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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || Monster Hunting RP [OPEN]

Akela would be pleased to go hunting with Tobias, if he needs to eat the same regardless of form,” Urzoth commented, as they rolled downstairs. “She and Marahute might go out tonight, since the Fifi mission was so short. They need time to stretch.” Plus, it would be good practice to increase the range they could travel without her body. It was possible for them to be aware of at least two sides at once, but any focus on the spirits would shift theirs away from their body. That could be a relief but was unsafe to do just anywhere.

Marahute would be open for a flight with Callan if he wanted, but Urzoth didn’t make sure he knew. It was something that was always true; he couldn’t have forgotten. They wouldn’t mind if the two left to go instead of drinking, they could certainly survive on their own.

They rolled first to the quest board, frowning at Beryl’s notice. After accosting a random soul, who’ll never be the same again, she returned to the bar and Callan with information, “A quest failed: badly enough Beryl doesn’t want us near the town.
Interatcions: Beryl, Anat, and Cricket (Guildhall)
Genii Genii Yonsisac Yonsisac MrMopp MrMopp

Calixto held his tongue while the two discussed the mission, but he did follow after Beryl when she ordered him to. To add, find a way to convince Arthagus to get down from her shoulder. The man's ears were picking up every bit of the conversation. He'll toss his voice in once the two finish. Meanwhile, the griffin was purring and then curled his tail around Beryl's neck. Upon entering the office, Calixto glimpsed at the map to take in the details. He was too focused on the map that he didn't notice Anat leave. When he returned to his senses, his focus shifted to the guild master with the griffin on her shoulder, "I too would like to join the quest. This whole thing appears off to me." He was correct. This whole thing was off and messing with his mind. He has a guess what the issue was, but he doesn't want to put complete faith in it just in case it was something else. "Moreover," he gestures to Arthagus, "it gives him a chance to spread his wings and not be a bother to shoulders and heads alike." Arthy's chest fluffed up, appearing offended by Cal's words. He takes his leave to follow after Anat, and on cue, Arthagus gives Beryl a goodbye side headbutt on her cheek before climbing down. He lands with a soft thump on her desk before chasing after Calixto.

He enters the bar to find Anat and speak with her about joining the mission. He noticed the Cleric helping Cricket sign the papers, moving his legs to approach the two. Calixto clears his throat, feeling Arthy pawed at his legs. "I would like to join you on this quest. I'm sure Arthagus and I would be some use." Finally stating what he needed to say, he scoops the bird in his arms. Ignoring the beak nibbles on his thumb, next comes the leg wrap around his arm. Cal gives her a cheeky smile, "I notice you looking at Arthy like he's a piece of treasure, Cleric. I'm sure you have plenty of questions to ask me." After hearing his name, the griffin glimpsed at Calixto with wide pupils, chirping twice to reply to him.
Well rested wasn’t accurate; rested was probably a bit off as well. But she felt better since her bath, and she ate dinner. It should be good enough. Nodding, Meg stood in her eagerness, but then had to stay there awkwardly, as she had no clue where the sparring area was. Glancing back and forth, she waited for the wizard. Should she help him up? Would he be offended if she did? If she didn’t? Meg figured the most important thing was to be the best student possible. Remembering that path, she wondered if she could create water herself. Or maybe she should freeze the water she had first? So many choices…

Maxxob Maxxob
Location: The Sparring Area
Interaction: Meg Lost Echo Lost Echo

Seeing that the girl had stood up from the table, he took that as she being eager to start her training. The old magus grabbed his tome from the table, closing it and attaching it back onto his belt. Moving his body forwards for a moment, he pushed himself backwards, rolling from the bench and ending up in a couching position on the floor, raising up, using his staff as a support - “Look at that, I still got it in me” - he commented, about the almost dangerous way he elected to get up from the table - “No need for this anymore” - holding the wooden object in front of him, he let it go, and it vanished into thin air. He started to walk towards the training area, waiting for the girl to accompany him.

