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One x One Veiled City: Character Thread

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Veiled City Characters
  • Pepsionne

    oi oi
    MAIN CHARACTERS: Pepsionne


    Birth Name: Theodore Griffith

    Current Name: Theodore Taylor (he only uses this name for governmental purposes or when introducing himself to humans)

    Nicknames: Theo

    Age: 23

    True Age: 58

    Birthday:May 11th, 1962

    Zodiac: Taurus

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning preference towards women

    Clan: Vieru

    FC: Martin Conte

    Appearance: Theo carries a tall and lean figure with the elegance and dramatism of a conceited actor. His brown hair is wavy when left natural, usually appearing like a stylish bedhead (not an accident of course, he styles it like this on purpose). He wears a mix of different clothing types to best suit the type of personality he aims for that day, sometimes a tweed academic, others a rebellious university student. His eyes are a misty, greyish blue that he's been told are "very expressive."

    Hell is Empty
    and all
    the Devils
    are Here

    Theo likes to pride himself on his charismatic demeanor. He is like a chameleon, warping and changing his mannerisms and personality to smoothly fit into what people expect and look for in him. Rarely can someone say that they know truly what kind of person he is, and he likes to keep it that way. He's been wearing different masks for so long that he's beginning to forget what his true self was, if he ever had one. Objectively he is pampered and elegant, never hesitating to turn his nose up at a job or responsibility that doesn’t suit his needs. This habit creates a mildly selfish (and lazy) trait that more often than not rules his decision making and motivations. Theo is very poetic, taking inspiration from classic literature, stage plays and poetry. He lives his life as though he’s the main character of a dramatic play. This demeanor entails a certain type of unavoidable sensitivity and softness to his person. He hates being yelled at, being in the middle of conflict or even knowing someone dislikes him. He’s eager to please and work his charismatic charms whenever possible.

    Likes: Literature, writing, art, creativity, late nights, red wine, decadent food, expensive parties, theater or movies, dinner parties, the taste of cold blood, cloudy/stormy weather, drama, romantics, lush materials, being liked, impressing others

    Dislikes: Anger/wrath, violence, yelling, being disliked or hated, being talked over, warm blood, killing a human, feeling abandoned, being tricked or duped, cheap materials and food, analytical people, emotionless people, paperwork

    Strengths: Negotiations, people pleaser, communication, observant, highly literate

    Weaknesses: Overly passionate, sensitive, conscientious of image to others, can't think clearly when in love


    Theo was a British international student at NYU before he was turned. He grew up in the 1960s, an only child to two upper class parents in the suburbs of London. He constantly daydreamed about how he would escape the tragic throes of his dreary, monotonous life in order to live a truly dramatic and eventful narrative that would rival a Shakespearean play. Through rumors buzzing around his private school in London, he had heard about the growing cultural lifestyle in New York in the village and yearned to be a part of it as an aspiring writer. Ever conscious of their status and the necessity of worldliness to upkeep it, his parents were fond of the idea of Theo receiving an American education. He headed to the states with a trust fund in tow, innocent and privileged for the new life that would await him.

    As a typical college student, Theo’s lifestyle peaked during the late night hours. He would wander around the empty streets, mingling with other creators and artists as they got up to no good. This suited him well for the first years of his college life. He thought it was the start of his great literary journey, a coming of age story worth telling. It was through this lifestyle that he met his first love Celeste, a mysterious and seductive artist whose origins he never fully understood. She wasn’t a student at NYU, wasn’t a local but wasn’t a tourist. Her past was covered in just as much fog as her presence, but nonetheless, Theo got caught under her spell. He began diving into irregular behaviors that eventually brought about his demise. He skipped class for her, abandoned his friends, spent obscene amounts of money until his parents cut him off. Before he could realize it, Theo’s entire life had fallen away except for one, central piece. Celeste.

