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mighty lil goon

"Your Majesty, Sancius Davida has finally arrived and is being dressed now as we speak," Maidservant Molly folded her hands in front of her stomach as she announced to the Queen. Already being dressed in proper and appropriate robes for the Accolade, her hands tightened into fists. Glaring back at the woman she trusted ever so dearly, only an annoyed suspire was released as she waved her hand to let the woman leave the decorative room. Standing in front of the rounded, large window that overlooked the town that she dearly ruled, she reflected on the decision of making her secretive son her personal knight. The bleak lighting from outside made her eyes look washed out and colder than usual. The town clearly wouldn't have an up-roaring positive reaction to Sancius' accolade, it's rather very late for him to be knighted at this age, and with the rumour going around that they're sleeping together doesn't make Beatrix look good either. How would everyone react to this? Crowds were flooding through the doors of this saintly cathedral, people were definitely interested.. Will it be right to do this? The emotionless woman pondered on how her right hand woman, Sophrona, would feel about the matter. Of course, Sophrona was in charge of the Knights around here as well as dealing with civil crimes, but Sancius would become practically untouchable. He would essentially be one-step above her, except without having any responsibility of the knights or any civilian duties. This would be the only way to let Sancius live within the castle without anyone questioning his position; the sexual rumours can be put to rest, and hopefully, just hopefully, his tom-foolery will come to an end as well.

The heavy ringing of the church bells broke the Queen's worrisome thoughts, she turned around and carefully looked at the closed door. 'This is right, I can't let these tedious thoughts get to me. There are more important matters at hand.' Taking a heavy step forward, she proceeded across a candle-lit hallway and pushed a wooden door open to see a half exposed Sancius. Their eyes locked together, her cold eyes growing furious as she studied his messy, unkempt hair as he struggled to get his chain mail over himself. Taking an obnoxiously loud inhale, she scowled when she caught a whiff of alcohol reeking his sweaty body, her brows furrowed in vexation as she commanded the room, "Leave us," The two maids that were tending to the man perked up and left without a word, closing the door quietly behind them.

"Do I have to remind you the position you're putting yourself in attending late to your own accolade? What will the people think of you, of me? There's already enough talk about us," The woman paced toward the younger man and forcibly pulled the chain mail over his chest, thus slapping his cheek harshly, "Never embarrass me like this again."
Sancius stared at her in awe with a dark gaze, "Do I need to remind you that this was your idea. I never wanted this; if anything, this will only confirm what they're saying out there, mother. This is my last day of freedom, so why not celebrate, hm?" His tone was playful and vindictive, he placed his hand over his newly red cheek and let out a low snicker.
"You'll get to celebrate after this, you damned boy," The disgust on her face was easily seen as she watched the practical carbon copy of her replicate the same face. On that note, she left the room and glared at her maids, watching them reenter his room and slamming the door behind them.

Pressing her fingers against her cheeks, pushing them up to her temples, she tried her best to calm down. Her eyes shifted to a neon blue before returning back to their natural dark brown hue, letting out a monstrous huff as she felt herself regain balance within her body. The Queen adjusted her robes around her shoulders and straightened her crown. With her steps echoing throughout the hallway, she strutted toward the large wooden doors to the Cathedral's side. As soon as she was spotted, her face instantly changed to a more neutral appearance. The organist that watched over the balcony scurried to the extremely hulking instrument, and began playing a song fitting for the accolade. Slowly pacing herself to the altar, she turned her back to the crowd and bowed to the large cross in front of her, making the gesture to pray. To her left, she spotted Sophrona,
Timothy, and Athena on the sidelines of the room.

In the crowd she recognized almost everyone, new people had arrived to live under her kingdom, people she hadn't quite gotten a chance to meet yet. Others were simply the offspring of civilians she knew generations ago, she's outlived everyone's families and got to watch children of children grow up into full grown adults. There has not been one person in this room that hasn't grown up with Beatrix not being their Queen. There's much discussion about her ruling as a lone Queen, some think it's wrong, that there should be a proper King. Others wish for her and Sancius to be together so they can have an actual King and for their children to become the next King or Queen, but that hasn't happened for a very long time. The mention of the late King always put a thorn in the hardened woman's heart. It's been almost two hundred years since his passing, as time went on she'd heard multiple stories of how their beloved King died. Some say that he died in a forest, or in battle, others said he killed himself or went mad. The "truth" was he died from the plague, everyone only knows him to be a weak human. After his death, that's when Beatrix decided to open her secret with town as being a beast. Her rules that day was to not hide her true nature and to let others within the Kingdom. Anyone who opposed this or start a riot was executed immediately, jailed, or banished. The day Helias died, was the day that changed Aliramar.

