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Fandom Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dueling Legacy (Currently Accepting)

Condor Fubuki
  • "I'm going set one monster in defense mode and have my Naturia Beast attack your monster." Once her monster's attack was finished, it returned to her side of the field. "I'm going to end my turn."
    Condor let Lilith go down, taking 1200 damage from the attack. Condor sighed and looked up. "...Alright, here we go again. I draw!" Condor shifted from downed back into energetic, looking to the card he drew.

    Draw: Darklord Contact

    'Alright, it's gonna cost me a card and her a few, but I need to use one of these spells or I'm a dead boy.' Condor thought to himself. "I play the Spell, Darklord Contact!" Condor announced as he slapped that card into the duel disk. "This lets me revive any Darklord in my grave to my field in face-up defence position! Come out and say hi - Darklord Amdusc!" Condor said proudly as what appeared to be a winged pegasus flew onto the field, rearing up and then laying down on all four of its legs and covering itself in its wings.

    LVL 6, 2800 DEF

    "Amdusc's monster effect! I pay 1000 Life Points to use the effect of a Darklord Spell or Trap in my grave, then shuffle it back into my deck." He explained as he relinquished the 1000 points. "The card I activate is The Sanctified Darklord! And with it, I can negate any monster's effect I want. Then, I gain Life Points equal to their attack points! Consider your Naturia Beast locked up!" Condor said as purple-black wings circled the Naturia Beast with intent to negate it's effect and deal Condor 2200 Life Points if not stopped right here and now - at any point. Even if it is negated, Condor won't get his paid Life Points back, sadly, but if he stops the Beast, he still has a chance at something... he hopes.
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NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack

"Yes good luck," Jinzo said as Lucien left. Then Jinzo left himself to began his research into action duels and how to use them for dark plans...

Kazue Champion
Acethekidd Acethekidd

"I guess you can call it lame but I'm fine with it. The spirits will show themselves when they want to." Kazue said with a shrug as the shop keeper came back out with a deck. "I'm happy you got what you wanted, maybe with that deck, you'll see the duel spirit again," Kazue said. "Now let's go find your teacher. Then maybe later if meet again I'll be happy to help test your deck out" Kazue said smiling under his helmet as he opened the shop doors for the kids.
Hal Lisson
Fragrant Duelist

Hal grinned when the woman told him the current LP. He proved to himself that he still had his skills from his earlier days, so he felt more confident in his search for a duel. "Sorry, I haven't sat down and watched a duel in a while." He apologized. "I've always been one to get really into duels, but I think it's worse than usual since, again, I took a.. break." He paused for a moment before break. It wasn't really a "break" since he had to get his shop up and running, get it a consumer base, and get it popular. Doing all of that left him no time for much else besides eating, sleeping, and a bit of exercise. "Yes, it's currently in the favor of the guy with the Thunder Dragons deck, but if I'm correct, the other guy might be able to turn this around." He tried to remember the card he was thinking of. It was something "XYZ Dragon" decks used, but it's name had eluded him for the moment.

"Wheeler?" He asked. "Your family name sounds... very familiar." He tried thinking about where he had heard of it before. He clasped his chin. "Yeah." He said, absentmindedly agreeing with whatever Misha had said. She seemed smart enough, so whatever she said was probably correct. He was sure he heard the name before. Maybe he overheard someone talking about one of her relatives? Wait... Aha! "I remember now!" He said. "Union Hangar! If the ABC Dragons guy can draw it, he might be able to turn the duel around." He had forgotten about her name at the moment. Despite pointing out how invested he was in watching the duel, he didn't make any effort to limit this.

Acethekidd Acethekidd - Misha
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The Boss


In a dimly lit room, somewhere under the streets of Horizon City sat a man dressed in mostly dark colors. Several scar-like markings, the brandings of a criminal, adorned his face with several piercings decorating both of his ears, and his nails painted a metallic grey. Everything about the man's appearance fit the description of a lowlife. In contrast with this, the seemingly hardened criminal was lazily slumped over the leather sofa with remote in hand. The male sighed to himself; it was another slow day as usual. There were no real jobs today, so everybody in the gang was off doing their own thing. Yawning, his finger clicked on the remote as the modestly sized television flickered through the various channels until it landed on what looked like to be a duel.

