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Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

I figure I'll offer this again since it got buried and now I have Ann, but if anyone is interested in plotting with Joker and Ann hmu! Willing to do some more plotting with Kiriko too!
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts cool to see another Power Ranger for Lord Drakkon to interact with. Also I noticed you’re playing Spider-Man, which is related to a character I was going to make a sheet for. Basically she’s the Ultimate Marvel version of Spider-Woman, who in that continuity was a female clone of Peter Parker. I always liked that take on the character and would like to bring her into this if that’s alright with you.

Also possibly Dinobot from Transformers Beast Wars. I’m still deciding.
If anyone else is interested in plotting with Luffy I’m down for anything. DM please
You might need to make an Envy Sheet. But I think that would happen if DIO does see that weak form of his.
I will get to it tomorrow it sucks without father’s alchemy.. they’re screwed cause they need a philosopher’s stone and the one secret ingredient to make one.
Would be funny to see everyone’s reactions to Luffy’s ability to stretch, bend, twist, and inflate because of the Gomu-Gömü No Mi
Hey guys, we're currently going through submitted character sheets to as well as working up some starter plots.

Thanks again for your patience, everyone!
Take as much time as you guys need to get things going! It's better to have things well prepared than rushed ^^
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Eh, im on the fence if it’s a good idea to bring in Envy as without father around and his alchemy they’re screwed. I had a better villain who may join Dio.. with a powerful ability..

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