• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - Character Thread



Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
All Attributes/Hit Points/Bio-E etc. will either be rolled in the OOC Thread using the on-site dice roller or by me using my own dice. Your choice.

Roll 4d6 for all Attributes, rerolling '1s' until there are no more. If your result is a 16-18, you add in 1d6. If that extra die is also a '6', roll one more d6 for a potential starting value of 30 before the addition of any skills.

Good or Selfish Alignments only. No Evil Alignments allowed.

As you level up, you can add one new skill starting at a level one proficiency.

Everyone gets the Skill Package of Basic Military for free. If your OCC already gets that, you can select another Package.
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Martial Art styles that are allowed to be taken at the cost of one skill above and beyond the standard HtH Martial Arts.

Jeet Kune Do
Version developed by Dannigan

Character Bonuses
Add 2 to I.Q.
Add 3 to P.P.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.

Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll, Maintain Balance, Breakfall.
Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack.
Hand Attacks: Strike (d6), Backhand (d6), Elbow (d6), Fingertip Attack (1 point), Forearm (d6), Palm Strike (d6), Power Punch (double-damage, counts as two attacks), Uppercut (d10).
Foot Attacks: Kick (d8), Crescent Kick (d10), Knee (d6), Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick, 2d6 damage, 1/round), Roundhouse Kick (3d6), Side Kick (d10), Snap Kick (d6), Trip/Hook (no damage, causes knockdown, cannot be parried).
Jumping Attacks: Jump Kick (d8 + Critical Strike), Flying Jump Kick (d10 + Critical Strike).
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw, Choke, plus...
- Bite (grappling range only. 1-2 damage + 1/2 strength bonus [maximum +3]. Opponent must Save vs. Pain [14] or release hold/lock).
- Eye-flick (No damage. Opponent is -2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for one melee round).
- Head-butt (in-fighting and grappling range only, d8 damage).
- Self-knowledge (Special! The Jeet Kune Do may learn a martial art technique from any other system [subject to GM approval). Signature techniques [like Aikido's Knife-hand Knockout and Thai Kick Boxing's Lightning Form] cannot be learned. Techniques with a "prerequisite" must be learned in order. For example, to learn Automatic Elbow Hold, one must first learn Elbow Hold. "Take what is useful and develop from there." - Lee).
Holds/Locks: Arm Lock, Leg Hold, Wrist Lock.

Level Advancement Bonuses

1st - +1 to Perception, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.
2nd - Eye-flick + Roundhouse combination (one Strike roll for both effects), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to damage.
3rd - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
4th - Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
5th - Flying Side Kick causes knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
6th - Self-knowledge, One-Inch Punch (Special! May only be used once per melee, and must be the first attack used that round; does 2D6 damage + knockdown), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
7th - Flying Side Kick does 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Perception, +2 to Body Flip/Throw.
8th - +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 17 or higher.
9th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
10th - One-Inch Punch causes 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Roll, +1 to Body Flip/Throw.
11th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 19 or higher. Critical Hit on a natural roll of 16 or higher.
12th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
13th - +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
14th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 18 or higher, +2 to Perception.
15th - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 15 or higher.

Entrance Requirements: No Attribute or Alignment restrictions.
This is the original version of Kung Fu (also called Gung Fu), and the martial art that spawned hundreds of derivative forms. It has shaped and influenced all the martial arts. It all started in the Shao-lin Temple in the Chiu Lien Mountains. For over a thousand years, students of the martial arts traveled there for training. This continued until the reign of the 17th Century Emperor K'ang Hsi, when the Shao-lin monks responded to a call to put down an insurrection. 128 of the monks responded and they managed to rout the enemy entirely. This was such an alarming display of power that the government eventually sent an army against the Shao-lin. Only five monks managed to survive the battle and burning of the temple.

Add 2 to M.E.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 1 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 10 to S.D.C.

Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Back Flip.
Attack Moves: Leap, Back Flip.
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Multiple Dodge, Combination Parry/Attack, Disarm.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Knife Hand, Double-Knuckle Fist, Backhand, Palm Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Tripping/Leg Hooks, Snap Kick, Crescent Kick, Wheel Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick.
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Forearm.
Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Body Hold, Neck Hold.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear.


1st + 3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, + 2 to Strike, Critical Strike on Natural 19 or 20, Critical Strike from Behind.
2nd +1 to Back Flip/Leap, +1 to Parry/Dodge.
3rd +1 Attack per Melee.
4th +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge
5th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Damage.
6th +1 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 18 or better.
7th +1 Attack per Melee, Death Blow on roll of Natural 19 or 20.
8th +1 to Back Flip/Leap, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Damage
9th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
10th +1 Attack per Melee.
11th +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge
12th Critical Strike on Natural 18 or better.
13th +1 to Back Flip/Leap, +1 to Damage.
14th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike.
15th +1 Attack per Melee.