    Successfully having seduced and isolated Theo, Celeste took him away on a trip to a more remote part of New York State, where she planned to feast and kill him. The night was a blur, one that Theo still has trouble recalling the details of. He awoke the next morning to a blood soaked bed and Celeste vanished from their motel room, leaving nothing behind but two sloppy puncture marks aimed right over his jugular. It was only moments after he had awaken before he felt the bloodlust start to kick in. His first human kill was a maintenance worker scheduled to survey the room after guests had checked out. Unable to control or understand his new innate desires, Theo drank an obscene amount of the man's blood, killing him in the process. The fresh, warm taste still haunts him, as does the kill. From that point on, Theo began only drinking cold blood.

    Theo wandered close to the area he was turned for a year on his own, fearing that he might cave in once more to these new and insatiable desires. For a while, he got by on drinking animal blood from roadkill or naturally deceased animals, gaining more understanding and control with each drink. Unable to stave off his appetite for much longer than several months, Theo upgraded to humans (mostly those already dead), his inexperience and odd drinking habits leaving a blatant trail for the right people to follow. He was approached and recruited by members of the Vieru clan, taken under their guidance for many years. They informed him that Celeste was a rogue Vampire, a particularly ruthless one that usually left bodies for the clans to clean up, never victims. Theo is always looking for clues of her, unable to truly understand if everything that had happened was a dramatic act, or if there was something real. He can’t decide whether his lust to see her is romantic, or revenge.

    Theo has been with the Vieru for over 30 years. Through the clan he learned how to hone his conniving, stealthy charisma to his advantage. It was through them that he was able to fully embrace his pampered and dramatic character, finally fulfilling the tragic role he had always dreamed of. His current life consists of him playing middle man between the three clans, as his charismatic nature makes it easy for him to cull favor for the Vieru. When not working within the clan, he usually prowls around New York's more creative and culturally innovative areas, peddling himself as a freelance journalist.

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    Caelum Albus

    D.O.B.: July 28th 605 BCE

    Age: 22, Actual Age: 2,625

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: No preference

    Species: Angel (Formerly Archangel)


    Caelum is a lanky 6'2". He walks with a sense of boredom or purposelessness, the reason behind such an informal demeanor stemming from the fact that he just doesn't care enough to righten his posture or appear formal. He dresses in a hip, skater style, which consists of comfortable clothes (a large portion which are black) and many many pairs of flat bottomed sneakers. He has a mass of curly brown hair that has a habit of obscuring his eyes from view. He never styles it, some days it looks neat, others a wild mess. He has heavy brows set over a pair of inky brown eyes. The most prominent aspect of his features is his lack of wings. He never lets himself be seen shirtless when he can control it, and answers questions to his lack of wings with a very defensive or deflective tone.


    Caelum has the type of personality that many would describe as a deadbeat. He prefers to think of himself as "wasted potential." He spends most of his time doing what he wants, thoroughly enjoying saying no to what he doesn't. This attitude causes him to be very fickle in nature, as he cannot commit himself to any one person, cause or idea for very long. Once that commitment starts asking for more energy than benefits he receives in return, he fails to uphold the promises once agreed to before. Caelum is rough around the edges. He can be very blunt and to the point, but he never means any harm by it. His saving grace for this attribute is his ability to filter himself once gaining an understanding of what buttons not to press on others. Although he can be perceived as callous and fire-starting, Caelum himself is very difficult to upset or bring to anger. He believes it is a waste of energy to get that passionate about any topic or cause. There are times when Caelum becomes pensive, serious and less laid back than he usually is. These moments of brooding can be brought about by events or encounters that trigger certain memories and feelings within him, things he keeps tightly hidden from the knowledge of others.


    Caelum descended from heaven during the early stages of the Roman Empire. Although technically not his birth, he considers this date his birthday, as it is the first time his consciousness was pulled into being. He was originally an archangel, called to Rome from the Order of the Angels by the pleas of its citizens, for a deity, any deity willing to listen, to stop the rampant outbreak of monsters throughout the span of the empire. Caelum, having just begun to figure out himself and the world, followed the orders handed down to him with black and white clarity, as though it was deeply ingrained within him. He reprimanded monsters toeing the line of order, and put an end to those long since beyond the boundaries set by the Order of Angels.

