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mischief managed



School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
So teach us things worth knowing,



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear future student,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 May. We await your owl by no later than 27 April.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Bring back what we've forgot,


The year is 1989, eight years after the end of The First Wizarding War and two years before Harry even learns he's a wizard. Though a scarcely acknowledged fear of you-know-who still lingers in the air, the wizarding world is operating mostly as normal. Perhaps you are a new first-year student, entering Hogwarts with the likes of Fred and George Weasley, Cedric Diggory, and Angelina Johnson. Are you a professor, eager to collaborate with peers like Pomona Sprout and Cuthbert Binns to share your knowledge with the next generation of magic users? Or maybe you're preparing to graduate next year alongside Nymphadora Tonks and Charlie Weasley. Whoever you are, you've found your way to Hogwarts and will be calling it home for the next academic year. Now please, make your way to platform nine and three quarters.


This is a Harry Potter universe role play without the Harry Potter. The events of Harry's life, as depicted in the books, have not all occurred quite yet. Don't worry if you don't have an in-depth knowledge of Potter lore, this RP is intended to be friendly to all players, regardless of lore knowledge. It will be focused mainly on life at Hogwarts as students come of age and attend classes while simultaneously trying to keep out of trouble. There will be certain plot points (feasts, trips to Hogsmeade, Quidditch matches, etc.) to push character development and interaction but otherwise, the plot is up to you. Both canon characters and OCs are most welcome, including students and staff. Players are also allowed to play minor characters part time. Drama between characters (romance, rivalries, etc.) is highly encouraged.
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

Guidelines & Rules

1. All first years will be sorted upon arrival at Hogwarts, as per the Sorting Ceremony. (This means that canon characters will be sorted into their respective houses, but OCs are at the mercy of the Sorting Hat.) Later year OCs have the option for their player to choose their house or to let the GM conduct a similar sorting ceremony for them.

2. If you've joined our RP after we've done sorting for the year, you may join as an older year (2-7) or part of the staff. All canon teachers are in place, but I will allow OC assistant professors in each subject who teach under the supervision of the canon teacher.

3. You are allowed 4 characters in total. They may be whatever year of student you like (including prefects!) or staff, as long as they follow the above rules. I also welcome playing 'part-time' characters such as canon students and staff that will help flesh out the universe and encourage interaction (but not require so much effort as a main character). Perhaps my biggest limitation in creating characters (other than keeping it realistic to the universe) is to respect the canon characters that are already in place and the roles they fill. For example, it's safe to assume that Charlie Weasley was Captain of Gryffindor's quidditch team at the point of this RP. That means that in this RP, we will respect that. Other unfulfilled roles on the quidditch team are welcome to be filled by your characters, and if you're keen on being captain we can work out something like a co-captain.

4. This will be a detailed and (I'm hoping) long-term RP. While quality is more important than quantity, in the interest of substance I am expecting at least a full paragraph (4 sentences or more) per post, at least once a week. I'm happy to work with players when things come up, so please let us know if you'll be inactive for a while! Also, I'll try to give everyone at least a few days of notice before we switch settings or start a new plot point, but please let me know if you're struggling to find something to write about and we can work together to figure out a solution.

5. Let's all be polite to each other and have a good time! Feel free to chat OOC about developing character relationships.

6. I'm sure you know the usual rules by now, but just in case: no GMing, Mary Sues, or controlling/harming other people's characters without consent. etc.

7. Please wait to post until your character has been accepted. No positions or roles may be reserved and all characters are subject to GM approval.

8. More of a suggestion than a rule, but there is an OOC discord for this RP. Being in the discord is not mandatory, all important announcements will always be made in the OOC (Great Hall linked below) or IC thread. Join the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Discord Server!

And learn until our brains all rot.


Hm. I don't believe I've seen you here before. First year, then?

[He looks you up and down before giving you a knowing smile to ease your apparent nervousness.]

It's alright, I get it. I've been there. My little brothers are first years too actually - George and Fred Weasley. Little troublemakers, they are. Maybe you'll meet them on the train. But on second thought, it's probably better that you don't.

[He laughs.]

Here, let me help you with your bags. Don't worry, they'll be sent up to your room when we get there. Now listen, when you get off, you'll be looking for Hagrid. He's a big guy, you won't be able to miss him. He'll take you on the boats to the Great Hall where you'll get sorted.

What? Yeah, sorted. You know, into one of the four houses...? You don't know? Blimey, well, there's Hufflepuff, Gryffindor - that's the one I'm in, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You'll probably want to stay away from that last lot. Huh? Oh, no, you don't get to pick. The Hat will, at the ceremony.

[The train's whistle blows sharply, a final warning to all intending to board it for the journey to Hogwarts.]

There's probably still room in one of the compartments of this car here. In you go, that's it, they won't be bite. Chin up, you'll be fine. Just remember to stay as far away from Peeves as you can. Don't know who he is? Nevermind, you'll figure it out for yourself. Good luck, and welcome to Hogwarts


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1. The Hogwarts Express

The Hogwarts Express

Platform 9 ¾
You arrive at Kings Cross, thrilled to be taking the first steps of this year's journey to Hogwarts. It's massive, crammed with bustling travelers heading to a million different destinations. The sounds of station workers calling for boarding and wheels clacking on tracks reverberate through the air. People trying not to be late jostle past you on their way to their platforms. Though overwhelming, there's something mildly comforting about seeing all these people going about their way. You feel almost like you're being gently carried down a river that leads you exactly where you need to go.

Without realizing it, you find yourself between Platforms 9 and 10. Just up ahead, you see a family of redheads waving their sons off as they run straight through a pillar. "Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important," the matriarch of the group reminds a pair of boys. "Best to do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." Her sons wink back at her before charging at the seemingly solid brick. You follow suit, passing right through the brick wall.


A scarlet steam engine waits next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead says Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock. You look behind you and see a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. Smoke from the engine drifts over the heads of the chattering crowd while cats of every color wind here and there between their legs. Owls hoot to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks. You've finally made it, you think.

As you walk down the platform, you notice that the first few carriages are already packed with students - some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. You push your cart down the platform in search of an empty space, ticket clutched in your hand.

Welcome to the first setting post of this Hogwarts RP! It is currently 10:26 AM on September 1st, 1989. Your characters are at Kings Cross station/platform 9 ¾, at some point in the boarding process for the Hogwarts Express. Once on board, please have your characters find their way into one of the 4 person compartments (chart in the Great Hall for reference). The train is quite full this year, so no one will be riding alone. There is a prefects carriage in the front (though prefects may sit wherever they like) and a staff carriage in the back. Remember, the Hogwarts Express will leave promptly at 11 AM.
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Tobias Stearne
“I still just can't get over it! Fifth time i've seen the place...But a whole damn platform hidden right here in King's Cross! Whole damn platform!” Tobias' father gaped about the place like he'd been stupified. “Nine and three-quarters!!!” He barked out a laugh. “It's marvellous!” His slick gucci-suit, rolex watch and leather briefcase screamed out muggle amongst the sea of robes and pointed hats bustling about the place. He smiled down at his son who seemed to wilt into the ground.

“You're in ah the um...” Mr Stearne snapped his fingers trying to think, his round bald head creased in thought. “The snake house yes?”

“Slythern Dad.”
Tobias said mostly to the floor, wishing his father would keep his voice down. He was trying not to meet the eyes of a couple of third year Slytherin girls tittering at him as they boarded the train.

“The best one eh?” His father nudged him with an elbow, Tobias shrugged and nodded abashed, cheeks reddening. “Hah! Of course it is you're a Stearne m'boy! Old and proud family, like I always say.” He beamed down at him. “You have strong blood in you son.”

“Mud-blood.” Tobias muttered, his father looked down at him uncomprehendingly. “Ah, nothing.” His family had by now grown used to him uttering odd wizard phrases. “Listen Dad...I'm 14 now.” Tobias winced slightly. “You really don't have to keep coming with me to the station each time.”

“Hah! Independence look at that!”
His Dad laughed and ruffled his hair. “But I wouldn't miss it for the world.” With that he was pulled into a tight hug, arm's kept stiffly at his side. “My son, a wizard. Now you have yourself a good year.” After what felt like an eternity Tobias was released. "And Make me proud."

“Thanks Dad.”
He said quietly and turned quickly to board the train, his face burning.

“Oh! Bring me back some of those 'Chocolate-Toads' again!” Tobias heard bellowed over his shoulder. He slammed the carriage door shut and breathed deeply. Eyes down he hurriedly pushed past the other students into the nearest carriage without looking up. He sat quickly down in a corner then, lacking a bottomless pit to hurl himself into, buried his face into the Daily-Prophet.
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[div class=tag]location[/div] prefects’ compartment
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[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=namecon] [div class=name]Aurora[/div] [div class=nameo]Aurora[/div] [/div] [div class=body][div class=scroll]
People stared as they made their way to the station, they whispered as she walked by with her parents. Aurora thought nothing of it as she was quite used to that sort of behavior. It was a minor consequence when one came from such a prestigious family. Aurora ignored their stares with ease as she sauntered towards the train. The Windsor family was as immaculate as they were imposing. Mr. Windsor fit the description of tall, dark, and handsome. His looks had only improved since his own time at Hogwarts. His skin is still youthful and smooth compared to some of his associates. Mrs.Windsor stood on the other side of her daughter. She too, was a thing of beauty and poise. Her skin the color of smooth mahogany and her hair large and curly, she stood just as tall as her husband. Together the two of them made quite the pair.

