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Realistic or Modern Weight of the World

Carmen sat back in her chair, watching her patient carefully as he paced around the room. This would be their third session now and still he hadn’t wanted to talk to her about anything at all. “You know... the couch isn’t going to swallow you Jorge.” She told him smiling softly. “Can I offer you a drink? Water, juice, soda?” She asked, glancing back at the mini fridge she always kept stocked up. “If nothing else,.. I’d just like you to tell me today why you think they’ve sent you to me before you can go back to working in the field?” She asked him.

Jon walked into the house hed been working his way into for months and smiled some at everyone, greeting them like old friends and slipping into their world like he’d always lived in it as he headed up to see the boss, knocking before entering the office with the paperwork he had, nodding a little at the dons daughter sittingt the desk. “Hey, where’s your dad?” He asked her. He’d been working this mob for almost a year now and he was getting so close to being able to bring them down. Things had gone well and this would be a career defining moment for him.... if he hadn’t fallen head over heels for the bosses daughter. They’d hooked up a few times here and there but she was promised to another and every time he thought about trying to convince Antonio to let Jon be with her, he had to remind himself that this was not his world and he was still a cop.
JD frowned as he paced back and forth in the therapist's office shaking his head some "I'm fine, don't need to sit." He muttered as he stared at the floor. She was a gorgeous woman no doubt but this was the last place he wanted to be. After his last job he couldn't trust anyone, not even his own partner. He glanced over at her and frowned more when she asked if he wanted a drink "A drink?! You think I can be 'fixed' by a fucking drink?!"

Max looked up as she heard the door open and smiled widely when she saw it was Jon "Hey handsome....he is out with my brother at the moment. He'll be back soon." She murmured looking him up and down. Ever since she met him at the first family gathering she had been smitten with him. He was a gentlemen by all means towards her and he made her happy for once in her life. She had mixed emotions towards her family for good reason but she only hoped that maybe her father would see how good they were for one another.
carmen shook her head, standing up slowly so she didn’t spook him and made her way over to the fridge, getting herself a Diet Coke before going to sit down again. “No. I don’t think a drink is going to fix you.... I also don’t think you’re broken... but we aren’t going to be able to help you if you don’t let me.” She pointed out. “You don’t have to talk to me.... I can’t force you to, you’re not paying for these sessions and they’re available to you until I can sign you off to go back to work full time so you can stay quiet every week for the rest of your life if you so wish... but truly, I am here to help you.” She told him softly.

Jon smiled some. “Alright. I’ll just wait here then... how’s the dinner go last night? Lover boy take you somewhere fancy or did he get you cheap burgers?” He chuckled some. The time they had spent together they always had a laugh and he was comfortable around her. Hugely so. He knew the man that she was engaged to was an ass and didn’t really care much about her. He highly doubted that once they were married that the guy would ever spend any time with her at all
JD glared over at her frowning more "No one can help me damn it! They didn't help me last time what makes you think I'd believe you?" He asked before he grabbed his jacket and made his way towards the door "This session is over."

Max rolled her eyes at the mention of Danny. He was one of her brother's friends and her fiancé though she never agreed to it. Her father made them an item a few years ago but she always made excuses as why they couldn't get married. She knew Danny didn't love her, he wanted in her father's good graces "He took me to our usual nice restaurant....didn't talk about work which was a bonus." She muttered before she leant forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips "Enough about him though....how was your evening?"
She frowned and stopped him. “You haven’t let me try yet.... why don’t we make a deal? Give me three sessions where you try your best and if you see no improvement then you can continue as normal... but I can promise you that there will be improvement.” She told him seriously.

Jon smiled some, his hands moving up to her hips as he kissed her back. “Mmm... uneventful. I finished a job and went home and had leftover Chinese.” He chuckled some as he watched her.
JD looked at her and saw the sincerity in her eyes when she spoke to him. He gave a heavy sigh and soon nodded "Fine....three sessions...starting with the next one." He muttered before leaving. It had been nearly 9 months since his accident but his PTSD and Paranoia had only gotten worse since his time back.

