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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

(Wondering if you would still like to continue this RP? I been trying to think of something....well was thinking about ot todayXD )
As the spring months rolled around Easter break got closer. Emily's father was away on business so she'd be staying at Hogwarts.
As the spring months rolled around Easter break got closer. Emily's father was away on business so she'd be staying at Hogwarts.
Emily was quite surprised when her father had allowed her to stay at Hogwarts for Easter break. She would have believed he would have her return home with or without him there. Was it due to her good marks in school? She had been a bit on edge thinking this was some sort of test of trust and she had to make sure to be on her best behavior.
Emily was quite surprised when her father had allowed her to stay at Hogwarts for Easter break. She would have believed he would have her return home with or without him there. Was it due to her good marks in school? She had been a bit on edge thinking this was some sort of test of trust and she had to make sure to be on her best behavior.
Earl was obviously staying. He was still doing pretty well in most classes. He was great at practical homework. Still had trouble with study
Earl was obviously staying. He was still doing pretty well in most classes. He was great at practical homework. Still had trouble with study
The students had one day left of their studies before they were free to enjoy a well deserve brake to have fun and visit family. Emily found herself in the library having skipped Lunch once again, she been skipping most of her meals for the past few days. Taking in as much of her free time to get as much extra work in for her classes.
The students had one day left of their studies before they were free to enjoy a well deserve brake to have fun and visit family. Emily found herself in the library having skipped Lunch once again, she been skipping most of her meals for the past few days. Taking in as much of her free time to get as much extra work in for her classes.
Earl walked into the library hiding a plate of food from the librarian. "Emily. You need to eat."
Earl walked into the library hiding a plate of food from the librarian. "Emily. You need to eat."
Emily looks up form her book adjusting her glasses "Earl?!..what do you think your doing?" she loudly whispered marking her place in her textbook "you know you cant bring in food to the library" she whispered noticing the plate as she closed the book in front of her. "thank you but no thank you Earl I am not hungry...I have work to finish..." She replied reaching out to grab another book and opened it in front of her.
Emily looks up form her book adjusting her glasses "Earl?!..what do you think your doing?" she loudly whispered marking her place in her textbook "you know you cant bring in food to the library" she whispered noticing the plate as she closed the book in front of her. "thank you but no thank you Earl I am not hungry...I have work to finish..." She replied reaching out to grab another book and opened it in front of her.
"It's not a question." He said taking the book from her. "You can have this back when you eat something. It'll be here.
"It's not a question." He said taking the book from her. "You can have this back when you eat something. It'll be here.
"Earl! I don't have time for this" she said standing up from her chair "I really want to get this done before afternoon classes start" she said reaching out for the book "I will eat at dinner once Im done.."
"Earl! I don't have time for this" she said standing up from her chair "I really want to get this done before afternoon classes start" she said reaching out for the book "I will eat at dinner once Im done.."
"The book will still be here." He said. "Lunch will get cold."
"The book will still be here." He said. "Lunch will get cold."
Emily angrily narrowed her eyes at him "fine ill eat" she huffed sitting back down. She looked at the plate of food took two small bites "okay I ate" she said pushing the plate aside "...can I have my book back ....please"
Emily angrily narrowed her eyes at him "fine ill eat" she huffed sitting back down. She looked at the plate of food took two small bites "okay I ate" she said pushing the plate aside "...can I have my book back ....please"
He sighed. "You're overworking yourself. Eventually your gonna crash."
He went back to the great hall to finish his own meal. At the next class he could tell Emily looked hungry
Emily felt uncomfortable, her stomach started to ache, and dinner was still a long time from know. She frown and cursed in her head, she knew it had been a bad idea to take those two small bites of food.
Emily felt uncomfortable, her stomach started to ache, and dinner was still a long time from know. She frown and cursed in her head, she knew it had been a bad idea to take those two small bites of food.
He pulled a pumpkin pastry from his bag and sneakily slid it into her palm.
He pulled a pumpkin pastry from his bag and sneakily slid it into her palm.
She looked down at the pumpkin pastry that laid on her hand then over to Earl, her frown softening. She had still been angry about him coming into the library interrupting her extray studioes, taking her books and trying to force her to eat. This tiny action making her rethink her actions, feeling back for her anger towards him. She looked back down to her hand and the pastry, bitting her bottom lip, wanting to eat the pastry. But if she did she might get in trouble as she looked over at the professor at the front of the class.
She looked down at the pumpkin pastry that laid on her hand then over to Earl, her frown softening. She had still been angry about him coming into the library interrupting her extray studioes, taking her books and trying to force her to eat. This tiny action making her rethink her actions, feeling back for her anger towards him. She looked back down to her hand and the pastry, bitting her bottom lip, wanting to eat the pastry. But if she did she might get in trouble as she looked over at the professor at the front of the class.
He yawned he rested his head on his book. He pulled his wand from his pocket and waved it murmuring something under his breath. One of the chairs on an unused desk topped off onto the floor. His mischief distracted the professor. Giving her a chance to eat.
He yawned he rested his head on his book. He pulled his wand from his pocket and waved it murmuring something under his breath. One of the chairs on an unused desk topped off onto the floor. His mischief distracted the professor. Giving her a chance to eat.
Emily looked over at Earl and lightly frown seeing him yawn and rest his head oh his book. She was going to have another talk about him sleeping in class. Then it hit her, her eyes going wide as to what he was doing, he was buying her a chance to eat the pastry. Seconds to the chair falling the Slythern girl quickly stuffed the pastry into her mouth. She had never eaten something in such a way and so quickly.
Emily looked over at Earl and lightly frown seeing him yawn and rest his head oh his book. She was going to have another talk about him sleeping in class. Then it hit her, her eyes going wide as to what he was doing, he was buying her a chance to eat the pastry. Seconds to the chair falling the Slythern girl quickly stuffed the pastry into her mouth. She had never eaten something in such a way and so quickly.
It wasn't long before she started to feel better. Earl though had indeed fallen asleep.
It wasn't long before she started to feel better. Earl though had indeed fallen asleep.
Emily was still hungry, but she did feel a lot better. She sighed and shook her head noticing Earl had indeed fallen asleep. Class continued and soon ended, collecting her items into her satchel she stood up and walked over to the sleeping Earl as others exit the classroom. "you really shouldn't fall asleep in class Earl...." she said waking him up
Emily was still hungry, but she did feel a lot better. She sighed and shook her head noticing Earl had indeed fallen asleep. Class continued and soon ended, collecting her items into her satchel she stood up and walked over to the sleeping Earl as others exit the classroom. "you really shouldn't fall asleep in class Earl...." she said waking him up
He mumbled in his sleep. "She needs... To take... Better care.... Herself."

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