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Fandom Adventure Time RP

(Ima making a second character)

Name: Sophie

Age: 18

Species: Human

Gender: Female


Sophie has long dark blue hair and blue eyes with a violet tinge she's about 5ft8 and dresses rather futuristicly (I know that Adventure time is based in the future, but futuristic to us earthlings in 2016)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.565e3c4eb9e299cd71588ad31709ee63.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.565e3c4eb9e299cd71588ad31709ee63.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities / Weapons: Sophie doesn't have much in the way of abilities, save her exceptional skill with technology.

Sword: Sophie carries a blue sword around with her, despite being rather large, the sword is extremely light. Sophie created the sword herself, and often tinkers with it in an attempt to improve / enhance it. The sword has numerous 'modes' which can be toggled effortlessly as Sophie shares some sort of a psychic bond with it.

Force Field: Sophie wears at least one (but sometimes two, just in case) forcedield generators, which are again, things she created herself. They take the form of a purple and blue squarish pattern and are rather small. Sophie often wears them either on a headband it on her belt, making them look like some sort of accessory.

Personality: Sophie is usually rather serious, due to past experiences. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and she's confident in her skills, though she's not too overconfident or cocky. Sophie will stand up for anyone if she believes that they deserve to be stood up for. Although Siphie is very serious most of the time, she does have a bright side. If she's in the right mood she is happiest talking with other people, having a laugh or just mucking around a little but, the only hard part is getting her in the right mood to begin with.

Strengths: Sophie is very emotionally stable and able to suppress her feelings, meaning that she's generally immune to any negative side effects bought on by emotions, such as fear or fury. She has remarkable technological know how, which gives her a nice advantage if there is any tech to hand. Although Sophie's sword is mechanical, and lighter than your average sword, Sophie is still a skilled swordswoman so if she found herself in a position where she'd have to use a normal sword, she'd be able to use it rather skilfully. Sophie's force fields are near enough inpenetrable, and will automatically activate if needed, giving Dophie quite a reliable layer of protection.

Weaknesses: Despite the advantages Sophie's ability to suppress her emotions give her, they also come with their fate share of disadvantages. As well as being immune to any negative side effect that an emotion may cause, this often also makes her immune to the positive side effects of her emotions as well. E.G. If she were to suppress her fear, she wouldn't run the risk of freezing, or hesitating, but any rational thought like 'I can't actually beat them' would also be suppressed. Sophie's emotions can also be manipulated by other people, but only if those people push the right buttons, and if someone manages to do this, then Sophie will more or less be at their mercy. Despite being pretty much inpenetrable, Sophie's forcedield do have their weaknesses, if someone knows how, they can be deactivated or even completely destroyed in a heartbeat. And finally, Sophie is only human, so if you strip away her technology then she becomes as vulnerable as any other human. She is also limited by the capabilities of a human body, she has the stamina of a huma, the trench of a human and so on.

Bio: Sophie grew up in a large house with her mother and father and about half way through her life her mum gave birth to a baby girl, giving Sophie a baby sister. However, the baby's arrival didn't come without it's complications. If anything, it changed Sophie's life forever, and not nececerily in a good way. From the moment Sophie lay eyes on her baby Sister, she felt a strong bond with her. (James bond) But Sophie's mum died giving birth. This caused Sophie's dad to detest the baby. Sophie's sister was given the name of 'winter' by their father, she was named so as winter is the darkest and gloomiest season of all. Though, this was not the name that Sophie's mum wanted to call her, so when Sophie and Winter were alone, or away from their father, Winter was always known as the name that their mum had chosen for her. A few years later, their father lost it with winter and started beating her up, which ended up with Sophie killing their father and fleeing with Winter. Sophie and winter lived in a cave together for a while. But one night Winter was kidnapped and killed by a group of criminals, which included the likes of thieves and murderes to name but a couple. Sophie dedicated the rest of her life to killing those criminals as slowly as possible to make them pay, and most of them are now dead. (More to be revealed through RP)

Other: Sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm tired and my English is bad enough on a good day :P



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(Without Cape)






Ice Ninja (Originally Human)



Abilities / Weapons:

He has Enhanced Reflexes, agility and hearing. He also has ice powers from when he broke into the ice kings castle and stole the book of all the ice spells. Now he can control ice anytime without the spells. Any weapon he needs he construct.