Out in the yard, the man stood in an open place. Pointing his right arm onto the ground, the surrounding temperature started to drop significantly. After a few seconds, he rose his hand and a block of ice spurted from the ground, cracking the soil, standing around 8 feet tall, with the wideness of around 10 feet. The block of ice was pretty thick, so much as to make it impossible to see the other side where the ice wall stood - “To begin, let’s see… can you manipulate water from it? Try to imagine the same way you manipulate the patterns with raw water, but focusing on the ice block” - with that, he gave Meg the space where he was standing, moving to the sidelines to observe her while she attempted to manipulate the water.
Ashley was tired from walking, as he'd been walking for a long time. There were three things that other people may or may not notice about him. One, Ashley was sweaty, despite it not being hot enough for him to sweat as much as he did. Two, his spearhead touched his leg with every step he took. Three, he wore mismatched socks and mismatched boots.

Why had he arrived at this tavern? Because why not, why the hell not? He'd never actually hunted a monster before, but he'd chosen his spear, because why not?

Ashley sat at the table nearest the door, just in case he wasn't welcome. Or, at least, he tried to sit. The way the spear was positioned, it was actually quite hard to sit down. Ashley eventually decided to sit at the edge of his seat, on the corner.

Ashley was listening to the sounds of the tavern, getting a bead on the local gossip, and watching the fights(beating up a defenseless person was not the same as bar brawls to Ashley). After awhile, Ashley got bored, and raised his hand to order.
When he went backward, Meg rushed over to catch him but missed, and watched in horror before he ended up in a crouch. Eyes wide, she watched as he stood, none the worse for wear, and commented surprise that it went so well. Meg wondered if magic made him crazy or if he’d be just as insane without it. Following quietly, she decided to be careful but still learn as much as she could.

After he created the ice block, spent a second just staring. Good god that was big. Did it need to be so big? She wondered what he meant exactly. Did he want her to melt it into water? When she reached out, she realized, “Oh!” she’d never noticed, but the ice hard a thin layer of water along its surface. It didn’t take anything to call it toward her, but to her surprise more appeared just after. Technically, she probably could melt it, by a hair’s width each time, but he must have meant something else. He was crazy...

With a frown, she stepped forward, trying to feel the inside of the ice instead. It did not want to move, like water did. Water was always moving. But the block wanted to stay together. "Hm…" She looked around. Maybe she could move the hole block into the shade? But that’s not what he asked. She could try to force it, like she did the water in the mines. Laying her hand on surface of the block, she pulled with all her strength, jerking her hand back. It hurt, like a injured muscle being used, but she pushed through it, then all at once, she stumbled backward, falling to the ground a stream of water pouring down on top of her. She gasped, tears in her eyes from the pain, but she still smiled, “I did it!” She did not try to move the water even as it got her wet, she wanted to wait for the lingering ache to disappear.
'The Phantom Armory'.jpgConnor Brazzinford.jpg
Connor Brazzinford - 'The Phantom Armory'

Interactions: Pierre ( Maxxob Maxxob )

Connor's ears listened intently to Pierre as she ate, looking at him while occasionally looking down at her food. Perhaps she expected something grander than being a former knight for a dead king looking for employment, but not everyone in the guild had to have a background worthy of having a novel written about it. She most certainly didn't, regardless of how progressive her thoughts and revolutionary her armor. The comment about becoming a bedwarmer as a job got a chuckle out of her. And then it was her turn to answer the question, the cogs in her head springing to life as her thoughts wondered on how to describe it. While she certainly wanted to fill him in about her life, too many details would likely sour the upbeat mood they've created together - not to mention she'd out herself as a former noble to him and those within earshot.
"I joined out of necessity, as I left home after learning everything I could about the family business." Connor answered starkly, though she wouldn't leave him with such a one-sentence statement. "My parents hated me from the moment of my birth, and they didn't hide their resentment about how I ruined their lives... It took a few years to perfect the craft and join the guild after leaving home, but I'm in a pretty good spot between the quests and taking on commissions." She added in before she resumed eating, having given just enough context to avoid sharing about the reason they hate her. Connor. She knew that her parents named her that out of spite and grief, for the death of her stillborn twin brother she never had the chance to meet. The thought of the brother she never knew being dead still sorrowed her however. She masked her expression pretty well and managed to drive away memories of the past, focusing on the present day with Pierre right in front of her. "Speaking of professions, perhaps you'd like to accompany me on the quest I'll be going on?"
Calixto held his tongue while the two discussed the mission, but he did follow after Beryl when she ordered him to. To add, find a way to convince Arthagus to get down from her shoulder. The man's ears were picking up every bit of the conversation. He'll toss his voice in once the two finish. Meanwhile, the griffin was purring and then curled his tail around Beryl's neck. Upon entering the office, Calixto glimpsed at the map to take in the details. He was too focused on the map that he didn't notice Anat leave. When he returned to his senses, his focus shifted to the guild master with the griffin on her shoulder, "I too would like to join the quest. This whole thing appears off to me." He was correct. This whole thing was off and messing with his mind. He has a guess what the issue was, but he doesn't want to put complete faith in it just in case it was something else. "Moreover," he gestures to Arthagus, "it gives him a chance to spread his wings and not be a bother to shoulders and heads alike." Arthy's chest fluffed up, appearing offended by Cal's words. He takes his leave to follow after Anat, and on cue, Arthagus gives Beryl a goodbye side headbutt on her cheek before climbing down. He lands with a soft thump on her desk before chasing after Calixto.