Aurora was a perfect blend of her parents, with her father’s eyes and sharp features and her mother's complexion. She stood tall and proud before her parents, her expression was one of boredom. Honestly she didn’t know why her parents insisted on seeing her off. Well she did know, it was all for appearances of course. Just another way to show off, at least in her opinion.

“Mother, father.” Her tone held little emotion. Aurora received a quick hug from her mother and a nod from her father. With that she was off. Aurora’s things were being put away by her family’s house elves, including her feisty Great Horned Owl, Matteo who had been placed with all the others. Aurora beloved Maine Coon, Imperia was right beside her as she walked. When she boarded the train she took a moment to look around Aurora couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust. Things were far too crowded for her. It was at moments like these that she regretted being a prefect but she was never one to skip out on her duties. Hopefully she could get patrol over swiftly and without trouble.

When she finally reached the prefects’ compartment Aurora was delighted to see that she was the first person inside. She quickly claimed a seat by the window and waited for the others to arrive while Imperia settled herself into her witch’s lap.
⠀♡coded by uxie | click her name ♡

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A dark, stormy evening. Travis looks up at his parents, as the bodies of his friends lay around him. “You’re no son of mine.” His Father says, as his mother laughs next to him. A look of rage pierces through Travis’s face as he picks his wand up from the ground, and, at the top of his lungs he shouts, “You will pay for what you’ve done!” and charges his parents. He flings a dagger from his side, which pierces his mother’s heart. He raises his wand and strikes down the 2 death eaters at their side and with one breath he screams “AVADA KADAVRA!” as he strikes down his father.

“AHHH!” he screams as he awakens from his memory, drenched in sweat. His words pounding in his ears as he gained his bearings. He instinctively grabs his wand and opens his curtains with one swift motion. The morning light is gently peaking over the horizon. He pants for a short while, getting his bearings. His owl looks at him, curious, as if asking “Same dream?” He looks at his owl and sighs. “Yeah bud. It’s the same nightmare.” He tosses his sheets aside and walks to the window, looking out over London. “Ah crap.” He mutters. “It’s sorting day.”


Samantha woke around 5AM, her twin brother still fast asleep in the bunk below her. Something had woken her, as though a voice screamed out in the dark. She got up and got dressed. Noticing the time, she decided not to wake her brother. She went down to the kitchen to grab breakfast and noticed the calendar on the wall. “Today’s the day.” She says. “Time to return to Hogwarts.”

Lucas woke around 8AM to a bumping on the side of his bunk. He looks up to see his sister. “Wake up, it’s after 8. We still need to go buy new books for school; I’m not letting you wait till the last minute again right before the train leaves.” Lucas groaned and got up. “It’s so early.” Lucas says. “Not really, I’ve been up for hours. Hurry up, or else I’ll leave without you.” She replies. “Fine, fine. I’m up.” He mutters and gets to his feet. “I’m gonna get dressed then we’ll go. Normal mode of transportation?” He asks. She pulls a bag of Floo powder from her dresser. “How else would we get there? I’m not walking.” She says, smiling.

A short time later, they were ready for the trip. Lucas had his suitcase and Sam had hers as well. Sam had learned the Extension charm, so they only needed one suitcase for all their belongings. “No games this time, straight to Diagon Alley. I’m not gonna hunt you down again.” Sam said. “Fine, fine. I’ll go first.” Lucas said and stepped into the fireplace. “Diagon Alley.” He says and tosses down his handful of Floo Powder. He evaporated into a bright green flame. Sam stepped in immediately after and smiled. “Bye guys. We’ll see you guys at Wintertime.” Sam said to her aunt and uncle. “Be safe!” Her aunt replied and waved. “Diagon alley!” she stated and disappeared into the green flame.

Sam stepped out of the Fireplace on the other side and joined her brother who was waiting for her. “Alright. Book shop first. Then to Madam Malkin’s Robes for some new clothes. I’m not wearing the same robes as last year. We have the money to replace them, we might as well use it.” Sam said. “Agreed. I also would like to buy a new broomstick if it’s okay with you, I want to try out for quidditch again this year.” Lucas replied. “Okay. Go for it. Just don’t spend too much. We want to make sure we have enough for the trip this year.” Sam said. They had a joint account, set up for them by their parents before they died. There had been a good sum of money, but now more and more money just seemed to pour in. She suspects it to be the work of their older brother, but Lucas presumed it was just more of the inheritance their parents promised when they were young. Either way, it was nice to buy what they needed when they needed it, without having to ask their aunt and uncle for money. They went to the bookstore and checked the list of items they would need. They selected their books and paid for them, then left the store. They checked in at Madam Malkin’s Robe Shop and bought their robes for the upcoming year. Once their items were paid for and collected, Lucas bought himself a new broomstick. Sam also purchased more Floo Powder. By the time they were done shopping, it was time to catch the train. They went to the station and boarded the train to Hogwarts, saying hi to other students as they found a quiet, empty cabin.


Travis Looked out over London from his window and gave a letter to his owl. “Ministry of Magic. Magical Law Enforcement Squad.” He said to his owl, Berry. Berry quickly spread his wings and departed. This was a typical routine; he would send a letter to a few friends at the department checking in on them. They would typically reply with words of well-wishing and would update him on the hunt for missing Death Eaters and wanted criminals. Over the past 5 years, he had not left Hogwarts. This was the first year he had returned home with the students. During the summer break he would help Hagrid and Filch maintain the castle and its grounds. Sometimes he would help Madam Pomfrey stock medical supplies. It all depended on the things that needed to be done. There were still parts of Hogwarts that needed some serious work, but he was happy when Dumbledore offered to let him stay in one of the towers, if he were to repair the stair cases leading to it and ensure that it was livable should his residency wear out. Travis walked away from the window and opened the door, descending the staircase into the living room. He made himself a quick breakfast. He made sure his wands were tucked away and grabbed his suitcase. He knew that Berry would meet him back at Hogwarts, as usual. Travis went to the portkey he kept handy, which would take him directly onto platform 9 3/4. It was showy, yes, but he didn’t like to travel any other way. He took a deep breath and grabbed his port key. He was instantly transported to the end of the station usually with no activity. Once he arrived, he walked to the staff end of the Train. Travis had his cloak drawn over his head, a typical way he greeted students. He thought, maybe the more they feared him, the further away they would remain. This typically worked, however some of the older students had begun trying to get him to open up. More persistent students started to notice he carried 2 wands and that he had scars along his hands. When he would use spells, some students would ask him about the obvious damage to his wand. Questions he wasn’t yet ready to answer, but he was starting to reject their questions less. “What a curious notion.” He thought. “Trusting people. I haven’t trusted anyone since…. Before.” He looked down at his wands and gave a slight smile. “This is the year. Time to tell the truth.” He muttered to himself. The time was 10:26. He found a cabin and sat down, sitting back into his seat with his hood drawn over his eyes. He could see out, but anyone walking by would suspect he was asleep.


Lucas looked out the window as the train filled up. His sister was sitting across from him, already enveloped in a spell book. He pulled out a booklet with a very old image just inside the cover. Photographed was his Mother and Father and his Older Brother. They seemed, happy. However, it seemed like his brother was faking his happiness. What did he know that Lucas did not? Were the stories he was told true? Were his parents really the evil people his Family said they were? Did they really try to kill his older brother? These were questions that constantly drove his mind to want to learn more. He hoped one day he could meet his brother. That he could learn the truth from someone who was actually there. He put the booklet away and looked out the window, zoning out.
Ruben + Bartholomew Farnsby
C’mon, let’s go,” Ruben Farnsby dragged his cousin through the barrier just after the Weasley family did with little effort despite the 11-year-old’s size. The boy wasn’t exactly resisting, but he was dragging his feet, and Ruben was growing impatient. It was Barty’s first year at Hogwarts. He should’ve been over the moon with excitement. Instead, the fear of confronting a girl he had a crush on put a weight on what should’ve been a wondrous, magical moment. “It’s a big train. There’s no guarantee you’ll even see her.”

Kayla Bristlewood. The star of the Frog Choir and girlfriend of Slytherin beater Jasper Wilburn. Well, former beater. He’d heard the guy stopped playing some time in his sixth year…and now he should’ve graduated along with Bill Weasley—the Captain of Gyffindor’s last year quidditch team. Not that Ruben knew the specifics since he didn’t pay that much attention to ‘Quidditch. Not much more than the average student anyway.

He was more focused on dueling.

Though, he did feel bad for Charlie who seemed to be struggling to find players...

Besides, don’t you want to see her? You like her don’t you? This is your chance to finish your confession.”

She has a boyfriend.”

“So what? Love’s a competition as much as anything else. Don’t tell me you’re backing down because of one little setback.”

“…You honestly think I have a chance?”

"No, but you’ll lose for certain if you give up, Mi Amigo.”

Barty snorted, pushing up his glasses. The path to the Hogwarts express was a crowded as one would expect it to be. Families saying their goodbyes. Friends greeting each other from a long summer break. “You don’t have to accompany me, Ruben. I’m old enough to get on the train by myself.”