    The long years in-between his original creation as an archangel and his current status as a low level angel are subjects he avoids or simply shuts down when it gets brought up. In the 1800's he was located in London, regulating petty crime violations of the angelic contract within the underworld. After the booming development of North America and the need for a regulatory force of the expanding underworld there, Caelum was relocated to New York City in the 1920s. He is extremely familiar with the workings of the Underworld in New York City, and is known for his ability to circumvent the specifics of the angelic contract in order to benefit himself. He knows many of the big players in every species. Most of them owe him favors.

    Likes: Sleeping, nights, watching TV, alcohol, sitting around, relaxing, the thrill of skipping out on responsibilities, black coffee, tea, citrusy foods, anything to do with cities (tons of cars, pavement, tall steel buildings, centralized travel etc.) , smoke, cloudy days, rain, thunderstorms, lightning, high winds, snow

    Dislikes: Orders, being reprimanded or lectured, being corrected, overly passionate people, being forced to do something, long days, feeling trapped, being lied to, overly sweet or savory foods, hot days, afternoons, countryside/country work/farm work, bright light

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    Terra Maye

    Name: Terra Maye
    Age: 24
    Actual Age: 576
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Date of Birth: May 9th 1444
    Species: Woodland Fae


    Terra Maye has a cherubic, welcoming face that usually has a pleasing smile and lit up eyes. She has a light sprinkling of freckles across her full cheeks, giving her a more innocent and natural look. Curly, dark hair frames her face, long enough to just barely sweep her throat. When her hair is wet it reaches its true length, down at her collarbone. She is small in stature but with a healthily filled out frame. She wears bouncy, breathable clothing. She loves flowing dresses and skirts with natural print that reminds her of home. Terra loves bright earth tones and typically sticks away from more drab colors like gray and black. Her most noticeable attribute are the sheer, deep blue tipped wings that closely resemble the Calopteryx Splendens dragonfly wings. When not in use, her wings mold neatly onto her back, their veiny translucent texture appearing like an intricate tattoo across her skin.



    Upon first impression, Terra comes across as timid, shy and unsure of herself. She is very meek in a crowd, her personality easily becoming dominated by others. After living so long in the forest, surrounded by timid creatures such as deer, birds and rabbits, this first impression is a hard habit for her to break. When she feels comfortable in a situation, Terra is quite the opposite from when she is still feeling out people or events. She adopts a very bubbly demeanor, one that can boil over easily into frustration or anger. Terra is very competitive by nature, she hates the idea of losing or someone else doing better than her. She challenges others quite often because of this, and at times, can be a sore loser. Terra is wildly curious, despite her discomfort in new and unfamiliar situations, she loves thrusting herself deep into a mystery or adventure that beckons for her to explore. This curiosity is what drew her from the safety of the woods to the new signs of civilization that began to eat into her home.


    Terra Maye was born from a Borage flower, a favorite of dragonflies. She spent her early years deep in the heart of the forest, learning from the native wildlife on how to adopt and live peacefully with nature. As she grew older, the isolation and harmony of the forest was disrupted by the incoming colonies avidly exploring their "new world." Terra, being as adventurous and curious as always, eagerly ventured into the new civilizations. Using her skills of observation and adaption, Terra easily melded in with the flourishing society. As more development swept across the country, she found it in her best interest to slide further into the underworld and away from humans, where she's generally remained ever since.

    She currently works at the The Dead Salamander in New York City, a popular underworld bar located on the black market. The bar is infamous for its large scale gambling tournaments, which Terra loves to partake in. Her competitive nature and quick thinking made her an untouchable foe for many years. That is until she came across Cecil Ambrosius. Cecil was a well known sorcerer in the black market, his illegal spells and potions infamous enough on their own. Terra lost her first gambling tournament in years to him, an event that threw her into a spiral of rage and frustration for months. The two competed against each other in various tournaments for months on end, curating a tense rivalry that eventually, shifted into a convoluted sense of love. Terra and Cecil have been on again off again for years, their relationship see sawing easily between love and hate. Regardless, Terra holds him close to her heart, one of the only humans she allows herself to become close to.

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