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Fantasy A mermaid rp ooc

Skipper Skipper ooooh bold move for the prince to show kindness to the shunned mermaid, I wonder if word will get back to the queen.
AncientBird AncientBird they aren’t in a room they are at the ruins it’s an open area near the caves, but I get what you are saying.
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Well, when you said glass window, it gave impression that they were in a room of a ruined buliding underwater or something. xP But looking back at the picture, I kinda get you now. Will edit some words.
I haven’t been home in a minute, so imma crash then when I wake up I’ll do another post
its not a talkative group, hence why i saw no need for the discord most people pm me when they have questions, but maybe they will shift over to the discord
Only one is going with the prince the rest will be npc. i would suggest garlan stay for the princess and pelag go with the queen but that isn't up to me you will choose
Pelag: *When you did your job and succeddeded but then a giant lobster came and scorned you.*

Well you on the other side you could be getting your head dragged in the sand by Esther cus you accidentally made eye contact and she was in a bad mood

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