Entrance Requirements: No Attribute or Alignment restrictions.

Tae Kwan Do, loosely translated as the "way of hands and feet," is studied in many of the world's military organizations. The idea is to efficiently combine kicks and punches for the best possible attack form. Probably the most kick-oriented of all the martial arts. A master will attack quickly, preferably with some kind of flying jump kick. If the opponent is able to avoid or counter the kicks, then the second approach will be to move in with a volley of punches and short-range kicks.


Add 1 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 4 to Spd.
Add 15 to S.D.C.

Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fail/Impact, Maintain Balance.
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Multiple Dodge, Power Block/Parry (does damage!), Automatic Roll, Breakfall.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Knife Hand, Backhand, Palm Strike, Duo-Fist Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Backward Sweep, Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick), Drop Kick (Combination Fall/Dodge/Kick).
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick, Flying Jump Kick, Flying Reverse Turning Kick.
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Combination Grab/Kick, Butjapgo Chagi (Special! One opponent is grabbed and another is kicked simultaneously. Only takes one melee action, but requires two successful Strike Rolls. Does 1D6 damage to the opponent grabbed and 2D6 damage to the opponent kicked).
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear.

1st +2 to Maintain Balance, Critical Strike from Behind, Death Blow on roll of Natural Twenty.
2nd + 2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, + 2 to Damage.
3rd +1 Attack per Melee.
4th +2 to Parry/Dodge, Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19 or 20.
5th + 2 to Maintain Balance, +1 to strike.
6th +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Damage.
7th +1 Attack per Melee.
8th +1 to Parry/Dodge, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 18 or better.
9th +1 Attack per Melee, + 2 to Maintain Balance.
10th +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge
11th +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
12th +1 to Parry/Dodge, Death Blow on roll of Natural 19 or 20.
13th +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Maintain Balance.
14th +1 to Roll with Punch/Fail/Impact, + 1 to Damage.
15th +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge
Krav Maga

Developed recently in Israel as a self defense form, this is one brutal martial art. Before its slow release to public use in America, Krav Maga can trace its roots to the commando training of the elite MOSSAD special forces units.

Krav Maga's philosophy is simple: If it hurts your opponent, it can't be all that bad. Biting, gouging, elbowing, kneeing to the groin - it's all there. If it works, chuck it in for good measure. Yet Krav Maga is not at all complicated or underdeveloped. Quite the opposite. It is coldly efficient and altogether brutal.

Character Bonuses:

Add 1 to M.A.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 10 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 3

Escape Moves: Roll, Breakfall.
Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack, Power Parry (does damage), Multiple Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike, Power Punch, Backhand, Double Knuckle Fist, Fingertip Attack, Claw Hand, Elbow, Forearm.
Foot Attacks: Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Trip/Hook, Snap Kicks, Knee, Drop Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick).
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw.
Holds/Locks: Wrist Lock, Elbow Lock, Head Lock.
Weapon Skills: W.P. Knife.

Level Advancement Bonuses
1st - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 19 or 20 or from behind. +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
2nd - +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.
3rd - +1 Attack per round, K.O. on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
4th - Circular Parry, +1 to Initiative, +1 Body Flip/Throw
5th - +2 to Pull Punch, +2 to Roll with Impact/Breakfall.
6th - +1 to Initiative, +2 to Strike, and +1 to Damage
7th - Critical Body Flip/Throw. Death Blow on a Natural 19 or 20.
8th - +1 Attack per round, K.O. on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
9th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
10th - +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, +2 to Damage, +1 to Roll/Breakfall
11th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 17 or higher.
12th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
13th - Automatic Body Flip/Throw. +1 to Strike
14th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 16 or higher.
15th - K.O. on a natural roll of 17 or higher. Critical Strike on a natural roll of 15 or higher.
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  • Chaska looks like this but with wild hair that travels just past his shoulders. "Happiness is not ready made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama XIV. (Image credit: Starfield) Screenshot 2024-03-30 212644.jpg "It is always present within you. You can use it any way you want." - Tao Te Ching. "First learn stand. Then learn fly. Nature rule, Daniel-san, not mine." - Mr. Miyagi, The Karate Kid.
    the karate kid balance GIF
    "Happiness is a choice. Heaven or hell is a destination we alone decide." - Me. =)
    Dad Kiss GIF
    "To know one thing is to know ten-thousand." - Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings.
    katana GIF
    "Awareness has no frontier; it is a giving of your whole being, without exclusion." - Bruce Lee, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do
    viceland GIF by Earthworks
    Name: Kokoro Chaska formerly of House Apollo (defunct).
    Nickname (if any): Known to some as "Ghost Chaser"
    Homeland: Home of the Last Warriors (House Apollo)
    O.C.C.: Deliveryman
    Concept: Martial Survivor
    Name of Host Armor: WyldKat!
    Name of Birb: Woodstock!
    Level: 4th!
    Species: Human
    Alignment: Scrupulous?
    Appearance: Rugged, wild-eyed, fit, easy to not notice.
    Disposition: Very curious, observant. Sees the world through a different lens. Cautious, cunning, brave. Kind, honest, often quiet. A man of action with zero inhibitions. Doesn't let a whole lot bother him. Much smarter than he lets on. Not quick to trust, but not afraid to either.
    Quotes: "Mmm." "Machine no can kill what cannot find." (When alone, he prefers to use body language, facial expressions, and animal sounds. Thinks people talk too much and care too little.)
    Age: 20 years, 8 months. Can appear much older when disguised. Excellent mimic.
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5 ft. 8 in./173 cm
    Weight: 175 lbs./79 kilos
    Hair: Sun-blond (originally dark blond). Long (mid-back), oft kept double-tied in a low bun.
    Eyes: Light gray. Striking. (Can be mistaken for a blind person. He knows how to properly act like one.)
    Skin: Bronzed by the sun and his family's own genes. Many scars from being a boy in the wild.
    Other physical features: Strong shoulders, lean waist, athletic limbs. Carries many nicks, scars, bumps, and callouses from a lifetime out in the wasteland.
    Hobbies: Endlessly practices the martial arts and its philosophies. Does all of the things outdoors. Whether inside the Kraken or in a village, Chaska can sit and people-watch for hours (he often stares).