He enters the bar to find Anat and speak with her about joining the mission. He noticed the Cleric helping Cricket sign the papers, moving his legs to approach the two. Calixto clears his throat, feeling Arthy pawed at his legs. "I would like to join you on this quest. I'm sure Arthagus and I would be some use." Finally stating what he needed to say, he scoops the bird in his arms. Ignoring the beak nibbles on his thumb, next comes the leg wrap around his arm. Cal gives her a cheeky smile, "I notice you looking at Arthy like he's a piece of treasure, Cleric. I'm sure you have plenty of questions to ask me." After hearing his name, the griffin glimpsed at Calixto with wide pupils, chirping twice to reply to him.
Interaction: Holding energetic pupper as she signs paper and talking to Calixto MrMopp MrMopp Astrophil Astrophil
Location: Guildhall

Ana looks to the side towards Calixto as she holds Cricket, she is not heavy any sort of the word, to be fair she could just carry the dogfolk around. Knowing this....if cricket dose get a bit to "Outgoing" Ana might genuinely need to hold her down! but she doubts it, she seems to know the difference very well and she was smart enough, more than some that's for sure. She smiled at the duo and answered "Sure, won't mind to be honest or any of us, and now with the whole danger in travel, its best a large group. Just be cautious or make sure to be in sight. We don't know what is even happening to the men, and i rather not find out with one of our own guildmates vanishing like the rest." she admitted worriedly as Ana has not even the slightest clue what is going on, for all she knows they literally disappear like magic. And with, quite literally, no information on any evidence or sightings, she rather warn them in case especially since it seems none have been even found dead, if they did, the quest could have been that something is killing them instead!

Noticing that she has been caught red handed, looked away for a split second and chuckled to herself as she looked back at calixto and Arthy as he chirped. "Indeed i do, i am a zoologist, been studying both mythical and normal creatures for years and i have never seen one like your little companion, not even in my father's textbooks or officially released ones for that matter. Arthy is....unique i imagens in many ways, griffins don't just change size like that.....does he like, have innate magic to do that?" she said inspecting the little guy with her eyes as she held cricket, well for now little. Most griffins have the Front legs of a eagle, but this little guy, besides already being unique, was rare for the fact it had the front legs of a lion, witch is rather uncommon in there specie. So Ana was more than interested in Arthy.
Location: Guild Hall sign up table
Interaction: Playing third wheel in convo with Callixo and Anat
she walked over out from the office and towards the table but notice the dogfolk cricket having some issues with paper's she seem a bit to short...she was just around maybe 2 Feet in height. With a smile as she tried, she walked over to the little dogfolk "Up we go!" She said as her hands went under her arms and lifted her up so she may reach the papers, knowing how she has been acting and how close she has been getting in peoples way. Ana was sure she won't mind being picked up for a sec plus it was to help her.
Crickets ears perked as hands caught her under the arms and hoisted her up, partially in surprise at how quickly her request got granted, but also out of pleasure. She kinda liked getting picked up. She rolled her head back towards the woman holding her. “Thank you!” She yapped, licking her nose at her appreciatively. This lady was nice. Even if she had a creepy@$$ book.