“You sure?”

“Just because I’m eleven doesn’t mean I’m stupid. Besides, you’ve got more important things to worry about.”
Barty continued when his older cousin looked at him blankly. “Your OWLs. They’re this year, aren’t they? I saw you looking up a bunch of books on werewolves while you were at the manor. Don't know if you expect them to be a topic of your tests or not, but even I can tell you’re working harder than usual...”

Ruben threw his head back and laughed, ruffling Barty’s neatly combed hair, much to his cousin’s annoyance. “Seriously? You’re only a first year and your more worried about my OWLs than I am! How are you ever going to make friends at this rate?”

Barty swatted the older boy’s hands away before doing his best to fix his hair in place. “I’ll be fine.”

It wasn’t as if he needed friends. Study magic. Do well. Succeed his father’s business. They’re wasn’t much else on Bartholomew Farnsby’s agenda.

“Alright, but be sure stop by Gryffindor tower if ever find yourself needing some help. Dad would kill me if something happened to you.”

Nodding, Barty pointed his newly purchased wand towards his luggage and cast a charm he’d practiced over the summer before climbing onto the train that would take him to Hogwarts. His luggage followed along. Fortunately, it didn’t take too long to find an empty compartment (#3). Digging through the many books in his luggage, Barty pulled out a copy of Hogwarts: A History and opened the book to where he’d last left off reading. Soon his path to becoming a respectable wizard like his father would begin.


Ruben watched his younger cousin climb on the train before following suit. Though, he was content to load his items on physically rather than magically. Using magic when unnecessary seemed like a waste of energy to the boy who would rather conserve his spell-casting to class, dueling practice, or when it really mattered. Besides, it was good exercise.

It saddened and irritated him that Barty seemed to place so much respect on a man who couldn’t even be bothered to see his son off for his first trip to Hogwarts, though Ruben knew better than to voice his thoughts to the heir of the main family. Even his own parents treated him better and they weren’t even blood-related. Certainly they weren’t present with the two either, but, given Gilbert had caught a pretty bad magical flu the day before Hogwarts started Ruben couldn't blame them. In fact, he'd insisted they stay at home with the eight year old rather than make the trip to London. It was only a portkey and a short walk anyway. Ruben's fifth time in fact, which was why he'd volunteered to take Barty alone.

However, he didn't intend to helicopter over the boy either. First year was the year one made their friends after all and he was certain the eleven year old would rather make friends with kids his own age, regardless of what he said.

Therefore, after wandering a bit, Ruben found himself in the same compartment as fellow 5th year Tobias Stearne. The guy had his nose buried in the Daily Prophet, which was perfectly fine with Ruben. He hadn't come to talk. He'd come to sit and think. After setting his things down, the fifth year Gryffindor sighed, elbow against the sill as he looked out the window.

Normally he'd look for Aithne but, for the first time in...ever really...Ruben found himself avoiding a girl. Well, avoiding wasn't really the right word. He had every intention of confronting her. He just needed to get his thoughts sorted out first. Other Gryffindors were too loud for that sort of thing. Besides, she wouldn't expect him to be sitting with a Slytherin that wasn't a girl. He was rather vocal about his distaste of the dark arts after all, which the house of snakes was rumored to practice.


They were only rumors after all.

And rumors always came with a touch of exaggeration to them. People called Ruben brave, a daredevil, and they would be right to a certain degree. He was a Gryffindor. He had no problem asking a girl out if he liked them. No problem speaking his mind if it was called for. However, confronting a friend about whether or not they were a dark creature was an entirely different matter...and Ruben found himself hesitating. He had no idea how to go about doing it. He couldn't leave it alone either, knowing a dangerous creature was possibly living with his housemates. All the clues added up. Hard to believe he hadn't noticed it before. Her disappearances during nights of the full moon. Her apparent exhaustion after every monthly cycle, which he'd initially assumed to be typical feminine cycles. He'd even spent the summer doing his research, burying himself in books, which he didn't normally do (unless he was learning a new spell for duel club), just to make sure. He was 90% certain of it.

Aithne was a werewolf.

The obvious thing to do would be to tell a teacher...but that could get her expelled...and Ruben didn't want that. Not before hearing the truth from her own lips. But, if he wasn't careful, he could end up losing her as well. Should he play it off as a joke first? Aithne wasn't just another girl. She wasn't even into him. She was a friend. His best friend in fact. Surely she had a good reason for keeping it all a secret. Surely she wouldn't lie and bite them all when they least expected. Ruben tried to overlay the image of a bloodthirsty werewolf with Responsible Aithne...and he really couldn't.

Sighing again, Ruben rubbed his temples. This wasn't him. He was thinking too hard. Nothing could be confirmed without asking her anyway. There was a chance he was imagining all the clues. And, even if he wasn't, he really couldn't see the girl he'd lived with for 5 years as intentionally trying to harm them.

He'd hear her out. He owed her that much at least. Being lied to stung, as he valued honesty in a person, but he wanted to believe in Aithne...so he would speak to her at first opportunity.

Mind settled, Ruben finally allowed his shoulders to relax. Dark eyes wandered over to the muggleborn Slytherin. To think the hat would have the gall to sort a muggleborn student into the house most prominent for purist beliefs. He could only imagine how difficult it must've been...but, then again, he might be jumping to conclusions. He didn't live with them after all and the snakes he saw always seemed to stick in groups. Smirking, he brought his hands to the pockets of the muggle clothes he'd worn when he'd portkeyed to London and leaned back so he rested snuggly in the seat.

"I saw your dad. He looks like a nice guy."

Since he was done thinking he had no problem starting random conversations, even if with a Slytherin. Nothing else to do anyway and it wasn't as if he particularly cared what his house thought of him. If they were annoyed by something as simple as where he chose to sit, they weren't much of friends to begin with.

notabot notabot
(Mentioned: birdgeoisie birdgeoisie )
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Michaela "Mickey" Gamble

After leaping through the brick pillar between Platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross, Michaela Gamble gaped up in awe at the majesty of the Hogwarts Express. It seemed to her as if she'd never seen a more vibrant shade of red before--as if she'd never truly seen a train before then. The cartoon cats decorating her pink knee socks seemed to agree wholeheartedly, and every hair on her exposed forearms stood up on end. She hadn't been the least bit nervous when she was walking over to the station with her Muggle parents' blessings, but now that she was getting up close and personal with so many magical folks, her little heart was drumming out the percussion part to a particularly-upbeat march. This was it, she thought. This was the moment at which her entire life would change. She had no idea what was coming next and it felt fantastic.

Or, well, she had the feeling that she should feel fantastic. Even though she loved meeting new people, there was a voice in the back of her head that made her wonder how similar this magical school would be to her primary school. If it was at all the same, then there was a good chance that she could face ridicule from her schoolmates for some of her more eccentric mannerisms. She'd also heard quite a few times that being born of non-magical parents was supposed to be a bad thing--and if that were the case, then her classmates would have more reasons to exclude her besides her interests in dirt, bikes, and dirtbikes. How rare a case was she? Would she be able to relate with anyone? Could she belong?

But Mickey was never one to fret about all day--the only way to answer those questions was to go ahead and throw her hat in the ring. She hiked up her mother's beat-up leather suitcase--filled only with the bare necessities and everything she'd been instructed to buy--and confidently boarded the train, her wavy brown ponytail bobbing after her.

There were plenty of compartments both occupied and unoccupied on the train, Mickey found. While she would ordinarily jump at the idea of sitting with a gaggle of first-years like herself, her nagging concerns about "wizard politics" urged her to sit in an empty carriage towards the front of the train instead. This way, she reasoned, anyone who she'd be sitting with would have to sit with her rather than vice-versa. There were too many people standing on the platform for this carriage not to get filled out eventually. And so, as she bided her time in carriage, Mickey drummed her fingers against her suitcase in rhythmic fashion. Despite her apprehension, she had a feeling that today would be a very good day.


Eoin Phoenix

"Well, you made it here with all your limbs attached. That's reason enough to celebrate, don't you think?"

Eoin Phoenix stood near the Hogwarts Express with his parents, both of whom were looking at the Hogwarts Express with the same sort of appreciation and respect that they did when they were in their Hogwarts days. His ruddy brown hair was caught somewhere between being messy and neat (owing to his "action-packed" morning) and for some reason, his loose-fitting clothes seemed to fit even looser than usual today. His calico Friday squirmed uncomfortably in his arms, longing to escape from the cats and owls that were populating the platform with their noise. His mother was the one who spoke, a vibrant woman with an ever-present knowing twinkle in her eye. Eoin's father stood by his mother's side, holding her shoulder almost protectively as people rushed every which way on the platform. Eoin's younger sister Aoife glared at him from behind his mother's back, fiercely jealous that Eoin would be going to Hogwarts three years before she would.