    I.Q. 25 (+11% to Skills/+5 to Perception)
    M.E. 30 (+8 to Psionic Attack/Insanity)
    M.A. 24 (80% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. 22 (+12 S.D.C. damage. Add lift/carry here if desired.)
    P.P. 27 (+6 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 33 (+33% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +8 to Saving Throws. Immune to nearly all diseases.)
    P.B. 16 (30% to Charm/Impress)
    Spd 28 (approximately 19 mph/30 kph)

    Hit Points: 50
    S.D.C.: 69
    Action Points: 7

    Hit Points: 45 (+33 P.E.) (+4. 1d6 per level. +4 @ 2nd level, +4 @ 3rd level, 5 @ 4th).
    S.D.C.: 69 (+50 O.C.C.) (+4 Outdoorsmanship) (+5 Running) (+10 Shaolin)
    I.Q. 25 (21 Dice) (+3 O.C.C.) (+1 2nd level)
    M.E. 30 (22 Dice) (+4 O.C.C.) (+2 Shaolin) (+2 Zanji)
    M.A. 24 (20 Dice) (+2 O.C.C.) (+2 Zanji instead of Chi)
    P.S. 22 (18 Dice) (+2 O.C.C.) (+2 Shaolin)
    P.P. 27 (24 Dice) (+1 Shaolin) (+2 Zanji)
    P.E. 33 (25 Dice) (+3 O.C.C.) (+1 Outdoorsman) (+1 Running) (+1 Shaolin) (+1 Zanji)
    P.B. 16 (15 Dice) (+1 O.C.C.)
    Spd 28 (14 Dice) (+14 Running)

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +5
    Initiative +3/+7
    Attacks per Round: 5/3/6
    Strike +10/+8//+? (more during flight)
    Automatic Parry +7/+8/+9
    Automatic Dodge +8/+8/+15
    Roll +1//+6//+9 - Automatic Roll when using Zanji.
    Damage: +11 S.D.C./+1D4 M.D.

    Disarm +6/+7
    Horror Factor +6 (do we add M.E. bonuses?)
    Special Combat Bonuses: W.P. Paired Swords starting at 3rd level (Daisho - Musashi's Heiho). Combination Grab/Slash (Zanji), Automatic Roll (Zanji), Breakfall (Zanji), Critical Strike from Behind (Zanji and Shaolin), Critical Strike from Rear (Shaolin), Power Block/Parry (Zanji). Dragon when using Shaolin Kung Fu.

