overdefensive and easily offended. She likes to be feared, and that can make her a bit egotistic. She is very protective about her secret and once you know it, your fate is sealed unless you're not normal. She isn't scared to look at you straight in the eye and makes death threats constantly. However, this is a first impression. If you somehow become her friend, you will learn that she's like any other girl. Sweet and humorous and very smart.



Emblem on her back:


Weaknesses (You should also put this in the template):

She isn't good at hand to hand combat

Her dodging skills aren't that well

Poison is limited to only 4 fluid ounces before overfill

The organ can be ruptured with enough force and it is very painful, however it does regenerate after 2 weeks. After rupture, it is unable to produce poison.

Hold her upside down and she'll pass out for some reason.

I just made it better with more elements from other RPs
Accepted again!

Personality is on the template I'll add weaknesses (and probably strengths) but make them optional as some people like to keep the secret until they're revealed in the RP, but thanks for the advice! It's been a while since I last made a thread ( :P ))
TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven








She has an organ in the back of her neck, easily visible through her skin as a dark purple eyeball shaped...thing. Anyway, it produces and stores a very lethal toxin that can kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much. This poison has a very dark purple hue and contains many toxic chemicals and ingredients such as Cyanide, Mercury, Arsenic, and many more to make it the color it is. The poison is released through Tox's fangs. The organ, producing 0.6 mL/ hour, can overfill and needs to be depleted, so Tox normally lets it drip out while she's sleeping. Eating, sleeping, drinking, etc. can increase production. When the toxin doesn't have a host, it is heavily acidic. Recorded to melt 12 layers of aluminium foil and many layers of tile and stone. Traces of this substance are also found in her circulatory system so she literally bleeds this stuff.

Tox is also immune to any chemical poison. This is limited to chemicals/elements only, so radiation and poisons that have to do with magic can affect her.




Tox has fangs, sharp ones too. They inject the toxin into a host and it does the work to kill. She can control how much goes out. These fangs are more snakelike than a vampire and they can be hidden in her mouth.

Tox also has a thin-ish, black, scaly, 2 foot long tail with a sharp edge. Only used for stabbing and slashing and revealing it to put fear into your eyes. She hides it in her pitch black jeans and it is barely noticeable when sheathed.

Vehicles: She is only 5'2" tall, so I doubt she can see out the windshield sitting up straight. She'll call shotgun when she wants to.


Well, not much is known about her past but she accidentally killed someone. And she loved it. She's grown to be one of the top criminals in Ooo... and nobody caught her yet. Police only have descriptions from barely alive victims.


Ashley is evil, no doubt she won't hesitate to kill you if you offend her by the slightest. She is very overdefensive and easily offended. She likes to be feared, and that can make her a bit egotistic. She is very protective about her secret and once you know it, your fate is sealed unless you're not normal. She isn't scared to look at you straight in the eye and makes death threats constantly. However, this is a first impression. If you somehow become her friend, you will learn that she's like any other girl. Sweet and humorous and very smart.



Emblem on her back:


Weaknesses (You should also put this in the template):

She isn't good at hand to hand combat

Her dodging skills aren't that well

Poison is limited to only 4 fluid ounces before overfill

The organ can be ruptured with enough force and it is very painful, however it does regenerate after 2 weeks. After rupture, it is unable to produce poison.

Hold her upside down and she'll pass out for some reason.

I just made it better with more elements from other RPs
This is such a amazing and cool character!! its so creative and cool! well done!! :)
Geozaki said:
Accepted again!
Personality is on the template I'll add weaknesses (and probably strengths) but make them optional as some people like to keep the secret until they're revealed in the RP, but thanks for the advice! It's been a while since I last made a thread ( :P ))
I just copied it, so there's some things that are irrelevant :P
MomoMoon said:
This is such a amazing and cool character!! its so creative and cool! well done!! :)
It took me all week to think about it carefully. I was in DC without a computer and no phone and in between monuments and memorials I just kept fine tuning the character more and more until the evil being you see in front of you was revealed to the internet.
Guys, I'm gonna probably only use these characters once but OH WELL! I need it for a scene! Don't worry if u want to use them feel free guys!

Name: Princess Bubblegum

Age: Who knows!?! Somewhere over like 10,000

Species: Bubblegum

Gender: Female

Name: General Colonel

Age: Some late 90's or something xD

Species: Colonel/Candy

Gender: Male

Name: Marecline

Age: Umm...

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female
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Miljonz said:
Guys, I'm gonna probably only use these characters once but OH WELL! I need it for a scene! Don't worry if u want to use them feel free guys!
Name: Princess Bubblegum

Age: Who knows!?! Somewhere over like 10,000

Species: Bubblegum

Gender: Female

Name: General Colonel

Age: Some late 90's or something xD

Species: Colonel/Candy

Gender: Male

Name: Marecline

Age: Umm...

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female
Ok :)
Name: The Ice King

Age: I dunno, I forgot

Species: Ice king species

Gender: Male


Abilities / Weapons: I think you all know this.

Personality: I'm THE ICE KING! You should know me by now!

Other: Gunter will also be played by me.
Name: Gunter

Age: Wap

Species: Wap

Gender: Wap


Abilities / Weapons: Wap

Personality: Wap

Strengths: Wap

Weaknesses: Wap

Bio: Wap

Other: Wap
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.edbeb84ea6c2f90222b4edce436f6123.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.edbeb84ea6c2f90222b4edce436f6123.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rules:

Name:ziggy hunt




Appearance: 6'2,140, tall and slender basically

Abilities / Weapons: shapeshift into anything,power mimicry

Personality: funny, chill,like a child,impressive when he goes after sonething he wants

Strengths: (optional) can adapt to any environment well,master of disguise and good instinct

Weaknesses: (optional) the powers he mimic won't be as effective as the are with the original user

Bio: (Optional) he's a bad guy if someone had to judge him,but he doesn't seem the way he's a person that likes to have fun and takes life lightly but he's a thief for a living and loves his job

Other: he hasn't had any formal education in his life @Geozaki



  • image.jpeg
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Aaron775 said:
View attachment 294228 Rules:
Name:ziggy hunt




Appearance: 6'2,140, tall and slender basically

Abilities / Weapons: shapeshift into anything,power mimicry

Personality: funny, chill,like a child,impressive when he goes after sonething he wants

Strengths: (optional) can adapt to any environment well,master of disguise and good instinct

Weaknesses: (optional) the powers he mimic won't be as effective as the are with the original user

Bio: (Optional) he's a bad guy if someone had to judge him,but he doesn't seem the way he's a person that likes to have fun and takes life lightly but he's a thief for a living and loves his job

Other: he hasn't had any formal education in his life @Geozaki
Accepted! Welcome aboard the Dungeon train... Or something :P

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