Being that both of his parents were Hogwarts alums, most of Eoin's life was building up to the moment when his parents would see him off and he'd learn how to perform the magic that constantly surrounded him. However, knowing that this much-lauded moment was occurring right now made him nervous beyond any reasonable measure. He'd never been as outgoing or confident as anyone in his family (much to their amusement), so his mom's optimism and nonchalance in the face of what could've easily been a horrible mistake only served to make him more jittery. The Phoenixes were incredibly close to missing the train due to a large number of unlucky shenanigans ranging from forgetfulness to oversleeping to deliberate sabotage at the hands of Aoife herself, so Eoin was naturally very shaken up by the vast number of unknowns.

But he supposed that his mother was right. They made it to the Express well enough, and Eoin still had plenty of time to spend obsessing over what might have been removed from his packed bags while he was asleep and nursing his aching stomach.

Eoin squared up his shoulders, somehow making him look even smaller and younger than he already did. "So I'm just supposed to get on the train? That's it?" he asked.

This question managed to steal his father's attention away from the swarm of magical students filing into the train. "Right, right--that's all there is to it. But it wouldn't hurt to try and make some new friends while you're there," he said. "Even if they aren't sorted into Gryffindor, it's always a good idea to make those sorts of connections. You never know when they could come in handy."

Eoin had a feeling that this was about to spiral into some long-winded story about his father's school days, so he tried to put an end to it as soon as he could. "I'll see what I can do," he said noncommittally. "I'll be seeing you."

"Make us proud, Eoin!"
His mom called after him as he turned away to approach the train. She hopped up and down and waved theatrically as his face began to flush red.

"And don't come back!" Aoife added in a shrill tone.

As soon as he escaped their voices, Eoin heaved a great sigh as he considered everything that was about to happen. He found his father's confidence that he would be sorted into Gryffindor more than a little bit concerning. He'd never disappointed his father before (mostly because he'd never had the opportunity before now), but he was sure that getting sorted into any house but Gryffindor would certainly do it. When both of his parents--and every single witch and wizard on his mother's side of the family--were former Gryffindors, it would definitely define him as the odd one out. But even though he was sure that it wouldn't happen, he decided that he couldn't just quit. He was the sort of person who believed that enough hard work and grit could get you anywhere you wanted to be, so all he really had to do was force himself to be brave and confident. It shouldn't be that hard. Being obtrusive and overly-proud had always been his family's MO.

He dragged his heavy bags onto the train with some difficulty and began scouting around to see where he should sit. He had the opportunity to sit alone, it seemed, but if he wanted to force himself to be Gryffindor material in the time it would take the Hogwarts Express to reach its destination, then he couldn't give in to his desire to curl up in a ball and write his thoughts in his journal.

And so, swallowing his apprehension, Eoin and his bags burst into the first compartment he could find that housed another student looking to be about his age--compartment 3. He must've looked like a total nutter--his hair was askew, his clothes were too big for him, his bags were bigger than him, he was smiling a little too kindly for his liking, and his face was steadily becoming red--but even so, he tried to regard the bespectacled blond boy in the compartment in as brave a manner as he could. "Hey there," he said in an awkward, stilted tone that was very clearly trying too hard to sound confident. Then, as if thinking better of his aggressive approach, he added in a less-impressive mutter, "Uh, mind if I sit here?"

Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Amelia & Lily Frey
"Lily! Get your head out of that book. We need to get moving!" Amelia called out to her sister. Lily was currently reading a book about potions in one hand and her suitcase was in the other. It was her weakest link and she was determined to pass all her N.E.W.T exams. "We will make it in time Amelia. We always do." Lily looked up from her book to glance at her sister. The girl currently had a large smile plastered on her face. Lily didn't understand how her sister could be so carefree when she, herself, should be worrying about N.E.W.Ts this year as well. Lily sighed. She knew it was because Amelia didn't really need the N.E.W.Ts for path in life.

Amelia could feel her sister's gaze on her. She went out and grabbed her older sister's arm and dragged her. Lily inwardly cursed at her because the sudden motion almost caused her to drop her book. "Amelia! You almost made me drop my book." Lily yelled. Amelia was not phased by her sister. She was used to being yelled at for she knew it was because Lily was stressed about her exams at the end of the year. Trying to be an Auror along with being a slytherin prefect? It was a lot. Amelia let go of her sister's arm and Lily then put her book away.

It didn't take long for them to get to the train station, they had been going for many years after all. It has gotten to a point where their parents don't drop them off. Lily split from Amelia when they reached the train. As a prefect she had her own cart with the other prefects. Amelia walked onto the train and found a half full cabin. There was a boy and a girl sitting across from each other. One was looking out the window and the other was deep into a book. She reminded Amelia of her sister. Amelia knocked on the door while asking "Is it ok if I sit with you guys?" Amelia had friends but she did like meeting new people. ( The Cloak The Cloak )

Lily was happy to be rid of her sister. Sure, Lily always loved being at Hogwarts but sometimes she just got too excited about things. Walking into the prefect cabin she saw that someone else was already in there. Lily quietly took a seat and pulled out a book about Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was her specialty but she still enjoyed reading about it.
(Mentioned: erzulie erzulie )​
Bartholomew (Barty) Farnsby
The book was a good distraction. Words printed in solid ink, detailing Hogwarts grand architecture, kept Barty's mind from wandering to a girl who might, or might not, be on the same train as him - for a little while at least. A girl who he would likely encounter in Hogwarts, assuming she continued to her 7th year. The eleven year old dreaded the thought, even as a small part of him missed her. It had been a year since he'd last seen Kayla. A year since he'd secluded himself to the manor and gouged on food to comfort away his woes, wasting all the efforts he'd put in to trim down his weight. It no longer mattered. Barty had too much pride to chase after a girl who had clearly chosen another. He wasn't Ruben. He liked to think that, in the year he spent eating and playing chess against himself, he'd managed to get over his one-time tutor. However, in spite of his composure, a portion of the boy's mind was already fast at work planning on what he should if he were to meet with her. How he should act? What he should say? Possibilities fired off in his brain as Barty examined and cross eliminated the ones that were far too embarrassing to even consider in an effort to reach the perfection solution...

...at least until the door opened.

Blinking, Barty's bespectacled gaze flashed over to the intruder in critical analysis. Brown ruddy, hair. Small. Too small for his clothes in fact, which suggested a poorer upbringing, though they didn't really look to be hand-me-downs. Barty nodded. At first the casual greeting made him think the boy was Ruben's sort, but the boy seemed to deflate quickly enough. The fact that he actually asked before entering was proof enough.

"I don't mind," Barty replied, as he really didn't, and he appreciated the manners. He glanced back to the book in his hands for a moment before looking to the smaller boy struggling with his bags. Book. Boy. Book. Cat. Bag. Hogwarts: A History was closed with a decisive thump and set aside. Manners ought be met with manners. "Would you like some help?"

Naturally, he didn't intend to physically exert himself. Barty knew a spell that could lighten the load. However, it was improper conduct to cast a spell on another's possessions without their permission. He was raised better than that. He could only hope a majority of Hogwarts students were raised the same (though he wasn't actually hopeful).

His stomach rumbled.

Working his mind had worked up a bit of an appetite. Barty coughed, pushing up his glasses, to hide his embarrassment.

Kittymonk Kittymonk

Kayla Bristlewood
Kayla hugged her Dad farewell. "Don't forget to lock the fire crab cages when you close up for the day."

Hearing her father's laughter as he reassured her made her feel better about leaving him on his own. She wished he would find a wife to take care of him. When she was younger, she hadn't, not wanting to feel abandoned, but now that she was reaching adulthood, it was abundantly clear to her that she would be the one leaving him as she pursued her own life and dreams. It was strange to think that this would be her final year at Hogwarts.

She'd experienced so much since stepping into the magical halls. Made friends. Discovered passion. Found love. Lost love. She even had a goal to look forward to now. That was why, even she and Jazz had broken up over the summer, Kayla could still smile. She was already done crying her heart out. It was time to move on.

She still had her NEWTs to look forward to after all. Bill had done so much to help her pass OWLs and get into the NEWT classes required for Cursebreakers. She couldn't let him down.

Then there was the frog choir. She wanted to get as much practice in with the younger members as she could before she graduated. Recruiting some new singers would be nice too. Music played a part in many of Hogwarts' events, after all. From Quidditch matches to the Valentine Dance, the ones in the background providing the ambiance of sound were always the most beautiful in her eyes. The most magical. But, of course, Kayla was probably a little bit biased.

Letting go of the man that raised her, Kayla gave one last wave before tucking a stray blonde lock behind her ear and boarding the train that would take her to Hogwarts for the last time.
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Eoin Phoenix

Eoin just barely stopped himself from heaving a sigh of relief when the boy in compartment three offered to help with his bags. He'd probably packed too much last night--no, he'd definitely packed too much last night--and even if Friday was normally a very calm cat, she certainly didn't enjoy being held under his arm like this while he dragged his enormous suitcase (and three smaller bags) through the train. But then again, would a real Gryffindor ask for help with something like this? Eoin thought that they were supposed to be the tough, self-sufficient type. But on the other hand, they were supposed to be loyal friends, too--and if he would be willing to help someone else with their bags, then he should certainly let someone else help him with his. But on the flipside, if he were strong enough to carry the bags in the first place, then--

He was thinking too much again. He definitely needed help with his bags, so he wasn't about to turn this person down. "Yeah, that would be great--if it's not too much trouble. Thanks," he said almost breathlessly. Friday craned her fluffy neck to peer into the compartment better while Eoin loosened his grip on his luggage somewhat. He knew that there were charms that could help him lift the bags easily, but for fear of messing those charms up and making a fool of himself (especially since charms weren't his cup of tea), he'd decided not to bother with them. Plus, what Gryffindor wasn't the strong, muscular type? If his parents were any indication, then they were all jockish to some extent.

