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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Hey, uh, before we move this story on, I'd really like to give Psychie Psychie a chance to chime in?

I'll be holding off until that happens. Our Princess is part of the team after all! 8D
I see a Random Word Random Word in our in-game thread! Heya Random Word! 8D
White Cat Hello GIF
Random Word is always welcome to poke his head in and take a look around. 😃
Random Word is always welcome to poke his head in and take a look around. 😃
But... but... Sherwood... what if he comes in and starts... you know... using random words?

Like jumping jehoshaphat?!

Then what do we do?
Mirgris Mirgris I don't know if you've gamed with Random Word Random Word or not, but as of this moment, Random Word has 10 whole years with RP Nation and I'm glad he's still nerding around here with the rest of us.

Grats on 10 years, Random! 8D
Way To Go Good Job GIF by Justin
Random Word Random Word Do you have an interest in joining this game?
Ah? I was just curious. I hadn't heard of Splicers, so I started reading to find out. It appears to be, "What if Terminator but you're the Tyrannids". I don't know enough to say if I'd want to play it 😆.

My personal favourite horror mecha systems are things like Adeptus Evangelion or Lancer. If the whole table doesn't go, "Oh fuck" when you fail a willpower test and your unit ignores the shutdown codes, are really living? You should be a little bit more scared of what's inside your unit than the enemy.

I see there are some political factions. If there's a house everyone is creeped out by but tolerates because they're too useful to ignore, or some Eldritch horror biotech that can go horribly wrong or horribly right, or some weird transhumanist role, then maybe? I'm not really into writing, 'farm boy gets drafted to pilot carnifex against uppity toaster and learns the horrors of war', so it really depends on whether the setting has narrative roles that sound full of drama and interesting questions about how a person like that would think or behave.
Yikes. I had covid-19 before and was in that hospital for eight days and was almost put on a ventilator. Hopefully you pull through your illness quickly.
I had the vaccine and such so I should be okay, but I feel like death, I'm gonna do like a 5 sentence post so people are not waiting on me.
I had the vaccine and such so I should be okay, but I feel like death, I'm gonna do like a 5 sentence post so people are not waiting on me.
Mirgris Mirgris Oh no! Man, am I sorry to hear you've come down with COVID! I'm glad you've had the vaccine. I hope you're able to keep your body well-fed, hydrated, and rested. Yow!
I'm not really into writing, 'farm boy gets drafted to pilot carnifex against uppity toaster and learns the horrors of war', so it really depends on whether the setting has narrative roles that sound full of drama and interesting questions about how a person like that would think or behave.
It sounds like you're maybe more into psychological horror games (perhaps Cthulu, Beyond the Supernatural, certain White Wolf games, etc.)? Splicers is more of an easy-going action game compared to the titles I mentioned. No save vs. Insanity rolls and the like as far as I know.

The "Terminator" is definitely in there. I don't know enough about what Tyrannids are - is that perhaps a Starship Troopers reference? I think Splicers is a little like... what if the Star Wars Rebel empire using only underground biotech took on the planet-bound Star Trek Borg. =)
Sherwood Sherwood
Everyone is given their assigned bunk and locker to store your equipment and personal effects. Each room is set to house eight people, with the new and less experienced people being placed with a bunch of old hands here in the Kraken, giving them the chance to help educate the new arrivals on the do's and don't's of life on the warship.
This is cool and all, being shown around the Kraken except the post feels incomplete. I mean, do you really just want the three of us to post putting away our gear? Calling "shotgun" on the bunk we want before someone else claims it?

Is there something more that we're supposed to be doing here?
I was going to set up a short time jump of a few weeks, but I didn't want to railroad you into something and not give you guys some time to post your characters getting to know one another a bit better.
I was going to set up a short time jump of a few weeks, but I didn't want to railroad you into something and not give you guys some time to post your characters getting to know one another a bit better.
What? A time jump of two weeks? Why? Hmm.

Are we after this post then supposed to act as if our characters have known each other for fourteen days then?

If that's the case, someone else will probably have to start this along; Chaska is... not big on striking up conversation with complete strangers. Especially without some cause or goal behind it.
Its to give you guys some time to have your characters no longer act as if they are total newbs on the Kraken and know a bit of the day-to-day life of the ship before you are tagged to go out on your first assignment.
Its to give you guys some time to have your characters no longer act as if they are total newbs on the Kraken and know a bit of the day-to-day life of the ship before you are tagged to go out on your first assignment.
Ah. I'm glad I asked then. The GM and the PCs should be together on paths like these lest someone get lost.

Still, this particular stopping point creates a kind of... "So, uhhh, come here often?" scene. Heh! But if that's what we're supposed to be doing, someone else is welcome to start it off.

Wait. Mirgris is down with COVID. So! Psychie! Does Toni feel like talking up Chaska? Maybe asking about his scars? His bird maybe? Uhh... does Toni come here often? =)

Frustrated Dog GIF

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