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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

There is more info on that than you might think, but I'll see to correct the mistakes when i review your character. As for the power itself, I don't know enough I'm afraid to make any comment, but be careful to make a quirk and not just a superpower. Quirks differ from superpowers first and foremost in the fact that none of them are magic.

No real magic involved, but it's more like the Quirks there re-shaped society in a different kind of way, in Japan quirk's are just sorta commonplace and nearly everyone has them and it's kinda individualized but varied in a sorta of mundane everyday kind of way. Your quirk really doesn't determine your overall path in life or what you're allowed to do, so much as it's a thing, a separate aspect of the individual.

In Kenya your quirk (your tribe) determine so much more, it determine what kind of jobs available to you and where you live, your history, what your rights are, your privileges, your level of access to resources, etc.etc

In Kenya there was a sort of "rise of the mutants" where certain individuals possessing strong genetic markers, passed them onto the general population, with those individuals serving as the founders of respective tribes, it's kinda like how the kekkai genkai system works in the Naruto-verse or the type system in Pokemon. The "types" in this example are the Tribes, people can be honorary adopted into tribes, but your quirk determines what tribe(caste) you're placed into. It's more fatalistic there.

When Quirks arrived in Kenya it became a game of thrones faction-y type of thing, ontop of whatever pre-existing ethnic tensions there already where, with it being a "Winner takes all" approach to governing.

Tribe member of have sort of connection to respective animals their tribes are named for. It's not unsual for someone of the leopard tribe to actually be in possession of a Leopard.

Lion tribe (formerly the aristocrats, "ruling" class, though they've since been deposed from power and their numbers are few. Their quirk is the lion's eye and their colors and red and white)

Leopard tribe (offshot of the Lion tribe, the current aristocrat class and rulers of the land, they have a pact with the Gorrilla and Serpent tribe, their quirk ability is the leopard's eye, some individuals have "spotting". They specialize in Diplomacy and Stealth)

Ape tribe ( Working "middle" class, Their quirk manifests in the arms for Gorrilla's and Tails for smaller primates. They are usually represented as Semi -skilled laborers and Tradesman.)

Rhino tribe ( Military class, the Rhino tribe have a long history with military and Police organizations. Their quirk manifests in the form of "horns" . They are loyal to whoever is currently in power)

Owl tribe (Educator/Tech class, Their quirk manifests in the form of "beaks" and are suited for information related jobs.They are generally neutral)

Serpent Tribe (Merchant class, although regarded with distrust by some, their quirk manifests in the form of "fork-tongues" and or "scales" and they are typically suited in Finance professions.)

Ox Tribe (Farmer class. Their quirk manifest is expressed in their horns and are suited for agriculture.)

Hyena Tribe (Rogue class, somewhat over represented in criminal activities, but this could be due to institutional factors, Their quirk is expressed in their "canines" and "laughter" )

Ant Tribe (Quirkless class, usually lower income with fewer rights. What they lack in power, they makeup in numbers)
No real magic involved, but it's more like the Quirks there re-shaped society in a different kind of way, in Japan quirk's are just sorta commonplace and nearly everyone has them and it's kinda individualized but varied in a sorta of mundane everyday kind of way. Your quirk really doesn't determine your overall path in life or what you're allowed to do, so much as it's a thing, a separate aspect of the individual.

In Kenya your quirk (your tribe) determine so much more, it determine what kind of jobs available to you and where you live, your history, what your rights are, your privileges, your level of access to resources, etc.etc

In Kenya there was a sort of "rise of the mutants" where certain individuals possessing strong genetic markers, passed them onto the general population, with those individuals serving as the founders of respective tribes, it's kinda like how the kekkai genkai system works in the Naruto-verse or the type system in Pokemon. The "types" in this example are the Tribes, people can be honorary adopted into tribes, but your quirk determines what tribe(caste) you're placed into. It's more fatalistic there.

When Quirks arrived in Kenya it became a game of thrones faction-y type of thing, ontop of whatever pre-existing ethnic tensions there already where, with it being a "Winner takes all" approach to governing.

Tribe member of have sort of connection to respective animals they're tribes are named for. It's not unsual for someone of the leopard tribe to actually be in possession of a Leopard.

Lion tribe (formerly the aristocrats, "ruling" class, though they've since been deposed from power and their numbers are few. Their quirk is the lion's eye and their colors and red and white)

Leopard tribe (offshot of the Lion tribe, the current aristocrat class and rulers of the land, they have a pact with the Gorrilla and Serpent tribe, their quirk ability is the leopard's eye, some individuals have "spotting". They specialize in Diplomacy and Stealth)

Ape tribe ( Working "middle" class, Their quirk manifests in the arms for Gorrilla's and Tails for smaller primates. They are usually represented as Semi -skilled laborers and Tradesman.)

