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  1. Death Korps of Krieg

    The Clean and the Unclean [CLOSED]

    Triangulum Unspecified System Humanity Untainted Starship Heavy Cruiser “Chistka” It has been six weeks since several HU task forces came into this galaxy. Ever since the organization took in the Confederate Destroyer “Mailvellance”, they have been in touch with a particular alien species...
  2. Death Korps of Krieg

    The Eternal Talarian Technocratic Alliance

    Official Name: The Eternal Talarian Technocratic Alliance/Talarian Technocracy/ETTA Demonym: Talarian Government Type: Autocratic Plutocracy Leader(s): Chancellor Dabero Galaxy: Andromeda Territory: Centered around the northernmost spurs of the galaxy Number of Systems: 681,829(81,829 colonized...
  3. Death Korps of Krieg

    [OPEN] A Periculo In Homines - A People in Peril

    Somewhere in the Andromeda, Undisclosed System Over the pristine world in the goldilocks zone of the stable sun in a certain system, lies a vessel. A vessel so vast and great that it has its own gravity, and lays host to millions of intelligent beings. It was battered. Many of its defensive...
  4. Death Korps of Krieg

    The Remnants Break (OPEN)

    The Altaran Protectorate; a haven for the last survivors of the proud yet dying Altaran race. They once counted themselves as the solitary rulers of the stars and the emperors of the cosmos. Yet, their pride was to be their undoing. They fell, not in one fell swoop, but slowly and painfully...
  5. Death Korps of Krieg

    (OPEN)A Worldship in Jeopardy

    Within the cold, forbidding depths of the dark space between the stars of Andromeda, a vessel of colossal proportions floated in deathly silence. Fleets of warships surrounded the gigantic worldship, and below them, the world of Il-karoth, a blue and green ball of oceans and forests, it would...
  6. Death Korps of Krieg

    Alliance of Seven Nations

    Official Name: Alliance of Seven Nations Demonym: Depends on which of the seven nations that make up the alliance the person one is referring to comes from. Government Type: Confederacy Leader(s): Queen Iriyaz of Amaerus Grand Minister Keros Shelos of Ethos(no rhyme intended) Grand Magister...
  7. Death Korps of Krieg

    (OPEN) Riddles in the Void

    Mymeara, somewhere in the Andromeda Glistening seas, lush forests, and high mountains. These are what composes the world of Mymeara, an ancient planet where a great empire from the Milky Way established its foothold in the vast star-choked void that is the Andromeda, the Altaran Empire. Or what...
  8. Death Korps of Krieg

    The Vostroyan Protectorate

    ThereSpecies Sheet] Name: Vostroyans General Life-Span (Eternal Allowed): 1,650 years Appearance: As human as they look, their minds and capabilities betray their humanlike appearance. They are noticeably taller and more slender than humans, and are much more agile and...
  9. Death Korps of Krieg

    The Vostroyan Worldship

    Official Name: The Vostroyan Worldship Demonym: Vostroyans Government Type: Council Leader(s): Grand Councilor Ulthamesh Shelwe Galaxy: Andromeda Territory: Currently somewhere in the western spur Number of Systems: A single 650 kilometer long worldship, named the...
  10. Death Korps of Krieg

    [CLOSED]Humanity Untainted

    Unknown Location, somewhere in Triangulum... In the darkness of space, a trio of ships emerge from hyperspace. The trio consisted of a single T-300 cruiser and two Black Eagle stealth frigates. But... something about them was not right. They did not have the golden hammer and sickle of the...
  11. Death Korps of Krieg

    (OPEN) Lost Treasures, Gone Rogue

    Idahraos System, somewhere in the Milky Way, (Perseus Arm) The unsettling darkness of space loomed over the ancient space platform of Mymera, a long abandoned Altaran research facility. Ten thousand  years ago, it was a facility where the first Antiga Class Battleships were first conceived...
  12. Death Korps of Krieg

    Humanity Untainted

    Official Name: Humanity Untainted Demonym: Purifiers(not to be confused with the Altarani Constructs) Group Type: Human supremacist rebels Leader(s): Alessandra Chuikov Allegiance: Themselves Galaxy: The Small Magellanic Cloud Territory: Pockets within Commonwealth territory...
  13. Death Korps of Krieg

    Altarani Lost Fleets

    Official Name: The Lost Fleets of the Old Imperium Demonym: Altaran Group Type: A fractious group of fleets scattered throughout the galaxies that bear half of the survivors of the Fall of the ALtarani EMpire.  Leader(s): Various fleet leaders Allegiance: Each fleet is actually to...
  14. Death Korps of Krieg

    Kirdoni Commonwealth Lore

    The Kirdoni Commonwealth "Glory to the Commonwealth, and death to all who oppose us!" The Kirdoni Commonwealth(Alternate Names - The Commonwealth, Kirdoni Soyuz, KirComm, KCSISS) a multi-racial nation comprise of 39 species, including humans, an arachnoid race called the Kirdoni...
  15. Death Korps of Krieg

    Altaran Protectorate Lore

    Altaran Protectorate "From the ashes of the past, we will rise once more." The Altaran Protectorate(Alternate Names: Altaran Alliance, The Daelus, Altaran Remnants) is the shattered remnants of the once powerful Altaran Empire. They were a proud people, ruling a galaxy spanning...
  16. Death Korps of Krieg

    Kirdoni Commonwealth Application

    Official Name: Kirdoni Commonwealth of Soviet  Interstellar Socialist States \Demonym: Kirdoni Government Type: Parliamentary Democracy Leader(s): Premier Taran Bermstye and High Queen Azjohliran Galaxy: Small Magellanic CLoud Territory: 12 o'clock zones:N Number of Systems: 130,000...
  17. Death Korps of Krieg

    Altaran Protectorate Applications

    Official Name: Altaran Protectorate Demonym: Altarani Government Type: Quadriumvirate - by the rule of four Leader(s): Heirarch Artanis, Dark Matriarch Varazun, High Purifier Colaris, and Tal'darun Highlord Algarak. Galaxy: Milky Way Territory: 1/8 of the Orion Arm's tip. Number of...