Max smiled happily at him and gave a small laugh "Mm sounds like a better night than I had." She murmured softly. She could feel herself falling in love with this man as she spent more and more time with him. He made her feel like she was actually wanted and loved, something she hadn't felt in quite sometime.
he smiled some and watched her. “Maybe you should join me next time.” He told her, tensing when they heard footsteps coming down the hall and he stood up quickly, smoothing his shirt down and looked over as the boss and his son walked in, Danny trailing behind on his phone. “Morning sir. I got those papers you wanted.... dealt with the nuisance as well.” He told him, noticing how Danny was completely ignoring max and just sighed a little.

she smiled a little to herself as he left and she went to sit at her computer and start doing write ups on his and other files she had for the time being until her next appointment before she could go home.
Max laughed lightly and gave a small nod "I'd like that." She said softly before she quickly moved away and went to sit back down once she heard the approaching footsteps. She glanced at Danny as he came in and frowned softly "Hey Dad, Hey Tony, Hey Danny." She greeted.

Frank looked over at Jon and gave a small nod taking the paperwork from him "Thank you Pete, you did good." He murmured to him before glancing at his daughter "Hello Maxine, did you get those papers filed away?"

J.D. walked down the street with his head down but he was on high alert. He was paranoid fthat they would find him and finish the job no matter how many times everyone assured him he would be safe.
He nodded some, standing up to leave and making it to the door before he heard Frank called him back, "Yes sir?" He asked, taking his hands out his pockets and standing with his hands clasped behind his back. He'd trained military when he was younger before joining the police force and he still held that air about him no matter here he was. "Was there something else?" He asked him, glancing over at Max for a moment.

By the time they got to their next appointment Carmen was ready to handle what he might come out with. She'd made it a point to only gloss over their files so that she knew the basics but got the full story from her patient instead. She'd been sipping at her tea when she heard the knock, getting up to open the door, frowning a little as he rushed into the room. "Everything okay?" She asked him gently, locking the door behind her.
JD was in the middle of a paranoia episode when his next appointment came around. He had almost called it off but chose not to just in case. He rushed in once she opened the door and quickly closed the curtains to her window peering out the side to make sure it was safe before he went to sit down "They're after me....they're gonna find me." He muttered

Frank frowned some when he saw Jon start to leave "Pete! Wait a minute, come in with us and sit for a bit. We have a few things to go over." He explained motioning for him to follow before he looked over at Maxine letting Danny stay out for a few minutes. He was getting tired of his daughter's rejection of him, in his eyes she needed to get over what had happened all those years ago already.
Carmen frowned some and moved to sit closer in front of him, gently reaching out and placing her hands on his, making him look at her. "Jorge... You are safe here... No one is going to come and find you.. This city is a fresh start for you, they won't be able to trace you here, your boss made sure of that." She reminded him gently, helping him to calm down slowly.

Jon nodded and turned back towards Frank, following him through to the other office. The one used for the shadier dealing of the mafia. He'd been in that room a couple of times but every time he got there, he was a little closer to being able to finish the job and go home
JD started shaking a bit and flinched away from her "How....how do I know you aren't with them huh? Or my chief?! I have to find them before they find me....I gotta go." He said quickly getting up and trying to leave the room

Frank smirked some as they sat down and leaned back in his chair "We are starting to set up for the charity event. Pete I want you with Max to help her make sure we got everything we need both legal and not. We got business to handle with the russians then while on neutral territory and I want to make sure we're prepared. Tony, you get the insight on the russians and the irish, make sure that bad blood stays that way."
Carmen frowned shaking her head and got up, stopping him from leaving, guiding him to sit back down again. "I work for the New York police department.... I've never been out to LA... Or any part of California for that matter... I'm here to help you... Your chief has also worked for the precinct for fifteen years... It's going to be okay... I want you to tell me three things that make you feel safe." She told him gently, still coaxing him.

Jon nodded some, making a mental note to let his boss know that both the Russians and the Irish would be there this time. "Am I on security suty for her?" He asked him. It wouldn't be the first time and it wasn't like he had any kind of problem with that.
JD shook his head some and took a deep breath "Nothing....I'm not safe anywhere. I'm in danger,you're in danger for talking to me." He told her starting to shake again as he thought about the past and his partner. He was innocent in it all and still lost his life.

Frank shook his head some "For the event Danny will be but anything else for it yes." He murmured before he leant forward in the chair "Make sure you watch her like a hawk." He said in a dead serious tone. He was getting the feeling again that she might try to run off again.
Carmen frowned, shaking her head "Jorge, look at me... you are safe.... Nobody is going to find you I promise." She coaxed still. It took a further three sessions before she was able to get him really talking to her and not stressing about being followed but he wasn't quite ready to go back out into the field yet. She was clearing up at the end of a day from another patient who'd lost his temper and thrown books around the room when she heard a knock on the door, looking up to see JD poking his head in "Hi there.... you're not scheduled til tomorrow... everything okay?" She asked him curiously, especially seeing as he looked the calmest she'd seen him yet.

