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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

"No problem. Now get some sleep and send Noctowl back in the morning."
"I will, good night and Happy Christmas" she wrote with a smiled placing the letter withing the pages of the book before closing the journal. Emily climbed down from her bed and crawled under it. She pulled up the floor board to revil a hidden compartment a package could be seen inside a gift for Earl. Emily smiled sliding the journal into the hole next to the package. Closinging back her the hole with the floor boards, a hiding spot no one knew existed except for her.
"I will, good night and Happy Christmas" she wrote with a smiled placing the letter withing the pages of the book before closing the journal. Emily climbed down from her bed and crawled under it. She pulled up the floor board to revil a hidden compartment a package could be seen inside a gift for Earl. Emily smiled sliding the journal into the hole next to the package. Closinging back her the hole with the floor boards, a hiding spot no one knew existed except for her.
Earl put the book to the side and stretched out. "You looked happy." Jack said. A fellow Hufflepuff. "Maybe I am." Earl said pulling the covers of his soft warm bed over himself.
Emily crawled back into bed, closing her eyes and going back to sleep. This had turned out to be a better Christmas then she had expected it to be.
The next morning Emily awoke before anyone could find out about the extra barn owl that had slept in her room. She opened the window, and the cold snowy morning air blew in but the storm was gone. "Safe travels Noctowl" she said to the barn owl before it took off into the sky with her package.
Emily crawled back into bed, closing her eyes and going back to sleep. This had turned out to be a better Christmas then she had expected it to be.
The next morning Emily awoke before anyone could find out about the extra barn owl that had slept in her room. She opened the window, and the cold snowy morning air blew in but the storm was gone. "Safe travels Noctowl" she said to the barn owl before it took off into the sky with her package.
He tapped on the window to the Hufflepuff dorm. Earl awoke. Amd opened the window letting him fly in. Noctowl landed on his bed and held out the package which Earl took
He tapped on the window to the Hufflepuff dorm. Earl awoke. Amd opened the window letting him fly in. Noctowl landed on his bed and held out the package which Earl took
Emily had placed a note on the top of the package.
"Hi Earl, I'm sorry this is getting to you a bit late. I hope Noctowl got back to you safely and Thank you again for the gift, I love it. I do hope you will like your gift."
When he opened the package he would find a chocolate frog box containing one of the cards he was missing along with a large pouch. It was a very high quality pro, do it yourself broom servicing kit.
Emily had placed a note on the top of the package.
"Hi Earl, I'm sorry this is getting to you a bit late. I hope Noctowl got back to you safely and Thank you again for the gift, I love it. I do hope you will like your gift."
When he opened the package he would find a chocolate frog box containing one of the cards he was missing along with a large pouch. It was a very high quality pro, do it yourself broom servicing kit.
He smiled. "Awesome." He said.
He smiled. "Awesome." He said.
Emily was packed and ready to head back to school, her new journal hidden within her messenger bag and she said her goodbyes. Back on the train Emily was quite happy to be heading back to Hogwarts. Although winter holidays weren't as l long as summer ones she had truly missed her friends.
Emily was packed and ready to head back to school, her new journal hidden within her messenger bag and she said her goodbyes. Back on the train Emily was quite happy to be heading back to Hogwarts. Although winter holidays weren't as l long as summer ones she had truly missed her friends.
Rin was waiting for her in the entrance hall holding Luna.
A week had passed since the winter holidays and with the students back, classes were back in session and school life within Hogwarts was back to normal. Emily sat quietly at one of the many desks found within the library books stacked around her as she worked away at her school work.
A week had passed since the winter holidays and with the students back, classes were back in session and school life within Hogwarts was back to normal. Emily sat quietly at one of the many desks found within the library books stacked around her as she worked away at her school work.
Earl sat with her slowly losing his mind of boredom.
Earl sat with her slowly losing his mind of boredom.
Emily looked up and over at Earl agusting her glasses. "Why are you torturing yourself with sitting here? You arnt even working on your school work..."Emily said unsure why he even bothered coming into the library.
Emily looked up and over at Earl agusting her glasses. "Why are you torturing yourself with sitting here? You arnt even working on your school work..."Emily said unsure why he even bothered coming into the library.
"Because you're here." He said. "I'm gonna fail history of magic
"Because you're here." He said. "I'm gonna fail history of magic
Emily places her quill down and looked at Earl. "Your not going to fail History of magic Earl...your very smart...I told you I was going to help you study....but you have to promise no complaining and you have to focus.."
"Im all done with my school work" she said closing her books and gathering her papers. "Why don't we go get a snack and we can study outside" Emily said standing up and stretching knowing Earl really didnt want to be in the library
He stood up.

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