It seemed to be ABC Union versus Thunder Dragons and judging from the state of the dueling field, the Thunder Dragon user appeared to have the upper hand. The duel didn't look too interesting, though it was the cards that were being used that caught his eye. A rare bunch for sure and while they'd probably go for a decent price, they weren't nearly as impressive as the Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend he saw in an earlier match. That card was a one of a kind for sure. It had the same "scent" as the monster the legendary duelist Jack Atlas used. Claudia was the duelist's name, if he remembered correctly. While she seemed to be an impressive duelist, her earlier winning streak making that very apparent, the male felt that she went down too easily in the final match. A card like that was much better suited in the hands of someone more... capable of using it's power. Taking a mental note to keep an eye on the younger woman, the man heard three knocks on his door.

"Boss, are you there? It's me, Rakki."

"Come on in." While The Boss hoped that the girl had something planned for the day, he enjoyed her company enough that he'd be content with just watching duels for the rest of the day, unimpressive as the majority of them tended to be. With a wave of the male's free hand the large steel door began to move on it's own, slowly sliding open. A gentle smile graced The Boss' face as he laid eyes on his protégé. "Hopefully you've found something for us to do. I've been bored sitting here all day."

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Rakki Nextem
  • "Come on in."
    Ergo, Rakki entered as the steel door slid aside, allowing her to go on in and inside, sat the man that was her boss. "Hello, boss. I hope this isn't a bad time or anything. I just came to-" Well what do you know, she's already cut off, but is speaking softly and calmly until she was, going silent as the boss man spoke once again without much time for an additional response until after it had been said.
    "Hopefully you've found something for us to do. I've been bored sitting here all day."
    Rakki chuckled. "Well, I managed to find at least 'something' around these streets for us to sink our teeth into - I was going to tell you anyways, truth be told. When looking around the local areas, not only were there one-of-a-kind cards in the duel arenas as you've probably noticed, but also cards that haven't even been released to the general public." She explained, an eager smile on her face. "To name a few, there's this cursed Trishula card going around, that red dragon you've seen, and if memory serves me correct, there's supposedly a life and a death around, too." She added, hoping these would at least catch his attention - rare cards are one thing, cards that are one-of-a-kind are amazing. But cards that haven't even been released to the general public? Just imagine the value of those bad boys! No less one is cursed; that could have all sorts of values - if understood and used correctly... If not, then this may be an opportunity worth ignoring for a change.
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Raidriar Ainsworth
Raidriar's expression contorted in disgust upon seeing Ryuoko. Again. He remained still, dumbfounded with disdain. "What's with me running into you? How am I supposed to fucking know? Excuse me for having shit luck, I didn't want to see you either. Fuck, you don't know how much I want to shoot myself again and just never come back." He grumbled annoyedly as he stood on his feet.

His eyes soon drifted off Ryuko, choosing not to recall the traumatising memories that had occured in the Spirit World only hours prior, rather turning his full attention to Kaguya and Mr. Bishop. "Honestly, I couldn't imagine you actually going through with an elaborate, distant dream, but ok. I guess I have enough of a soul to do an old classmate a favour or something..." He grumbled, beginning to head to the back.

"When we getting started, Mr. Bishop? Don't worry about overwork, I won't stay dead for too long anyhow." Somehow, he sounded totally serious about that last joke...
Ami at the very least was a bit dumbfounded by the current events. It seems the pale man ( LostHaven LostHaven ) and the girl he knew as Ryuko ( Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 ) definitely knew each other. It was an interesting dilemma to say the least. However, the pale man sort of got her attention. Not only was it apparent that he wasn't normal, but his spirit wasn't. I felt like it was fractured , broken, and surrounded by darkness. It was a weird sensation but somehow felt as if it felt eerily familiar. She turned to Himawari & Hikari, and she knew why. It as the exact type of spirit she sensed from Himawari when she first arrived with Hikari. However, she noticed something before. that her Duel Spirits in her deck were actually reacting to both of their souls, as if something about bofh of them implies they are both equally dangerous.