Jon nodded and stayed in the meeting with them for another fifteen minutes before he was dismissed and he left, heading back to find Max in the other study still "Hey, I've been put on your protection detail from now until the gala.... So your wish is my command on where we go." he smiled at her some, noting Danny was still on his phone and still ignoring her.
JD had started to calm down around her through out their next few sessions. She calmed him, seeing her was starting to make him happier. He made his way down to her office and knocked lightly poking his head in when she answered "Hi...are um...are you busy?" He asked quietly not wanting to interrupt her if she was in the middle of something

Max gave a small nod and frowned as Danny started to object "Oh pipe down Murrilo, not like you'd want to be with me anyways." She spat at him tired of him trying to always make it seemed like he cared but he didn't. She got up and grabbed her purse and phone "Come on Pete, lets go look for catering." She muttered
Carmen shook her head, "Come on in, I'm just tidying up for the day." She told him smiling some. "You want a drink?" She offered, going to grab herself a water anyway.

Jon smiled and followed her out of there, chuckling a little once they were out of his earshot, "Yes ma'am... After all, I've been told to watch you like a hawk." He told her once they got down to the cars.
JD gave a small smile and picked up a book from the floor and placed them on the table "I um...I got these for you." He said softly handing her a bouquet of multi-colored flowers "I um..
I thought maybe they could brighten up the place." He said quickly not wanting to admit that when he saw them he thought of her immediately and it helped him calm down when he was starting to panic.

Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "Oh really? Hmm well catering can wait...I need to pick something up from my place." She said softly before she got to her car watching him some "You wanna come in my car or follow in yours?" She asked
She turned to look at him and smiled some, "That's really sweet, thanks." She went to grab a jug she kept on her bookshelf, filling it with water and setting the flowers in it, "Hey, I know you're new to the city... I bet no one has shown you the best taco joints round here yet have they?" She suggested "Cause I was gonna go to one this evening if you want to join?"

Jon shrugged "I better come in your car, or your father might have my head." He chuckled, "He certainly likes to keep you close doesn't he?" He muttered
JD gave her a smile and nodded some "Yeah I've been kinda by myself." He said softly before he rubbed the back of neck "Won't you get in trouble? I don't want you to loose your practice because of me." He said softly as he watched her

Max frowned some at the mention of how 'protective' her father was "Yeah...he does." She muttered before she got in the drivers seat and turned on the car. She drove away and off to her condo once Jon was in the car staying fairly quiet on their ride
She shook her head. “I’m just showing you good places to get food.” She told him. “Don’t worry.” She smiled and finished clearing up, grabbing her jacket and shoes then headed out of there with him.

Jon fiddled with a few bits on his phone until they arrived and he got out, following her inside and just watching her. “So why Danny?” He asked her raising an eyebrow.
JD gave another smile to her and nodded some before he made his way out with her "How was your day? Did you sessions go well?" He asked softly trying to make normal conversation with her

Max frowned again at his question as she grabbed him a beer and made herself a soda "My brother's friend, comes from a good family, good money, good for our family." She muttered not wanting to say anything more about it
She smiled and glanced over at him, "Now that would get me in trouble." She told him gently, "But it was okay, I've had much worse." She assured him, "You okay if we stop off somewhere first? Just for a minute so I can check on something." she smiled up at him, enjoying the late fall weather that had given them one last burst of warmth that week.

Jon thanked her when she handed it to him, watching her carefully. "I see... I didn't peg him for someone you'd chosen... I think you're smarter than that.... Plus I didn't think you woulda been caught in my bed last time if you were truly happy with him." He winked at her. "My sheets are always happy to have you again." He told her shamelessly.
JD chuckled some and gave a small nod "Well you can say if you had a good or bad day." He explained as he walked with her. He felt relaxed for once around her and he didn't want to leave her side "Oh um....do you mind if I ask where?" He asked quietly. He was very cautious about going places and he needed atleast some idea of where he was.

Max frowned more amd nodded some "Danny and I always fought as kids....I never liked him." She muttered giving a heavy sigh "Can we please get off the topic of him?" She murmured before she moved around and wrapped her arms around his neck "I don't nor will I ever love him." She whispered before she kissed him deeply "Trust me....if I could I would be between your sheets every night."

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