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Fandom Wolfenstein: The Sun Rises In The East

We need to go around Japan and dig out occult items. Magic and Mad Scientist Technology both exist in the Wolfenstein universe, so we might stumble upon some esoteric artifact that gives us power. Or even mechs.

Yes. Mechs + Magical Powers + Japan.

Code Geass Nazi Spinoff, anyone?
Yissss and with our eventual attempt at smartening us up we can be the new Lelouuuuch and we can fuck up the Nazi's and then become the Holy German Reich Emperor!!!11111!!!!112
I'm with the liberation as well. I feel like it makes us a lot more influential to other people. Would help to get allies.

Also, a hideout would be fabulous. I'm digging a forest-y location.
My vote:

Motivation: 2.
Hideout: 2, and Upgrade 5. Location: Some kind of forest near a road to whatever city we operate in, preferably Tokyo if I can choose, since that's the place where most of the Nazi Oberkommando would be. Preferably in the form of a bunker in a mountain, since that will help defend against bombings.


Liberation means our emotions are less likely to get into the way, and it will also make us seem more idealistic to anyone we might have to convince to join us, although I am willing to admit it is slightly less fun from a narrative perspective.

As for the hideout, it is better to start off strong. We can expect the stronger hideout to be at least five, if not six times better than the basic one, because of the price. Other than that, it will be good to lay low for the beginning and making it unassuming will help with that.
Agree with the motivation. However a good hideout means you can't to much else but hide. I would start small and go for explosives, stealthy sabotage if done right means maximum bang with minimal exposure so no need to protect a large base.
Wow I'm very surprised y'all are going for the liberation route. I would've thought that the more personal backstory would've won but I was surprisingly wrong.

Also I think you'll all like the first mission! It happens before we get anything from the BlackMarket.

Also I want to make a smaller vote on the appearance of our character.


✧ 1.3. [vengeance] she doesn't know what happened to her parents but she knows that the nazis took them away from her/ 2. she desires to [liberate] your people and free them from the oppression and genocide they will face.

✧ 1. basic hideout

✧ 5. hidden hideout

✧ 2!

probably just me but wanting to get to the nazis because she wants to liberate her people is less interesting than having a personal experience or goal to spark it. rebelling for herself isn't the best choice either since she's already influential, unless she has a manipulative streak.

since her father has been sheltering and supporting her rebellious personality, the nazis ought to (or could) know and do something for being suspicious of disloyalty, leading to some bad things done to them. they try to get to her but she talks or fights her way out. bam. vengeance by young women is trendy.

sO i go for vengeance, but also suggesting liberation to be some sort of submotive to support it

no need for an extravagant hideout for now. worried bout its overall safety so i go for a hidden hideout in contrast to sanako being spotted like everywhere. location can be,,, underground? idk somewhere they won't look. their hideout will basically contain everything (?) they have against the regime so they should protect it with all they have
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I agree with pioca pioca 's vote in terms of the first choice, the main motivation being >Vengeance and part >Liberation. I can see potentially negative situations happening if she decides to lead or serve the resistance, without any personal grudge towards the Nazis, from deceit to a complete change of heart. She has been a rebel from the start, but her place as the unwavering enemy and, possibly, symbol of rebellion against the Nazis will be more glued by her dark past and goal of ending them because within her is a vengeful fire nothing can put out. :-) Also, it's more interesting to add a parent's (or both's) death to her history.

I vote for a >Basic Hideout, and >Better Starting Weapons upgrade, to further add to Sanako's attack, which has been overshadowed by her exuding charisma. The balance between the two is important, in my opinion. I also choose illustration >2.

Stealthy use of explosives are good, too. It's just that it can't be Sanako who does that. ;-0
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Seems like we have a tie here for the motivations of our character. We need a tie breaker.

For the hideout it seems like ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki vote is the most popular/The one with the most votes but I will give you guys some time on that until someone makes a vote that makes another tie.
Hello there. It seems like I'm late to the party. Had I not been messaged a link to this roleplay, I would still be waiting for a response.

I am skimming the previous posts and responses...

My support goes to pioca pioca 's votes nonetheless.

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