She attempted to shake this feeling off, as she didn't want to cause any trouble, but it was apparent that she couldn't. However, only one of the two wasn't busy, so that was who she was going to converse with She sighed and walked up to Himawari & Hikari, who was still very much observing the situation. She asked Hikari "I'm sorry for this, but iIs it okay if I duel Himawari ? My deck sort of... think she's a threat or something and I want to determine that through a duel. I'd ask the other guy , that pale guy who looks like he hasn't slept or had peace in years too about a similar topic but he's busy ". She said, pointing at LostHaven LostHaven [Raidriar] for a split second before returning her gaze to Himawari.

Himawari was shocked. She was a threat ? She honestly wanted to cry right now. What in the world did she do ? Hikari stood motionless for moments, pondering about the situation, before eventually nodding her head. "It seems as if your duel spirits won't calm down until you determine her and his threat level. While I'm unsure what he'll say in response, I'll agree to it as long as Himawari does so " . Hikari said, turning to Himawari and waiting for her response .She could feel the rage coming from Ami's deck, and part of her felt she should. "B-But... I'm not a good duelist , Miss Ami. I.. Don't want to... But I'll do it if it makes you happy ". Ami smiled appreciatingly, feeling bad for having to duel a child like this.


The two moved outside as they prepared to duel. Neither of them wanting to do this , but it was of a pretty serious affair. Himawari shakily placed her 40 card deck together and slide it inside the card carrier, where it shuffled automatically. Ami did the same.

The Duel was to begin momentarily...
The Boss

Area: Twelve Nightmares HQ​

"Well, I managed to find at least 'something' around these streets for us to sink our teeth into - I was going to tell you anyways, truth be told. When looking around the local areas, not only were there one-of-a-kind cards in the duel arenas as you've probably noticed, but also cards that haven't even been released to the general public."
Cards. As in plural? Cards unreleased to the public? His finger clicked on the remote a final time, turning off the television. The duel had completely lost his interest, as a much more promising prospect had reached his ears. His attention was now completely focused on Rakki. While he had seen the Red Dragon card earlier today, he wasn't aware of any others that were sitting around the city just waiting to be taken and pawned off. He simply waited

"To name a few, there's this cursed Trishula card going around, that red dragon you've seen, and if memory serves me correct, there's supposedly a life and a death around, too."

"Cursed, you say..." The Boss' expression became more stern. "Customers looking for cursed cards are generally hard to come by in this business. That being said..." The boss looked at the eager grin that beamed on his protege's face. How could he say no to that face? "I suppose it can sit in our collection in the meantime. I've been wanting to get my hands on a Trishula for a while now. Let's head out." The Boss arose from the couch and walked toward the exit, beckoning Rakki to follow. While finding this duelist in such a large city would be difficult under normal circumstances, The Boss had another method. Pulling out a card from his back pocket, Brioniac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, he grinned to himself. "This may be able to lead us to our target."
After Kairi had payed for her engine and he finished his part of the transaction he looked over to raidriar, catching his grumbles. While he didn't hear it exactly, he'd grown a fifth sense for raidriar's complaining and bad mouthing, and it was currently firing off. Hearing the question about when they get started he rubbed his bearded chin in thought. "I'll be started whenever she finishes her design. You can get started by organizing that shipment that we talked about earlier, in the 'supply closet'. Everythings a bit put away but not in place. Circuits should go with circuits, bolts should go with bolts, wires with wires...you get the point.". As he spoke he made his way over to where Kaguya was, looking down at the design and giving a small 'hmm' in thought. It was an interesting design but it had a certain beauty to it...if this was what she was going to finish with, he could definitely do it. The only difficult part would be complete rewiring and repurposing. "I'm liking what you have in mind, Kaguya.".

Isaac, for his part, had made his way back towards Ryuko, gently tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention as he leaned over to speak to her. "Isn't that the same guy who...y'know?....And what mansion, you were in the hospital after the entire thing. You make me think you weren't.".

