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Fantasy Vampire Corps of Eldergaard (Ooc)

Yes, Jorgensen has five ships in his fleet, and those are the magic types! Really all we’re missing is earth.

Neither of my characters are really up for grabbing a hostage (I mean they could try but they are both v tired 😂) but Freddy is welcome to grab one, haha.
In that case I think they’ll just stick with Cam then. I can bring them back later. :)
LOVE Freddy just picking maksim up like ‘no, no more antagonizing the spy group. Bad boy.’ And running away.
OK so we can probably time skip to the meetup now! To move things along a bit. Or at least to landing outside the city, so that Lanea can then take everyone to his apartment and die of embarrassment.
if we want to draw out the reunion a bit, we could also have our flight risks go visit crane's ex for clothes and supplies and stuff- i assume they are prol gonna get there before the others? idk
I’m up for whatever. I assume they’ll get there before the other group (unless we do some hardcore handwavium, lol). And I also assume Georgiana knows where Crane’s Ex lives, so I’m down with it!
Yeah I’m cool with that! Lanea just wants to sleep for the week until everyone arrives lol.
okay i can write a set-up- any particular details about their journey or the city to establish?
also i was using a name generator site to find something that worked with 'crane' as a last name.... the first suggestion was Maria Crane..... all my dubiously ethical older women have 'maria' vibes i guess

also also i think ive been uncertain about this BUT crane (shit i gotta come up with a first name for him) and lara are technically just estranged, not actually divorced or anything official (do allarians have divorce? idk)
also (x3), i'm pretty sure maskim told Alyx that freddy's name was 'Henry' so thats where I got Henrick but im not sure and i was having trouble finding it sooooo i can change it if need be but hes henrick/henry for the moment
Close! Bahaha, Maksim told Alyx his name was "Hector" which translates as someone who is nagging/annoying so Alyx KNEW he made it up. xD
I had to do a double take because I was like ‘there’s no way that Gina Torres is in her fifties’ but low and behold she is. Huh.

Lanea is SO uncomfortable in anything even remotely high class he’s the country boy who used to run through the woods as a kid eating random plants to see what they did. Quiet suburban townhomes? He is going to die.
Also are you telling me Crane’s first name isn’t just lieutenant.

(For some reason I swear his first name was Nathaniel but my brain could have just conjured that up. >>)
I feel like all the vampires are country children who used to watch the nearby animals and poke things with a stick and go crashing through the creek looking for salamanders.

None of them feel comfortable here, haha

Crane's first name IS Crane. His last name is lieutenant.
are any of them well known enough that there first names would be recognizable?
I know Lanea’s last name might be recognizable because of his family’s unfortunate reputation for torturing people but first name... probably not.
cranes first name is neither lieutenant nor crane, it is nathaniel. because it sounds better than what i had recently decided on (bert) and because i really like names that you can get multiple nicknames out of so i may very well have picked that originally

also it occurs to me that maskim actually has met crane? when he and jorgenson boarded the dragon many years/days ago

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