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Fantasy Vampire Corps of Eldergaard (Ooc)

I went digging through my notebook to make sure I hadn't named Fiona's heir (I hadn't) and I want you both to know I found a page titled "๐“ฅ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐”‚ ๐“˜๐“ถ๐“น๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฝ ๐“˜๐“ท๐“ฏ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ท"

and it just had everyone's heights listed

Also I found my list of appearances and Freddys just says: ๐ฟ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“€๐“ˆ ๐“๐’พ๐“€๐‘’ ๐’ข๐‘’๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘”๐’พ๐“ƒ๐’ถ??
I need to make a flow chart or something to keep up with all these clans.
WORLDBUILDING. Iโ€™m like the definition of a โ€˜by the pants writerโ€™ and keeping track of everything is SO difficult.

we have SO MANY characters.


Here's all the clans I have named so far. I'll add whenever I make up new people and when Jones finalizes her commander/captain duo. :) Also I'm thinking there's around 20 clans, so feel free to make up your own. But then those punks are yours so be prepared to hear someone clicking a pen as they ask for the following information ;P

Clans with Commanders in the Military

Magic: Water​
Eye Color: Blue​
Head Elder: Gerard​
Heir: Gustav (Commander under Lein Karina in Basilisk Squadron)​
Notes: Were part of the not-alliance, Gustav is dating Henryk​
Magic: Energy​
Eye Color: Black​
Head Elder: Jahna​
Heir: Alyx (Commander under Astrid Leon in Dragon Squadron)​
Youngest: Cyril​
Notes: The I-do-what-I-want-clan who are annoyingly good at tactics​
Magic: Fire​
Eye Color: Red-brown​
Head Elder: Jarek​
Heir: Ilona (Commander under Axel Friggson in Benu Squadron)​
Notes: The peace-keeping clan, a large clan that has 11 commanders/commanders in training​
Magic: Water​
Eye Color: Green​
Head Elder: Cynthia​
Heir: Lanea (Commander under Petra Mothgrove in Gargoyle Squadron)​
Notes: Previously torturers, Lanea's mom's generation was supposed to be the last generation​
Magic: Spirit​
Eye Color: Amber​
Head Elder: Dominik​
Other Elders: Sebastian​
Heir: None because Dom is a butt​
Youngest: Maksim (Commander under Admiral Jorgenson in Griffin Squadron)​
Notes: Dominik is useless and Head Elder in name only. Sebastian does all the politicking.​

Separatist Clans

Magic: Earth (especially plants according to my notes)​
Eye Color: Green​
Head Elder: Sabina​
Magic: Earth​
Eye Color: Brown​
Head Elder: Lucia​
Other Elders: Teodor​
Heir: Henryk​
Youngest: Brygida's unnamed kid?​
Notes: The most powerful and largest of the clans at the not-alliance​
Magic: Fire​
Eye Color: Copper​
Head Elder: Urszula​
Magic: Ice/Snow​
Eye Color: White​
Head Elder: ??​
Heir: ??​
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Oh man I cannot remember what name I chose for her. I think it was Cynthia?
(oops made another clan)

I will come up with all this information at SOME POINT but I think not even the other clans would likely know this stuff about Fenrir because their general reaction to anything outside their bubble is 'fuck off leave us alone'.
(haha I can change the name! I was just thinking 'what do i associate with the arctic' and wolves came to mind)

I DO know that they use ice/snow based magic and their eye colour is white because it's kind of freaky looking but also very cool. C:

I have a vague idea for their elders/heir situation but I haven't put it down to paper yet SO
NO KEEP IT I'm just messing with you because I've been like, "dang, I need a wolf-allusion clan, what am I doing?" and then you came up with the PERFECT ONE
Hahaha, every fantasy world needs wolf people. It's just a law of the land.
Side note: depending on if we never get bored with this plot/world, I have considered adding in other mythical races in other surrounding countries. Just a thought. I am *prepared* if they stop the war, Alyx has words with all of Allaria and Gigi politics, and then we still want to play around in it.

I'm the weird sort of plotter/pantser where I have a goal and I build the world, but I sort of meander with how I get from the start to the finish. BUT I have some other things for them to do should we ever get there (when we're old and yelling at kids to get off our lawns)

But I also deeply enjoy rping with you two because you're like, "WHAT IF WE DID THIS" and it's cooler than what I have so
I have got to stop checking rpn in the morning, yโ€™all are very distracting and detrimental to my work shift

how am i supposed to be emailing people about insurance when I know there is lore I have not yet consumed
Iโ€™m just grumpy because I checked for more Rose/Lanea on my yoga mat this morning and there was none so I had to be on time for my office hours

I just had a total Alyx/Leo moment.

So my lab assistant shows up IN PAIN because she got her first vaccine this morning. I tried to bully her into going home, but she was all, "I already clocked in". And there's a desk chair in my main lab, so I was like, "FINE. But you're going to sit in that chair and you're going to stay in that chair and if any of you see her getting out of that chair, you're going to snitch. I'll give two extra points to any one who snitches if she leaves that chair." So I go into the other lab (we're social distanced across two labs) and then I come back and FIND MY LAB ASSISTANT HAS SCOOTED HER CHAIR OVER TO A LAB BENCH TO HELP SOME STUDENTS. My students were all, "She didn't leave the chair! we helped push her over!"

And I just stood there and glowered and was like this is like something Leo would do to Alyx
I went digging through my notebook to make sure I hadn't named Fiona's heir (I hadn't) and I want you both to know I found a page titled "๐“ฅ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐”‚ ๐“˜๐“ถ๐“น๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฝ ๐“˜๐“ท๐“ฏ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ท"

and it just had everyone's heights listed

Also I found my list of appearances and Freddys just says: ๐ฟ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“€๐“ˆ ๐“๐’พ๐“€๐‘’ ๐’ข๐‘’๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘”๐’พ๐“ƒ๐’ถ??

i can only hope that georgiana's appearance is listed as 'looks like freddy?'
i have used google docs in the past as a way of collaborating on lore/details because they can be edited by multiple parties and you can make comments and stuff- I did start one with Allaria-related stuff on it that I was going to share with yall BUT i am not good at being succinct and keep thinking of new stuff to add so

you must wait sorry

I believe RPN does also allow additional threads to be connected so I think Reyn could create a lore/character thread for the main thread and it would appear at the top of the page like the link to the ooc thread if that makes sense? And then we could keep info a bit tidier, or at least not have to dig thru ooc. But I have found that to be a bit cumbersome in terms of editing/reacting

discord also allows for multiple channels within a server so if we had a server for the three of us we could designate 'ooc for st georges' or 'characters for vampire corps' or whatnot but i dont think miko has discord and also yall would have to be patient with me because i think i have enough discord skills to set up basic stuff but not advanced stuff like bots/roles/whatnot
I have considered making a character/lore thing to keep track of this but Iโ€™m down to do whatever you all want!

also I hope you donโ€™t think Iโ€™m not going to just upload pictures of my notebook so you two can try to decipher my messy scripty handwriting
I DO have discord actually, I just hated using it for a while because Iโ€™m not tech-inclined. But Iโ€™ve been practicing lately due to fanzine involvement and EVERYTHING EVER all being organized through it, so that is an option if you guys want!
Bahaha Iโ€™m down for using discord! Iโ€™ll just have to remember my login because I had to uninstall it because it would ding during my lectures and my students would be like โ€œWHY DO YOU HAVE A DISCORDโ€

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