Rhino tribe ( Military class, the Rhino tribe have a long history with military and Police organizations. Their quirk manifests in the form of "horns" . They are loyal to whoever is currently in power)

Owl tribe (Educator/Tech class, Their quirk manifests in the form of "beaks" and are suited for information related jobs.They are generally neutral)

Serpent Tribe (Merchant class, although regarded with distrust by some, their quirk manifests in the form of "fork-tongues" and or "scales" and they are typically suited in Finance professions.)

Buffalo Tribe (Farmer class. Their quirk manifest is expressed in their horns and are suited for agriculture.)

Hyena Tribe (Rogue class, somewhat over represented in criminal activities, but this could be due to institutional factors, Their quirk is expressed in their "canines" and "laughter" )

Ant Tribe (Quirkless class, usually lower income with fewer rights. What they lack in power, they makeup in numbers)
Hmmmm..... This is world changing info an I need to think about whether it would even be possible given the speed at which quirks change (also in every country in the world quirks are commonplace, not just Japan).

I will deliberate this with my co-GMs. The odds are in your favor I think, but it is a HUGE chunk of important lore you are creating out of nowhere here and so I need to see what the others think of it before saying whether I can allow it. I suggest you halt the construction of any parts of the character related to this until a decision is made, so as to not potentially loose your work.
No real magic involved, but it's more like the Quirks there re-shaped society in a different kind of way, in Japan quirk's are just sorta commonplace and nearly everyone has them and it's kinda individualized but varied in a sorta of mundane everyday kind of way. Your quirk really doesn't determine your overall path in life or what you're allowed to do, so much as it's a thing, a separate aspect of the individual.

In Kenya your quirk (your tribe) determine so much more, it determine what kind of jobs available to you and where you live, your history, what your rights are, your privileges, your level of access to resources, etc.etc

In Kenya there was a sort of "rise of the mutants" where certain individuals possessing strong genetic markers, passed them onto the general population, with those individuals serving as the founders of respective tribes, it's kinda like how the kekkai genkai system works in the Naruto-verse or the type system in Pokemon. The "types" in this example are the Tribes, people can be honorary adopted into tribes, but your quirk determines what tribe(caste) you're placed into. It's more fatalistic there.

When Quirks arrived in Kenya it became a game of thrones faction-y type of thing, ontop of whatever pre-existing ethnic tensions there already where, with it being a "Winner takes all" approach to governing.

Tribe member of have sort of connection to respective animals they're tribes are named for. It's not unsual for someone of the leopard tribe to actually be in possession of a Leopard.

Lion tribe (formerly the aristocrats, "ruling" class, though they've since been deposed from power and their numbers are few. Their quirk is the lion's eye and their colors and red and white)

Leopard tribe (offshot of the Lion tribe, the current aristocrat class and rulers of the land, they have a pact with the Gorrilla and Serpent tribe, their quirk ability is the leopard's eye, some individuals have "spotting". They specialize in Diplomacy and Stealth)

Ape tribe ( Working "middle" class, Their quirk manifests in the arms for Gorrilla's and Tails for smaller primates. They are usually represented as Semi -skilled laborers and Tradesman.)

Rhino tribe ( Military class, the Rhino tribe have a long history with military and Police organizations. Their quirk manifests in the form of "horns" . They are loyal to whoever is currently in power)

Owl tribe (Educator/Tech class, Their quirk manifests in the form of "beaks" and are suited for information related jobs.They are generally neutral)

Serpent Tribe (Merchant class, although regarded with distrust by some, their quirk manifests in the form of "fork-tongues" and or "scales" and they are typically suited in Finance professions.)

Buffalo Tribe (Farmer class. Their quirk manifest is expressed in their horns and are suited for agriculture.)

Hyena Tribe (Rogue class, somewhat over represented in criminal activities, but this could be due to institutional factors, Their quirk is expressed in their "canines" and "laughter" )

Ant Tribe (Quirkless class, usually lower income with fewer rights. What they lack in power, they makeup in numbers)
I'm a tad bit confused, does everyone in the lion tribe for example posses the same quirk?
I'm a tad bit confused, does everyone in the lion tribe for example posses the same quirk?