Xenn is a boy that always love to adventure and fight. He has an anger issue and doesn't like stupid questions and he is not afraid to tell you. He's kinda of a cold person and mean, but he loves his friends.






- His thoughts

Bio: (Reviled when we have a main story plot)



- Ice king helped him with his ice powers and gave him a few 'tips and tricks' if you will.

[QUOTE="Death Reaper]


(Without Cape)






Ice Ninja (Originally Human)



Abilities / Weapons:

He has Enhanced Reflexes, agility and hearing. He also has ice powers from when he broke into the ice kings castle and stole the book of all the ice spells. Now he can control ice anytime without the spells. Any weapon he needs he construct.


Xenn is a boy that always love to adventure and fight. He has an anger issue and doesn't like stupid questions and he is not afraid to tell you. He's kinda of a cold person and mean, but he loves his friends.






- His thoughts

Bio: (Reviled when we have a main story plot)



- Ice king helped him with his ice powers and gave him a few 'tips and tricks' if you will.

Accepted! Warm welcome to you my friend... Wait, maybe not, seeing as you're an Ice Ninja... But welcome anyway :)
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Character App:



Species:The Ice Elemental (After Patience)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caa7c4268_Iceelemental.png.f18b599f324d2bc80cb56f235846a235.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caa7c4268_Iceelemental.png.f18b599f324d2bc80cb56f235846a235.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities / Weapons:Ice Elemental power,Wields Ice Demon Sword,flight and When absolutely necessary uses magic powder

Personality:CareFree and just does what he wants

Strengths: (optional)Ice,A Master Swordsman and can fly

Weaknesses: (optional)Fire and Slime(wings are especially sensitive to fire) and bad at using magic powder

Bio: Will be revealed

Other:Weirdly is an ice elemental without the previous one dying



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VoxelSurge said:
Character App:


Species:The Ice Elemental (After Patience)



View attachment 295363

Abilities / Weapons:Ice Elemental power,Wields Ice Demon Sword,flight and When absolutely necessary uses magic powder

Personality:CareFree and just does what he wants

Strengths: (optional)Ice,A Master Swordsman and can fly

Weaknesses: (optional)Fire and Slime(wings are especially sensitive to fire) and bad at using magic powder

Bio: Will be revealed

Other:Weirdly is an ice elemental without the previous one dying
Accepted! Welcome to Ooo!
Name: Crystal Waters

Age: 12

Species: Princess/Water Dweller

Gender: Female


Personality: Bubbly, excited person, Happy, Funny, Strong Willed, Good Leader, Cute, Flirty.

Abilities: Crystal actually has an amazing grip on water and knows all the tricks in the book from: Healing, all the way to drowning or even if in a desert perhaps she could find any sort of moisture in the air and turn it into a great cloud of water to keep her hydrated. She can propel herself upwards and causes herself to fly and also sealing herself in a bubble of water to keep her safe.

Strengths: Water

Weaknesses: Although she might seem to be overly powerful she is also quite fragile. Fire doesn't affect her a lot but any sort of 1v1 close up fight she would definitely loose. She has no fighting skills whatsoever so overly depends on her powers to keep her going at all times.

Bio: Crystal came to the surface after her home was attacked by the fire wizards. After the attack on her home she was crowned princess and stopped the petty war her grandfather had began. She comes to the surface often to visit her other princess friends. She can breath oxygen so doesn't have to depend on dipping back in the water once in a while.

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Miljonz said:
Name: Crystal Waters
Age: 12

Species: Princess/Water Dweller

Gender: Female


Personality: Bubbly, excited person, Happy, Funny, Strong Willed, Good Leader, Cute, Flirty.