    Combat Attributes Zanji//Shaolin//in Host Armor.
    Perception +5/+5 (+5 I.Q.)//--
    Initiative +3/+7 (+2 O.C.C.)//(+2 *) (+1 **) (+1 ##) (+1 Zanji) (See Special for flight bonuses)
    Attacks per Round: 5//3//5 (+5 Zanji)//(+1 **) (+1 ###)
    Strike +10//+8//+? (+6 P.P.) (+1 O.C.C.)(+3 Zanji)//(+1 Shaolin)//(+1 **)
    Automatic Parry +7/+8/+9 (+6 P.P.) (+1 O.C.C.)//(+1 Shaolin)//(+1 **)
    Automatic Dodge +8/+8/+15 (+6 P.P.) (+1 O.C.C.) (+1 Zanji)//(+1 Shaolin)//(+2 *) (+1 **) (+1 #) (+4 ##)
    Roll +1//+6//+9 (+3 Shaolin)//(+1 Zanji)//(+2 **) (+1 ***) (+2 ##) (+3 +) - Automatic Roll when using Zanji.
    Damage: +11 (+10 P.S.) (+1 Zanji)//+1D4 M.D. (Robotic Strength of 25)
    Disarm +0/+1//(+1 *)
    Horror Factor: +6 (+6 O.C.C.)
    Bio-enhancements: *Enhanced Neurological Connections. **Echo-location. ***Reinforced Exoskeleton. #Sensitive Whiskers. ##Motion Detector. ###Ambidextrous. +Righting Reflex.
    Special: Wing Packs in flight: +1 to initiative, +1 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge while hovering. +3 to dodge while in full flight. Add 1D8 M.D. to melee attacks made while airborne.
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  • 2f6d47800d420b36766c9f63cab3dbb2.jpg Name: Toni Cruse
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Alignment: Scrupulous

    Iq: 26 - +12% to all Skills, +6 to Perception
    Me: 26 - +6 to Save vs Psychic Attack/Insanity
    Ma: 24 - Trust/Intimidate 80%
    Ps: 22 - +7 in HtH Combat
    Pp: 31 - +8 to Strike, Parry and Dodge, +1 Initiative
    Pe: 27 - +5 to Save vs Poison/Magic
    Pb: 19
    Spd: 31 - Approx. Running Speed of 20mph

    OCC: Dreadguard
    Level: 3 (4)
    Exp: 0
    Hit Points: 42
    SDC: 82
    Host Armor Bio-E: 313 / 0 Points Banked
    +1d4x10 Bio-E per Level

    MDC by Location:

    Arms (2): 172 M.D.C.
    Hands (2): 67 M.D.C.
    Legs (2): 172 M.D.C.
    Feet (2): 77 M.D.C.
    Head: 193 M.D.C.
    Main Body: 455 M.D.C.
    Sidekick Rifle: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage

    Action Points: 7 / 6

    Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

    Number of Attacks: 5 / 7
    Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
    Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
    Dodge: +12 Automatic Dodge / +15 Automatic Dodge, +17 in the Air
    Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
    Initiative: +2 / +4
    Perception: +7 / +7
    Damage in HtH: +1
    Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
    [Critical on a 18-20 with Casting Launchers from Opti-Upgrade]
    [Critical on a 18-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]

    Casting Launcher: 1d8x10 MD per four round burst per Launcher, 2d8x10 for a dual burst of eight rounds. 120 rounds /
    Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike

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  • IQ. 13
    M.E. 15
    M.A. 11
    P.S. 31:
    +16 S.D.C. damage.
    P.P. 26: +6 to Strike, Parry, Dodge
    P.E. 32: +32% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +8 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, poison,Immuine to disease, Half fatigue rate
    P.B. 11
    Spd 36:
    25 MPH

    Hit Points: 36
    M.D.C: 1
    S.D.C: 2

    Known Skills
    Skill Groups:
    Basic Military (+15%)

    Climbing, Hand to Hand: Basic, Military Etiquette, Running, W.P. Sword and W.P. Knife.
    War Mount Rider (+20%)
    Herding, Horsemanship, Trick Riding, War Mount Combat, and W.P. Weapons: Light.
    Bio-Comms, Biology, Genetics, Machine Lore and Operate Bio-Equipment.
    Martial Artist:
    Boxing, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Kick Boxing and Wrestling.
    General Athletics, Body Building & Weight Lifting, Gymnastics, Acrobatics,Fencing

    5 Elective Skills
    Host Armor Combat
    Upgraded Martial Arts: (TAE KWON DO KARATE)
    WP: Lance
    Wilderness Survival
    Public Speaking

    4 Secondary
    Physical Labor
    Recognize Weapon Quality

    Skill Bonuses:
    Dodge: +3
    Parry: +3
    Roll with punch or fall:+8
    Sword Bonuses: +1d6 Damage,+2 to Strike +1 to Parry
    Knife Bonuses: +1d6 Damage,+1 to Strike +2 to Parry
    Lance Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Triple Damage on Crits
    Shield Bonuses: +1 to Parry
    Light Bio Weapon Bonuses:+1 to Strike
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  • 1715464051345.png
    The tall, guant, and heavily muscled Jin Li, or "Jinny" to her squad mates was born in the lowest and poorest levels of the resistance cell. Since she could walk, she had to learn and fight her way in the poorest sections of the underground settlement. Jinny did not have the luxury of birth to become a Dreadguard (although many think she would have been one if she was higher born), and learned and scrabbled for herself and her family. Her grandmother was insistent she learn to read and write as well as learning history to always remember where they came from as it was often than not their rulers would try and erase history to forget their sins. She learned to fight defending herself and family against the gangs and others who would attempt to take advantage of the poor. She learned medicine patching up her family and fellow gang members. When she turned eighteen, she aided and helped a recruiter, and got recruited herself. She distinguished herself in her training with her quick mind and strong body and was chosen and trained to be a roughneck host pilot, sniper, and field medic.

