Experiences Your Biggest Flaw

I'm putting these two together because what I say may help you two, you can be spontaneous but also have a bit of planning.
Some of the text above may have already given you some ideas, but I like being spontaneous a lot too, but you can't be full on spontaneous, it's what I discovered, especially if you're in charge of a scene : P

Having a vague, just a little vague idea of where you want things to go is a fantastic guideline and helps you not derail things. You don't need to know exactly what you'll do to reach that goal (that takes all of the fun out of it) but at least have one. Don't defend it with claws and fangs either, if a new opportunity come up that gives you a better or more enjoyable idea then pounce on it!

I just cannot say the same for characters themselves, I prefer having these very well structured since the start of at least I go on filling out things as I think of them. My first character for this RP was one I tried thinking things about on the go (especially why her parents we're not with her) and my ways out ended up being the most comic-like improbable one.

Still acceptable, but with a really, really thin probability to happen. I didn't like it, but I'm not one for retcons either ^^'
So yeah, that's my advice, don't do that XD

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and insight. I really appreciate what you decided to take the time to do and will do my best to work on my writing skills!
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and insight. I really appreciate what you decided to take the time to do and will do my best to work on my writing skills!
I'm glad to help OWO7
Just remember to have fun on top of everything, a lot of people seem to let their planning overwhelm them and forget what this is all about.

It's a hobby. If you're not having fun with it then you're doing something wrong. Take a break and come back later when you're feeling better >w<
I hate it when my partner writhes 2 paragraphs about opening a door.
lel that's me.

Sometimes I want to write the character's thought on the situation. Then it branches out to how he perceives the environment and how he would like to react if x is not near y at the time. It sometimes make a simple act like opening a door into two, five liners paragraph where one would be more than enough.

I want to know more about my character, but sometimes I wrote too much, I guess.
Let's see from a technical standpoint homonyms are my mortal enemy. I cannot get these right, and it's like to a point where i'll even catch them in the middle of a reply but go back and read that I STILL used the wrong word even when my brain was like Oh hey hello this isn't right.

Also time management I have fluctuating hours and while I can usually keep my interest up with slow responses sometimes I'll just kind of lose interest halfway through OR i'll get busy and my brain dies due to other stuff getting in the way.
This probably would not solve all your problems, but when I found RPNation I also searched for alternative forms of collaborative writing and there was this interesting concept of branching stories. Basically each continuation written by someone from a point in the story would be viable and it would be based on a voting system which would be considered the main branch/storyline. I always thought if you combined that with a system were you could first map out a stories progression with all it different plotlines this would be really great for projects with people of varying contribution.
You could branch ther plotline graphs or simple offer different versions for the realizations/actual writing of a plotpoint.
Unfortunately I never found the software for something like this ^^

Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories

There's your software, buddy.
Taking endlessly to formulate sentences until they sound right to me, beeing to unsure of myself, investing to much into an idea and then beeing disappointed when others don't respond with the same enthusiasm. Giving people the freedom to create the world with me, so they can get more engaged only to be disappointed by their perceived apathy/ lack of response.

That's called being too concerned about what other people think. Now that you see your weakness, I can see 2 fixes, though there could be more: find a gm you can trust and go all out on their rp, or find something to write about that you're hugely interested in, go all out and find someone to be the bad cop to your good cop. Sometimes we need one cheerleader to center us.

EDIT: wow, I just realized I replied to the same dude twice!
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Trough pure coincidence I downloaded this a while ago and I get the feeling its not multiuser friendly. It allows you to create interactive stories but I have not seen the option to include other editors like google docs yet . Could of course just be me Not seeing stuff . There is another software called StoryStylus I will check out at some point.

As for the other stuff, concentrating more on one person at a time to write with is what you mean?
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Ah, I used Dropbox to collaborate with a group on Twine. It works, though it takes communication.

As for the other stuff, concentrating more on one person at a time to write with is what you mean?
That's one way of looking at it, and indeed one of Kurt Vonnegut's own rules.

7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.

My suggestions were certain ways in which writing for one person on a website like this might play out. Just whatever you do, don't stop writing!
My greatest flaw? I have a couple.

For one there's my tiny vocabulary compared to some of you. I have trouble varying my words and stuff like that.

Another is that I tend to ham things up at the worst possible time, killing the rp.

I also tend to get way too absorbed into my characters. I need to make the distinction between me and my character. My character is not me and I need to stop playing them how I would act and play them how they would act.
I think for me personally it is also a lack of trust but not only that a fear of drama. I've come from a site that was nothing but drama it almost seemed like and all I wanted to do was write. That is the biggest killer when it comes to writing for me personally. Is drama and rude flipping beings.
For me, I come up with so many fresh concept ideas, I constantly a getting bored of the idea that I am role playing at any given time. Most of my partners need to be willing to remind me how hype I was about a story two days prior.
I'm not particularly sure when my character is overpowered or underpowered, I just try to be really creative with my powers and don't realize when I might have gone too far or sometimes I'll be worried about people thinking I'm too OP and hold myself back too much.

I also have issues jumping into RPs that have already started which is why I try to make my own.
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I can't nerf characters well. If I give my character a power that other people consider overpowered, I'm all up to nerf it, but I can't figure out a good way to nerf a power. I don't like to use limitations like "gets tired" or "falls unconcious", although I do use them sometimes anyway just to get the character done. If I do, I usually come back once I figure out a good and creative limitation.
I'm often afflicted with writer's block and lethargy. Its lead me to drop roleplays and vanish countless times in the past. In the end I stopped making roleplays of my own, out of fear that I could never maintain enough motivation to run them. These are flaws I'm still working through and will hopefully soon overcome, but it ain't easy.
My biggest flaw is my love affair of white space. My replies tend to look like they have more substance than they actually do because I feel like I need to turn each sentence into a bloody paragraph.

I also lack confidence in my own ideas, which makes it very difficult for me to 1x1 with partners who prefer winging it or not communicating. I'll start out strong then peter out as my confidence plummets until I forget what I was supposed to be writing about in the first place. It pisses me off.
My biggest flaw is that I'm bad at valuing other people's opinions. I want their cooperation, but negotiating with what I want now between what I will want in the future is a tasking endeavor.
My greatest flaw is that I'm picky as hell and can usually only write for ideas that grab 120% of my attention and set my mind into overdrive. I've tried so many times to do stuff that's like "this sounds like it could be fun, maybe, I dunno" but invariably I lose interest quick or burn out. But honestly it's a flaw I'm not interested in addressing because it helps keep me to a reasonable number of RPs so I don't get overwhelmed or burn out on the hobby.

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