Or, more probably, that was just his way of trying to rationalize his decision after the fact so that he felt less stupid. He could only hope that this blond boy wouldn't think lesser of him for it. He had been reading before Eoin stumbled through the door, and if he knew anything, it was that people who like to keep to themselves usually don't like to be bothered. Yes, now that he was thinking of it, he was sure that he was getting started on the wrong foot here. In a desperate attempt to save the situation, he quickly added, "And, uh, sorry for distracting you from your book."

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Tobias Stearne

Tobias sat there, face burning, fists clenched, willing the last few minutes not to have happened. There wasn't much to catch up on in the wizarding world, Cornelius Fudge had predictably been re-elected and there was some scandal about the new Cleansweep brooms. But nothing to distract him from the humiliation that he was certain his whole house had just witnessed.

His Dad didn't know to be ashamed of course, Tobias had never wanted to tell him. But why did he just have to be such a...Muggle! He was reading through the ads for 'Potent and powerful, long-lasting hearing enhancement potions!!!' when he realised the other person in the compartment had spoken to him.

“Yeah he's a riot.” Tobias replied tersely, lowering the paper. He eyed his companion somewhat warily, gaze flickering down to his muggle attire. “You know, If you've come to mock me then I'm afraid you're a bit late to the game. Slytherins have really perfected the art already.”

“I could give you some tips though?”
Tobias said brightly. Their teasing he had eventually learned to bear, it was the ostracisation that really hurt him the most. There was something he found oddly relaxing about speaking to Gyffindors though, their opinion of him really didn't matter so he could just, be himself.

“Ruben isn't it...we had potions together in third year?” His fingers snapped in mock-remembering. “That was the year I tried to forge an adoption certificate!” He smiled as if reminiscing, but the glib sarcasm didn't quite seem to mask the pain. Life would be a lot easier if it did.

@ QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
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Bartholomew (Barty) Farnsby
"Apology accepted," Barty replied off-handedly. It was his own decision to put down the book, so had no idea why the other boy was apologizing, but, since he did, the proper response was to accept. "Wingardium Leviosa."

Beechwood and unicorn hair wand pointed at the smaller boy's luggage, Barty floated the items neatly onto the racks above the seats. "It's a charm found in the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk. We'll likely be learning it this year."

Of course, given his family background, Barty he had already been given access to extensive private tutoring on the basics so as to more easily pass his classes. Therefore he didn't expect the classes themselves, at least in his first few years, to be very difficult. He could still remember the way Kayla's hand held his own as she guided him through the 'swish and flick' motions. His ears reddened at the memory. Coughing again, Barty neatly put his wand back in the holster at his waist before carefully putting his book away pulling some wrapped cauldron cakes...as well as a packet of Bertie Botts' Every-Flavor Beans.

In the event that Hogwarts' Express provided no food, which Barty had no way of knowing since it was his first time riding a public train, he had no intention of starving. Hence the packed snacks. But of course, always having subsistence at hand to fuel one's energy was only wise.

The best thing about going to Hogwarts in Barty's mind, besides the extensive library, was the fact that his diets would no long be monitored and therefore sneaking food wasn't as much of an issue. Barty took a bite of the cake, chewed, and swallowed before introducing himself. "My name is Bartholomew Cathimus Farnsby, heir of the main house Farnsby. But please call me Barty."

Kittymonk Kittymonk

Ruben Farnsby
Ruben blinked, dark brows rising at the insinuation that he'd come to mock the Slytherin. He hadn't. There was no reason to either given they were alone, with no other students to watch them, and the Slytherin hadn't done anything worth mocking. Not unless reading the Daily Prophet counted as something funny. The revelation that Stearne's fellow snakes didn't treat one of their own kindly was news to him as well, though not terribly surprising given what he knew of the guy's blood status. He'd even suspected it to some degree, though there was no real way of seeing what went on in the Snake's Den. Snakes weren't entirely overt in their bullying.

At the very least, Ruben assumed they would put up a front for Professor Snape if nothing else.

Lips curved upward in amusement at the mental image of the bat-like Potions Masters bearing down on his favorite snakes...only to drop at Stearne's last comment about adoption.

If it'd been a jab at Ruben, it would've been a low blow. Not something he wasn't used to, given the many times he's attended family functions, and not as painful now that he'd accepted his second family, but still a slight sore. Honestly, this is was what he always found difficult about talking to snakes. They were always indirect with their attacks. Subtle, but viscious. That went double for the skull-like boy and his dry humor apparently. He didn't actually know if Stearne had attempted to forge adoption certificates in their third year or not, but Ruben had no intention of playing the Slytherin's game.

While he didn't dislike trading insults, rather enjoyed the house animosities in fact, a competition to see who could hurt each other more was one of the few Ruben didn't partake in. Those tended to get nasty in the worst ways.

Besides, there were just some things one just couldn't joke about and, as oblivious as Ruben could be at times, he wasn't blind either. Meeting the taller boy's eyes, Ruben replied seriously. "Adoption isn't as fun as it looks, Culebra." His eyes dropped. "You don't know what you've got until after you lose it."

A dark look passed Ruben's face for a brief moment as memories of his bloodied birth parents resurfaced, only to vanish as Ruben squashed them down, keeping the past where it belonged. The Farnsbys were his family now. As for the fact that Stearne seemed to take for granted what Ruben would give an arm and a leg to bring back, well, it irked him a bit, but it wasn't as if he hadn't seen it before. Most who haven't yet lost family were like that.

By the time he looked back up, Ruben was back to smirking playfully. "Besides, I'd give him a chocolate frog if he told me how some of those muggle contraptions work. Your dad, I mean."

notabot notabot
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Sam looked up from her book and smiled. "Absolutely. We don't mind at all, do we?" she said, kicking her brother. "Ow!" he said, and looked at the door. "No, of course we don't mind." He said, smirking. "You can sit next to me." Sam said and moved her books off the seat. "I'm Sam. This is my brother Lucas." She said, motioning to her brother who was already staring out the window again. "Whats your name?" Sam asked gently, turning her attention to the new member of the Cabin. "I haven't seen you before, which Year are you in and what house, if you don't mind me asking?" she said with a smile. Lucas continued to pretend to ignore them, but he was intently listening to the conversation. He always had a curiosity notion and liked to learn about people. To him it was sometimes a flaw. His sister, on the other hand, had no issues being extremely curious. It was what made Sam, well, Sam. Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28

Travis sat back in his seat and opened the window. He peered out over the students as they boarded the train. Some he recognized from teaching and others he had seen in the hallways. He had his feet up on his suitcase and put his hands in his pockets, keeping a tight grip on his wand. Large crowds were something he despised the most. It gave his enemies an advantage that he couldn't allow. He suddenly sat forward, hearing a voice. One he instantly recognized. "Mr. Wright. Returning again this year? I thought you would have grown tired of us." The voice said. He looked to the door to see Professor Flitwick standing in the doorway. "You can't get rid of me that easy, Professor." Travis replied. "It's good to see you." The professor stated. "You too." Travis said, and the Professor continued down the carriage. Travis went back to the window, sitting back in his seat. It was an easy way to relax. He knew once they left the station he could simply enjoy himself. He looked at the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, a horrible habit he picked up during the war. Once they were underway he would have the ability to sneak to the rear of the train to take a smoke. As far as he knew, he was the only Teacher who smoked. It was a muggle thing to do. But it was an easy way to calm his nerves.
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Eoin Phoenix

Eoin smiled as the dastardly luggage finally left his hands and placed itself neatly in the overhead compartment. He was more glad to be rid of it than he could have possibly imagined, considering all of the trouble it had given him. With those concerns alleviated, Eoin sat down in the seat across from his helper and held Friday gently as Barty introduced himself. The name seemed familiar somehow--and made it obvious that he came from money--but Eoin decided not to mention it if he didn't have all the details.

Even a bumbler like him knew what to do when you were given someone else's name. "My name is Eoin. Eoin Phoenix. And this is my cat, Friday." As if in response to hearing her own name, Friday pressed her head into Eoin's chest and sighed. Though she was fully grown, she wasn't overly large for a cat of her breed--a fact that Eoin was never glad for until now. He and Friday seemed to operate on the same wavelength (despite the fact that she was ordinarily cruel to everyone else in his family) and so keeping her around always put Eoin at ease.

He watched without wanting as Barty pulled out some snacks and began to eat. All it did was remind him all over again about Aoife putting something nasty into his soup last night that made him sick, and all that did was remind him of how glad he was to be in a place where she couldn't play her little tricks on him anymore. It wasn't worth dwelling on, though--Aoife wouldn't be a problem again until he would come home for Christmas. By then, he'd hopefully be skilled enough to fend her off without any fear of getting poisoned--or worse, jinxed. His parents were excited for their kids to start experimenting with magic as soon as they were able, but Eoin was always scared away by the unpredictable nature of Charms and Transfiguration; pronounce something wrong or hold your wand in an odd way and everything could go wrong. Or at least, that's what his parents always liked to say. "That was pretty impressive," he remarked, glancing up at his bags as if they might start moving again. "I'm not much for Charms myself, but you seem to have a knack for them."

