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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

He looked out the window.
Emily had spoken with the house elfs and they had handed her two sandwiches, pastries and a bottle of pumpkin juice all wraped in a large handkerchief. "Here Earl dont eat it all at once" she said handing him the bundle as they made their way outside under the largest tree by the lake they always seem to go to.
Emily had spoken with the house elfs and they had handed her two sandwiches, pastries and a bottle of pumpkin juice all wraped in a large handkerchief. "Here Earl dont eat it all at once" she said handing him the bundle as they made their way outside under the largest tree by the lake they always seem to go to.
He took off his robe and laid on the ground. He tapped it with his wand and it became a picnic blanket.
He took off his robe and laid on the ground. He tapped it with his wand and it became a picnic blanket.
Emily watched his robe change into a picnic blanket, before taking a seat on the blanket "...just because we are outside doesn't mean you can goof off remember.." She worned him taking out their history of magic book.
Emily watched his robe change into a picnic blanket, before taking a seat on the blanket "...just because we are outside doesn't mean you can goof off remember.." She worned him taking out their history of magic book.
He took out his own book.
He was having a really tough time. Without a practical application of this knowledge he just couldn't resonate with it.
Emily looked at Earl and then down at the book. This was of studying wasn't working and with how boring and dull the voice of the professor was, would put anyone asleep. But this was one of their core classes Earl couldn't fail it. "There has to be a more fun way for you to learn this....because just reading this old monotone book is putting you to sleep.." she said reaching over and closing his book.
Emily looked at Earl and then down at the book. This was of studying wasn't working and with how boring and dull the voice of the professor was, would put anyone asleep. But this was one of their core classes Earl couldn't fail it. "There has to be a more fun way for you to learn this....because just reading this old monotone book is putting you to sleep.." she said reaching over and closing his book.
He nodded. "Okay. What do you suggest?"
He nodded. "Okay. What do you suggest?"
"Well the lectures Professor Binns are a snooze and these old books are filled with...well filler and you seem to get bored or sleepy way before the core information or any of the important information...." she spoke looking through her bag and pulling out her notes that she had in a folder. "Here.....you can read my notes they are organized and what you need to know for the exams...and no filler" she said
"Well the lectures Professor Binns are a snooze and these old books are filled with...well filler and you seem to get bored or sleepy way before the core information or any of the important information...." she spoke looking through her bag and pulling out her notes that she had in a folder. "Here.....you can read my notes they are organized and what you need to know for the exams...and no filler" she said
He took her notes and read them. "Well these are definitely easier to handle."
He took her notes and read them. "Well these are definitely easier to handle."
Emily nodded "Professor Binns tends to stick to important dates, events and people on exams....I placed little stars next to each" she added leaning over and pointing it out on the sheets of paper
Emily nodded "Professor Binns tends to stick to important dates, events and people on exams....I placed little stars next to each" she added leaning over and pointing it out on the sheets of paper
He looked at the stars. "Okay." He said taking out a sandwich.
After ten minutes he was getting bored again.
Emily shook her head Earl really was diffrent, Emily could stay seated in one spot and study for hours, but then again grown up she had no choice. With those old tutors if she would act up she would get a slap on the wrist. The girl placed her hand on the notes and lowered the paper down "I believe you might need a brake.....from what I concluded you might study better in short spurts of time with brakes in-between..." she suggested
Emily shook her head Earl really was diffrent, Emily could stay seated in one spot and study for hours, but then again grown up she had no choice. With those old tutors if she would act up she would get a slap on the wrist. The girl placed her hand on the notes and lowered the paper down "I believe you might need a brake.....from what I concluded you might study better in short spurts of time with brakes in-between..." she suggested
He nodded standing up.
(I got nothing)
(Ah its alright got to figure out what to do with this rp XD all I got is skipping to later in a year. We need some type of arc...maybe creature of some sorts getting in but not sure if thats better for when their older?...I don't know XD)

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