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Fandom Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dueling Legacy (Currently Accepting)

NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack

"I'm Jin Nex" Jinzo stated after Lucien gave their name. "Also from what I have seen the actions duel, they do bring the cards to life. And I hope after doing the research I think I can tune them up another level of excitement" Jinzo said smirking with his sinister plans in mind. "Anyways Mr.Criox is there anything I can help you with? If there isn't I think it's about time for me to get work." Jinzo stated thinking of were would need to go to get the information he was after.

  • Angelostar4 Angelostar4

    A few minutes after departing the station, Kairi was taking lead, holding Kazuki's hand as they were both heading to Machina Maintenance. Kairi would soon hear Zerato speak.

    "Kairi, I'm sensing an odd presence within this city."

    "You have a present for me?"

    "No. Nevermind."

    The two girls soon reached the entrance, where they could hear voices from inside the building.
    "Huh. Sounds busy."
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

The Machina Maintenance sounds rather bustling... with mechanics working on various things. Including from Kazuki's eye a weird.... bike looking thing. "Maybe that's a runner... though, why not just call it a high-power bike?" Kazuki thought as her hand tightens a bit as it holds Kairi's hand. "Say, Kairi... do you feel well, something is off right now?"
Hal Lisson
Fragrant Duelist

Hal stopped scrolling through social media when he remembered something. If there was any place he wanted to go to duel, he knew where to go. It was a plaza of sorts, but he couldn't remember it's name. He looked up it's location, then put his phone away and began walking. It was pretty close to where he was, actually, and he was able to quickly get there. He saw that there were already multiple duels occurring, which was a good sign. If there were duels, there was at least one duelist who was watching..

As if he was psychic, he spotted one after thinking that. A rather young looking woman was sitting on a bench and watching the duelists in the act. Then again, she could just be a spectator, so he should sit down and talk to her before issuing a challenge. What would be a good conversation starter that he could use to lead the talk to a friendly challenge? He pondered on that question for a little bit, and then walked over and sat near her on the bench. He left her some personal space, of course. "Who's winning?" He asked her. "I'm thinking the guy with the Thunder Dragon deck, but purely because he has more cards in his hand."

Acethekidd Acethekidd - Misha​
Ami just nodded. She knew that this would be interesting one way or another. Hopefully int he more tolerable kind. As the trio [of sorts] headed alongside the others to the Machina Maintenance, Hikari and Himawari definitely were not expecting the stream of curses. Himawari shuddered somewhat hearing the first couple of words until Hikari covered Himawari's ears for the more.. extreme language used in the aftermath. Probably wasn't best to bring her here, but to be fair it was either that or something else.

Ami just shook her head " The last time I hear cussing that bad was when I dueled a dirty sailor. Worst experience of my life... " She shuddeed at the memory, just untill Mr.Bishop arrrived. Now, despite that outburst he at least seemed good hearted. Ami decided to just let to see exactly what would happen, as did Hikari and Hmawari, as neither had much to say about the subject. Except for Himawari, who looked at the duel runner and wondered if once she ever really gets into dueling she could have one.
Raidriar Ainsworth

Raidriar let out a hefty sigh as he laid the girl's unconscious unconscious body against a brick wall, with an extremely disgruntled and disturbed Endymion behind him. ''Listen to me, boy! You almost crossed a line that you'll never return from!'' Somehow, the calm and collected Sorceror was furious.

''Calm the fuck down, Endymion. I didn't kill her, did I?'' Raidriar retorted annoyedly.

"You were this close to making a choice you'd regret!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Radriar rolled his eyes, when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He picked it up and clicked it open. His face turned deathly pale, eyes glazing over in unspeakable terror... "Oh dear God..." He murmured to himself as he took note of 7 missed calls, and one very angry text from Mr. Bishop. "FUCK I TOOK TOO LONG!" He screamed in utter horror as he noted the time.

"Karma is a cruel mistress indeed." Endymion commented, still disgruntled.


The party gathered in Machina Repairs would hear a second string of curses coming from outside the store, though when compared to Mr.Bishop, Raidriar's curses would be little more than a little kid saying 'frick'. Raidriar burst through the door in a nervous sweat, carrying a shopping bag. He attempted to skid to a halt, ultimately slamming into the wall again, at the exact same place he slammed into earlier that day.