Abilities: Crystal actually has an amazing grip on water and knows all the tricks in the book from: Healing, all the way to drowning or even if in a desert perhaps she could find any sort of moisture in the air and turn it into a great cloud of water to keep her hydrated. She can propel herself upwards and causes herself to fly and also sealing herself in a bubble of water to keep her safe.

Strengths: Water

Weaknesses: Although she might seem to be overly powerful she is also quite fragile. Fire doesn't affect her a lot but any sort of 1v1 close up fight she would definitely loose. She has no fighting skills whatsoever so overly depends on her powers to keep her going at all times.

Bio: Crystal came to the surface after her home was attacked by the fire wizards. After the attack on her home she was crowned princess and stopped the petty war her grandfather had began. She comes to the surface often to visit her friends such as Sophie (Don't worry I have checked this over with @Geozaki ) and also other princess friends. She can breath oxygen so doesn't have to depend on dipping back in the water once in a while.

Accepted! I'd welcome you, but you're already a part of the RP...
Name: Kyou

Age: 17

Species: fox person

Gender: female



Abilities / Weapons:

Her voice. She uses her voice to almost like lull or stun the enemy.


Kyou has a perfectionist nature in which will hinder her ability to preform otherwise, this perfectionist could give two crabs about whether her room or anything else is perfect. She loves hot beverages even in spring or summer.

She has a hardcore addiction to sweets. She is kind and has a deep love for the arts.

Other: She is a widely famous singer from a distant land. She often holds pop up performances in various kingdoms and is often seen handing out autographs. Kyou's stage name is Koyo..I believe this is to be translated to colorful leaves (??). When performing, Kyou draws people in and is constantly having fun. She puts her fans first before her own health and safety.
NekoNekoNyan said:
Name: Kyou
Age: 17

Species: fox person

Gender: female



Abilities / Weapons:

Her voice. She uses her voice to almost like lull or stun the enemy.


Kyou has a perfectionist nature in which will hinder her ability to preform otherwise, this perfectionist could give two crabs about whether her room or anything else is perfect. She loves hot beverages even in spring or summer.

She has a hardcore addiction to sweets. She is kind and has a deep love for the arts.

Other: She is a widely famous singer from a distant land. She often holds pop up performances in various kingdoms and is often seen handing out autographs. Kyou's stage name is Koyo..I believe this is to be translated to colorful leaves (??). When performing, Kyou draws people in and is constantly having fun. She puts her fans first before her own health and safety.
Accepted! Welcome to the party!
NekoNekoNyan said:
(I'm a little confused. Does that rating mean that I need to work on it or am I good to go?)
Sorry, it means you're good to go! I was planning on posting my last post straight after rating it, but got caught up in some IRL Stuff... Really sorry!
Name: Jekkel The Wanderer

Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Male



Abilities / Weapon: Jekkel uses two swords. Jekkel calls his swords Alpha and omega These swords are enchanted, Alpha’s enchantment is Flame’s for the spark of a new beginning and Omega’s enchantment is Frost as in the end everything freezes in time. Jekkel has a couple of cool abilities, He has rather good hearing, He is wonderful at parkour and he is good at sneaking. He does have a perfect build for an assassin but he is not that kind of person. He has the ability to calm animals.

Personality: Jekkel is a happy fellow that likes to have fun but he is also rather sensitive. Jekkel is as stubborn as a bull and does not give up on stuff easily. Jekkel is also lazy hints the hammock that he always keeps on himself. He will always fight for the little guy.

Strengths: Jekkel’s Strengths, He loves life and will do anything to protect it when he has a reason to fight he usually does better, if he has a goal of some sort.

Weaknesses: Jekkel’s weaknesses, Jekkel is not a very strong swimmer, He likes water but he also hates it. Jekkel is affected by this emotion This can be good and bad, he usually does not perform very well at fighting and or Parkour.