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 BoltBeam BoltBeam LostHaven LostHaven
Rakki Nextem
  • "Cursed, you say..."
    Rakki nodded. "That's right. I do not know 'how' it is cursed exactly, as I didn't have the time to infer such, but... I heard the townsfolk say something on the fact it 'was' cursed." She stated calmly, watching her boss think and muse over the thought of this cursed card - then looking up on that individual before him - Rakki herself. He would shortly begin to speak once again.
    "Customers looking for cursed cards are generally hard to come by in this business. That being said..." The boss looked at the eager grin that beamed on his protege's face. How could he say no to that face? "I suppose it can sit in our collection in the meantime. I've been wanting to get my hands on a Trishula for a while now. Let's head out." The Boss arose from the couch and walked toward the exit, beckoning Rakki to follow.
    Rakki nodded, and would follow him as beckoned, smiling. "The ever-growing collection, it seems." She stated honestly. It seemed to be what the group has done the most - steal and swipe cards from the blissfully unaware or the unguarded; never to give them back. Most of these cards were indeed rare in some way, shape or form, though why to collect them apart from that alone is mostly unknown. "Do you intend to go and get it right away? I'd suggest keeping a keen eye out for any semblances of who may possess it." Rakki stated as she followed.
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • As he spoke he made his way over to where Kaguya was, looking down at the design and giving a small 'hmm' in thought. It was an interesting design but it had a certain beauty to it...if this was what she was going to finish with, he could definitely do it. The only difficult part would be complete rewiring and repurposing. "I'm liking what you have in mind, Kaguya."
    Kaguya chuckled a bit, looking up. "You do? Well, that's nice to hear, I'd like to think." She said, sounding proud and having stopped colouring and such to converse. It looked mostly done - just the edges needed colouring in and it looks like it'd be good to get started on. "I just hope this is not going to be... well... a problem." She said, sounding hopeful. And as if right on cue, she heard what Raidriar said.
    "Honestly, I couldn't imagine you actually going through with an elaborate, distant dream, but ok. I guess I have enough of a soul to do an old classmate a favour or something..."
    Kaguya rolled her eyes - at least he's at least 'willing' to help. That's something. She didn't directly respond to him, but one could tell she is sick and tired of him at this point, turning back and adding the final colours. "There we go... Looks good to me." She stated, smiling.
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The Boss

Area: Streets of Horizon City
"Do you intend to go and get it right away? I'd suggest keeping a keen eye out for any semblances of who may possess it."

"That's the plan, if possible. Finding it shouldn't be too much of an issue, with this here."
He showed her the Brioniac in his hand as they continued walking, eventually reaching the exit and emerging from the back alley crevice. "That being said, someone capable of using a cursed card and not losing themselves should be more than a capable duelist. While I'm confident that either of us could take on an opponent like that on our own, doing so would take too long and draw attention to ourselves. Not to mention, I doubt anyone would leave a card like that unattended. If we want that card, a confrontation is inevitable. Taking the initiative now so we can catch the duelist alone, and defeat them as soon as possible is key. That's your deck's specialty after all." The Boss grinned as the two exited the alley and then began to patrol the streets of Horizon City in search of the dragon user.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Rakki Nextem
  • "That's the plan, if possible. Finding it shouldn't be too much of an issue, with this here." He showed her the Brioniac in his hand as they continued walking, eventually reaching the exit and emerging from the back alley crevice.
    Rakki saw it and smiled. "Oooh... I see... You're holding one of the cards connecting to it..." She said in interest, climbing out as well and re-sealing the entrance. "Well, that makes this a 'lot' easier. Let's hope it leads us to the right place." She added in a hopeful tone before he spoke again.
    "That being said, someone capable of using a cursed card and not losing themselves should be more than a capable duellist. While I'm confident that either of us could take on an opponent like that on our own, doing so would take too long and draw attention to ourselves. Not to mention, I doubt anyone would leave a card like that unattended. If we want that card, a confrontation is inevitable. Taking the initiative now so we can catch the duellist alone, and defeat them as soon as possible is key. That's your deck's speciality after all." The Boss grinned as the two exited the alley and then began to patrol the streets of Horizon City in search of the dragon user.
    Rakki chuckled. "That's true... Someone able to use that card must possess at least some kind of strength... I'm sure putting them down won't be as hard as riling them up to the task. After all, if you're going to find and deal with your prey, it's better to toy with them until you've had your fill..." Rakki said in a sadistic tone, droning out at the end before following into a crazed little giggle before shaking herself to sanity. "Right. I guess we're playing hide-and-seek, then! If that's the plan, I will gladly play with them~..." She continued, starting off in a brighter tone before once again going into slight sadism and droning out - unable to calm her urges. It is true, though. Her deck is damn good at serving people as soon as possible, and plenty of means to get to the cards needed - be it by searching them out, direct sets, or self destruction to do something else. "Dozens of playthings, so little time..." Rakki said in an eager tone before slapping herself once again; trying to calm herself until the duellist is found, to which it is safe to say she will thoroughly enjoy dealing with, given her reactions.
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ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles LostHaven LostHaven Angelostar4 Angelostar4

Ryuko looked away from Raidriar, not wanting to feed the fire right now, and instead answered Isaac's question.

