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Fantasy OWOD/Magical Children OOC

Ah. I'll let you all figure that out. I have two characters who will offer advice, so we'll see how that goes.
They're basic but most enemies can be killed with enough trauma. Your powers are your real weapon, so long as you don't over use them.
Excited to see what our first mission is lol and to know more about the person who gave us the powers.
I can see mine being a total tank xD
Imma try to get that intro post up asap.

It looks like mine will be some sort of support though it may change as the roleplay continues
This ones on me, I forgot to mention something. If you want more information on something, whether it be a person, a room, or an item, Just have your character interact with it and bold it and I'll post a follow up post on the item with as much info as can be gathered by your character. if those who have posted (after the teacher took you to the art room) want to add anything to be searched, let me know and I'll post. Thanks
I know some of you didn't reply yet but I still went ahead and interacted with most of you to get the conversing started QwQ Hope y'all don't mind
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Not much I can say here.... ^^

Sorry! Shouldn’t have said everyone, but most of you. It was a bit too forceful/unnatural for Vincent to actually interact with everyone, but since he asked Aiko to help you, that might get your convo started after Ayama replies. Could still get some sparks of convo to happen!
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Sorry! Shouldn’t have said everyone, but most of you. It was a bit too forceful/unnatural for Vincent to actually interact with everyone, but since he asked Aiko to help you, that might get your convo started after Ayama replies. Could still get some sparks of convo to happen!
I thought I was up last in the posting order o.o
Does that mean I should reply now? :/
I'm not super worried about posting order outside of plot and fighting. If y'all want to use one for the more calm spots of the rp, that's up to y'all. Personally, I'm fine with Ayama Ayama posting.

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