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Fantasy Against the Gods' Will ~ OOC

Of course not!!! I've been here since the beginning and I haven't posted myself so you can take my word!
Haiii :D
Hahaha! That sounds like fun, watching from the sidelines. I'm currently trying to read through everyone posts so far and Fíon is so scottish, i love the way she talks. cracks me up. I have work soon but I'll try to get caught up before I make a post, hopefully by tonight
Thought I should just say outright I am open to adjustments if need be to the weirder aspects of my character's design, this is just what she came out as as I sat down to design her for the most part.
SweetRose SweetRose Accepted! Though I do doubt she'd be able to hold her own against her mom. ;P
Don't get me wrong it was only possible because she was using her Lion of War form under optimal conditions and her mom was fighting with the equivalent of two arms and a leg tied behind her back by fighting her at almost human levels lol. I just woke up, but any tips as far as what I need to catch up on/understand+when I should get involved as far as IC goes?
Don't get me wrong it was only possible because she was using her Lion of War form under optimal conditions and her mom was fighting with the equivalent of two arms and a leg tied behind her back by fighting her at almost human levels lol. I just woke up, but any tips as far as what I need to catch up on/understand+when I should get involved as far as IC goes?
Not really. Basically they ended up in the realm of the divine suddenly and without warning. A portal opened up below them and they fell down into a garden. Konohanasakuya-hime greeted them, and took them to a theatre to explain things. There, Ma’at and Artemis met them. Now, people are splitting up getting food and choosing the deity from the list they want to stay with.
Deathkitten Deathkitten Probably posting for Adjrenna as soon as I figure out how I want to handle that, but I was poking at an idea that came up for a demi-divine or divine teacher and daughter of Set teaching poisons, toxins, stealth and self defense and thought I might as well inquire after that while I was working on the post.
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Deathkitten Deathkitten The link is that Divine teacher and daughter of Set idea I was batting about twixt my paws. Honestly at this point the idea has sunk it's claws into me and I'm probably finishing it even if I don't use it here so I am mostly asking whether I should post it once it's ready and what would need to be changed if it could work with changes.

Edit: Should probably be clear it's ain't done much at all but the core idea is there.

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Deathkitten Deathkitten The link is that Divine teacher and daughter of Set idea I was batting about twixt my paws. Honestly at this point the idea has sunk it's claws into me and I'm probably finishing it even if I don't use it here so I am mostly asking whether I should post it once it's ready and what would need to be changed if it could work with changes.

Edit: Should probably be clear it's ain't done much at all but the core idea is there.

Love her so far.
#@%$#*&^(&$^%#^%&!!! ARGH. My post disappeared. T.T
Large oof, that always sucks. It happens every once in a while to me but I still can't drag myself away from posting in the rpn text-box
Love her so far.
How firm are the rules on image appearance vs. description appearance because I am having pre-emptive concerns about how much of a Problem finding am image for this one will be. I could probably find a couple of approximation images, but her current and likely final visual design is kind of hyper-specific and complicated.
How firm are the rules on image appearance vs. description appearance because I am having pre-emptive concerns about how much of a Problem finding am image for this one will be. I could probably find a couple of approximation images, but her current and likely final visual design is kind of hyper-specific and complicated.
I really prefer images, but you can have an image supplemented by description. Just an approximation image or even just a bust image is fine.
Fenris Fenris Just so you know, I am in the camp of Morganna le Fay and The Mórrígan being the same person. <3 I wanted to make sure to let you know that in case it would change your character at all.
Sounds good, as that certainly opens up some interesting possibilities when interacting with her in the future. However, I don't think it will change much about the character at this point aside from perhaps the name... unless I've overlooked something crucial? Certainly open to suggestions.
Deathkitten Deathkitten I got an at least initial final draft done for that teacher character, should I just post that? I did manage to put together some appearance images to illustrate the details of what she looks like all though it was necessarily elaborate.
I'd like to see it. :)
Posted! It's one AM and im headed to sleep soon but I will send you the deets on what she told to Ma'at and that whole hushhush biz either tonight before I sleep or tommorow, depending entirely on how fast I pass out. Also as to the appearance, that makes enough sense to me to get an ok image in my head, but I acknowledge my brain is weird so if that doesn't work for communicating to other people I can try and find a different way of handling the appearance.

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