With her fingers crossed together, the high priest next to her stepped forward and signaled for everyone to rise from their seats, the music stopped, "Good morning everyone, today we celebrate the accolade of Sir Sancius Davida. As you all know, he is a well known individual in our community," The cloudy light shined through the glass stained windows, the dark room radiated beautifully from behind Beatrix as she stared down at the marble tile flooring. She patiently waited for Sancius to step through the giant silver doors at the entrance of the cathedral, her mind drifted off as she stopped listening to High Priest Anthony's welcome speech. It was also another way for Anthony to kill time as they waited for the trouble maker, Sancius. Once his speech finished, the doors slowly opened and out came the infamous boy. His hair combed and rested at his shoulders as his helmet lay in between his right arm and the side of his abdomen. Slowly, he pressed on toward the altar to see his mother's blank look.


The clinking of his metal suit irritated the male as he tried to straighten himself out. Looking into the mirror, all he saw was a fool in his eyes. A man who couldn't tell the truth to anyone about who he really was, a man who lived under a house with a false motherhood, a man who did not know what exactly he was and had to struggle with his daily habits. A man who was afraid of being monstrous. Having to pretend daily that he was a normal human like most of the people he lived around, trying to eat cooked meat without gagging, having to eat raw meat in the dark where no one could find him, wore on him. The only thing to take the edge off, was to drink in the tavern with people who were acquaintances, to have one night stands with random women and whores just to pass time. Time, it seemed he had all the time in the world at this very moment. These few seconds of quiet would be the last moment of peace the boy would feel before having the weight of his mother's sword tap his shoulders. He prayed that she'd be heavy handed to chop his head off and end his life-long suffering of treachery and deception.

Feeling a light hand placed on his shoulders, he flinched and pushed himself away from the handmaiden and shooed her, "I'm fine, I'm leaving now." He snapped, before letting out a regretful sigh, "Apologies Maria, I'm irritable and shouldn't have said that." He left the room without another word and walked around the Cathedral halls, making his way to the main doors. As he pushed both of them carefully, everyone's eyes fell unto him, the music began once more, and he straightened his posture. Walking slowly to the altar to meet his mother's eyes, he knelt down at the beginning of the stairs and zoned out of Beatrix's knighting speech, only coming back when the blade of the silver sword was place on his shoulder, then going over his head and placed on the other shoulder.

"Be thou a knight, in the name of God. Rise up, Sir Sancius Davida," Her annunciation of Davida was heavily emphasized. Sancius rose up and looked up to his heavenly looking mother with the light perfectly lit behind her, his brows furrowed in an anxious confusion at how angelic she looked. It caused him to bring his head down quickly to not look at her.

"Let us rejoice in the name of the Lord, a new Knight will be under the Kingdom of Alirmar to serve and protect our beloved Queen Beatrix of de Leycestre. Praise be to God." The man smiled greatly over the crowd that began clapping silently. Everyone was invited inside the Kingdom to a delightful banquet in the dining hall to celebrate together as a Kingdom.

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「The Evening Star ∙ Knight Captain of the de Leycestre Court」

She knew this day was coming. The day when Sancius Davida would become a knight, but he wasn't going to become just any of her Knights in the Royal Guard. He would become a personal guard to Her Majesty, Queen Beatrix. Sancius would become her equal if not a rank higher. That, for just being the Queen's lover, would ignite a flame in Sophrona's heart. She'd worked her whole life to become who she was, fought near every battle by her Queen's side. Advised her. Protected her. Vouched for her.

She didn't think her Queen would make such a brash decision for a lover. Rona knew her Queen through and through, but never thought this would be the result. However, pushing her own personal feelings aside, Rona knew that this was the decision. It was final. All she could do was suppress the flame and direct it somewhere else. She inhaled deeply and released the pent up anger through one silent breath. After years of being the Captain of the Royal Guard, she'd grown used to quickly calming herself with just a breath.

"You've handled much worse, Rona," she thought to herself. "Queen Beatrix knows what she is doing."

Rona stood closer to the sidelines of the room and to the right of Her Majesty, watching the crowd. Everyone was dressed in lovely clothing, especially the women. Rona thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't required to wear a gown for the day. Her knights were dressed in armor; she was the only one dressed in ceremonial armor for the accolade. As Captain, she wore blood red clothe under her shining dark plate armor. A matching floor-length, blood red cape was draped over her right shoulder, which brought a stark contrast to her blue eyes. Glancing around the room, she recognized most of the civilians and castle staff. Timothy and Athena were also in attendance, so she made a mental note to say hello when she had the chance.

Sancius was a troublemaker, and he knew that Rona knew too. There would be midnight calls from one of the patrolling knights to settle the weekly bar fights. Rona almost had to arrest Sancius more than a few times; it nearly became routine. She only hoped that Queen Beatrix was making a sound decision to allow for him to become a knight, serve under the Queen, and to trust him with such a high ranking position.

This accolade was for Sancius, and she was in charge of keeping today's events and visitors in line and making it so that the accolade went smoothly. She'd stationed some of her knights near the doorway, the corners of the grand hall, and around the Cathedral. If anything were to happen, they were to report directly to her to handle the situation. She turned her attention back to the Cathedral doors when the music began to play once more.

