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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC


Quirk - Fear The Pharoah - This quirk comes in the form of a Pharoah with no historic identity. The entity follows the user in a ghostly form that only the user can see. However, this isn’t the main use of the quirk. In order for the user to actually use the true potential of it, they must use their own blood. This can be in the form of cuts, where then the entity will manipulate it and use it almost like a mold to fill in the ghostly form. The being takes on a new appearance, that of a red bandaged mummy with only the green eyes showing the thing underneath. With this, they can actually fight back and attack enemies with quick blunt force. The user can’t use this for long or suffer from blood loss, and extreme headaches, making this dangerous in battle.
August August sorry if I seem dumb, but could you tell me where you mentioned me or requested interaction? I'm super lost on everything, everywhere and everyone right now, im so sorry

Its okay, don't worry about it. I simply mentioned you on here asking if you wanted to have an interaction in roleplay between our characters because they're roommates. It probably got lost in the notifications the first time.
I can't post since Toki's just sitting alone in her room. Should have her sneak into someone else's room if nobody shows up.

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