"Oh for the love of fucking God!" He screamed with his face stuck in the wall. Then, followed a painfully slow sequence of Raidriar sliding off the wall, falling backward onto the floor and his head slamming into the ground. "God fucking dammit I'm a stupid **** bloody damn **** *** ************." Another slur of curses followed, that sounded more like an unspeakable magic chant than anything.

  • Angelostar4 Angelostar4 LostHaven LostHaven

    Kairi looked at Kazuki, before looking back at the store entrance.

    "Not really, but I'm pretty sure whatever it is it will pass soon."

    That was when Raidriar would be walking past them, and the event after also took place. Kairi would run to Raidriar's side, forgetting she was holding Kazuki's hand, before asking the male, "Mister, are you okay?"
Before Bishop could even respond, the missing part timer showed his face...or rather, ran face first into a wall. A rough 'ahem' to grab his attention, a glare settling on Raidriar. "Raidriar, no antics. Go organize that equipment we have in the parts closet from the fresh shipment. I'm occupied at the moment.". Despite the rather 'cordial' tone he had in front of everyone, it would be obvious to raidriar, and to isaac, that the young man was in a heap of shit. Isaac, for his part, was stuck staring at Raidriar...he was familiar and...Oh good lord, it was the same guy who mugged Ryuko. But...didn't kaguya say he had shot himself in the hospital? Unanswered questions flooded his brain, before his attention was drawn back to his father, who's attention had darted to a young woman who had entered. "Oh, Kairi, was wondering when you'd stop in again. I'll be with you in a moment..". His attention then shifted back to Kaguya, giving a small nod. "It's nice to meet you as well, kaguya. I do, yes...or at least I'd certainly hope I do, or this is the entirely wrong shop I'm running. Why do you ask, is there something I can help you with?"

Isaac wanted to voice that yes, there was indeed something he could do, but stopped himself...this was kaguya's thing after all, she was the one who should voice her desires, right? Bishops gaze ran over the rest of the group, raising an eyebrow. "The rest of you just part of the group, or did you come in here for anything at all?"

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 BoltBeam BoltBeam Andrita Andrita LostHaven LostHaven
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 LostHaven LostHaven
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles BoltBeam BoltBeam Andrita Andrita

"W-Woah!" Getting dragged by Kairi took the young girl by surprise, as the two entered in the repair shop. A long slew of cursing could be heard practically from outside the shop it would seem to Kazuki... but as things slowly caught up to Kazuki, she was met by a rather 'pleasant' scene.

She sees an individual on the floor... seemingly being one of the sources of the slew of cursing and saw a girl who is laying unconscious on a wall. "What the hell... is going on here?" Kazuki thought with apparent confusion on her face. Erda herself looks rather confused as well... with both her and Kazuki looking over speaking some words to Kairi, seemingly knowing each other. Despite this unique position she was in, she slowly let's go of Kairi's hand to prevent from being dragged once again. "I'll just let all of this play out... no use drawing attention to myself. Well, only if it gets out of hand, then i'll say something." She puts a hand along her chin, with Erda mimicking as well... both of which look deep in thought to pay the words of someone speaking.

very lack
Tags: ,Kazue( ChazGhost ChazGhost
" Really? wow that's kinda lame. I thought for sure a great hero like your self would have a duel
Avery shrugged and saw that old man came back with a sparkling new deck."Here you
are lad..I won't charge you much for it. There cards may seem weak, but they strong if you know
how to use them...also, how does twenty bucks sound. fair?" Avery gave him a nod and pulled
out a twenty form his pocket."Yeah, yeah seems good. Thanks old dude." that money was for his
trip, but his teacher didn't have to know that."Anyway..thanks for showing me the shop x dude. I
guess we outta go find teach now.."
There was a look of excitement on his face." Can't wait
to test my new deck out~"


Aoi Hakumara
Tags: Condor Fubuki ( BoltBeam BoltBeam )
Humm, he didn't attack. Playing it safe than? Well, that was alright she guessed, but Aoi did
hope he attacked her monster." Alright, my turn again." she drew her next card, Naturia
Strawberry. She could had just destroy his monster with recall,but that would had been useless
" I'm going to play the monster Naturia Strawberry in attack mode. Than i'll switch my monster to
attack mode,Naturia cherries."