    Jin is a very tall woman around 6'2", heavily muscled, with an athletic build (think body builder/lady pro wrestler build similar to someone like Rhea Ripley except taller) , and is completely hairless and tattoo-less due to her Parasitic Host Armor, with Asian features and bright blue eyes.

    She is usually very stoic and calm. She learned to keep control of her emotions and her tongue at a young age preferring to listen before saying something she would regret. She has never stopped learning. She joined the Roughnecks to fight for the people, not their rulers. She will never forget where she came from.

    Name: Jin Li ("Jinny")
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Height: 6' 2"
    Weight: 180 (no fat)
    Alignment: Unprincipled

    IQ: 24 - +10% to all Skills, +5 to Perception
    ME: 20 - +3 to Save vs Psychic Attack/Insanity
    MA: 14
    PS: 37 - +20 in HtH Combat
    PP: 28 - +7 to Strike, Parry and Dodge , +1 gained at lvl 2
    PE: 37 - +8 to Save vs Poison/Magic, Impervious to disease, 36 % Save Coma/Death
    PB: 19
    Spd: 27 - Approx. Running Speed of 18.5mph

    OCC: Roughneck
    Level: 4
    Exp: 8251
    Hit Points: 52
    SDC: 112
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Name: Gus Barber
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good Alignments Only - pg 179

IQ: 23 - +9% to all Skills, +4 to Perception rolls
ME: 20 - +3 to save vs Psi Attack/Insanity
MA: 11
PS: 30 - +15 SDC done in HtH Combat
PP: 28 - +7 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
PE: 33 - +8 to save vs Poison
PB: 15
SPD: 34 - 22 mph Sprinting speed

OOC: Dreadguard
Level: 1
Hit Points: 38
SDC: 92

Host Armor Bio-E: 260 / 7 points banked

Host Armor MDC by Location:
Arms: 87
Hands: 47
Legs: 167
Feet: 77
Head: 117
Main Body: 280
Bio-Force Field: 120

Combat Bonuses on Foot / In Host Armor
Number of Attacks: 4 / 6
Strike: 6 / 8
Parry: 10 / 13
Dodge: 10 / +4 Automatic Dodge
Roll: 3 / 8
Initiative: 0 / 5
Perception: 5 / 5
Critical Strike on a Natural 20

  • Skill Packages
    Basic Military

    Climbing: 74% +5%
    Military Etiquette: 59% +5%
    WP Sword
    WP Knife

    Host Armor Pilot
    Bio-Comms: 84% +5%
    Host Armor Combat: 90% +3%
    Operate Bio-Equipment: 79% +5%
    Machine Lore: 79% +4%
    WP Bio-Weapons: Heavy

    Biology: 49% +5%
    Genetics: 49% +5%

    Martial Arts
    HtH Martial Arts - Upgraded to Jeet Kune Do

    Identify Plants and Fruits: 39% +5%
    Land Navigation: 45% +5%
    Swimming: 59% +5%
    Wilderness Survival: 44% +5%

    Elective Skills
    Upgrade to HtH Jeet Kune Do
    Detect Ambush: 44% +5%
    Detect Concealment: 39% +5%
    Prowl: 39% +5%
    --Sense of balance: 59% +3%
    --Work parallel bars & rings: 69% +3%
    --Back Flip: 79% +2%
    --Climb Rope/Rappel: 69% +2%

    Other Skills
    WP Bio-Weapons: Light
    Demolitions: 69% +3%
    Demolitions Underwater: 65% +4%
    Demolitions Disposal: 69% +3%

    Bio enhancements:
    Biotics and Wing Packs are eligible to get a set of organic communications implants called Bio-Comms installed. These organic resonators create sympathetic vibrations in other living creatures that can then be decoded by other Bio-Comm units, in effect, creating a system of telepathic-like communication between anyone with a Bio-Comm enhancement. Best of all, this form of communication has proven to be undecipherable to the Machine and her robots. The downside is range is limited to a maximum distance of only 6 miles (9.6 km). Note: All Host Armor and Packmasters automatically start with this enhancement at no additional Bio-E Cost. Other human characters can also get this enhancement; available to all characters in the resistance who may want a Bio-Comm implant.