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Brenda and her father walk up the passage way to platform nine and three quarters, she turns her head and looks over at her father and smiles at hm, his blue eyes starting to tear up. "Dad are you serious? We haven't even stepped onto the platform. It's not like it my first year here." She rolls her eyes and runs through the pillar, her dad following behind her. "I know Bee, but I don't want you to go...you mean to much too me." With that last sentence he bursts into tears and hugs Brenda tightly...too tightly. Normally Brenda doesn't like it when her dad hugs her in public...or just ever, given their history together. But she understands that ever since her mother left them a year ago it's been hard on him. So for that reason, and that reason only , she allows it.

She stands there for a moment before peeling his hands away.
"Okay thats enough dad, I love you and all, but I should probably get on the train now, don't wanna miss my first day of school." She fakes a smile, turning and grabbing her trolly before pushing it down the platform to the head on the train.

"Wait!" Her father yells at her and chases her down. Brenda rolls her eyes for about the hundredth time since they left their house and turns around. "What do you want dad." She asks, annoyance clear as day in her tone.

"Just wanted to say I love you." Her father smiles down at lovingly. She groans and turns around, loading her things onto the train before getting on herself.
Brielle Abbot

Brielle was picking out most her accessories to take with her to Hogwarts. She had probably brought fifty pairs of shoes. You can NEVER have too many shoes. Brielle was trying to fit everything in her trunk and sat on it until it finally squished down. Her mum screamed up the stairs, "Brielle hurry up before you miss the train."

She checked her hair in the mirror. “Mum you’re only a fourth year once!” Brielle ran down to the living room to floo to the station with her parents. Brielle may have flirted with a couple muggles in King's Cross Station but no harm done. They crossed through the barrier.

Brielle waved at some of her fellow Slytherins. They were discussing how they would celebrate the first day and Brielle could not wait. She was also super pumped for Qudditch try-outs this year. She had practiced all summer with her dad. She spotted her cousin on the platform “ZANDER OVER HERE!” Her Uncle was such a sourpuss. Her cousin was crazy smart.

Her dad looked at her.“Now remember sweetheart”. Her dad was even more competitive than Brielle and always liked to see his daughter as number one.

Brielle rolled her eyes. “I know dad, number one or dust don’t worry!”

Her mother kissed her forehead, “Now we’ll see you at the first Slytherin match. You'll be great as always. ”

She grabbed her broomstick and ran to grab Zander. She dragged Zander on the train. Brielle was exhausted from staying up all night doing last minute packing. She decided just to sit wherever she could find her other friends later. Brielle opened the compartment door. She recognized Tobias from the common room. Brielle doesn’t really partake in Slytherin antics with intimidation of others unless you got in the way academically or with quidditch. Tobias had done neither so she thought he was chill. Brielle was a bit of a social butterfly. The other guy was a Gryffindor. Brielle didn't mind unless he had a problem with Slytherins. She flipped her hair , “Mind if I sit here, I can’t find my other friends. Stearne always pleasant to see another snake. And I don't recognize you. ” (@ QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel , @ notabot notabot )

She felt the tenseness in the air, "It's quite chilly in here boys. I didn't think fifth years were so tense. Must be the stress of O.W.Ls" Her little toad, Aeolus squirmed in her pocket. She giggled, "Looks like Aeolus wanted to say hi too!"

Brielle looked out the window for a moment. She reached into her bag, "I heard chocolate frogs. Do you want some or Bertie Bott's beans. Honestly though I'm more of a choclate girl."


Zander Williams

Zander’s father shakes hands with some of his fellow friends as they stood on the platform. He only came here as appearance and rarely ever acknowledged Zander. What a shame it would be if people didn't see the esteemed Gregor Williams. His gang of pureblood friends looked disapprovingly at him. Zander ran his fingers through his hair nervously keeping a straight face. “Father, did you know I’m going to be a prefect this year.”

His father didn’t even look at him, “Of the Gryffindor house hardly something to be proud of.” Zander sighed nothing he did would please his father.

Zander looked across watching families hugging. Zander wished he could have that relationship with her father. His father never even missed him when he wasn't home. They never even crossed paths at home. He grabbed his stuff, “I’ll be off now.” His father gives him a nod not even meeting his eye. Zander sighs and heads onto the train. His firecracker cousin, Brielle, drags him onto the train. “C’mon Zandy I can’t wait for this year.”

He shakes his cousins grip, “I need to check in with the other prefects. I’ll find you when I do my rounds. You know I hate it when you call me Zandy.”

Brielle, “Boo, you need to loosen up. You’re a 6th year.”

He headed towards the prefect compartment straightening up with the others. He rarely socialized but he knew all their names and recognized their faces even thought it was his 6th year he did not have any close friends. Zander entered the compartment. He gave a nod to both Aurora and Lily(@ erzulie erzulie ,@ Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 ) "I hoped you both had a good summer." Hopefully it was better than his father screaming at him about what a disgrace he was to their family. He fussed with his hair for another minute. He smiled at Imperia, since he had a soft spot for animals, especially cats. His own Tabby Cat, Cosmo, was weaving in and out between his legs. He started scribbling a to do list on his hand with a pen of all the things he had to do once he arrived at Hogwarts or he might forget.
Ruben Farnsby
"Don't recognize me?" Hand to his heart, Ruben feigned hurt. "Well, then Belleza, let me introduce myself."

Straightening from his seat, Ruben stood formally and gave a sweeping, dramatic bow. "Ruben Farnsby, fifth year Gyffindor and duelist extraordinaire." He found it funny that the girl didn't recognize him, but knew him to be a fifth year, especially given he was slightly shorter than typical boys his age. Then again, the blonde girl seemed quite short herself. Yet she was keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He recognized her because he'd seen her flying while watching some of the school matches in support of his house team, but it wasn't as if he memorized her name. Too many players to memorize.

What he did remember though was being impressed by her talent when he saw one of her matches. To think, some of our house players couldn't get the quaffle past such a small girl.

Ruben liked to attribute it to the girl's skill rather than his housemates' lack thereof. Now that Bill Weasley was gone, their chances of winning quidditch matches dropped significantly.

But, of course, quidditch isn't the only way to win house points either.

"It's a pleasure to meet both you and Aoelus," Smiling, Ruben made a welcoming gesture before straightening the collar of his muggle clothes. "Please come in,"

He hadn't been lying when he told Stearne he was interested some of the muggle contraptions he'd seen. Snakes lied. Lions didn't. Not usually anyway. While Gryffindor had its fair share of muggleborns, it wasn't as if any of them could actually describe how a car worked without magic. Ruben's own choice of clothing was based on a muggle magazine on of his housemates owned. The portkey point had been to a fairly urban area of London and, rather than cast a Notice-Me-Not charm or portkeying directly to the station, Ruben thought it'd be better to give Barty exposure to such things, given how sheltered his younger cousin was in that regard. To Ruben, who naturally had a very curious personality, it confused him when people decided they disliked something without ever having tried it.

He also had no idea how Stearne put up with a house that mocked him, but, then again, he wasn't Stearne.

Perhaps he's a masochist. Or he liked the challenge?

Ruben was just sitting back down when the girl offered them both some of Bertie's every flavor beans. The Gyffindor didn't bother to hide the surprised, amused look on his face. Most people encountered didn't very much like them because of the sometimes...odd...taste encountered every now and then. Ruben couldn't say he particularly favored the beans themselves either, but he enjoyed the mystery and gamble of not know what you'd get. That was why he never said no when offered every-flavor beans by his dormmates...though he doubted the girl knew that.

"I'd love some." He replied before glancing at the taller boy he'd been talking to previously, a challenging twinkle in his eyes. "Would like some too, Stearne?"

Wildflower101 Wildflower101 notabot notabot

Bartholonew (Barty) Farnsby
"A pleasure to meet you," Barty replied simply.

Finishing his cake, the bigger boy pulled out a handkerchief he always carried and dabbed his lips before folding it back into his pocket. He was quite pleased when Eoin complimented his talent in charms. A slight pink had appeared on Barty's fair face in fact, but he pretended it wasn't there. Truthfully he didn't even know (since he couldn't see his own face) and would probably deny it if asked. "Charms isn't very difficult. I could help if you want."

Barty looked to Eoin, Friday, then his food. It was a big thing for Barty too share his food with another. He'd never done it before. Then again, it wasn't as if he had that many people to share it with. Ruben. Kayla. The ones who came to his house wanting things...sometimes. Barty wasn't dumb. He could very easily tell who actually liked him and who liked him for the benefits he could provide. He could tell when they laughed at his appearance behind his backs. That was why, even though he was surrounded by butlers and maids who praised and seemed to care for him, his circle of friends was actually quite small. A majority of them were bought by his father.

Barty didn't especially hate that fact. It was normal. Money could buy many things. That was why his father valued it, unlike certain wizarding families, and why he valued it as well. Barty might not need fake friends, but he did need protection, especially since the horror twins were in his year. For some reason, he always seemed to be at the butt of their many idiotic pranks.