Naturia Strawberry
[Monster|Effect] Plant/Earth
[★★★★] 1600/1200

Naturia Cherries
[Monster|Effect|Tuner] Plant/Earth
[★] 200/200

"Next, i'll tune my level one Naturia Cherries with my level four Naturia Strawberry to
synchro my friend Naturia Beast~"

Naturia Beast
[Monster|Effect|Synchro] Beast/Earth
[★★★★★] 2200/1700

She could had ended her turn there and play this safe, but sometimes you had to
take a risk." I'm not sure if this is safe, but i'll have Naturia Beast attack."
( This next part can be ignored unless you have a trap or something to
"I'll end my turn now."

Current Deck: Naturia
LP: 8000
Cards in hands: Naturia Beans,Naturia Rock
Next Draw: Naturia Cosmobeet
Field spell:

EZ: Naturia Beast(AM)


S/TZ1: Recall(FD)
S/TZ2: Exterio's Fang(FD)


isha heeler
Tags: Hal Lisson ( Dolches Dolches )
Misha yawned and continued the sip her drink until the cup was empty. Sad, the sweet tea
she was drinking was hella good." Damn, all out of drink. Now i gotta watch this duel with no
refreshments..oh well."
she muttered. The duel wasn't TO boring to watch. Both duelist where
going back and forth...it was anyone's duel even if the thunder dragon deck user had the upper
hand at the moment." Now..what are you going to do next my guy.." the young woman noticed that
a guy had joined her. She didn't mind him being there to be honest and didn't move form the
spot she was sitting in. She just shifted he body a little and played with her straw

"Yeah, Thunder Dragon guy is winning so far, but i think the ABC Dragon guy can turn
this around if he draw the right card."
Misha smiled."That's what i like about duels, you'll
never know what will happen. You can have one life point and still win all thanks to one
she said."Now i don't know about that heart of the cards stuff my gramps told me about,
but i do believe in miracles for sure."
maybe she did believe in the heart of the cards..just
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • His attention then shifted back to Kaguya, giving a small nod. "It's nice to meet you as well, Kaguya. I do, yes...or at least I'd certainly hope I do, or this is the entirely wrong shop I'm running. Why do you ask, is there something I can help you with?"
    Kaguya smiled and chuckled a bit. "Perfect. Then in that case, I have a request to make." Kaguya began. "So tell me; how do you feel about setting up a duel runner for me - given a few changes? Don't worry about the payment; we can handle that later and over discussions to go..." She insisted in a softer tone as she went on, seeming perfectly serious. The question now is - how does he take this?
Condor Fubuki
  • " I'm going to play the monster Naturia Strawberry in attack mode. Than i'll switch my monster to
    attack mode,Naturia cherries."

    Naturia Strawberry
    [Monster|Effect] Plant/Earth
    [★★★★] 1600/1200

    Naturia Cherries
    [Monster|Effect|Tuner] Plant/Earth
    [★] 200/200

    "Next, i'll tune my level one Naturia Cherries with my level four Naturia Strawberry to
    synchro my friend Naturia Beast~"

    Naturia Beast
    [Monster|Effect|Synchro] Beast/Earth
    [★★★★★] 2200/1700

    She could had ended her turn there and play this safe, but sometimes you had to
    take a risk." I'm not sure if this is safe, but i'll have Naturia Beast attack."

    "I'll end my turn now."
    Condor got hit with the 2200 points directly, though he shrugged it off. "Ehh, no problem. Check this out!" Condor draws his next card.

    Draw: Lilith, Lady of Lament

    "I play Lilith, Lady of Lament!" Condor said proudly as this bat-humanoid creature flew out from the empty monster zone, screeching.

    LVL 3, 2000 ATK

    "Unfortunately, since that was a normal Summon, Lilith's original attack power is reduced to only 1000." Lilith groans and withers slightly in the background, but after that, she once again looks up and screeches.