Bio: Jekkel was a boy who came from nowhere he had no parents he was just there. One day he woke up in the woods, He was about 10 at the time. He knew how to talk and other things basic things but he was confused. Why was he brought here what was his purpose in life? Jekkel could not answer these questions. His only friends were the animals of the forest, Jekkel had a strong connection with other life like animals, plants and trees for it was the first thing he saw when he was born. Well children there is more to this tale but tune in next week to find out.

Other: Jekkel is bad with sarcasm he can not really sense it very well
[QUOTE="Mr jake]Name: Jekkel The Wanderer
Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Male



Abilities / Weapon: Jekkel uses two swords. Jekkel calls his swords Alpha and omega These swords are enchanted, Alpha’s enchantment is Flame’s for the spark of a new beginning and Omega’s enchantment is Frost as in the end everything freezes in time. Jekkel has a couple of cool abilities, He has rather good hearing, He is wonderful at parkour and he is good at sneaking. He does have a perfect build for an assassin but he is not that kind of person. He has the ability to calm animals.

Personality: Jekkel is a happy fellow that likes to have fun but he is also rather sensitive. Jekkel is as stubborn as a bull and does not give up on stuff easily. Jekkel is also lazy hints the hammock that he always keeps on himself. He will always fight for the little guy.

Strengths: Jekkel’s Strengths, He loves life and will do anything to protect it when he has a reason to fight he usually does better, if he has a goal of some sort.

Weaknesses: Jekkel’s weaknesses, Jekkel is not a very strong swimmer, He likes water but he also hates it. Jekkel is affected by this emotion This can be good and bad, he usually does not perform very well at fighting and or Parkour.

Bio: Jekkel was a boy who came from nowhere he had no parents he was just there. One day he woke up in the woods, He was about 10 at the time. He knew how to talk and other things basic things but he was confused. Why was he brought here what was his purpose in life? Jekkel could not answer these questions. His only friends were the animals of the forest, Jekkel had a strong connection with other life like animals, plants and trees for it was the first thing he saw when he was born. Well children there is more to this tale but tune in next week to find out.

Other: Jekkel is bad with sarcasm he can not really sense it very well

Accepted! Welcome aboard the Ooo Ooo Train!... Get it?... Ooo Ooo, Choo Choo... I really should be banned from puns... or humour all together -_-

[QUOTE="Mr jake](I gotta go bye be back later.)

That's fine, see you later :)
"Life in Ooo, is a battle. You either fight or you crawl under a rock and submit to the worlds chiding and whips."

Name: Karlos Fignarter'





Appears 16-20

Species: Human

Gender: Male


-Scar across left cheek.

-Two scars along the trapeziums muscle of his left arm, going down his back.

-Scar going up the bridge of his nose diagonally from the left stopping just below the forehead.

6'1 ft | 212 lbs

Karl, is not the friendliest of people, nor is he the most talkative. It's not that he doesn't like people or the citizens of Ooo in general, it's just that he gives off a bad vibe wherever he goes. This being said, he's not too keen on people getting near to him or otherwise without his permission or approval, yet despite his aggressive recluse attitude, he has a high moral code and will help anyone or thing in need of it. His moral code is just as high as his will and determination, it is frankly one of the reasons why he is known as the Indomitable; or, in fewer areas, Seeker, in parts of the Grass, Fire, and Goblin Kingdom.

Being quick to anger and having a quick eye for fakes and frauds is something else to be scratched off on the list of things you should be wary of. At the same time he doesn't necessarily plan everything through when in a fight. He's more of the sort who goes with the flow and depending on circumstances can eventually concatenate a plan.

But if there is one thing you should know besides Karl's anger temperament, its his eye for being able to spot liars. And those are the kind of people Karl despises the most. Due to this, he's always on edge, always alert, and always prepared in case there's a battle at hand. All and all, he's never dropping his guard.


Exceptionally good instinct




General Weaponry


Sense of Duty


-Too Wary


-Unlikely to quit despite circumstances

Bio: Karl for as long as he can remember has had to fend for himself in the world of Ooo. There are few he trusts, and even fewer he likes, but the few he do trust can tell you he's just a tough guy who's been through a lot.