"Yes, yes it is. As for the mansion, we're talking about the place my cards live at."

Kairi would nod as the two girls left for her place. She couldn't wait to Turbo duel.
Ami offered Himawari to go first as she was shuffling her deck. She was a bit nervous to be honest, and was fumbling with her deck. Ami's eyes wielded determination the little girl didn't have whatsoever. The deck Himawari was about to use was a deck given to her by her grandparents who loved dueling but cared a lot about her. This was the deck she used because to be honest she didn't feel she deserved the Lightsworns. It was Valkyrion, and the power ti wielded was legendary... At least if she could successfully get out it's boss monster.

She drew her first card with a shaky hand. Her hand contained the following cards: Valkyrion the Electomagnetic Warrior, Solemn Judgement, Warning, Future Vision, Magnetic Field. and Solemn Strike. Her eyes widened a bit. She was never this lucky before... Usually it was all dead draws. So, how was it that she summoned all her ideal combo pieces. Ami just awaited to see what she would do. "Uhmm... M-Miss Ami. I'm going now. I... activate Future Vision" . She used the continuous spell, and as she did so skyscrapers appeared across the area. " I... Uhmm... Send the fusion materials required to Special Summon Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebot" . She said, sending away her most trusted robots to the GY. "Uhmm... I set two cards face down" . One was a Judgement. " I also... Uhmmm... use the field spell, Magnetic Field. Uhmm... Your turn Miss Ami ".

Ami just sighed. "If you aren't confident in the ability of your cards... You aren't worthy to be in this group. Period". Himawari tensed up at this, but she knew in her mind it wasn't like she thought her cards was weak... She thought she herself was definitely weak. But in Ami's eyes there was no difference between that and distrusting ones deck,a nd she hated when people did that, and as a result wouldn't give any form of mercy in the duel. "Get ready.... As due to what the cards have told me... I won't be holding back and will push you to the brink" . She said, drawing her cards. Due to her powerful darkness, one would notice it radiating off of her like fumes.

" Lets get this started " . She said, looking at her deck. It was an Lair of Darkness Lair deck, and because of this her strength was indeed formidable enough. Her hand consisted of the following: Guzmak , Monster Gate, Lair of Darkness , Diabolos , and Duke . Her eyes became flared up as this was a very ideal hand. " . She ended somehow with gaining Diabolos on the field and decimating the Cyber monsters through tributing and wrecking her with a tag team of Duke Shade & Diabolos before the fight truly began.

"Now...If you fail to prove yourself by the end of the turn, your fate is truly sealed... Himawari. I'll Hikari to send you home... You'll accept it, right ? " . Hikari was a bits urprised by the request, but nodded, much less to Himawari's dismay. Due to how she lived, it was better for her to be with Hikari than anyone else, as her parents were...not able to really respond to anything right now. Meaning, she had to do a turn around or Diabolos would envelop her completely and cause her to lose the duel.

She was trembling somewhat. It all came down to one card. If she could successfully do something. It was over either way. However, all she did was close her eyes. If one would notice a golden outline the card had glowed an unnatural light, along with the silhouette of what could be assumed to be something that appeared to be a knight yet clearly wasn't, who was at least 3x her size and wielded a giant sword, which both Ami and Hikari could see due to their connection to the spirit world. Ami yelled "What the heck... Who is that ?!?!" . Hikari responded with " That is the Duel Spirit who chose her. I can tell... It's one of the Legendary Duel Spirits. Be careful Ami, she's about to create a miracle" . Her determination was to create a miracle, and due to being chosen by the Knight of Destiny it was in her ability to do if it wasn't countered. She then drew her card, and was shocked. "F... Fusion Gate". She stuttered. She activated it, and yes she had the ability. And in conjunction, sending the required monsters to summon her biggest monster... Which had 4000 ATK with playing this she played them both, summoning two "Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebots" using a last minute combo between it being the 2nd Standby Phase for Future Fusion..