    2000 -> 1000 ATK

    "I set one card and end my turn." Condor finished calmly.
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Bishop raised an eyebrow, giving a quick look over the woman. "A duel runner? Kaguya, I hate to say it but given your unique...circumstance...I could, but the time, money, and materials I'd have to put into it would be obscene, and frankly unfair to you. I run a business, but I don't believe in draining the life blood out of whoever comes in...which is frankly, what would happen for a hand built custom runner."

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "A duel runner? Kaguya, I hate to say it but given your unique...circumstance...I could, but the time, money, and materials I'd have to put into it would be obscene, and frankly unfair to you. I run a business, but I don't believe in draining the life blood out of whoever comes in...which is frankly, what would happen for a hand built custom runner."
    "I'm aware of the business factor, I understand that." She would say calmly as she thought on it. She didn't know how it went from business to draining life, but she shook her head and attempted to feign a sad expression and tone. "Why would you take so much from me when I've already lost so much with my existence to begin with?" She asked in a downed, forced yet saddened tone - like she practised that very line for this exact occasion; and there she is hoping it works, hiding a particularly joyful smile in hopes it works.
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Raidriar Ainsworth
''eep... Right away sir!'' Raidriar practically squeaked as he scurried away to the back, never to be seen from again. That said, it was quite difficult not to eavesdrop.

Moments later, Raidriar would poke his head out the back. ''Oi, Mr.Bishop, I heard that! I'm cool with working overtime. Oh yeah, you probably dunno but we used to be classmates. Oh and I forgot to tel you, Kaguya! I think I never gave ID so the hospital probably charged you instead. Pretty sure I also broke like, all the life support equipment and a window as well, so I guess I'll pay for half the runner.'' He laughed sheepishly while he cried in his head. In hindsight, smashing up a bunch of medic equipment probably was a bad idea.

Endymion just slowly placed his palm over his face in disappoinment in the back of the room.
The large males expression seemed to blank for a moment, mental gears turning. "...Means that much to you huh?". From a business standpoint, he should deny her. But from the standpoint of a man who's lost enough in equal measure and had to struggle for the past dozen or so years to keep him and his son afloat, keep the business from sinking into the ground..What would rose think of him, if he just shot down this poor girl?...What would his son think of him? The realization sunk in...what would he think of himself? Would he be able to sleep at night, knowing he had just taken a dream away from someone? His voice cracked when he started to speak, but a cough sorted things out back to normal. "Alright...I'll do it. As raidriar just volunteered, he'll be covering the costs with the hours he's going to pull.". Now that was not what raidriar had said, but it was what bishop heard, and it was unlikely the part timer was going to debate the point. "Give me a moment...".

Walking over to the front desk area, he rummaged around in a drawer before pulling out a spare blueprint sketch of a runner, and a set of colored markers, motioning for kaguya to come over. "This won't be easy, but I can get it done. All the mechanics you can leave to me...what you need to do, is design it.". Setting the sketch out beside the markers, he made another motion for her to come over, before his attention snapped to raidriar. "You're going to be pulling a lot more work around here, until this is done. You'll get fair pay, deducted from the cost this is going to take. But at the end of it, you'll still have a bigger check than usual."
LostHaven LostHaven BoltBeam BoltBeam
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "...Means that much to you huh?"
    Kaguya nodded. "Yes. That is what it means to me. This is what I want to achieve; my dream. You can't stop dreams... can you?" She said in the same tone as prior, internally letting out mischievous laughs to herself as she realised it was working exactly as she hoped.
    "Alright...I'll do it. As Raidriar just volunteered, he'll be covering the costs with the hours he's going to pull.". Now that was not what Raidriar had said, but it was what bishop heard, and it was unlikely the part timer was going to debate the point. "Give me a moment...".