Oh yeah. She noticed that thing from the get go.

Cricket reached forward and grabbed the paper and quill, giving the former a quick once over while the latter dripped ink on the table in her grip. She mumbled to herself as she skimmed it…

Uphold guild rep…. “Mm-hmmm…”

Defend fellow guild mates… ”Sure….”

Prosperity and wealth bla bla bla…“Whaaaaatever….”

Acts of aggression… “Duhhhhh…”

Share profits…. “Okay….”

Equal portions…. “Curses….”

10% to The Crown…. “Really man…?”

Dibs on stuff…. “Liiiiiike’n that….”

Resurrectio- “WOAH WHAT? They’re gonna unkill me!?, YEA-UH!”

She was suddenly conscious of the fact that she’d just shouted that out of the blue in the middle of Book Lady’s talking and glanced up at her with guilty ears. “Whup. Sorry.”
He enters the bar to find Anat and speak with her about joining the mission. He noticed the Cleric helping Cricket sign the papers, moving his legs to approach the two. Calixto clears his throat, feeling Arthy pawed at his legs. "I would like to join you on this quest. I'm sure Arthagus and I would be some use." Finally stating what he needed to say, he scoops the bird in his arms. Ignoring the beak nibbles on his thumb, next comes the leg wrap around his arm. Cal gives her a cheeky smile, "I notice you looking at Arthy like he's a piece of treasure, Cleric. I'm sure you have plenty of questions to ask me." After hearing his name, the griffin glimpsed at Calixto with wide pupils, chirping twice to reply to him.

Oh hey. Birdy and Boy were back. “HI, ARTHY!” She waved. “HI OTHER GUY!”

Ahem, anyway, back to the paper: Cricket felt satisfied with the terms (mostly) so she signed her name on the line with a self stylized cricket insignia below it.

“Aaaaaaaand DONE.” She said with finality.
Noticing that she has been caught red handed, looked away for a split second and chuckled to herself as she looked back at calixto and Arthy as he chirped. "Indeed i do, i am a zoologist, been studying both mythical and normal creatures for years and i have never seen one like your little companion, not even in my father's textbooks or officially released ones for that matter. Arthy is....unique i imagens in many ways, griffins don't just change size like that.....does he like, have innate magic to do that?" she said inspecting the little guy with her eyes as she held cricket,
Cricket just heard the end of that and she looked at Cal and Arthy with ears and eyebrows raised in surprised interest. “Wait, he can change size?” She asked, still hanging contentedly in Anats arms.
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Stable yard

Samira spooked a little at all the excited shouting.

Percival was completely lost, but smiled at the two hunters. “Evidently not. How do you know one another?”

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo



“Sounds good. They know the woods well enough. They can take him somewhere he less likely to be spotted.” Callan said as Urzoth volunteered both Akela and Marahute for dragon-sitting duties.

After browbeating a rookie away from his favourite stool (perch) at the bar, the Siren sat down.

He frowned as Urzoth rejoined him with news about a failed mission. “Which quest was it?” Had to be a group of rookies.

Lost Echo Lost Echo


Barry (npc)
Ashley’s table

“What d’yer want?” A grumpy voice asked from Ashley’s side. A redhead dwarf wearing an apron stood there (the barkeeper presumably).

“Not seen you ‘round ‘ere before. You signin’ up ter the guild? Tavern’s fer members only.” He folded his hairy arms impatiently as he waited for the stranger’s response.

Ashy_OCdesigns Ashy_OCdesigns
Tobias turned to settle the horse apologising to her and petting them softly.

"Well...back at the old huntin clan, he was my rookie and partner, bit shorter and more feral though back den." Ramirez chuckled as Tobias blushed with embaresment. "Last I saw him was on the hunt I got baddly injured... i thought he'd died as no one else could find him afterwards..."

Tobias averted his gaze a little as he petted sam.
Stable yard

“Feral?” That might explain some of the man’s odd behaviour earlier, Percival thought.

Samira stomped a foot against the cobbled floor, but soon settled back down after the petting.

“Oh that’s wonderful!“ Percival beamed. “Er, your reunion of course - not the injuries and death.”

