Would You Rather...

No nose. I don't use it other than to taste.

Would you rather kill your worst enemy quickly and not get caught or slowly but get caught?
Opposite sex, because that'd be temporary.

Would you rather be the main protagonist in your least favorite show or the main antagonist in your favorite show?

I'd rather have a younger brother, since I do.
I'd rather be a younger brother, because it's better than a gender swap.

Would you rather have to sing in front of the school or dance in front of the school?
Living on the edge.
Obv. both at the same time.

Would you rather learn your favorite candy was being discontinued or your favorite video game series was concluding before the final game where all the loose ends would be tied up is released.
My favorite candy was discontinued and the only game I ever played is such a tease with all the remakes and whatnots, so the second one please.

Be stranded on an island with only a matchstick or stay in civilization without anything at all (even clothes)?
The latter.
One match won't last long, and I'll basically be in a "civilization or naw" scenario.

Would you rather be abandoned on a private island with most of your needs/wants taken care of but never contacting another person, or live in poverty but in civilization?
First one. That's basically what's happening to me already, only I'm in civilization.

Wear thin clothes (no layering) during winter or wear thick clothes during summer?
Going off from titles, I would say Maximum Ride. Birdemic sounds like a post apocalyptic comedy to me

Break your fingers one by one or break your most priced gaming set-up
I'd break my gaming setup, because honestly this thing's old enough it's better off as spare parts.

Kill a man or kill yourself.
Hmm well since one has to be chosen, I would go with kill a man due to having too much to live for to kill myself. Though not being caught in doing so would be a plus. :P

Would you rather if you had a choice, become a vampire or a werewolf? (And not the sparkly stereotypical vampire from the Twilight series either.)
Mental issues. It sounds interesting also i'm a psych major so might as well make use of my learnings

Light yourself on fire or freeze yourself inside a bathtub
I would do both but on fire sounds good.

Live with a person from medieval times and deal with their religious bull or be a medieval person living in the far future while being experimented on?
(I'd wondered where this thread had gone)
The first one!

Would you rather have someone tell your crush you love them in the most unflattering way, or have someone tell you your crush just got into a committed relationship with someone else?
Fuck that first one already happened to me...I'd rather choose the second choice XD

Would you rather go vegan or only consume meat for the rest of your life?
You're a monster.
Vegan, because I'll just become L and subsist of sugar.

Would you rather be able to eat all the candy you want with no risks (i.e., no getting fat, no diabetes, etc.) or would you rather eat all the other types of desserts you want with no risks (same as above)?
The second one. I'd have more things to choose from that way.

Would you rather disturb a beehive or mess with a entire nest of bullet ants. You have no protection other than the clothes on your back for both.

(Note that being stung by the bullet ant feels like you're being shot.)

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