    Walking over to the front desk area, he rummaged around in a drawer before pulling out a spare blueprint sketch of a runner, and a set of coloured markers, motioning for Kaguya to come over. "This won't be easy, but I can get it done. All the mechanics you can leave to me...what you need to do, is design it."
    Kaguya wheeled over as motioned, seeming happy to hear his compliance and looked over the blueprints and all the markers. "Oooh, consider it done. Again. Thank you." Kaguya said joyfully as she began to colour in and generally design the runner - given a few odd changes to support whatever the heck she wants to be different and/or the same - minor things really, mainly the seating area of the runner being a little wider (noted to be accurate to how wide her wheelchair is; for adaptability). She would spend a while just going about this, seeming happy and focused, taking her time to make sure this is exactly what she wanted.
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"Nothing I can think of at the moment, so I won't keep you here. I actually have a match coming up tomorrow, so you'll see me again soon enough. Best of luck." Lucien said before walking off with a wave.

ChazGhost ChazGhost
LostHaven LostHaven ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Angelostar4 Angelostar4

Kairi would understand what Mr Bishop said, before turning her attention to Raidriar, then looked at Ryuko.

"D-3 Engine please."

Ryuko looked at Kairi confused.
"But I don't work here?"

"I was talking to the dead looking guy."

She pointed at Raidriar, before Ryuko looked, then she herself pointed at Raidriar, stepping back.

"You again?! What the hell happened back in the mansion?!"
Snapping out of her deep thinking, Kazuki couldn't help herself anymore... tapping Kairi on her shoulder. "Uh, I am a tad lost... could ya uh, tell me what the heck a runner is or something. Anything...?""

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Angelostar4 Angelostar4
Kairi would look at Kazuki, before answering.

"Some people like dueling by using Motorcycles. Basically, they race around while playing, and the turbo duels have a set of rules that are different from regular ones and Action Duels."
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

"At least something was explained to me during this whole thing..." Kazuki let's out a sigh of relief but then perks up with a smile on her face. "Action duels and Turbo duels... Man, those just sound like the bee's knees honestly! Especially these so-called action duels." The casual talks between Kairi and her... definitely puts the girl at ease, finally seemingly getting a grasp of the environment around her. "Maybe one day i'll get a runner myself... that'll definitely make everyone back at home jealous... and maybe get some eyes my way too." She couldn't help herself, smirking a tad.
Hal Lisson
Fragrant Duelist

Hal smiled. He was glad to see he hadn't lost his touch in duel analysis. He decided to push to see if this was skill or luck. "What's their life points at?" He asked, and then slyly smiled. "I'll guess they're somewhere in the ballpark of..." He thought a little bit more. Second guessing himself was an activity he took part in frequently, but never with the intent to. "4500 Life Points and 6600." He stated. He had no clue if he were right or not, but he wanted to guess.

His thought process was this. The Thunder Dragon user had some cards out of his of deck, but not on the field or in his hand. He also had what he assumed to be "Thunder Dragon Colossus" on the field. His missing cards may have been discarded, but due to a lack of set traps he assumed the duelist had a slow start, so the monsters may have been destroyed in battle. Due to damage from said battles, he estimated that his remaining LP was around 6600. Hal actually didn't know much about the "ABC-Dragons" deck, but he used the similar "XYZ-Dragon" deck for the estimate of stats, so he thought his LP would be around 4500. Of course, he actually didn't know much about the decks, just their major pieces, specifically the staple and mentioned cards. He realized he never specified which numbers were for who. "I'll leave you to guess who I meant for each set of Life Points." He left her with, before returning his focus to the duel. Whether he was right or not was the same as rolling a 100-sided dice.

Acethekidd Acethekidd - Misha​
Bishop gave a small nod, watching Kaguya start to do what she wanted with the runners design. Hearing Kairi's request, he waited a moment expecting Raidriar to move...which he didn't, earning a sigh from the male. "Right, just a moment Kairi.". Heading into the back area, Isaac just wandered over and peered over Kaguya's shoulder to see how she was doing. He had a very sneaking suspicion he had just caught a glimpsed of an actor preforming art, akin to how he'd preform his tricks...but he did say he'd help her, and since they didn't specify how this would go, he couldn't say anything. He could only hope his father helping with free of charge in mind, didn't cause the poor guy more trouble down the line.

After a moment, Bishop walked back out, a sizeable motor under one arm. "Alright Kairi, be careful alright? It's going to be heavy for...just about anyone who isn't used to lugging things bigger than this around. It'll be about...". He trailed off, talking numbers, and then going on to loyalty and returning customer discount...resulting in Kairi having about fifteen percent off a somewhat modest price.