Ami's eyes widened to appear to look like full dinner plates as she fell to her knees. Two monsters of such caliber.... Summoned in one turn... When all the cards were stacked against the child... This miracle played through. The Knight seemed to nod before leaving in a visible. Ami whispered the words:

"... I... surrender".

Himawari sobbed softly as she collapsed and deactivated her duel disk. She won... She was so happy that crying was the only thing she could do. Darkest Diabolos only shook it's head in contempt, staring at the child sobbing with a look of both fear and respect . " Incredible... Now I see why Hikari chose her to accompany her. Her Inner Strength is incredible, despite not being aware of it. She has the potential to be a great duelist in the future... This is also the first time you lost, huh Ami ? " . Ami just looked at Diabolos before nodding. " Yes... Yes it was".

The two proceeded to return to the area where everyone else was. Both looked like they were tired. Hikari looked as if she was proud of Himawari, giving her a thumbs up for the accomplishment while Ami proceeded to apologize. Everything seemingly was okay between them for now, as Ami had firsthand experience that she had incredible dueling strength. And, that wasn't her best deck at all... It was the Lightsworns. How strong is that deck ? Well, it is best to wait and see about that.
Bishop shook his head, giving the runner design a look over. "Not a problem. I'm just going to have to rewire the runner and it's mechanics, a paint job is easy....how it'll likely start is-" he then proceeded to go into an in depth mechanical explanation on how the entire runner's controls are going to have to be re centered to a control panel in front of her, and how he'll go about doing that. About halfway through his explanation he glanced at Kaguya, sighing. "Right, that probably made no sense....point is, I've got an idea on how I'll handle it.". Picking up the finished sketch he looked it over before giving a nod, sliding her a small form and a pen. "Just fill this out then. Standard customer information form, it'll give me what I need to know on how to get in touch with you. This shouldn't take more than five to eight days...five at least, eight at most."

Over by Ryuko, Isaac looked thoroughly confused, his brain attempting to make sense of everything. "That's him, I thought so but...he was in the hospital room next to yours and Kaguya said he just...shot himself...and now he's back? Also...when you say place where your cards live do you mean like...the spirit world?". It was insane to consider, but outside of her duel disk, where else would cards live? While he'd never been, Valkyria had talked about it in passing once or twice, but never really elaborated...the struggles of being partner with a magician, they liked their secrets.

BoltBeam BoltBeam Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "Not a problem. I'm just going to have to rewire the runner and it's mechanics, a paint job is easy....how it'll likely start is-" he then proceeded to go into an in depth mechanical explanation on how the entire runner's controls are going to have to be re-centered to a control panel in front of her, and how he'll go about doing that. About halfway through his explanation he glanced at Kaguya, sighing. "Right, that probably made no sense....point is, I've got an idea on how I'll handle it." Picking up the finished sketch he looked it over before giving a nod, sliding her a small form and a pen. "Just fill this out then. Standard customer information form, it'll give me what I need to know on how to get in touch with you. This shouldn't take more than five to eight days...five at least, eight at most."
    Kaguya would just sit there as he explained, trying to take it all in and understanding; though to be honest, most of it was lost on her. She managed a laugh when Bishop just made a short summary and correctly assumed what happened. Kaguya glanced to the form and the pen now in her hands, shrugging calmly and filling out what was needed, whistling a little as she did so. "Aaand that should do it." She said calmly, managing a smile and handing both the now filled out form and the pen used to do it back to him. "I can only trust your abilities and that this works... I'm counting on you here. Don't disappoint." Kaguya said somewhat coldly, yet simple and to the point.
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very lack
Tags: ,Kazue( ChazGhost ChazGhost
Avery Shrug." I guess so..but i think every super hero should have an amazing side kick~."
a tiny smile came on his face. Now..his teacher, where could she be? Honestly, she could be
any where." Man, this city is big...teach could be anywhere." Yeah, somewhere looking for
her three missing students. He had a feeling that she wasn't going to be happy. Normally
she was sweet lady until she was mad."There was this building, with a banner that had kaiba
something...oh, oh, oh! i remember now! we where headed to kaiba land! maybe we can
get there before teach Mr. X dude. Also, i can wait to try out this deck~."


