Other Random question of the day

This will require extensive googling because I never heard of these people or what Top Gear is. 😆
Oh, I missed the board game. I love board games, I really enjoy life, monopoly, risk, but I think my favorite is Clue especially whenever I visit my youngest sister as she is hyper competitive and keeps a tally on the inside of the lid of who has won and how many times they've won.

Ah Top Gear... Not one I watch much. I live with a mechanic, so I watch a lot of car shows, I actually really enjoyed rust valley restorers. We don't actually watch top gear often, at least, often enough for me to really bother remembering them.
Well, yesterday's question didn't get any real answers I was looking for, so I'm just gonna move on to the next one.

Random question of the day:

If you had your own webshow like iCarly, who would your crew for the show be?
Never seen iCarly, but I can arrive a day late to answer something I'm a bit more familiar with :v

Random question of the day:

Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson or James May?
James May, because I genuinely find him interesting and the funniest of the three, probably because he's a whole lot drier. His own programmes are pretty interesting, probably because nobody's interrupting him for being too boring.

And by James, I obviously mean "Bim".

If we don't think something is true doesn't mean it can't be true because we may not know all factors that are making it true.
Why is it that sometimes things we don't believe to be true end up being true after all?

Because we live in a reality that is far more complex and expansive than any of us could ever hope to begin to comprehend, but for our minds to function at all it has to assume things, it has to assume that it itself is right, that what it believes corresponds to the reality of the world around it. Imagine living your life constantly worried that the ground beneath your feet is not real, or questioning whether the door is really to your right or if your senses are playing tricks on you... and that's just the surface-level stuff.

A person can understand they can be and likely are wrong about most things they believe (if only in minor ways)- and those won't have one more thing they are wrong about.
I mean, if you ask such an open ended question like that, then yea, I imagine. Kinda like, 'Do you think, somewhere out there, someone is being mugged?' then, well, yea, I imagine someone out there is getting mugged. Just playing the odds at that point.

Anyone who plays Minecraft and doesn't enjoy it but does it because they know it will get them those views, can be argued to be manipulating them, but I'd call that fairly harmless. People like Logan Paul exist, and I feel like watching him does lasting damage to the brain and stunts the ability for people to grow into functioning adults, so on that ground, I'd call that poisoning the minds of the youth.

But I wouldn't advocate stopping them or launching some weird censorship program because I, as a rule of thumb, oppose censorship.
Would you say that some online influencers are poisoning the minds of the youth and manipulating them?
Absolutely. I don't believe any one person should have a platform that is primarily accessed by children unless they are incredibly responsible which, let's be honest here, does not encapsulate the vast majority of influencers or even people online in general.
But I wouldn't advocate stopping them or launching some weird censorship program because I, as a rule of thumb, oppose censorship.
I agree with this as well, though.
The only solution I see is parent's legitimately monitoring their kid's online activity instead of letting them do whatever.
Absolutely. I don't believe any one person should have a platform that is primarily accessed by children unless they are incredibly responsible which, let's be honest here, does not encapsulate the vast majority of influencers or even people online in general.

I agree with this as well, though.
The only solution I see is parent's legitimately monitoring their kid's online activity instead of letting them do whatever.

Depends on your personal values. Do you value security more, IE, think of our children, don't want them exposed to potentially harmful things, etc. Or do you value freedom more and so are willing to risk the kids seeing potentially harmful things [such as the various murder/porn/whatever videos that sneak onto youtube] but, in turn, have more freedom with the content that is available?

My personal values lean towards freedom. Everyone's mileage will vary with that same dilemma though and there is no clear right or wrong answer to it.

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