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 BoltBeam BoltBeam
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • Heading into the back area, Isaac just wandered over and peered over Kaguya's shoulder to see how she was doing. He had a very sneaking suspicion he had just caught a glimpsed of an actor preforming art, akin to how he'd preform his tricks...but he did say he'd help her, and since they didn't specify how this would go, he couldn't say anything. He could only hope his father helping with free of charge in mind, didn't cause the poor guy more trouble down the line.
    Kaguya just focused calmly, not aware of Isaac looming over her shoulder, taking her time and passively so. So far, it looked to be an orange coloured runner (primarily), though with sunset colours along the edges and a slightly bigger 'seating area' to accommodate for her. But, apart from that, it seems pretty ordinary, all things considered (though depends on your 'ordinary').
Rakki Nextem
  • "In life, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself above all else, while still enjoying yourself. That's why you're existing to begin with."

    Her life was guided by these words alone. She was brought into this world out of love, in order to long term get more and make more. Kind of interesting, isn't it? Rakki Nextem couldn't agree more. It was how she technically has two families now, after all. Her biological family of her parents, and then her social family of The Twelve Nightmares - of which 'she' is the twelfth member of. It was a duel gang, founded and developed within Horizon City itself, where Rakki has been raised and living her whole life, so it was pretty close to home - literally. In the group itself, it lives up to the name - there was her, then there was the boss, and then 10 other people - all of them use different types of monsters in their deck, for some reason or the other. Rakki's reason, for her machine deck, was because it was her wish list and built by everyone else according to said wish list; and she still holds it with her, closely, to this day, maybe even closer than when she got it first.

    Today, she would decide to spend her day with the boss of the gang, and probably the reason she is sticking around to begin with - as they played a large part in their involvement in The Twelve Nightmares. So, Rakki wandered the mostly-empty 'Headquarters' the gang have secured, though it is mostly a back alley and a small caved-in gap out the back of it, which had overtime given way to an underground - where most of the HQ is. Rakki would approach it and head down, covering it up after her entry and heading straight to the room of residence for her boss, the halls underground being a dark, earthly brown and with black lined stains across and down them - hardly being seen at the top and bottom. At the end of the hallway underground which joins the several rooms of the HQ together, there was a noticeably large silver door with 'THE BOSS' engraved into it. Upon reaching the door, Rakki would take a deep breath and knock thrice. "Boss, are you there? It's me, Rakki." She said simply.
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oi akumara
Tags: Condor Fubuki ( BoltBeam BoltBeam )
Aoi was slightly confused by Condor's game play. Not only that, she was worried about his deck.
She had never in her life underestimated other's deck..that was something her brother told to
her when she was younger.All she could do was stay alert and be careful." Alright..my draw again."
Aoi looked at her new card ." I'm going set one monster in defense mode and have my Naturia
Beast attack your monster."
Once her monster's attack was finished, it returned to her side
of the field." I'm going to end my turn."

Current Deck: Naturia
LP: 8000
Cards in hands: Naturia Rock, Naturia Cosmobeet
Next Draw: Naturia Guardian

Field spell:

EZ: Naturia Beast(AM)

MZ1: Naturia Beans(DF)

S/TZ1: Recall(FD)
S/TZ2: Exterio's Fang(FD)


isha heeler
Tags: Hal Lisson ( Dolches Dolches )
"Uhhh..ABC guy has around 4000 and the Thunder Dragon dude has about 6300 i wanna say."
Misha continued to chew on the straw and glanced over at the new comer." Geez, your thinking
about this way to much my friend. Why not just sit back and enjoy the duel ya?"
a faint smile
came across her face. "But if i had to guess...Thunder Dragon dude will have the most life
points and the ABC guy will have less..judging by the current situation."
Misha had no idea
about either decks, so she couldn't tell the outcome of this duel." Oh umm, I'm Misha by the
way, Misha Wheeler.~"
she thought it would be a good idea to introduce her self."Anyway..
i'm just excited to see how this duel will turn out. Like i said..anyone's game.,"

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