    This radar sense sends out high-frequency radio waves which bounce off objects and return to indicate the direction and distance of the reflecting objects. This sense provides the Host Armor with a crude type of radar and compensates for being in the dark. Although the ability enables the character to know/sense the location of objects and movement, it is not as long-range or accurate as radar machines. Still this ability is especially useful underground, sensing large targets approaching in the distance, and combat situations, providing a relatively full view of the combat area.
    • Interpreting Shapes : 50% +5% per level of experience.
    • Estimating Distance: 60% +4% per level of experience.
    • Estimating Direction: 60% +4% per level of experience.
    • Estimating Speed: 40% +4% per level of experience.
    • Estimating Exact Location: 50% +4% per level of experience.
    Maximum Range: 6 miles (9.6 Ian) in open spaces, half that if there is a lot of ground clutter (tall buildings, trees, or mountains).
    Bonuses: + 1 attack per melee round, + 1 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge. Also no minuses/penalties apply while blinded or when in total darkness.
    Disadvantages & Limitations: Radar does not go through cloth, walls, people or any solid objects. Consequently, the Host Armor cannot see or sense through walls or doors. Likewise, while he may sense a car, estimate its speed, direction and distance, he cannot tell how many people are inside the vehicle. Cannot detect opponents hiding behind walls, debris or ground cover. Cannot detect opponents smaller than 8 feet (2.4 m) tall or traveling close to the ground unless moving faster than 40 mph (64 km).
    Radar is totally fouled in the rain, snow, dust, sandstorms, and similar obscuring conditions. No bonuses apply under these conditions, including no additional attacks per melee. If these conditions exist at night, in total darkness or while blinded, the radar is ineffective and the wearer of the Host Armor suffers all the penalties that usually apply for being blind. Smoke and fog also fouls radar, but not as severely as the aforementioned conditions:
    All the abilities to estimate speed, direction, distance, shape and location are -30%. All bonuses are reduced by half.
    Bio-E Cost: 50 points.
    Prerequisite: None.

    By amplifying the natural neurolytic energy of the Host Armor, the suit is able to create a powerful bio-electric force field to protect itself and the pilot under its hide. While the field is strong, it takes a long time to recharge. Damage should be taken from the force field, and after the force field is depleted, then from the M.D.C. of the armor. M.D.C. of the Bio-Force Field: 3D6x10 M.D.C. is standard (costs 35 Bio-E), but the M.D.C. can be increased by spending more Bio-E on it, up to a maximum of 300 M.D.C. See Bio-E Cost.
    Penalty: If the M.D.C. of the Bio-Force Field is depleted, it cannot be reactivated again for 1 2 hours ! As long as the Bio-Force Field's M.D.C. has not been depleted, it regenerates lost M.D.C. at the rate of one point per minute (that's 60 M.D.C. points per hour).
    Duration: Indefinite; as long as the pilot is conscious, the force field can remain in place.
    Bio-E Cost: 35 points (3D6x 1 O M.D.C.). If so desired, the Bio-Force Field's M.D.C. can be increased by 20 M.D.C. per every additional 5 Bio-E points spent.
    Prerequisite: None.
    An extra-thick, extra-hard, and resilient exoskeleton and bones that are difficult to break. Bonuses: +30 M.D.C. to the main body and +7 M.D.C. to all other locations. A head butt does + 1d6 M.D., a running ram/body block does an extra +3d6 M.D., and +2d6 M.D. bonus to punches, elbows and kicks from the character. +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    Bio-E Cost: 5 points.
    Prerequisite: None.

    The color and pattern of the Host Armor's exterior can be changed to adapt to any situation, so that the armored hide can transform to look like rippling water, moving or stationary leaves, green grass and scrub, dirt and rocks, a brick wall, concrete, metal, tree bark, and similar "natural earth" patterns, colors, and environments with exactly the right shades and reflections. Cannot do bright colors; bright red, shocking pink, brilliant blue, iridescent, or neon. Note: Anything that is worn over or covers the changing skin colors underneath stands out on the otherwise chameleon concealed Host Armor, as do any weapons or equipment that are carried.

    Likelihood of Remaining Unseen/Camouflaged:
    90% Undetectable if completely still; +5% if laying flat on the ground.
    70% Undetectable if moving 2 feet (0.6 m) per melee round or slower.
    50% Undetectable if moving 3 feet (0.9 m) to 4 feet (1.2 m) per melee round.
    30% Undetectable if moving 5 feet (1.5 m) to 7 feet (2. 1 m) per melee round.
    10% Undetectable if moving 8 feet (2 .4 m) to 1 0 feet (3 m) per melee round.
    Totally ineffective if moving any faster.