Years of fending himself in Ooo has made Karl's body hard and tough to all forms of a beating. It doesn't mean he doesn't feel it, it just means he can take far more than the average person could. His body is durable, not unbreakable.

The only one that can tell you about his past is him. And that's
if he even wants to tell you in the first place.


Demon sword: Myelrai- Karl's most used sword, an extremely durable, extremely strong blade that is efficient when used in the right hands. It grants its wielder enhanced agility when used.


Celestial Blade: Castiel- A rare blade Karl only uses when he's in a tight spot. It holds the ability to paralyze its master's enemy for 2-3 minutes after its made contact with a enemy four times.


Bubuki- It is a bag that has the ability to hold a large majority of items through a enchanted portal within it. Karl is always wearing this bag wherever he goes on his journeys as it has everything he'd ever need within it.

The clothing he wears is enhanced to be immune to heat and extreme cold.

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Name: Joey

age: 10

Species: Human

Gender: male


Abilities / Weapons: his weapons are a sword and bow/arrows. His abilities is with a sword he can change into diffrent colors and the blade dose transform it's color too and his attacks when he change the color the attacks turn elemental fire earth air water (kinda like weiss weapon from rwby). He can also do the same thing with his bow and arrows as well.

Personality: he's a kind smart human who will protect his friends when there is danger

Bio: when he was young his parents abandon him and he was upset angry at them for leaving a baby until bubblegum took me in when she found me on a cold mountain top then a couple years later when Joey was 9 he made his weapons and he left the candy kingdom to live up in the colder parts of ooo so now he's living on his own fighting monsters exploring dungeons etc



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Name: Fletcher Jean-Darcelle


= helmet and cloak on/
=helmet and cloak off. He has black hair and has no facial hair but he is rather built since he moves around in heavy armor all day, he generally gets a workout just from travelling.
Alias: The Butcher

Age: 23

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Personality: He can be a kind fellow, despite his alias, he is usually welcoming. He never fights until he needs to or unless he is on business since he is a mercenary for hire. When he is on duty or fighting however this is where is alias comes to be, for he will make several heavy and brutal swings and slash marks on his opponents before stab wounds to the chest region, but he will always leave his opponent's body parts intact even if they are a corpse. He jokes when he is in friendly company, is quiet and morale breaking when fighting, and curses in french when upset since he has a french accent. He is brave, strong, wise, and independent but also can be depended on.

Bio: He was born to a rather boring and dull family, his father was strict and always had him do things the way he wanted them done, his mother was over caring of him. But that is before he decided that there was more for him out in the world, so when he began training himself harshly day and night all week. He managed to do his chores more quickly everyday until it only took him a few seconds to do everything. When he was ready he ran away, at the age of 18 he traveled very far through treacherous lands to the land of Ooo, upon reaching the land of Ooo he had turned 21. He celebrated his arrival/birthday by eating a good feast and finding an old and wise blacksmith. The blacksmith took Fletcher in and taught Fletcher everything he knew. Then he had Fletcher go to a large mountain to get a very special ore, and upon returning with that ore, the old blacksmith crafted Fletcher a sword then had Fletcher craft his own armor. He thanked the old wise man for everything that he had done for him and the old man said, "Repay my kindness by giving peace to others, and be kind to those who needs it the most, and fight only corruption." Fletcher took his advice and put it to good use, after burying the old man when the old blacksmith passed away. Now Fletcher travels around using his skills he obtained from both self training and the training of the wise blacksmith.

Strengths: +Master Swordsman



+Outdoors man

+Hand in Blacksmith and Crafting

Weaknesses: -Trusts a little too much

-Only mortal and is susceptible to wounds and infection

-Will not attack first

Weapons- Fletcher does have a shield along with his sword, but he also knows how to fist fight as well as to do non-lethal takedowns. His

the ore that was made to build it was enchanted which means he can blast his opponents with captured electricity, send powerful winds through concentrated slashes, can deflect any sorts of magic, and is unbreakable. He named the sword "Tuteur".
animefan374 said:
Name: Joey
age: 10

Species: Human

Gender: male


Abilities / Weapons: his weapons are a sword and bow/arrows. His abilities is with a sword he can change into diffrent colors and the blade dose transform it's color too and his attacks when he change the color the attacks turn elemental fire earth air water (kinda like weiss weapon from rwby). He can also do the same thing with his bow and arrows as well.