The doors of the Cathedral Hall opened to reveal Davida. Rona eyed his form and saw his posture straighten as he took his first steps into the Hall. She internally shook her head and watched as the ceremony commenced. He didn't know how to be a knight, so what did the Queen see and deem worthy of Sancius to be a good fit as a personal guard? She could only watch and ensure today went by without any bumps.
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Timothy stood by Athena in the great cathedral. His hands were linked behind his back, as much because he didn't trust himself not to do something with them, as because it looked smart and formal. He was dressed today in his most muted motley: checks of dark brown and light brown, with silver colour threads woven through. He was bare headed today. The curled hat, even with its bells silenced, was just too much for this kind of thing. Such a serious occasion, the Queen would hardly want everyone focused on the jester. No, this was Sancius's time to be the centre of attention, and he looked forward with relish to see the man walk through the hall dressed in knightly regalia. He leaned a little towards Athena, as the Queen made her way to her place, accompanied by the dirge-like organ music. “Is it just me, or does Her Majesty seem a little out of sorts?” he whispered from the corner of his mouth, his eyes still focused on the Queen, as was appropriate. There wasn't anything he could put his finger on, but there was a stiffness to her movement that to Timothy seemed to indicate an inner tension.

But the Queen was almost a sideshow. He found himself unconsciously licking his lips as the soon-to-be Sir Sancius strode in, his armour glowing and sparkling in the lamplight. There was no denying the man was both handsome and intriguing. He had heard many tales from townsfolk and tavern wenches as to his sexual appetites, but he wasn't quite certain he believed that Sancius was really Queen Beatrix's lover. So far, he had not managed to wrangle the truth from her. But evidently she favoured him enough to knight the young stallion and make him her personal guard. Just how personal of a guard would he be?

During the ceremony, which was too tedious even to mock with all the talk of gods and so forth – none of which he believed in – he let his glance slide over the assembled dignitaries. Knight Captain Sephrona was the picture of propreity, looking majestic in her knightly robes and armour, but he couldn't help wonder what she really thought about “Sir” Sancius being promoted to her own level when his qualifications for the role appeared to be only that he could hold his ale well and had a prodigious “sword”. Before today was through he would find out exactly why Sancius had gained this accolade and how this new member of court would shift the balances of power and intrigue. Perhaps he would even discover what made Sancius so popular among the ladies.
A dark alley where unsavory things were happening.

A young woman being mugged by a stinky, potbellied man who would not take “no” for an answer. Little did he know, an even bigger monster than himself was walking down the same alley.

The woman was whimpering as the man greedily dug through her coin purse while he pinned her to the wall by the throat, chuckling darkly as he did it, until a bigger hand reached out of the dark and grabbed the man by the wrist, slightly clawed nails digging into his flesh as he was tossed to the opposite wall.

The looming figure of the tall beast glared down at the predator, glowing yellow eyes staring out of the shadows. When it spoke, it’s voice was a low, gravelly growl.
“I suppose you think it’s all keen to make a victim of someone helpless?”
The terrified human gaped at the beast.
“You think that you can take whatever you want from whomever you please?”
The man reeled back, in an attempt to escape but came to find he back pressed against the wall, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“I’d say you need to learn that no means no.”
“W-What in the devil are you?”
The man asked.
“Nobody. Just someone who thinks that you need to leave.”
“Huh... hhhhaa... wh-“

The thief squealed like a girl and ran away, leaving nothing behind as the beastly man collapsed against the wall, breathing hard.

He could feel it trying to rise up. The monster. It was desperate to be let out, to cause mayhem and destruction, but hell if he was going to let it. He fought it down like someone would fight down the urge to vomit after smelling something rancid.

Slowly, Drew turned to the traumatized woman, his previous wolfish features gone, but still breathing heavily as he turned his eyes to her. She squeaked and pressed back against the wall behind her, eyes wide.

“... um... are you okay?” He asked meekly, rubbing his arm awkwardly as she stared.
She continued to stare.

Drew felt himself getting a little embarrassed under her gaze and leaned down to pick up the forgotten coin purse on the ground, and looked up, prepared to hand it back to her, but instead found the woman running away.
“H-Hey! Wait! You forgot your coin... purse.” He let the words trail off as she disappeared from view, then sighed. He just couldn’t do anything right these days, could he?
Here he was, trying to do good in this foreign kingdom, stopping some creep from doing unsavory things to an innocent woman, hoping and praying that he could make up for what he did, but it just seemed to be getting harder and harder to stay his cheery old self.

Leaving the coin purse behind, he walked away, brows furrowed as he remained deep in thought. His thoughts were interrupted quickly by cheering and music as he looked up from the cobblestone street.

People were gathered around a building en masse, looked like maybe a cathedral, and they were all staring with rapt attention. He raised an eyebrow at the spectacle, stopping somewhere at the edge of the crowd, towering a head taller over most of the others there.

What... What exactly is going on?

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