“I imagine you both have much to talk about… should I… ?” He made a gesture as if to ask if he should scram or not. He didn’t wish to intrude.
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"Naw Percy you needn't scarper, we still gotta get the mounts ready." Ramirez opened Thunder's stall who made a beeline to flatten Tobias, licking his face and nuzzeling him.

"Gaaah!" Was all Toby could manage as Thunder pounced him. Patting her face and trying to push the land dragon aside so he could get back up...though to little avail. "Its good ta see you too Thunder...just...get..off"

Ramirez smiled and laughed at the sight before ushering Thunder aside with the lure of a carrot.
Interactions: calixto and cricket MrMopp MrMopp Astrophil Astrophil
location: guild hall

Ana giggled slightly at the slightly over-happy Cricket, yea no, this sealed it, she was just a dog that talked "your welcome cricket". Ana's attention was temporarily taken as cricket talked a bit outloud...seems some one did not like sharing for equal portions. Each time Ana wondered more and more, maybe if they don't become such strangers in the long run and get to know her more, slowly she will find out more of the brave little dogfolk.

Cricket did not seem to mind to be heald, infact maybe she was enjoying it. Once she was done Ana slowly put her down, debating if she should, not wishing to just drop her like a cat. "Aperantly so cricket, it's why I been looking over the little guy none stop.....I am supriced as you" as Crickets legs came in contact in the floor, Ana clearly did not let go immediately but did aftet a few seconds. "OK cricket, you need to eat, go get some food befor we go, I will be here with Calixto for a sec so you know where to find me. I will let you know when we are leaving" she told her but not shooing off as Ana would like her to comeback since both were very much interested in the griffin but, an empty stomach was the last thing one would want, and in a long day travel, best she eat sooner than later. Ana reached out and pet her on the top of the head. Maybe it was the fact cricket was just adorable...she just naturally liked cricket. And adding the cleric was naturally friendly. "Or you can eat on the go and stay with us"
Location: Yard

“You’re a friend of Thunder’s too.” Percival laughed at the antics and went to offer Tobias a hand up.

“We’re about to embark on a quest.” He told the taller man. “Some villagers have gone missing and we are heading there to investigate.”

Percival entered Sam’s stall to get her read for their journey.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo
Tobias gladly accepted the rescuing hand and got to his feet, dusting himself down and looking at Percy curiously. "Missin folk? Well dat don't sound good..ya know what caused that?"

Percival untethered his horse and bought her out into the yard. “Come on Sam, let’s get you ready.”

“No, we don’t know anything yet… other than it seems to be targeting males.” If there even was an ‘it’. They could be dealing with a monster, or something else entirely. Bandits maybe?

“Hopefully we find them all alive and safe.” He added, though the young man had his doubts.

Percy went back for Samira’s saddle and battled to sit it on her back.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo
Ramirez tutted and brought out a saddle blanket to lay over sam's back first, "Now you lay the saddle on like this." Ramirez helped show percy how to tak up the horse.

Tobias pondered the whole guys going missing aspect. "Is it wise for guys ta go then? Maybe lady hunters would be better?"
Urzoth glanced around for Barry, who seemed to be squaring off with some thin human, though its ears stuck out enough there might be something else there. They sighed, focusing on Callan’s questions in the meantime, “Apparently it was to clear goblins out of some ruin of some god. A follower--who did not return--asked for aid. They found some town overrun by goblins. That old wizard, Balthazar teleported them back here.” They shook their head. “Maybe the stories exaggerated or he’s just old now, but he claimed they’d need at least a dozen people to have won. Siwai, Alice and X’nerus went too.” For a bit, Urzoth thought back to their tribe. But they were stronger than any human town. They had far more experience with goblins.

“I thought this myself-“ Percival answered Toby as he tried to pay attention to what Ramirez was doing.

“-but if men are the target, then surely we’ll be needed to lure the creature out. Bait the hook to suit the fish, right?”

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo


Guildhall bar

“That Argius bloke? Bastard left without me?” Callan thought Mr Money-bags the Minotaur was still fast asleep in his bedroom.

“… s’pose I got lucky then.” The people Urzoth mentioned were all veterans and capable hunters, so he understood why Beryl was so concerned. “Must’ve been a lot of ‘em. Goblin’s aren’t exactly hard ter kill.”

