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Dice Café

Zer0 Zer0 no bonus add from the library? Isa did read books from there.

Knowledge roll +7
Ancient language bonus +4
Library bonus +4 = 15
Last edited:
Isa read it~

I still got nervous with that roll! XD Zer0 Zer0 Pet Panda Pet Panda
So the ancient runes around the well are spells in poetry just like the runes around the portal but of a different language, with symbols like in the ruins of Barad Eithel. It is a sealing and anchoring spell that uses Titan's own power to trap him, like a circle. Like the symbol he saw in Manuel's journals, in Ester's vision of her past. Of the dragon eating its own tail.

One would need something as strong as Titan to break this spell.

But the very nature of this device allows his power to be redirected. To be used as a battery like how Titan's power was used to control the goliaths. The well it seems can change forms, like the vault key it is made of interlocking parts, in this case, rings. And from Isa's trip underground with Moss before, it affected the machines below. And these machines he had read extended to the entire chamber. And it changed the chamber according to what the one manning the machine needs. The machine can be accessed through the dais or manually by turning the rings. But with the way the well was, it wasn't stable enough to move. The magic in the well had to be stable first before it can be moved or it will spill and damage itself and its surroundings. But the chamber needs power to move the well and reareange itself which it currently doesn't have because some of the bhrumestone engines are off. The chamber also needed repairs.

Also Isa read on the well poetry about the different leylines, how this engine blade was used to create a convergence of leylines anf was able to do it from 8 different locations it seems, and each location was in the old name of the lands of Leor and they were close to where each Ancient made their home. This machine was strong enough to control the power from the leylines and use it as a weapon. In the runes it was called the 'Talon of Uroburos', because the shape of it was like a curved blade.

Isa could also see that if he turned one of the larger rings this way and another large one in a different way, and a few smaller others. He can manually form the well into three different shapes: The star (which had a symbol that looked like the shape of the well when it was being used to control the goliaths, The crescent, The gold (a circle with a dot in the center and 8 smaller dots around it.)
Okay, so I may need help with what Isa can do. Cause right now, he just wants to rest Titan’s soul or free it from the well. And to do that, we need to break that spell...so I wonder if he uses his teleportation to redirect the overflow of manna from the well and hit the magic circle.

Does that sound a legit way to free Titan’s soul from the well? Zer0 Zer0 Pet Panda Pet Panda
It sounds like the spell keeps the power in a state of equilibrium with the goliath. So the spell has power and the goliath has power and the spell keeps them equal. If you move power away from the spell, the spell might just replenish it by taking from the goliath, but if you move power away from the spell and then use that same power to attack it, it might lapse because it might then experience a deficit equal to the amount of power you removed. I don't know if teleportation can do that, but that's my logic.

It also seems possible to rearrange the chamber in such a way that it unlocks the spell, or something, without making it incredibly unstable so long as you can repair it. On that note, it doesn't seem like Isa can hang out in a deathtrap for several hours while Charon tries to run around and put the place back together. But if you just make it unstable until it breaks... I guess that's an option. Unless Isa knows how to play around with leylines or bust the engine blade, I don't think you can lessen the influence of the leylines' effects on the magic, whatever they might be.
That’s why I wonder if teleportation—or dimension door— would work. Isa’s semblance is a bigger version of that and he has used it to redirect large things before. Make it unstable enough for the manna enemies to break free and Isa can use his semblance to redirect it back to the sealing spell.

I don’t think he wants to bust the engine blade. Not until he knows what one of the characters wants to do with it. So making the well unstable is the one option Isa has to go with. Guess he should just wiggle the well around. XD
--- I would wait for Zer0 to reply LOL.
Hahah! XD I’m sorry, I have a tendency to do the crazier option with this character. It’s very new to me, so if it’s too much, let me know. I’ll try not to be too crazy while writing this character.
Oh, no no no, I'm just saying Zer0 might give you some more information that makes the character's most likely option more obvious. Whatever Isa is going to do is whatever Isa's going to do.
Also the song Isa is singing is this! I thought it kind of fit since he grew up in winter lands and has Loki as his Ancient. Couldn’t really post it as part of it because it’s a lady’s voice. Not a guy’s and I haven’t found one that’s good yet.

Loki? I thought there were only six.
Zer0 allows the players to worldbuild. So there could be more Ancients, some smaller or bigger than others. The six Ancients in the lore are the most known. Loki is one of the Ancients that’s not as known, only within a selected few that want to follow him like Isa and the Sect.
Pet Panda Pet Panda ya can have you’re own species, cities, towns, religions, etc. if ya want. I created Isa’s hometown and Bird village where the Chickadee tavern reside.

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