It would appear to be so. If you belong to the Lion tribe, you would posses a quirk pertaining in some way to a Lion's attributes(either it's a mane, eye, tail or something), though there are always exceptions to the rule, but they're usually cast out for social reasons.
It would appear to be so. If you belong to the Lion tribe, you would posses a quirk pertaining in some way to a Lion's attributes(either it's a mane, eye, tail or something), though there are always exceptions to the rule, but they're usually cast out for social reasons.

I'd like some clarification as to how these tribes work in Kenya. Do these tribes work as the backbone of society and offer a caste system, with the lion tribe being the rulers of Kenya and the rest is so on. Or are these tribes within Kenya that just generally somehow went. "Oh cool we all have the same quirks as the native animals of our continent, let's make this system between each other." (Which that in of itself holds numerous problems), and that the Kenyan government still exists as is or is slightly different (it is a Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic currently).
Nubian_Legend Nubian_Legend

After deliberation with my co-GMs, the opinions were, generally speaking that the conceit of the society you created for Kenya is too foreign to the established world of my hero academia to exist within it as a society, due to such reasons as the given universal ratio of quirk spreading, to the highly unlikely breeding system, to the fact quirks weren't so easily accepted as a legitimate factor in society until much later after they appeared and so on. In short, the opinioned was largely unfavorable to creating an established lore in the kind you describe and because of that, I will not approve that idea.
HOWEVER, albeit opinions are not much different in that scenario, I can accept you making it if you shift it to a smaller community in scale, at most a single city, provided good justifications for everything are provided and given how central this appears to be for your character.
I'd like some clarification as to how these tribes work in Kenya. Do these tribes work as the backbone of society and offer a caste system, with the lion tribe being the rulers of Kenya and the rest is so on. Or are these tribes within Kenya that just generally somehow went. "Oh cool we all have the same quirks as the native animals of our continent, let's make this system between each other." (Which that in of itself holds numerous problems), and that the Kenyan government still exists as is or is slightly different (it is a Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic currently).

It's more like as you say in the bolded. However, quirks did change how governing systems operate in the country as whole, there's no way you can have something that major and expect governments not to change or change in a way that's so slight. If anything, it brought things away from the previous order, I had several form of government in mind , but ultimately felt like something like a more traditional "winner takes all" tribal parliament was more interesting to write. I like the idea of faction-y governments. Where two or three parties can link up to overrule who's currently in office.

The caste system is just a way to figure out the best means of dividing labor.
It's more like as you say in the bolded. However, quirks did change how governing systems operate in the country as whole, there's no way you can have something that major and expect governments not to change or change in a way that's so slight. If anything, it brought things away from the previous order, I had several form of government in mind , but ultimately felt like something like a more traditional "winner takes all" tribal parliament was more interesting to write. The caste system is just a way to figure out the best means of dividing labor.

Okay then thank you for answering my question, I now I have a final decision on it
Don't need it, if people are paying attention then they'll know what day it is for their characters, I feel it helps to ensure people are actually paying attention to the character interactions
The point isn't to determine what day it is, but to allow for different people to be roleplaying in different days or even in two days at once
What makes you believe it doesn't help fixing the issue?
Because the issue isn't that people aren't able to rp in different days, it's that there's nothing to do right now.

And the solution to that issue would be to do something that gets the plot moving again, say a time skip to the next class or something like that.
Because the issue isn't that people aren't able to rp in different days, it's that there's nothing to do right now.

And the solution to that issue would be to do something that gets the plot moving again, say a time skip to the next class or something like that.
However, this will make the issue repeat itself again. I can't skip every scene just because it's going a little stale, some scenes can be very important for the characater development of particular characters. But with the addition of days, we can make it the scene doesn't need to be skipped to move on to the next one.
The Mechanist The Mechanist Shazam Shazam Illiterate Illiterate
May I inquire as to the reason that led you to vote B?
For me, it's simply just another thing I have to put down.
Since I know most people are fine with this decision, I simply am voicing my first world, authentic, somewhat privileged, opinion.
It's a really good idea, but I'm just lazy :p

Which as I said makes a mess and confuses people
Mech, it's a great Idea Idea since it'll make it so people won't have to stick to time constraints. Idea will simply have to make certain days of importance so that we line up our interactions accordingly.

Sure, it'll be confusing to start, but once everyone makes it apparent in their post what exact date it is, then it won't be a problem.

Idea Idea the only thing I'm thinking about is the post limit. Since people will be interacting without the constraints of the time, I can most definitely think that there will be more posts. More than the limit? I dunno, but you can never be so sure.

Just ma' thoughts.

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