Lost Echo Lost Echo
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It only took a matter of minutes for Rika to change her clothes into a nearly identical set to what she’d worn earlier, compliments of her funds and the capacious storage capacity of the cupboards of the desk in the room that would’ve been of much greater utility to her many illustrations. Captious as she was, she had few complaints on the amenities that the Hunter’s Inn could provide, the commodities of her room being one of them. Once she was dressed, she placed the night gown and robes in the drawer where her clothes were, and quickly grabbed her boots, putting them on and tying the laces. The clothes that she’d worn earlier were still strewn about the floor, and would have to be washed (as she’d neglected in her earlier eagerness to leave the bathhouse). For the time being, she ignored them and took to her weaponry. The Rondel dagger, she strapped to her right hip for quick and easy access; the blade, as always, was kept to the left. The quiver was placed on the side of the blade, and the crossbow, despite its diminutive size compared to other models, was on her back. She stopped briefly and considered the potentiality of being encumbered by the number of weapons she was carrying, and instead discarded the Cinquedea Blade and placed it on her bed, convinced that it was against her best interest to engage in close-range combat with a Wyrm, to begin with. She strapped the quiver to her back and strapped the crossbow to its tether, draping it over her shoulder for a clean, unencumbered kitting.

After tying her hair into a high ponytail, she stopped and looked in the mirror at her battle regalia. She then looked at the style of her hair once again, which was tied in the crimson ribbon that she so loved. It differed markedly from what she remembered seeing her mother and other relatives wear, as the Nerician custom was to always style one’s hair in a bun, not a ponytail, when preparing for battle. Despite this, they were never going to battle, but to special events, but tradition dictated that sometimes they were one in the same…

Her thoughts then turned to how her father would look, in all of his power and regalia, elegant crimson agbada robes carefully woven with golden floral ornamentation, topped off with a high bun that always looked fine the way it was, but he’d claim it didn’t look right, so he’d ask her to do it for him. He’d sit on the stairs, and she’d try to match his height by sitting on the higher stairs behind him. She’d play around for a minute and he’d playfully scold her, saying they’d be late, and whence she’d finished, she’d tell him to wait, and then run off, coming back with some small item. She would always top off the bun she’d just finished with some silly trinket: A flower, her own ribbon, that garish silver brooch bearing the family’s Salamandrine Ouroboros symbol that had rubies for eyes, only one had popped out once, and had never been found. She remembered how, no matter how absurd the trinkets looked, he’d laugh and tell her how clever it was, and at the end of every event, when all was quiet, they’d returned home, and he was tucking her in for bed, she’d jump up from the cusp of nodding off and ask him if he still had it in his hair, interrupting whatever legend he was telling her to put her to sleep. Every time, the absurd item, the flower, the ribbon, the garish brooch, was always right where she’d left it, as no one dared tell him to remove it.

She sighed, contemplating how distant such memories seemed, and then continued out the door.


Once in the halls, she continued down until she reached Callan’s room. She knocked a few times, waited, listened for any activity on the other side, and then knocked again. After there was no response, she was certain he was either still downstairs or simply passed out in his inebriated state, especially considering the bout she’d witnessed with that obscenely tall friend of his. She proceeded down the stairs, and it didn’t take long to catch Callan sitting at his favorite seat, joined by Urzoth, for whom she’d always carried a hint of respect, if not curiosity. She quickly walked over to them, taking care not to step on his tail, as it always seemed to be in the most inconvenient position for passersby when the man was taking drunk. On approach, she caught a few hints as to the contents of their discussion: the beleaguered town of Silverfrond. Pensively, she stopped near the two and sat alongside Callan. “Hello again Callan; Urzoth.” She nodded to them both.

Genii Genii , Lost Echo Lost Echo
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That you did. Siwai was in bad shape apparently. Nothing Hannah couldn’t handle, I’m sure.” Turning back around to scan the room, they added, “Speaking of, didn’t you send Tobias to her? Think he’s actually still there?” Since he certainly wasn’t in this room. He’d likely have come up to them immediately.

