Other Why did you pick your name?

Summer Breeze was the name of the first OC I ever made for some kind of supernatural/fairy/magic thing XD 

The name has grown on me, it's kind of my standart internet name, I've gotten used to being called Summer, it's almost as normal for me as my real name :)
Well my first name (if anyone can even remember what it was) was just an Internet name I first started using when I played the first Last Of Us game.

Then there is this name.

If you look at the first two parts of my name, they look like seperate words....that's because they are.

Cabal refers to something secretive, such as myself.

Anomic refers to a hermit of sort, preferring to stay hidden, not much for social status.

And those two things defined me very well, a secretive person, not much for social status (not to say I don't socialize, just to say I don't do it for social status), and finally, there's the "potato"....

I really like french fries.
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It's Kylo Ren and General Hux's huge af star destroyer in The Force Awakens! Not quite as massive as the Executor though, but it's def big enough to make Tarkin's ship seem like a toy in comparison lol.
Well. It's a long story. It first began when I was maybe 9 or. I was obsessed with wolves, so much that I was even a "furry" during that time. By the time I got an Xbox account, I immediately called my self ewolf20, and sometimes edog20. It was then that the name sticker and I used it for every so god site that I go into. Now that I'm 16 years old, I'm more reserved and less crazy as I was back then. I'm still I attention whore but same nevertheless.
I was plotting out a story to write a few years back - a "war with superheroes" type thing. 1940s level of technology, rare individuals with super powers, emergence of nuclear power and even some airships chucked in. So there was a anthropomorphic dragon (for reasons) who had this neat trick of controlling and generating intense magnetic fields around his body to the point where he could stop bullets dead in their tracks (back before I realized bullets couldn't be affected by a magnetic field). This chap needed a name - for whatever reason I settled upon "Collidias, the Knifebringer". Well, because he carried a knife. He was literally and figuratively "The Dragon" - the lead henchman of the antagonist. So naturally, he had to be a scary motherfucker - so I went full-on Darth Vader and had a melee combatant that was totally immune to projectile weapons. Someone who could just stroll through the line of fire at his leisure and casually drive a knife through your sternum.

That didn't pan out in the end - but I kept some elements of the character for elsewhere, and remembered the name. A year and a half back I got my PS4, and needed a gamertag. Whenever I need a username for something, I run through names I've given to characters in the past and make something out of that if possible. "Collidias" stuck out, so I just needed to think of something else. The word "collidias" of course, stems from the word "collide". My strongest association with "collide" is the mental image of a plane crashing into something. Fuck it, how do I make planes crashes super-cool?

Motherfucking Dinosaurs.

And what's the most well known dinosaur? Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hence - Collidias Rex. Stemming from the mental image of a 747 crashing into a dinosaur.
I chose my name because it is the name I use online for almost everything.People said I am my best friend shadow because irl I am quiet person , and it just stuck. The fox part of my of my name is because I love foxes. The 622 is my birthday. 
I've been away from RPN recently, and my favorite song happens to be "Aces In Exile", due to my frequent bomber runs in BF1. So I took the two and mashed 'em together. You just need the music for the moment you know?
my name comes from the Mass Effect creatures that are literally called Husk. i've had the name for years now.
I'm Deaf, and female. That's the short and sweet of it. ;D

When I lost my hearing, I decided that I wouldn't let it get me down, so why not act like Royalty. I started using the name DeafLord on everything. After a while though, I realized, people thought I was a man. (I never put real photos of myself as my avatar, so I've always had a computer generated one that I made off a doll design site. And with that site, it's hard to find good short, feminine hair, so my picture often looked masculine) After that, I changed over to DeafLordess :)
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I'm Deaf, and female. That's the short and sweet of it. ;D

When I lost my hearing, I decided that I wouldn't let it get me down, so why not act like Royalty. I started using the name DeafLord on everything. After a while though, I realized, people thought I was a man. (I never put real photos of myself as my avatar, so I've always had a computer generated one that I made off a doll design site. And with that site, it's hard to find good short, feminine hair, so my picture often looked masculine) After that, I changed over to DeafLordess :)

wow you're deaf! thats cool i know sign. thats a very nice to not let your deafness hold you down. ever since i learned deaf culture i see more people look down on the deaf. really you guys can do anything you want to.
Because I thought it was pretty cool...


Wow, I am a total disappointment! All these wonderful reasons and I'm just like... "Thorne... Archangel... Archon... Archon? Yeah, Archon works! Archon it is!"

My husband called me his darkling all the time when we first got together and it just stuck. That and I think it's pretty fitting for a spoopy witch such as myself
Creating characters and stories, I often go through various languages to create something meaningful and relevant. In this case, I was going through Old Norse and put together "Grimm" (fierce, severe) and "dom" (judgment). Sets the tone in a room, and the ladies love it, of course.

Okami/Ookami play on words...  :P   AkuNoOokami, AkuNoOkami, AKU! 

And because Aku stuck as my internet pseudonym  (YAMAHAKU for my moto vlogs, AkuHaz for my YT Channels don't look those up yet) 

Then it became Aku The Wolf God 
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When I first made this account, I called it Ghoti, which is pronounced as "Fish" 'cause.. Phonetics.

Buuuuutt.. I changed it to Juicy because I've been listening to a ton of my favorite rapper on SoundCloud as of late.

Chaaannnncceee Thhheeee Raaaapppeerrr.

One of my favorite songs of his is called 'Juice' or Street Cred.

Since I've had a few years of Roleplay experience, I see myself as 'Juicy' or someone with Roleplay Cred.

Also this pic is my cover photo. Give it a Chance! HAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHA.

I'm not funny..

7SOL means 'Seven Seconds Or Less'. According to my friend, it's a kind of run-and-gun strategy his favorite basketball team used to employ back in the day. I thought it sounded cool, and so the name stuck.
I've liked the band Panic at the Disco for the longest time now. And I'm also in a lot of fandoms. So I combined them together and got my username now. It's my username for almost everything currently. 
Then you would be too busy exploiting labor laws or other typical business practices to use this website.

O mai we gotta out of the closet Commie here kill it1111!1111 'Murica111!!111 Nah, I am kidding with you. Interesting to see someone interested in Communism, that reminds me of a time I actually ended up making a character in a RP that was not supposed to be a stereotypical Communist who wants to establish a totalitarian Stalinist, or Maoist state.

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