sonic the hedgehog

  1. hxllywoods

    Fandom Lizzy's rp search

    hallo everyone... I am back on this site again with a new craving for rps ^.^ to introduce myself, i go by lizzy, i'm 19. my timezone is est! i work & go to school, but i aim to be fairly consistent. sometimes i get sidetracked by life and such but i do my best. i roleplayed quite often when i...
  2. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Fandom Resistance Quest: The Search For Sonic (Sonic RP)

    Character Sheets: Fandom - Resistance Quest: The Search For Sonic (Character Sheets) OOC: Fandom - Resistance Quest: The Search For Sonic (OOC) Greetings and salutations, fellow Sonic fans! It is your resident question asker, AlexneushoornTheGreat, attempting to bring you another group-focused...
  3. Foxfarer

    Fandom A fox's rp search !

    Heya there! The name's Farer! This is a general roleplay search. My brain is very empty at the moment, so I wanted to make a call with everything that I'm currently hyper fixating at the moment! Please note I am a minor, and while I can handle and actively encourage darker topics in rp, I will...
  4. joculatrix

    Fandom Howdy! Hesitant Lil' Fandom Search

    Welcome, welcome! Name's Jolly, and I hope you're havin' a good morning/evening/night, wherever you may be. I'm new to roleplaying on forums after exclusively using sites like skype, tumblr, and discord for years; so I figured to go ahead, bite the bullet, and get something up. About Me / A...
  5. Hanazara

    Fandom 1x1 Fandoms Wanted

    Hey! My name is Hanazara, but most people call me Hana. I'm 28 and I've been roleplaying for about 15-20 years. I'm a semi-literate roleplayer, who can write between 1-3 paragraphs per character in our rp, and I usually prefer doubling up rps'. That is to say that I prefer that we both do a...
  6. Kuroi Tamashi

    Fandom All things Sonic and chaotic! (CCxOC, OCxOC maybe) (any age welcome) (literally it's just the sonic universe please I'm hyperfixated)

    Hey friends! Hyperfixation has really settled in, so I'm making a search thread for Sonic and Sonic only. 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ About me 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ Name: Yami Age: 17 Sex: Assigned and identifies with female Pronouns: She/her or they/them LGBTQ+, neurodivergent and minority supportive ASD+ADHD and...
  7. Kuroi Tamashi

    Fandom Hyperfixation search - Sonic universe, Higurashi, and more! (Open to all ages) (OCxCC or OCxOC)

    Wow I have not been on this site in forever... since summer 2023?! It's time to get back into the roleplaying game! Heya, hiya, ciao and nice to meet ya, Yami's the name and crafting stories is my game! I hope we'll be a great roleplay-writing match! /gen 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ About me 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚...
  8. Icee

    Fandom 🌡🌞 Summertime Funtime Icee's Search For Fandoms and Originals! 🌞🌡

    Hi everyone. Icee here again with another revamped 1x1 search thread with updated interests and fandoms! Let's get down to business with relevant points to the RP so that we don't have a bad time together, shall we? Rules/About Age: I am an adult RPer [27 y/o]. I am not comfortable to rp...
  9. Justitia

    Fandom Fandom Crave hits again! (CxC, OCxC, OCxOC)

    The autism has called me into turning social. I'm glad! im shy uhh Call me Aspen. Im 18 years old, and I go by he/him. I've been roleplaying for atleast +6 years! Not a novel-level writer, but I can pull paragraphs! Im extremely open to OOC chatter. I don't bite! I'll be okay to go with 2-3...
  10. dewdroplling

    Fandom ✿ dew's partner check ✿

    ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧 ciao ciao! ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧 thanks for checking this out! here's some stuff about me + what i expect out of a roleplay and partner. ﹒﹏﹒ i go by dew, dewdrop, or hyperion (or literally whatever most people dont use my name anyway) and i am 21+ so i would prefer if my partner is at least 20+. I...
  11. Kumokumo

    Fandom Craving Sonic RP (CxC, CxOC, OCxOC)

    Heya! My name is Buffy :) I'm a cartoonist/comic artist! So expect to see some RP-based art! As mentioned I am looking for a Sonic The Hedgehog RP. I'm 100% for doubling so don't be shy to ask! I'm also up for playing multiple characters to keep the plot flowing. I feel fairly confident in my...
  12. ForTheMile

    Fandom Sacrifice [ Sonic rp ]

    "I would do anything for you." So I just wrote a very small one shot, character study thingy which you can read here, Whatever you want me to do - IcedBuzzsaws - Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]! It gave me an idea for this rp! Pretty simple, how about a child throws...
  13. ForTheMile

    Fandom "It's Just You and Me Now..." [ Post Sonic Forces RP ]

    What if Tails never came back for months on end after Sonic's rescue and the defeat of Infinite and Eggman's army? And what if he suddenly showed back up, the appeal and the desire of being back home lingering on him to the point he couldn't take it? He's just a kid after all. But how is he...
  14. Catro the Writer

    Fandom Shadow the Hedgehog: Childhood Days

    So this a bit of a different idea but looking for a cute slice of life RP and thought this could be a fun one. After going on a mission for G.U.N an accident leaves the Ultimate life form as a little kid. Which since the decive that did this was aimmed for Rouge and he pushed the bat lady out...
  15. fuzzeh

    Fandom looking for mxm fandoms

    not worried about literacy level, just want to write! Pokemon universe Digimon universe AEW WWE Sonic PM me for more info on plots etc.
  16. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Fandom Next Freedom Fighters: Heroes Of Tomorrow (RP Thread)

    "Alright, that should be the last of them!" Sonic exclaimed as he grabbed the last stack of posters from the printers and proceeded to put them on top of the rest of the stack. "You sure? We need to make sure we have all the necessary posters for this advertising run." Tails asked him as his...
  17. Jaredthefox92

    Fandom Local crazy vixen who claims to be a witch grows to immense size and wreaks havoc in Station Square!
    Index: Discord

    Premise: Everyone sort of hated Amanda in Station Square. She's annoying, arrogant, and untrustworthy. Even worse they all think she's a loon because she claims to be a witch. This hatred was compounded to become fear when suddenly she would grow to 90 meters tall! (Eggman must have had...
  18. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Fandom Next Freedom Fighters: Heroes Of Tomorrow (Sonic the Hedgehog RP Interest Check)

    Premise It's the year 3257, and Sonic the Hedgehog and the Freedom Fighters have aged into their 30s and most of them have started a family. Knowing that they can't keep fighting evil forever, they decide to start training a new generation of Freedom Fighters while they still can. Dr. Eggman has...
  19. .Phantom.

    Fandom fandom interest check! ~ updated [6/22/24] with Phan || s e a r c h i n g || [strong anime focus]

    Hello! This isn't the first time that I've made a search post on this site, but it is definitely the first time in months that I've been online. I took an unexpected hiatus from roleplaying and... pretty much being online at all due to personal reasons; some simply being too busy and others...