oi akumara
Tags: Condor Fubuki ( BoltBeam BoltBeam )
Aoi could had stopped the spell he played with Exterio's Fang or stopped his monster effects,
than destroy it. Nah, not right now..she didn't want shut him down just yet. Aoi wanted to see
what else he could do so she waited. She was going to use her cards..but not now." Interesting~
you have my beast on lock down. What else do you have?~"

Current Deck: Naturia
LP: 8000
Cards in hands: Naturia Rock, Naturia Cosmobeet
Next Draw: Naturia Guardian
Field spell:

EZ: Naturia Beast(AM)

MZ1: Naturia Beans(FD)

S/TZ1: Recall(FD)
S/TZ2: Exterio's Fang(FD)


isha heeler
Tags: Hal Lisson ( Dolches Dolches )
"Yeah, i normally don't sit and watch them my self, but i aint got nothing else to do..No one
wants to duel me..think i'm a push over, but i'm most certainly am not a pushover."
of her duel academy days started flood back in."Whatever, a bunch of chomps anyways." Misha
shrugged." Anyway, i'm pretty sure you know Joey Wheeler right? that old man is my gramps~
one of the best duelist out there. Yeah i look up to him, but i'm not going to cling on to him. I
gotta do my own thing to become a great duelist~."
The woman blinked some and rubbed the
back of her head..this guy..was..interesting." Geez, your one strange guy..its kinda funny tho."
Misha couldn't help but to chuckle."Maybe if he believes in the heart of the cards i'm sure he'll
draw it next."
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Kazue Champion
Acethekidd Acethekidd

"The city is huge but not all of it is fitting for a field trip for... Young adults" Kazue said correcting himself before calling Avery a kid. "Kaiba land? We don't have a Kaiba land in Horizon city... But I do recall the Kiaba corporation's flag at the dueling museum. Maybe that what you were thinking about." Kazue said turning around to direct the museum was in. "Okay follow me, I know a few short cuts that should take us there quickly and hopefully if that is the place they are going we'll beat them there and hopefully relieve your teacher of some worry," Kazue said before heading of int he direction of the museum. Kazue moved quickly but made sure to stay slow enough for Avery to keep up.

Sometime later Kazue walking out of an alley used for a short cut and stand in front of Horizon city's dueling museum. "Here we are, now we just need to find your teacher..." Kazue said looking around for anyone with a group school children.
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Condor Fubuki
  • " Interesting~ you have my beast on lock down. What else do you have?~"
    Condor first claims the 2200 points from the effect of the card. "Now, as said, the trap I used in my grave goes back into my deck." He said, putting it back in there as such and shuffling it all up. "For my next trick, I play my Trap card, Metaverse! You see - with this Trap, I've got two choices! But whichever I pick, I either take a Field Spell card from my deck, and either add it to my hand, or activate it right now - straight out of the deck." He explained, beginning to dig through his deck for the field spell of his choice and unaware of repercussions.
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Hal Lisson
Fragrant Duelist

"You're a duelist? I had a feeling you were." Hal said. He thought he may need to elaborate, but he decided not to for the time being. Didn't want to preach about something he didn't understand himself. He ignored the passive insult about people he didn't know, since he couldn't see why they thought she was a pushover or anything else about them.

"You're Joey Wheeler's grand daughter?" Hal asked. "I used to have a friend who really looked up to him. I don't know much about him besides that, to be honest." He admitted. "But if he was good enough at duel monsters to still be remembered after two entire generations, he's gotta be pretty good." He thought a bit about her next words, and decided to address them later for his proposal of a duel. "I may be strange, but am I wrong?" He asked. "If I remember correctly, you can add the parts of ABC Dragon Cannon to your hand using Union Hangar's effect. I can't remember the rest of it's effect, though." He didn't know what she meant by "Heart of the Cards", but he thought it was some culture thing of Horizon City.

Hal got up, and stretched a little bit. "Your desire not to ride your grandpa's legacy is respectable, but how're you gonna out-do him?" Hal asked. "The only two ways to exit a legacy's shadow that I know of are to either keep it a secret, or go above it. I already know, so you can't keep it a secret from me, so I hope you have the skills to put Joey Wheeler to shame." He began unstrapping his duel disk from his back. "Care to show me once the field is open?"

Acethekidd Acethekidd - Misha

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