Personality: he's a kind smart human who will protect his friends when there is danger

Bio: when he was young his parents abandon him and he was upset angry at them for leaving a baby until bubblegum took me in when she found me on a cold mountain top then a couple years later when Joey was 9 he made his weapons and he left the candy kingdom to live up in the colder parts of ooo so now he's living on his own fighting monsters exploring dungeons etc



Accepted! Welcome aboard the train of Adventure... and Time?

Morbuskid said:
Name: Fletcher Jean-Darcelle

= helmet and cloak on/
=helmet and cloak off. He has black hair and has no facial hair but he is rather built since he moves around in heavy armor all day, he generally gets a workout just from travelling.
Alias: The Butcher

Age: 23

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Personality: He can be a kind fellow, despite his alias, he is usually welcoming. He never fights until he needs to or unless he is on business since he is a mercenary for hire. When he is on duty or fighting however this is where is alias comes to be, for he will make several heavy and brutal swings and slash marks on his opponents before stab wounds to the chest region, but he will always leave his opponent's body parts intact even if they are a corpse. He jokes when he is in friendly company, is quiet and morale breaking when fighting, and curses in french when upset since he has a french accent. He is brave, strong, wise, and independent but also can be depended on.

Bio: He was born to a rather boring and dull family, his father was strict and always had him do things the way he wanted them done, his mother was over caring of him. But that is before he decided that there was more for him out in the world, so when he began training himself harshly day and night all week. He managed to do his chores more quickly everyday until it only took him a few seconds to do everything. When he was ready he ran away, at the age of 18 he traveled very far through treacherous lands to the land of Ooo, upon reaching the land of Ooo he had turned 21. He celebrated his arrival/birthday by eating a good feast and finding an old and wise blacksmith. The blacksmith took Fletcher in and taught Fletcher everything he knew. Then he had Fletcher go to a large mountain to get a very special ore, and upon returning with that ore, the old blacksmith crafted Fletcher a sword then had Fletcher craft his own armor. He thanked the old wise man for everything that he had done for him and the old man said, "Repay my kindness by giving peace to others, and be kind to those who needs it the most, and fight only corruption." Fletcher took his advice and put it to good use, after burying the old man when the old blacksmith passed away. Now Fletcher travels around using his skills he obtained from both self training and the training of the wise blacksmith.

Strengths: +Master Swordsman



+Outdoors man

+Hand in Blacksmith and Crafting

Weaknesses: -Trusts a little too much

-Only mortal and is susceptible to wounds and infection

-Will not attack first

Weapons- Fletcher does have a shield along with his sword, but he also knows how to fist fight as well as to do non-lethal takedowns. His

the ore that was made to build it was enchanted which means he can blast his opponents with captured electricity, send powerful winds through concentrated slashes, can deflect any sorts of magic, and is unbreakable. He named the sword "Tuteur".

Accepted! Welcome to this place of madness!

P.s. I love your profile pic

P.P.S You in a nutshell... I love it (> :D )

Name:"Do i really have to tell you guys my name If i want to enter this world? Well....you can call me Mark"

Age:"My age? Wow you really want to know more about me...I'm as old as time *Jazz Hands*

Species:"You could say I'm human but I actually don't what i am....maybe @FaceBloat will know?"

Gender:"Do i have tomatoes on my chest? NO"

Abilities/Weapons:"I think my power is knowing you,the person who is reading this exists and @FaceBloat doesn't want me to have a weapon so my power is my weapon"

Optional Stuff:"You'll know all the optional stuff when i'm in this world"

Other:"That's it i guess..Now let me in!"

"While i wait you can look at more of my handsome face"




"That's it,
@FaceBloat is too lazy to post more of my pictures"

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