    Mounted on the back of the Host Armor is a set of Organic Thrusters, that are the equivalent of a biological jet pack. At the top of the Organic Thrusters are two large air intake orifices that suck in the air. Then an internal set of baffles, similar to a set of hearts, compresses the air and forces it out through four small cones at the base of the thrusters. Direction and control are performed by moving the cone-like thruster ports, and the overall effect is like a vectored thrust jet engine, just not as fast.
    Flight Ability: 200 mph (320 km), with a maximum altitude of 25,000 feet (7620 m).
    Underwater: May be used underwater with a speed of 100 mph (160 km).
    Bonuses When in Flight: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to dodge and +2 to roll with fall or impact in flight.
    M.D.C.: The Organic Thrusters have 4D4x10 M.D.C. each, and the four thruster ports have 1D4x10+10 each .
    Bio-E Cost: 35 points. Speed can be increased by +20 mph (32 km) for 10 Bio-E points. The speed can be upgraded in this manner up to 10 times (200 mph/320 km extra), for a maximum possible speed of 400 mph (640 km). Underwater speed is half the air speed.
    Prerequisite: None.
    Each Organic Rocket appears as a small point protruding from the Host Armor's arms, legs, shoulders, chest, back or just about any other location on the armored body. These weapons are like an organic version of a technological missile or rocket propelled grenade. Each of the Organic Rockets has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to
    a tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose of the rocket, allowing the rocket to see, track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Organic Rockets with one attack per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
    M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11 M.D.C. points, but the rocket is a small target and -3 to hit on a "Called Shot" while still located on the Host Armor before being fired. After launching, each rocket is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be shot down as normal.
    Mega-Damage: 5D10 M.D. per individual Organic Rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
    Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular Host Armor. Whether a single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
    Payload: Based on the number of Organic Rockets purchased during the creation stage for the armor. It takes 6D6 hours to regrow spent rockets.
    Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
    Bio-E Cost: Five points per Organic Rocket with a maximum of 15 possible (but that's 75 Bio-E !).
    Prerequisite: None.

    This weapon looks like a gun made of flesh and bone. It uses the Host Armor's waste, condensed, and dehydrated, like an owl ' s castings. These pellets are redirected into the Casting Gun, and filled with a powerful explosive chemical also generated inside the Host Armor. The Casting Gun then uses a combination of natural explosive gases, which are similar to methane, to fire and propel the explosive pellets at supersonic velocities. However, the weapon only has enough casting pellets to fire a limited number of rounds before the Armor must wait for its next meal to digest and thereby create new ammunition pellets. The new pellets are automatically redirected to the weapon that needs them.
    Payload: 60 rounds per weapon. Casting Guns are automatically reloaded after every meal (replenishing as many as the payload for two Casting Guns 2D10+20 minutes after every meal).
    Prerequisite: In addition to the specific prerequisite for each of the Casting Guns, the Host Armor must be a carnivore, herbivore, lithovore or omnivore; no other metabolisms can have this weapon. Additionally, the pellets produced by a lithovore are harder than the others; add +3 M.D. to their single shot and + 10 M.D. to their burst damage.
    • Casting Thrower:
    M.D.C. of the Casting Thrower: 1d6x10 M.D.
    Length of the Casting Thrower: The barrel of the Casting Gun is only a small, recessed opening in the shoulder.
    Mega-Damage: 1D8 M.D. per single shot or a four pellet burst that inflicts 3D8 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack.
    Maximum Effective Range: 1 200 feet (366 m).
    Bonus: None.
    Bio-E Cost: 5 points. (10 points)
    Prerequisite: None.

    A blade of super-strong bone that is either attached to the wrist or forearm or which slides out of a forearm housing at the wrist. The weapon is used like a sword to cut, stab and slash opponents. In the alternative, the Bone Weapon could appear as large bone talons growing from the fingertips or knuckles, or any similar blade-like bone protrusions growing from the hand or forearm as a sword-like weapon. Bone Blades can also be grown on the shoulders or head, but are not nearly as effective a weapon as those grown on the forearm or hand. All Bone Blade Weapons are very obvious and even those that retract into a concealed housing never retract more than half the length of the blade.
    M.D.C. of the Bone Weapon: 2D4x l 0+ 1 8 M.D.C., but only takes damage when it is specifically targeted and heals from damage. If completely destroyed or broken away from the Host Armor, the Bone Blade will regrow within 24 hours.
    Mega-Damage & Bio-E Cost: 10 Bio-E per 2d6 M.D. inflicted by the weapon (the larger the blade is, the more damage it inflicts), up to a maximum of ID6x1O M.D. per Bone Weapon (at a total Bio-E cost of 50 points). 5d6 Damage
    Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 to parry and disarm, and +1 to pull punch, but these bonuses only apply when the Bone Weapon is used.
    Prerequisite: None.

