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Fantasy Warriors Of Khartouma: The Seven Dreaded (Sign Up & OOC)

Intro made. Hopefully this is acceptable or at least something that you can work with. This is my first time doing something like this in a while.

Also is it possible to have a link to the IC on the header post above?
Blergh, had a lot of stuff to do these past few days. Looks like my grandmother is on her way out. Couldn't find the proper energy to write much.

Updooted the character list with all the accepted folks. Given how it seems all the kids are spoken for, any side plot characters that would be ok? I'm still up for writing a Dr Jekyll/Frankenstein inspired chemist character.

Hey, sorry, don't know how I missed this post. Extra character are fine, there's plenty of room for all near the Monolith. Also, just a heads up, I'll be updating on Wednesday.
Purely for comedic relief. Because bad smells are everywhere. Plus he’s a “savage” so I planned on having some fun with that as well.
Dak Dak

Just a heads up, when it's revealed that all the characters are siblings, don't expect a warm reception from Jericho. The character is vindictive and once someone attacks him, he almost always considers that individual an enemy for life.
I mean he will get hungry soooooooooooo. Don’t expect some giant brotherly hello. Shit he might try and eat all of them at some point. But I would say at least untie him

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