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Fantasy Mahou Shoujo Disaster [Out Of Character]

No, I don't think I have any ideas for this at the moment honestly.
OC is made.

I had plans for later, hence the -Redacted- stuff is to be kept a secret until later
Your character is a bit OP. The stealing magical abilities is too much.

Also I said silly villains. It feels like your character might deliberately kill random civilians. Like my character only kills certain people she has a beef with due to a twisted sense of justice but when it comes to the general populace, she intend to mostly inconvenience them during her plots and at most mildly injure them.

Acceptable plots killing civilians in the RP would be setting up a plan in which a magical girl unintentionally kills a civilian or accidentally does collateral damage involving civilians.
Also the immunities are also overpowered. Make something the magical girls can defeat, where the villain has to make a tactical retreat or disappears with a twinkle in the sky.
You never said in the rules what powers I couldn't have, nor did you say we have to be silly. "Most villains are silly"
That means exceptions are allowed, but hey, if you don't want me to be a interesting villain, that's fine. I can just take my services elsewhere.
Maybe next time
You never said in the rules what powers I couldn't have, nor did you say we have to be silly. "Most villains are silly"
That means exceptions are allowed, but hey, if you don't want me to be a interesting villain, that's fine. I can just take my services elsewhere.
Maybe next time
A villain that cant be defeated isnt an interesting villain and making it overpowered is no fun for everyone else.
Who even said he couldn't be defeated? No one said fighting a bad guy would be a cake walk either. Stuggles help make characters grow
Removing magic abilities take away ability to grow whatsoever and immunity to so many status effects is unfair compared to the abilities of the magic girls if you take a look at what they can do. If it bugs you so much, dann as you said, you can go seek another RP. Other people dont make such a big deal out of such a situation.
I plan to play a villain who is a rather unsuspecting person in private life. Like the type who is a kind and cutesy classmate or a neighborhood store clerk many people like.

There could be a central overlord, though their name isnt known yet. Currently, you have a bunch of goofy villains sending their minions to cause mischief, yet not actually harm people physically.

And the darkening of the magical girls situation is not like turning to the dark side but rather becoming mentally unstable from accidentally harming a bystander or witnessing something gruesome. So eventually a magical girl could become cynical, angsty, insane, etc.
We need a Psychiatrist ASAP!
I am considering making a real baddie. A villain that is even cruel to other villains and makes you feel sympathy for them. But I am concerned that I might make a character so mean that I would hate my own character.
You mean Lady Bear? I've had these posts quoted for a while and I thought I may as well use them.
We need a Psychiatrist ASAP!

You mean Lady Bear? I've had these posts quoted for a while and I thought I may as well use them.
Yes, Lady Bear. The villain who is a neighborhood philanthropist and cake maker who looks like an 18 or 19 year old in her normal life, but murders corrupt politicians and people who slight her in her villain alter ego who looks more like her actual age (since she is in her thirties. She is known for her enormous strength and even beating up other villains if they get in the way or annoy her.
Im looking forward to the Lady bear vs Super Evil Demon Empress Orochi/Magical girls fight. I might create other villains like say a Lord hater or Bowser Expy.
I cant do the colored writing since I only have my phone and a bluetooth keyboard on me in Japan.

Also I was pretty tired when writing, so a couple of spelling errors snuck in.

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