No idea why.

He prayed to Merlin that he wouldn't get sorted to Gryffindor since it really really didn't take a genius to guess where they'd be sorted. Every. Single. Weasley. Was sorted there. Barty didn't think he could survive, regardless of what Ruben thought. It wasn't like his older cousin did that much thinking anyway. Barty sighed.

He gestured to the wrapped cakes and packet of every-flavored beans. It was rude to be eating when another wasn't anyway and he could always buy more. "Would you like to share?"

Kittymonk Kittymonk
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Eoin Phoenix

Eoin considered this question for longer than he probably should've. His stomach was still a bit upset considering the way dinner had gone last night, but because that was the case (and because he and his parents were running late that morning), he hadn't eaten breakfast. As such, his appetite was in a strange sort of limbo--he wanted food, but he detested the idea of eating food.

But he knew that it was rude to turn down a generous offer like Barty's. The boy seemed to have plenty of snacks to go around anyway, so it wasn't as if he was taking it from someone who might've wanted it more. Besides, finally taking a seat and holding Friday in his arms made him feel a bit more at ease than he had earlier. He was sure that his stomach wouldn't object. "Sure, that sounds great. Thank you," he replied. "I'll pass on the Every-Flavored Beans, though--I'm not a huge fan of them."

Just so he could be sure, Eoin gave Barty a quick glance to request his approval before leaning forward and taking a cake. He was always the sort who'd forget to eat all the time, so he didn't snack a lot of the time--meaning that he wasn't sure what the proper etiquette for sharing snacks was. He supposed he'd just try not to overstep his bounds. As he searched for the easiest way to unwrap the cake without making a mess or disturbing Friday, he decided to pick up on their Charms-related conversation again. Magic was definitely one of the best topic of conversation when looking to get through to a fellow Hogwarts student-to-be, after all. "I think it would be neat if we could do Charms together. I haven't had much of a chance to practice with my new wand yet." He stopped himself just before he could spiral into a rambling aside about how he'd fiddled with his mother's old wand for a while before he got his own. It embarrassed him to think that he'd probably picked up that habit from his dad at some point. "Did you learn Charms yourself using the book, or did your parents teach you? If you don't mind my asking."

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Amelia Frey
Amelia smiled at the girl who introduced her self as Sam and sat down next to her. "Nice to meet you both! My name is Amelia. Amelia Frey." Amelia looked across at the boy, Lucas, who was just staring out the window. Well someone likes to keep to himself. Amelia then turned back to Sam who seemed more than happy to talk to her. "It doesn't surprise me that we haven't met. I like to join random cabins each year for this exact reason! " She clapped her hands together in excitement. "Im a sixth year Hufflepuff. Loud and proud. What about you guys? Im assuming not Hufflepuff since I haven't seen you around at all." Amelia liked making friends with other house members. She didn't get why people were so clicky sometimes. Her sister for example usually didn't hang out with those of other houses unless it was to study.
The Cloak The Cloak

Lily Frey
Lily looked up from her book when she heard the door to their cabin open. She had heard there was a new prefect, and new his name, but never met hi before. She did however know he was a half-blood which already made her not want to talk to him. Lily could hear her mother scolding her for that thought. Their family was never one to outcast people but Lily has been living with people who had those ideals for so many years that it just kind of became apart of her too. Despite this Lily decided to speak with him. She did want a good reputation in case the Ministry of Magic asked around about her. An auror can't have a bad record. " Ah you must be the knew prefect. Gryffindor correct? I don't believe we've met before. I'm Lily Frey, 7th year prefect for Slytherin." She raised an eyebrow at him when he started writing things down on his hand. She thought that was fairly odd.
Wildflower101 Wildflower101
Erika Holendorf
5th Year Gryffindor
Interactions: notabot notabot QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Wildflower101 Wildflower101

“How was lunch? I hope the soup was good, do you have enough to eat? What about money, do you need anything else money wise?” Bishop asked Erika as the two of them walked along the road, slowly winding their way towards the station. “No, I think I am just about set. Though….. I could totally use a snack for the road.” Erika chirped, her mind immediately going to her stomach. “Alright, alright what do you want?” Bishop asked though he already had a good idea as to what she wanted. The giddy girl changed her direction and made a direct line towards a sweet shop, the front display showing different kinds of taffy and candy.

Almost bursting into the shop she took a second to compose herself before continuing on, her eyes locked onto a tray of peanut butter chocolate fudge. Gathering her hoard the girl finally left with her father in tow as the two of them made their way directly towards the station. Entering the station they meandered their way around before finally gathering her things, having been dropped off earlier. Passing through the gateway Bishop took a few seconds to look over the train. “You know, I wonder what will happen in the future, when trains are considered obsolete. What will the school switch to then?” Bishop spoke out loud. Thinking on it Erika wasn’t entirely sure “I mean, I guess that depends on the viable and normal modes of transportation we find ourselves using in the future. Though, I feel like we will adapt well enough.” Erika responded before smiling and giving him a hug. “Be safe and have a good year.” Bishop said before leaving Erika on the station.

Having loaded her things onto the train Erika began to walk the corridors, looking for a place to sit among the overly crowded train. Greeting some friends along the way she even took a moment to actively avoid a group of girls that seemed to take it upon themselves to mess with her the previous year. Once the group had passed she slipped back into the hallway before finally settling on a cabin that had a face she at least recognized. Sliding the door back she stepped in just in time to hear the word chocolate. “What about chocolate?” Erika asked, the first thing out of her mouth as she stepped into the cabin. “Every cabin is just about full up and I don’t feel like passing out in a corner anywhere this year. So, I guess I get to grace you all with my presence. Oh and Heya Ruben.” Erika quipped before plopping down in the empty area.

Now seated Erika turned the entirety of her attention onto the bag she was carrying. Placing it down on the floor she pulled out a medium sized box, opening it up to reveal the fudge. Looking to the others she seemed to visibly mull over the idea of sharing what she had. After a second she seemed to decide as she held out the box “Want one? No thanks when it comes to the beans though.” Erika said, offering up the fudge. After everyone had an opportunity to take one or not the girl set to devouring the large chunk “By Merlin this is decadent. I need more of this in my life…”

With her hunger for chocolate sated for the time being Erika once more turned her attention to the others in the cabin. “Im Erika, a 5th year Gryffindor. I haven’t had a chance to meet either of the two of you yet.” Erika said in reference to the two Slytherin “So I guess its nice to meet both of you.”​
Brielle Abbot

She arched her eyebrows. Of course she recognized Ruben’s name once she said it. She hadn’t had the pleasure of running into him in person. His name was often thrown around.

“Pleasure to meet Gryffindor’s biggest flirt. My bad. I’m Brielle Abbot. Charmer of the Snake Pit.” She smirked she didn’t see any problem by harmlessly flirting with a Gryffindor. He hadn’t made any comments about them being Slytherins.It was a lucky guess because she knew Tobias was a 5th year.

She turned to sit next to Tobias, “I didn’t know Gryffindors were so witty nowadays. Unfortunately, they’ll never be quite as cunning as us.” She had never interacted with him other than sitting across the breakfast table. Brielle spent most of her time with the Qudditch team and a lot of her friends in the house were children of her pure-blood parent friends. But Brielle heard the gossip.

Brielle looked at the compartment Brielle took a chocolate smiling at Erika. Anyone who carries sweets is cool in her book. She was very happy she had sweets. “Nice to meet you, Erika, I’m Brielle.”

@ Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider @ QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel @ notabot notabot


Zander Williams

Zander introduced himself to Lily, “I know. I’m Zander WIlliams, You’re right 6th year Gryffindor Prefect. ” His family last name was well-known in the pureblood families. There were often parties at the manor. Not to mention his own cousin was in Slytherin living her best life at parties and Qudditch. Lily probably knew a lot about being a prefect since she was one last year.

Zander looked at the Defense against Dark Arts book Lily was reading.” That’s good reading.” Zander had read some of the books over the summer as well. He did not want to forget what he had to do. He noticed Lily staring at his hand, “Sorry, I just have a lot of things to do once we get to Hogwarts and I do not want to forget.” He pulled out his own book about potions. Might as well get started for the year ahead. He started to pet Cosmo to keep her calm. She hated train rides but Cosmo had a calming affect on Zander as well.

@ Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
culloden buchanan.
the thick throng of students boarding the crimson locomotive parted like a sea in front of culloden's trolley, carting his trunk and stew's cage as his parents flanked him on both sides. the strong grip of his father's hand on his shoulder was a constant reminder that he gave culloden every year: no funny business. it wasn't like it did much since as soon as culloden was on board the fiery red train taking him far away from that strong grip, he could do whatever he wanted. arriving near enough for one of the train handlers to help his cargo up onto the train, culloden turned to his parents as he prepared for their half-hearted farewells. he could remember vividly the way he had reluctantly let go of his then-kind father's hand, his mother's suggestive gaze the only thing that had pulled him away. now, they were both as distant as ever from culloden. he hated it but at the same time, he knew the distance was for his own good. it wasn't like he wanted to live the rest of his life selling poor house-elves to entitled wizarding families in his family's massive, gloomy mansion.

the strong grip disappeared from his shoulder and culloden shook off the weight, mustering a small smile at his parents. before they could open a mouth, he held up his hands in a placating gesture. "i know, i know. it's been three years, almost four. i think i know how to handle myself by now." his mother's sharp stare was disapproving but culloden could care less. grabbing onto one of the handles into one of the train's compartments, culloden hardly spared a glance back at his parents in order to mutter "goodbye" before he was heading down the compartment aisle, peeking his head into each full room in an effort to find his friend jade. finding her nowhere onboard yet, culloden took to one of the very few empty train cars, making sure to kick his feet up onto the adjacent seat in case jade came to find him. they had known of each other long before they had met as house-mates at hogwarts, but in the three years they had attended hogwarts together they had grown from acquaintances to friends. tapping his wand against his thigh, culloden stared out the window at the still-thick crowd of people outside, spying his parents disappear through the gate leading out to the muggle world. even the parting sight of them caused a dark frown to mar culloden's youthful and charming features.