As a readied Rika came up to them, they turned their chair to face her, nodding solemnly, “Good luck on your hunt Rika. What is your quarry?” While they did not know the fellow hunter personally, they knew of her strength, and that she seemed to recognize the guild as pack, caring for the individuals in it.

((Sorry they’ve been so short.))
Interactions: Anat and Cricket
Yonsisac Yonsisac MrMopp MrMopp

Calixto gives a nod of his head, "Yes. He can change size." Confirming what Anat said, patting the griffin on the side. Arthy didn't mind that Cal was turning him into a drum, a gratified purr grumbling in his throat. "If he does increase his size, then we might be able to ride him except," switching Arthy's position around, his hands under the frontal armpits while hoisting him in the air and giving the cat-bird a gentle wiggle, "Arthy's not adjusted to people riding him. I don't know how he feels with people mounting him." Flipping the white ball of fluff around, facing Arthagus to Anat, the griffin chirping a hello to the cleric. His tail swished, and with mischievousness in his sapphire eyes. The beast has returned to his playful state, with Cal accidentally pressing the hyper button. Calixto gently places his right hand underneath Arthy's rump to support the beast's lower half, then wraps his free arm under Arthy's frontal armpits to keep him steady. Arthagus pulls his limps in, squishing himself closer to his darling friend. When she mentioned magic, the man nodded his head, unaware that Arthy was watching him. The creature bowed his head too. The griffin copied Calixto's mannerisms and was proud of it. "That could be the case for little Arthy here," rubbing his friend's belly as he spoke, his hand getting playful swats from the griffin's paws. "I'll tell you how we met on the way to our destination. I already informed Gol of what I know, so once we get back (if we get back), you two can compare notes." The critter seemed eager to go on another adventure, rocking side-to-side in Cal's arm. Regarding his friend's hyperness, Calixto huffs, "I'll meet you and the others outside. I'm going to let Arthagus run around a bit."

Taking his leave, this time with the griffin in his arms, Cal left the guildhall to do what he said he was going to do. When Arthy's four paws touched the ground, he dashed off into the woodlands. "Arthy better not run off too far," talking to himself, setting both hands on his hips while staring at the spot where Arthy disappeared. He could hear the sounds of sticks breaking and bushes trembling around him, witnessing Arthy being a nuisance to Mother Nature. He remained in the same spot, crossing his arms over his chest when the noises abruptly stopped. His mind uneasy for Arthagus over the sudden silence, his eyes scanning the surrounding woodlands to spot the familiar white coat. Hearing nothing for another minute urged Cal to enter the woods, so he did. "Arthagus!" He shouted but heard no response "Arthy!" He called out again, strolling deeper into the woods.

Not a moment too soon, he was knocked over, and something heavy settled on his back. Hearing what sounded like a loud purr in his ears and the familiar white coat, he already guessed who his attacker was. "Arthy!?!" He called out, his voice muffled by Arthy's fur. Calixto has been hunted down and pinned by a stealthy Arthy. What scared Cal was that he didn't see his friend anywhere. The griffin went to his feet and stepped to the side, Cal rolling to his back to stare at the sky. "You got me dirty again, Arthagus. Was this your vengeance?" He hears a single chirp, a possible yes in return. He gets back to his feet, taking a peek at the griffin. Arthagus was now the size of a Shire horse, towering over Calixto and his impressive 68 inches. "What's with the size change?" Arthagus chirped and lowered his upper body for Calixto to easily mount, which he did. Cal adjusted himself on Arthy's back, unsure where to place his hands. "Anyone sells griffin tack around here? Probably not." Arthagus trots in the direction of the guildhall, with his poor human friend trying to keep himself from falling off.

Percival wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or offended. He straightened in an attempt to look more formidable. “You underestimate me Sir, I assure you.”

“… but if the enemy does the same, that could work to our advantage.” He added, relaxing back to his usual friendly persona.

Gwenymoo Gwenymoo


Guildhall bar

“-assume so?” Callan said, sounding like a man who didn’t have a clue. He looked around but couldn’t spot Tobias in the guildhall anywhere.

Rika sitting down beside him ended his search. “Rika.” He greeted, not failing to noticing she was all kitted out, complete with quiver and crossbow. “You off out? Little late in the day ain’t it?”

Lost Echo Lost Echo Oli Beju Oli Beju

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