    Even though all Host Armor and War Mounts have Basic Regeneration, many get Enhanced Regeneration to give them even more of an edge in combat. Enhanced Regeneration heals damage at a rate of 1D6 MDC per minute (or 6D6x10 M.D.C. per hour) for the main body and one M.D.C. per minute (or 1d6x10 M.D.C per hour) for all other locations. The Host Armor cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems unless there is M.D.C. remaining (at least one or two points), but an Engineer can generate a replacement
    limb and attach it with minimal difficulty. Note: Biotics, Gore Hounds and Wing Packs can also get this enhancement for the listed cost.
    Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
    Prerequisite: Basic Regeneration (Standard for Host Armor and War Mounts).

    The Host Armor's spinal cord and neurological connections to the pilot are modified to carry signals from the pilot's brain to the Host Armor's body faster than normal. This allows for faster reaction time and excellent reflexes: +2 to initiative, + 1 to disarm, +2 to automatic dodge. An automatic dodge is "automatic" in the sense that it is a quick, reflex action like a parry, in which the character bends, bobs and weaves in such a way as to dodge without using up a melee attack/action. Roll 1D20 to determine if the dodge attempt succeeds as usual; do not apply other dodge bonuses to the automatic dodge. An automatic dodge can be used to try to dodge any attack, including bullets and energy blasts.
    This enhancement causes the pilot and Host Armor to be a bit jumpy and fidgety.
    Bio-E Cost: 20 points.
    Prerequisite: None.

    The cells are clustered on the arms, chest or forehead (can have up to six on one arm or up to four on the forehead) of the Host Armor to generate a weak light from a biochemical reaction. About 60 watts is produced by the bioluminescence, roughly equal to a dim light bulb, but is enough to read by. The light produced can be seen from about three hundred feet (91.5 m) away. Glow Cells may be genetically tweaked to radiate visible light or ultraviolet or infrared spectrums of light (the player may choose).
    Bio-E Cost: 3 points for each glow cell.
    Prerequisite: None.

  • Jeet Kune Do
    Version developed by Dannigan

    Character Bonuses
    Add 2 to I.Q.
    Add 3 to P.P.
    Add 2 to P.S.
    Add 2 to P.E.

    Attacks per Melee: 3
    Escape Moves: Roll, Maintain Balance, Breakfall.
    Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
    Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack.
    Hand Attacks: Strike (d6), Backhand (d6), Elbow (d6), Fingertip Attack (1 point), Forearm (d6), Palm Strike (d6), Power Punch (double-damage, counts as two attacks), Uppercut (d10).
    Foot Attacks: Kick (d8), Crescent Kick (d10), Knee (d6), Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick, 2d6 damage, 1/round), Roundhouse Kick (3d6), Side Kick (d10), Snap Kick (d6), Trip/Hook (no damage, causes knockdown, cannot be parried).
    Jumping Attacks: Jump Kick (d8 + Critical Strike), Flying Jump Kick (d10 + Critical Strike).
    Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw, Choke, plus...
    - Bite (grappling range only. 1-2 damage + 1/2 strength bonus [maximum +3]. Opponent must Save vs. Pain [14] or release hold/lock).
    - Eye-flick (No damage. Opponent is -2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for one melee round).
    - Head-butt (in-fighting and grappling range only, d8 damage).
    - Self-knowledge (Special! The Jeet Kune Do may learn a martial art technique from any other system [subject to GM approval). Signature techniques [like Aikido's Knife-hand Knockout and Thai Kick Boxing's Lightning Form] cannot be learned. Techniques with a "prerequisite" must be learned in order. For example, to learn Automatic Elbow Hold, one must first learn Elbow Hold. "Take what is useful and develop from there." - Lee).
    Holds/Locks: Arm Lock, Leg Hold, Wrist Lock.

    Level Advancement Bonuses

    1st - +1 to Perception, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.

    2nd - Eye-flick + Roundhouse combination (one Strike roll for both effects), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to damage.
    3rd - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
    4th - Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
    5th - Flying Side Kick causes knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
    6th - Self-knowledge, One-Inch Punch (Special! May only be used once per melee, and must be the first attack used that round; does 2D6 damage + knockdown), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
    7th - Flying Side Kick does 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Perception, +2 to Body Flip/Throw.
    8th - +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 17 or higher.
    9th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
    10th - One-Inch Punch causes 4d6 damage + knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, +1 to Roll, +1 to Body Flip/Throw.
    11th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 19 or higher. Critical Hit on a natural roll of 16 or higher.
    12th - Self-knowledge, +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
    13th - +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, Knockout on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
    14th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 18 or higher, +2 to Perception.
    15th - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 15 or higher.
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