TAGS: a z u l a a z u l a
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Ella Ward
“Ella are you sure you have everything, and I mean everything dear?” The eleven-year old’s Aunt asked worriedly as she hugged the young girl tightly. It was her first year at Hogwarts, and Ella Ward was more nervous than she had ever been in her entire life. Okay maybe that was a little bit of a lie, but it was still plenty nerve-racking. The girl was lugging a heavy suitcase, and her black cat Merlin was meowing from his crate.

“Yes Aunt Meredith, I swear I’ve doubled- no triple checked everything twice!” She whined, wanting to rush through the brick wall that would bring her to Platform 9 and ¾. There were a lot of things that Ella felt that were missing, but she knew they were things she could probably never bring to Hogwarts anyway. She always knew she was a witch from the moment she was born, as her parents were both very magical people. The young witch longed for her parents to be here hugging her along with Aunt Meredith, but she knew that that day would never occur.

“Alright dear, I suppose you’ll be off then. I love you very much and I’ll write to you every two weeks!” Her Aunt promised in her British accent. While Ella had been living in the UK for a little over a year, it was still taking her time to adjust to how everyone spoke. It felt radically different from the culture in America, where she was born and raised. Giving her Aunt one last tight hug, she turned to face the wall of bricks. Giving herself a mental prep talk, Ella took a deep breath before racing into the wall… and not crashing. A rush of elation burst through her as the long red train came into view. This really was it. Oh boy, would her friend Katelyn be squealing in joy if she were here with Ella right now. Trailing with her luggage behind her, Ella made her way onto the train quickly, as her aunt had warned her that Hogwarts wouldn’t wait for anyone.

She wandered down the narrow corridor, peering into compartments. She was terrified of accidentally going into one that was already full. Finally, she found a compartment that seemed to have some other first years sitting in it. Knocking on the door before sliding it open, Ella poked her head in.

“I suppose you’ve got a bit of room for one more, do you?” She asked promptly before sitting down without waiting for an answer. Her American accent was fairly obvious, although the witch didn't bother to hide it. She was awful at trying to copy a British accent anyhow.

Kittymonk Kittymonk , QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Aithne Quinn
It had been… a hectic holiday, to say the least. Living on the Budgeon homestead, there was never a moment of true silence and stillness. Unless it was the dead of night, which always brought a level of anxiety to Aithne anyway. Suffice to say, the Gryffindor girl was ready to return to school, and the usually-quiet common room.

Her one reprieve from her busy, busy home was usually her best friend. Her only friend. Ruben was usually a failsafe. Send an owl, and she’d get an owl in return. The two had even spent weekends on holidays previous together. Yet he had felt oddly distant this time. Aithne had sent an owl a few weeks ago and yet… there had been no reply. It left her feeling uneasy. On edge. Perhaps Ruben had decided he had enough of her?

“Come on, Athy!” Billie, her little cousin, pushed her from behind, urging her to hurry up. “We’re going to be late! Do you want us to miss the train? Athy? That’s what you want? You want us to get abandoned at King’s Cross?”

“We won’t get abandoned, Bill. And we’re not even late.” Aithne replied absently, still lost in her thoughts.

“Yeah, dork. It’s called a joke. But I want to hurry up and see my friends!” Billie pouted up at her cousin. Aithne rolled her eyes in reply, but complied, speeding up her pace as the young witch speeded ahead of her. She glanced to her side, where Frog trotted alongside her, her trolley dragging behind her. Their parents had decided to let Aithne chaperone Billie’s second trip, as they had their hands full dealing with all the young children back at the homestead.

The two clambered onto the train- Aithne plopping Frog into the bag on her back, where he sat quietly- though Billie was quick to take off in search of her friends. Aithne let out a soft sigh, then began to pick her way along down the center aisle. She peered into each compartment as she went, until she spotted Ruben in one. She visibly perked up, lifted a hand to wave through the window. Then she noticed that the compartment was full. And he had been acting weird and distant. So she dropped her hand and ducked into the nearest compartment with room still.

Inside was a boy, a Slytherin if she recalled correctly, staring out the window. She looked down to his feet kicked up on the seat. Shrugging her crup off her shoulder, she clutched Frog in her arms and shoved the boy’s feet to the side with her hip as she slid into the seat. Aithne looked at him with something half-way between a glare and dead-eyed stare. “Mind if I join you?”

(Tags: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel , invariance invariance )

Thaz Slughorn
Thaz watched, with head tilted to the side in simply enduring boredom, as his parents were photographed for their latest interview in The Daily Prophet. The journalist had asked for a short photo op just before they dropped Balthazar off, since the article was about wizarding educational something-or-other. Thaz wasn’t entirely sure. He wasn’t really paying attention. The young boy’s eyes kept getting dragged away, watching the rest of the student body clamber up onto the train.

“Balthy, dear,” Thaz’s mother snapped her fingers to grab his attention once again.

Thaz turned back to the two, raising his eyebrows. “Yeah?”

“Just a few more and then we will take one with you, alright?”

“Yeah. Sure.” Thaz knew that this actually meant ten more minutes of his parents forcing him to watch as they take the same photo over and over again, until his mother deemed it good enough and his father stopped finding things to nitpick. It was funny- Thaz thought his own attention-seeking attitude was fine. After all, he was fun when he did it. But when his parents made him sit through their high society preening? Pass. Wouldn’t it be better to have an actual student in these pictures?

So he turned his attention over his shoulder again. He saw a few familiar faces, flashed some smiles and waved here and there. There were, of course, a few looks as well. Other students must have been thinking how odd it was that the Slughorns were here on a photoshoot. How garish. Thaz couldn’t have agreed more.

“Balthazar,” His father called, gesturing the boy over. He complied, moving to stand beside his father. He was pressed against his side, his mother leaning up over him, chin on his father’s shoulder. Thaz hunched down a bit, thinking that this wouldn’t be a very good photo but the camera flashed anyways. This composition is all off. And it’s definitely not flattering to me. Or to any of us.

The photographer clapped their hands and, with a wave of their wand, their camera began to pack itself away. “Alright, that should do it!”

“Wait- just one photo? That’s it?” Thaz mumbled, brow furrowed. Oh, of course. Thaz wasn’t quite the shining beacon of talent, good looks, and smarts that the elite have come to expect of a Slughorn. He wasn’t quite deserving of more than one photo yet. The young slytherin puffed out a disappointed sigh. “Alright uhm- mum! Dad! I should go catch the train now.”

The pair of Slughorns had already engaged the photographer in idle chat. “Oh, yes! Of course, Balthy.” His mother merely gave a wave of her hand. Thaz was fairly certain that she had not even heard him.

“Alright. I’m… going now!” Thaz paused. Still no reply, not even a glance his way. “Farewell, parents!” He dragged his feet as he turned, moving slow. Just in case they bothered to spare him a word. They didn’t.

Thaz lowered his head, feeling rather defeated. This was not a great way to start the year. Pulling his bags behind him, Thaz made his way up onto the train. Uncharacteristically, he passed by every compartment full of other students. He simply wasn’t up to chatting and gloating after a considerable crush to his mood. He found an empty compartment and slid onto one of the seats, turned to look out the window. No Slughorns in sight- he had picked a compartment on the other side.
culloden buchanan.
still trapped in the sullen mood his parents had put him in, culloden failed to notice the girl enter the compartment he had settled in until his feet dropped to the ground with a muted thump. thinking that jade had found his compartment, he turned ready to catch up from the summer to find a more unfamiliar, dead-panned gaze meeting him coldly in the eyes. culloden's face easily betrayed his surprise and a flash of annoyance bit the back of his neck at the girl's blatant ignorance of his obvious seat-saving. instead, culloden makes a bit of a show in throwing his feet up into the adjacent seat, still determined to leave room for jade were she to find him.

"not at all," he replied a bit coolly, though a deceptive smile graced his youthful features. culloden took a second to inspect the girl, whom he recognized as one of the gryffindors. she was usually hanging around ruben, though the gryffindor boy was nowhere to be found. "i'm culloden buchanan, a slytherin fourth year. your name is aithne, right?" although culloden spent a lot of time focusing on his own friends and himself, he wasn't blind to the other students who came from different houses and their friend groups, either. attention to detail in the social circles was one of the key components to being popular, after all.

TAGS: birdgeoisie birdgeoisie

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